#โ–๐ŸŽฉ โ– โ€˜ The Devil tips his hat to me โ€™ ; Main [v]
blackhxt ยท 1 year
continued from here @doomed-doctor
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"Honestly I should of burned them all...But out the bunch this villian was the least pathetic.Though I still hold no expectations of it being good considering how those worms will try to flock to me with their nonsense expecting some acknowledgement of their so called villainy"
He let out a sigh as the carriage was moving to their destination.Giving a glance at the Doctor he seemed pleased that they atleast made themself somewhat presentable then normal.
"That's where you come in to deter their attention so I wouldn't have to deal with their dull conversations."
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blackhxt ยท 1 year
Simple curiosity as my friend having the time of their life just having you around.
Do you also find it gravitating as well with these two?
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"A nuisance maybe.Especially the rat scuttling around my manor.They really think im bothered by their recording when I simply don't care.What bothers me is them thinking they can free roam my home without consequences.Breaking a leg doesn't seem to be enough,it seems I need to break all the limbs and fingers one by one to etch this reminder into their skull."
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blackhxt ยท 1 year
hiii bestie you don't know me but i've got insider's intel on how flug wants to sit on your lap so badly. he told me himself. don't shoot me tho im just the messenger BYEEEeeeee
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"One you dare call me with such a title as if we are close.Then you tell me such pointless nonsense and thirdly you ask for mercy?"
He appeared before the anon after setting the letter ablaze.Grabbing them by the neck he held them above the trap door.
"I wouldn't shoot the messenger..wheres the fun in that?Especially when you make such a lovely snack for Lil Jack."
With that he dropped them into the darkness to be devoured by his snake.
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blackhxt ยท 1 year
dear "mr. Hat"; Hi. I am a friend of the doomed doctorDr. The FLug. i am writing to tell you, its okay. People are so open minded now a days. If your employee is in love with you, this only means you can manipulagte them more? Sorry was just told b y my friend (not dr.flug a diffferent friend.) that "manipuate" is not the right word to uge her.e. Sorry. Ok Just kill him X
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"Love is such a trival emotion for mortals to have.It can drive one to the brinks of insanity.As much as heroes go on about it being their 'greatest' weapon it is but a double edge sword.It's amusing to see how far mortals can go in lengths for their love.When one is willing to do what it takes for said love even if it means falling into the depths of hell....In any case in regard to the Doctor,they are but a fool whose emotions are written on their face.Whenever I kill them or manipulate them is none of your concern.I do as I please after all."
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