#โ–ˆ โ–Œ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™๐™š๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ. / okuyasu.
etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ are you sure i should give it a try? โ€
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WORN BOX of cheap cigarettes rattled with the few sticks still left inside , taking out one and letting it sit between lips. lavender hues locked with iconic turquoise eyes as fingers fumbled to get another one out from tattered cardboard. ' i'm not pressurin' ya' , but it won't kill ya' to try. you seem like you could use one , though. ' HANDS ALREADY smelled heavily of tobacco before he even handed a cigarette to the blonde , stained with the scent from prior ' smoke break ' he had indulged in earlier in the day. fingers held it between their tips - presenting it before companion with an air of interest. ' they can help with stress ---- -- which i can tell you have been recently. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@quirofiliac asked ! : โ€œi changed him, you know. some might say, ahโ€ฆ for the better too.โ€ @ okuyasu ๐Ÿซถ
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' sh - shut UP ! ' AGGRESSION WAS his instinctual response when it came to the condesending blonde that taunted okuyasu with haunting accusations and even harsh truths. what else could be said ? trying to mend any inkling of their frayed dynamic is enough to cause stomach to turn ... and even throwing a threat towards the elder blonde's way could end up souring his relationship with their shared counterpart ---- -- having to merely compromise with insufferable notions such as this. ' y - you don't do nothin' besides infect people's lives like a parasite ... and soon enough giorno will see that ! then you'll be sorry ... ' SUPPRESSING THE boiling emotions that festered deep within chest was enough to cause teeth to grit and grind , trying to avoid an over - blown altercation that delinquent teen seemingly wanted to egg on despite dire consequences. it couldn't be helped ---- -- the whole ordeal reminiscent of poking a bear for him , tempted to see if he could truly be victorious against barbaric yet intellectual rival.
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : i'm having that abortionโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : would you wrestle a bear for meโ€ฆ
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' what kind of question is this ? obviously , duh ! a bear doesn't scare me ! i don't think there's any animal that i couldn't take on and win ! except for a gorilla ... it'd shred me to pieces ! everythin' else ? yeah , i'd wrestle them for you. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@standbowed asked ! : โ› iโ€™ve seen you before, walking by. โœ @ okuyasu ! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐‘๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€๐‹๐Ž๐†๐”๐„ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐๐“๐’ / not accepting !
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EYES DARTED around surroundings , gaze trying to fixate of where voice came from before locking onto a young woman that stood beside him. was ... was she talking to me ? he thought , glancing around once more just to be sure. come to think of it , the woman did seem striking enough to warrant okuyasu to dig through memories to try to pinpoint where he has seen her before - perchance they were a student ? ' ya' 'ave ? i don't think i've ever seen ya' before ... i'm sure i'd remember someone like you. wait ---- -- you're not tryin' to sell me somethin' , right ? i don't have the money to buy anythin' , so don't even try. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : where is my boyfriend. ๐Ÿฅบ
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shhhhh he's sleeping ๐Ÿคซ
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ i didnโ€™t quite expect you to be this fond ofโ€ฆ babies. โ€ oh u know girl. hehe
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' it's because you've never seen me with a baby before ! ' ALOOF GRIN PERSISTED across okuyasu's lips , gaze never parting from the petite fingers that barely wrapped around index finger - swaying hands back and forth as soft baby babbles were loud enough to bounce off walls. the sound was angelic , warming the hearts to anyone that was blessed enough to hear it - with it having a profound effect on young father as he offered her exaggerated expressions. ' i love 'em and they love me ! they're fun , cute , and they listen to whatever you have to say ! isn't that right , hana - baby ? ' VOICE GREW TO a higher pitch , lips pursing in a kissing motion as hanamaru responded with loud coos of endearment ! the soft grip coiled around his finger was enough to make heart swell with paternal love - a profoundly new emotion he's never felt before. it was nerve - racking , but ultimately exciting to see what fatherhood will bring for him. ' also she looks so much like how i did as a baby ! it's almost like looking in a mirror. only if i was a baby again , and a girl. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : one phone call was all it took. no other matters were more important than this โ€”- giorno foregoing responsibilities in order to rush here, heart pounding in his chest. as he arrived and they trekked towards okuyasu's bedroom, giorno couldn't help the anxiety which ate away at him, subtly betrayed by how fingers now dug into the mattress they were sitting on. "what is it you called here me for, okuyasu?"
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WAS IT the right thing to call giorno ? thumbs twiddled with each other as feet paced back and fourth - an endless cycle of walking around decrepit floorboards that squeaked under his very weight. constantly fidgeting with hands as he walked from window to door to bed , mind occupied with whether or not he wanted to truly bare his heart out so openly. but , who else could i turn to ?
THE KNOCK against heavy door rang through the empty house , startling the male more than he ever had been before. heavy footsteps thudded down stairs and swung wooden door open - being greeted with familiar face that calmed down okuyasu , grounding him and erratic thoughts that never ceased to end. no exchange was needed , bringing the other into a profound hug with arms almost crushing giorno within his very grasp before intertwining fingers and dragging the both of them up steep steps.
HAND LET go of the others as the blonde sat down on bedding , the actuality of the situation setting in. still , he paced for a moment as mind collected thoughts - okuyasu lost in emotions that only further confused him as they drudged themselves up every moment since ... that day. that day he lost everything.
' i - i promise i brought you here for a good reason , i just ... i don't know where else to turn to , giorno. '
TEETH GRIT together as emotions start to run high from even one sentence , the piercing feeling of sharp nails digging into rugged palms as a means to ground oneself. a shaky soft sigh left lips before taking a sudden seat next to giorno , eyes focused on hands as he blankly stared at the indents nails left within skin.
' and ... i feel like , of all people ... i can trust you. 'specially with secrets ---- -- particularly ones about family. i don't think i could even tell josuke , ya' know ? '
A HALF - HEARTED chuckle left okuyasu , though it was hardly a little laugh. perhaps as a means to lighten the mood , but ... it more so about okuyasu himself struggling to confront such dreadful thoughts and
' i never thought ... i'd feel so lost without keicho's guidance. did you know he did most everything for me ? from buying ice cream as kids to even just last year ... when i blinded followed him just because i had no where else to turn to ---- -- despite knowing the harm he was causing towards strangers. '
CONFRONTING SUCH feelings almost became too much to bear - the sensation of eyes slowly becoming hot and watery as nails dug back into palms. the relationship shared with his brother was complex , and thinking about all the conflicting faucets about it only made it harder. oh , how he still revered his brother in a positive light - despite how his actions later in keicho's life resembled that of their brutish father.
' but i followed. i followed because i loved him , and i trusted him like no other. especially how he protected me from ... f - from the abuse we suffered at the hand of our father. and now ? i sit alone in this house , reliving the day i lost him , knowing my father is still here and he isn't. '
TEARS STARTED to fall over scarred cheeks , vision becoming foggy as eyes tried to merely blink them away. it all bubbled up in ways never thought before - watching how tears spilled onto hands.
' but , maybe it's for the better he isn't here. all the suffering he had inflicted on people ---- -- in the hopes they could gain a stand that would kill our father ... it - it just became too much. and i ... i didn't always believe in his cause. i never liked our father that much , but i never believed he should die. i thought - if anything , maybe when we turned him back to normal ... and he'd realize how wrong he was , and we'd go back to how things were before our mom died. '
OH , HOW the nostalgia for his youth always clouded better judgement , reminiscing on how warm and loving past used to be before the death of late mother - struggling to let go of such love ... one that used to be fond and genuine. it only caused more streams of tears to fall down hot cheeks , struggling to let sobs completely take over.
' a - and now ...? i feel like i can't do anything right without keicho ---- -- even after his death ... i still find myself asking 'what would keicho do in this situation ?' almost everyday whenever i need some kind of guidance. it makes me wonder if i'll ever get over what happened between my father and dio , and how keicho had to step up for me. '
BREATHS BECAME stuttered , fingers curling into stiff fabric of pants as tears ladened lap. eyes hardly strayed from the sight of his hands despite wanting to show vulnerability to giorno , wanting to be loved even with flaws and ghost of his family forever looming over okuyasu.
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : alright girl, question of all time: describe what your boys' stands feel like (texture/temperature)
yeaaAAAHHH I WOULD LOVE TO INDULGE ABOUT THEIR STANDS !!! ohhhh i know this is going to be a long one ... but i'm beyond excited to share my thoughts on them !! hehe i have been waiting for this i will start with a personal favorite, okuyasu's the hand !
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the hand is surprisingly quite hot to the touch! in essence because of his hot - headed personality, so maybe don't touch him for long without risking a sting! and definitely smooth, metallic to the touch- so it's practically radiating heat like a personal heater! with it practically being a type of armor, very resilient and not easily affected by much!
next is polnareff's silver chariot, as well as silver chariot requiem !
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silver chariot is rather cold and harsh- almost icy. though, underneath the armor is a rather fleshy and warm interior. while okuyasu's stand armor is meant to represent his harsh exterior, polnareff's is quite the opposite, dawning the armor as a way to protect himself and excel in battle to protect his loved ones. plus- it is very flashy, something he is very well known for.
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for silver chariot requiem, i'd say it is hot- and i'm not talking a hot summer day, i'm saying it's as hot as molten metal- with silver chariot seemingly melting down and turning into a manifestation of his grief, anger, and determination. definitely signifying his burning desire to finally get rid of the arrow once and for all, as well representing all the years worth of pain and anger he had endured up to this point. this post is getting long ... so under a read more post she goes
anyways, next is avdol's magician's red !
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despite being a yielder of flames, magician's red isn't as hot as one would expect. it has slightly warmer body temperature, only really raising in temperature when flames are in use. and it is very soft to the touch- with body being covered in small feathers that line his skin. particularly has lots of pin feathers that wrap around his neck, collarbones, and shoulders- making it extra soft to the touch! i feel like getting a hug from him would be very soothing. :)))) now we have mista's sex pistols !
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these little guys are quite warm, and honestly- they'd feel like little bugs within your hand if you hold them! with their actual texture being akin to cotton, soft and inviting. it's hard to actually touch them, especially since they don't like being touched by anyone but mista and occasionally giorno, it seems. give 'em enough food though and they'll gladly cozy up to you! up next is weather report's weather report as well as heavy weather !
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for this particular section, i'll be using weather's birth name- domenico, just to make it more clear, as to avoid mix ups. weather report's temperature can change at will, but it usually airs on the side of cool- almost always emitting a soft mist around itself like a morning dew. plus, it is quite soft. it has an almost plush like exterior as it is constantly releasing mist, with hands often being cold and rock hard to the touch, especially it's brass knuckles imitation. it is, though, a quite caring and preservative stand, showing great care and interest in domenico's safety whenever livelihood is put on the line. and while heavy weather doesn't have a stand form, it is still a strong subconscious manifestation of what domenico has become and the troubling turmoil festering inside him. with no real outlet to express it, the only way to release it is through heavy weather and affecting those around him from personal unresolved traumas and personal hatred. when active, it'll become hot and practically envelope everyone with heat waves, further causing mass hysteria amongst the snails and rainbows. the embodiment of like a kettle boiling over- affecting anyone that happens to be within it's range. finally ... we have joseph's hermit purple !
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kind of weird to describe hermit purple but ... it is still technically a stand- and i'm quite fond of it. so i'm writing about it. it's surprisingly warm with a herbaceous texture- as if it's a living plant! and it's spike aren't as sharp as one might think- though still blunt enough to pierce skin with enough given force. plus, it's versatility makes it perfect to reach things across the room without even having to get up!
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etcnnante ยท 2 years
@fiiorire asked ! : " is that a serious question? " @ okuyasu :)
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DID THEIR question come off as insincere - or in a joking manner ? their intentions have seemingly flown over head - and okuyasu felt a droning anxiousness hover. thumbs twiddled with the bouquet hidden behind him , eyes hardly maintaining their contact with the other. ' uh , yes ? i - i was asking 'cause i don't want to spend valentine's day alone - and i don't think you want to be either ! s - so ... would you like to be my valentine ? ' A WIDE array of flowers were shoved before the other - it was clear that they were not from a florist. but more so haphazardly tossed together - but with light color coordination , full of rosy pinks and pale yellows !
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
more late night okuyasu posting ... been thinking a lot about this specific photo of him and his family and how it seems like the lines on his face aren't birthmarks, but most likely some kind of scarring he's received later on in life. very much horrified of the thought of it being some kind of scarring received from his father since the abuse he suffered at his expense truly seemed to affect him, perhaps in more ways than just mentally.
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etcnnante ยท 2 years
@fiiorire asked ! : " hello handsome. " oh you know<3
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HANDSOME ? WAS he hearing that correctly ...? it took him by surprise - a well - intentioned one at that. but , a honeyed pet name for a man such as himself ... it was ... bizarre , to say the least. considering the last time he heard being called such endearing words were used by his now late mother , used with fondness and genuine adoration. THOUGH , HEARING it from giorno's melodic voice ... was to hear it in such a captivating way that made him feel at home again. it just needs a bit of taking use to these new little pet names - but he did love it. ' giorno ! ya' scared me by sneakin' up like that ! i ---- -- i wasn't expectin' to see ya so soon , beautiful ... is there a special occasion for showing up early ? '
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etcnnante ยท 2 years
@fiiorire asked ! : kisses okuyasu on the cheek. :)
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SUCH GENTLE and soft lips pressed to scarred cheek , okuyasu stricken by disbelief. the sudden request the other asked of him - to merely come down to his height , didn't make him think twice of what they had intended. at first , he thought giorno was going to express some sort of secret ! and he did - just not through words. THE CONTACT of lips to skin barely even a few seconds , leaving a prominent lipstick stain in the other's signature golden shade on tanned skin. fingers brushed up to his cheek , lightly touching the mark that now stained fingertips with a gleaming shimmer. face flushed quickly to a darkened red hue - exposing such feeling that had tried so desperately to hide ! but - now , it doesn't seem as if he has a reason hide such emotions anymore. ' w - what was that for ...? ' THAT DIDN'T sound quite as how he intended it to come out. a warm smile would show , trying to convince giorno that he had loved and savored the moment they shared. ' that's not i meant ! i was caught off guard ----- -- it's not everyday i get a kiss from y - you. what's ... what's the special occasion for it ? '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
โ€œ do you think iโ€™d let anything happen to you? โ€ @ okuyasu <3
๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ข๐ง ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ. / accepting !
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' of course not ! but ... ' PERHAPS IT was own personal struggles with sudden loss and suffocating trauma that lingered longer than he cared to admit. the horrifying thought of leaving giorno alone in the world was enough to make stomach churn and become light headed. ' what if i'm not there one day ? i want to be there for you , but ... things don't always work out. ' IT'S HARD to not think about dearly departed sibling - strawberry blonde hair still sticking out in his memories like a sore thumb. though - not as prevalent as it once was. which , in a way , scared him. knowing there'd be a day when he won't think about it even once. the thought horrifies him enough to cause a sudden shudder throughout his body. ' i know you'll always be there. i just hope we can protect each other. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ i missed you today, โ€ an outsider amidst a crowd, giorno felt the judgemental eyes of his new classmates drill into him, amplifying the loneliness already present โ€”- few understood him, but at least okuyasu would. arms wrapped tightly around okuyasuโ€™s physique, burying his face into the fabric of his school uniform, hiding away. โ€œ iโ€™m... so lonely without you. โ€ / hi girl i love you girl <3
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HOW ARMS CLASPED themselves around broad frame with a sense of admiration , the male already anticipating such an embrace when he picked out striking blonde hair amongst the crowd. muscular arms engulf the other within tight grasp , a cheek pressed softly to luxuriously maintained curls ... sweet and inviting scent of fruity conditioner lulling him into a sense of security as arms gave the young male a slight squeeze ! ' don't worry , i'm never too far from you ! and i'm ... lonely without you , too. we should walk home together today ! so we can spend more time together. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : i don't care that your house is in shambles. i just want to be with you.
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' i - i know ! but ... ya deserve somethin' better than my ruined home. ' THOUGH THE house had already seen quite a bit of renovation and home improvement - it was still far from completion. despite the many manhours poured into it , it still resembled something more akin to ... a haunted house , on most days. through some sense - in a way of testing of fate , he felt bound to decrepit house , a fitting home for a man at wits end. seemingly trying to repair one of the last few things within the nijimura name - hopelessly piecing together parts that have already been long gone. ' doesn't it ... scare ya ? havin' to come here ? it's nothin' like josuke's , it's hardly a home , to tell ya the truth. '
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