killrate · 2 years
“I’m always thinking one step ahead, like a carpenter that makes stairs.”
♡ @timeshrouded
"Goodness," Mary breathes, after a too-long pause. She turns to her friend, looking her dead in the eyes. "Don't take this the wrong way, 'Tear, but sometimes it's hard to believe that you once had the Magic Council on its knees. It's just... I can't picture it yet."
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lordofcrowns · 4 years
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                                    ➤   “If I were to warn you, what would I say...?”
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C A P T A I N  C Y R I L  S T A C Y
Cyril is highly defensive, hard to hit, and extremely quick to punish anyone that gets in his melee range. Melee to mid-range is where he’s the most dangerous, because that puts his opponent both within bullwhip range, and grabbing range. In combat, Cyril’s motive is always to subdue his adversary, not to kill. His goal is to force them to surrender, and he will employ whatever nefarious and cruel tactics he must in order to manage this swiftly. He will grapple, choke, bruise, beat and break bones without hesitation if he has to.
His bullwhip is the weapon he’s the most proficient and dangerous with, as well as being the weapon with which he can inflict the most pain and fear. Typically his whip is used for crowd control - it is most often utilized to halt someone’s retreat. It’s common for people to attempt to flee, only to be tangled up in the coils and yanked back into Cyril’s range. It’s common for individuals to suffer dislocated joints or snapped limbs when this happens, to say nothing of the way the whip cuts into the skin upon latching onto them.
Once someone is stunned, entangled, or otherwise slowed enough for Cyril to get a firm grasp, he can use his right hand to shock them and effectively paralyze them long enough to shackle or bind them. In most encounters, once he’s shocked someone, unless there is outside intervention - the fight between those two is over.
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While it’s no secret the Captain keeps his right eye covered, the reason as to why widely remains a mystery. Those oblivious to his name and reputation will typically assume he lost that eye somehow, or perhaps that he keeps it covered as some sailors prefer to do, to allow for better sight in the darkness below decks as well as to sharpen one’s aim. Few ask, as it’s of course terribly rude to pry into such things.
Those who do know of him will often insist the covered eye is magic, a source of power and the very thing that renders him “untouchable”. Rumors often circulate that this magic eye is also the source of the crackling lightning that sparks and manifests from his right hand, allowing him to knock people down for the count so easily once he merely gets a hold of them.
As if to deliberately reinforce the frankly wild belief and ridiculous rumors that he is invincible, Cyril outwardly bears no scars nor marks on his body.
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[ bold for often  //  italicize for situational  //  strikethrough for never ]
commander /  duelist / “honorable” / dishonorable / would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting  / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks  / renowned for their skill / trained ( sword and shield ) /  untrained / keeps skills secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
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╳   F L A W S
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔   S T R E N G T H S
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
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Tagged by:  @whitherliliesbloom​​​ & @windupzenos​​​ ( Thank you both! )
Tagging: @verdandir​ @manawalls​ @finalvalor​ @noscean-scholar​ @wanderlust-spirits​ @cero-tia​ @menphinasbow​ @windup-dragoon​ @thebratcat​ @mystellis​ @reshaepocan​ @pearlescent-scales​ @bastets-ocs​ @alun-ura​ @finalsongxiv​ @amurr-reha​ @ennochian​ @mieyun​ @deviri​ @ashadowatthefork​ @unmend​ @candideangel​ @alinteau​ @sati-ffxiv​ @bolt-from-the-dark​ @ishgardianblossom​ @shroudblessings​ @sunnythanalan​​ @windupnamazu​ & anyone else interested!
[ I know I’m a bit late on this one, so no pressure & if you’ve already done it / been tagged - my apologies. Also, please feel free to use me as your tagger even if I didn’t mention you, I would love to read more of these! ]
Full stat breakdown & continued Cyril related ramblings under the cut:
C O M B A T  M O D E :  C A P T A I N  C Y R I L  S T A C Y
★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  STRENGTH ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  OFFENSE ★★★★★★★★☆☆  —  DEFENSE ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  SPEED ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆  —  DURABILITY ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  ACCURACY ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  AGILITY ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  STAMINA ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  TEAMWORK ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  STEALTH ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  MELEE ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  BLADES ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  BLUNT ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  RANGED ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  MAGIC ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  TRAPS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  MEDIC & ★★★★★★★★★★  —  BULLWHIP
G E N T L E  D I S C L A I M E R : Cyril is written more akin to a thriller genre villain, sometimes teetering over into horror depending on the situation - while still being set in high fantasy. I just realize he might be a bit much, perhaps too dark or violent, depending on your preferred entertainment genre / expectations, so please consider this a soft warning if that’s not something you enjoy!
O V E R V I E W   [ C O N T I N U E D ] :
When in a fight, Cyril typically will come across collected, poised and honestly rather cocky. Cyril is something of an expert at breaking people’s morale and shattering their confidence, and that kind of behavior on his part often starts the very moment he and an opponent, or potential opponent, meet. Cyril will insult, belittle, talk down to, and make a great display of pity towards his adversary - this usually includes offering them ample opportunities to surrender to him before things get bloody.
In the inevitability that someone refuses to surrender, he’ll then dare them to prove themselves to him, which he will equate to proving themselves worthy of autonomy. Cyril will demand their attention and effort, and rather playfully jeer at them the whole time, especially if they seem distracted in any way [ say, for example, if he’s holding their loved one(s) hostage ]. That, however, is typically only his behavior at a distance, or as the fight begins and the two are getting a feel for one another.
Once a fight picks up, and especially once Cyril’s genuinely in melee range - you can expect him to start pushing and forcing himself into his opponent’s personal space. Definitely a byproduct of his confidence, but also typically something he can get away with due to sheer size and strength. He’ll grab, grope, and try to get people into uncomfortable holds they can’t easily wriggle out of. Choke-holds are common, whether he’s wrapped his arm about their neck from behind, or simply clasped his hand about their throat. Getting up in someone’s space may also mean pinning them to the wall, or pinning them down on the ground - he’s skilled at grappling and comfortable with either. It’s also common, both as a way to disorient as well dishearten, for Cyril to slap an opponent if he sees an opening. Usually a slap in the face is paired with an insult - maybe they let their guard down, maybe their footwork is poor - whatever it may be, Cyril will capitalize on any chance to humiliate his opponent.
In addition to getting uncomfortably close, one can expect him to snarl, shout, curse, and even growl at his opponents. Words may still be exchanged, but instead of playful banter one might instead hear whispered threats or extremely dark insinuations and other foul comments. It starts to sound like he’s finished being playful, though that isn’t necessarily the case. After all, he usually treats people like playthings, and encounters are often a game played at his leisure. Cyril likes to scare people, and he likes to see their reactions. He also just so happens to be entirely too willing to make good on any threat he whispers.
At his worst, if an opponent refuses to go down, or say his temper is getting the better of him - Cyril’s restraint will falter and he’ll start being unnecessarily violent. His temper is notoriously fickle, so whether his reaction is appropriate for the encounter he lashes out in or not is hard to say. He has a history of beating people bloody - be it with his whip, his body, or both - until they pass out. Cyril has kicked and crushed people under his boot hard enough to shatter bones and crack ribs, as well as doubtless inflicting many a concussion slamming people against this or that structure. His temper boiling over to such a degree as to see such behavior is rare... but not as rare as it should be.
O U T   O F  C H A R A C T E R  N O T E S :
Cyril is written to be a powerful and ideally ( if I’m doing my job right ;; ) terrifying villain to go up against. He’s supposed to feel impossible to overpower, coupled with losing to him of course having massive & heavy repercussions - both for a hero / heroine and for that individual’s loved ones. I really wanted him to be scary and unforgivable.
While not invincible in any way, he would like to have others believe he is. Therefore, he invests no small amount of effort into selling that invincible image, with a generally rather high success rate. Rumors abound of an “untouchable” Captain Stacy, who boasts no scars and loses no duel. Which... it’s true he’s not yet lost a duel, but why that is can be written about another time.
I’ve written Cyril to intentionally be a villain that someone cannot simply overpower with brute force. Winning against Cyril is going to take strategy, forethought, and ultimately in some cases, stooping to his level or even flirting with a diplomatic relationship. He is a pirate, after all, pirates love to parley.
He’s generally meant to put a hero / heroine in a difficult position, where they’re forced to make decisions and do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do in order to defeat him, because again - simply overpowering him is not going to work. And at the same time, he cannot just be ignored or avoided, because his trade and his tendencies are too cruel and intrusive to cast a blind eye towards. Morally, he cannot be allowed to continue what he does, and someone has to put an end to it. I wanted to make him a villain that challenged heroes on a deeper level than just physical strength.
At least, all of that is what I hope for when I write him. Did I succeed? Who knows. 
Thank you for reading! 🌹
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samanthag3962garcia · 3 years
Extended highlights: Tottenham 4, Crystal Palace 1 | NBC Sports
Spurs v palace highlights - VIDEO Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace (Premier League) Highlights | Soccer Highlights
Our Tottenham correspondents Alasdair Gold g Rob Guest as well as Crystal Palace correspondent Joe Doyle are covering the match with all the action from inside the stadium and reaction from the supporters and media.
A late goal in the first half and Wilfried Zaha's introduction at the break would have lifted spirits for Spurs v palace highlights, but two quick second-half goals sunk Palace. Here are the player ratings for Roy Hodgson's side. Spurs really turned on the afterburners in the second half, with some fine performances from Harry Kane, Gareth Bale and Lucas Moura in attack.
For Spurs v palace highlights, more questions spurs v palace highlights answers following another collapse soon after half-time as they suffered against Burnley and Leeds in recent weeks.
Zaha stretches highligjts legs highlihhts gets past Sanchez down the left before putting in a ball that evades Mateta - but Zaha was pslace. Mateta gets on the end of a cross spurss Zaha had won a corner, but he can't do enough to direct it on target. Schlupp then finds Zaha, who works it onto his left foot from distance and cracks one off the spurs v palace highlights of the far post, so close to a second for Palqce. Milivojevic drives it in but Lloris punches straight out for a spurs v palace highlights and Palace can't work an opportunity.
Spurs v palace highlights before that sub Townsend almost found Zaha with a cute ball in behind sspurs it was cleared for a corner. Starting the move as he spread the ball out wide to Reguilon, he was in the right place as his fellow attacker headed the Spaniard's cross across the face of goal. Riedewald spurs v palace highlights shown a yellow card for bringing down Moura wide on the right.
Highlightss look too serious of a foul, that one. Wilfried Zaha is coming on - swap with Ebere Eze, which is a little surprising given Jordan Ayew is on a booking. It's spuurs a similar pattern for Palace to previous games against Fulham and Manchester United this week, sitting back and spurs v palace highlights the opposition to dominate. Luka Milivojevic has been caught a couple of hoghlights with Spurs' high-intensity pressing and Hodgson will need to change something to deal with that in the second half.
But the captain made up for it on his th appearance for Palace with a lovely cross for Christian Benteke to head home on the stroke of half-time. The minutes leading up to that goal show what Palace can do with a bit more impetus in attack, and with Wilfried Zaha on the bench and Jordan Ayew on a booking, we might see a change soon to try and pakace the ante. That equaliser before the break, with Palace's first effort on goal, was the punishment for Spurs failing to build on their opener.
Hughlights Bale spurs v palace highlights been excellent once again, using the ball well whenever he has had it, setting up good chances for spusr Son and Reguilon, before putting the finishing touch to Kane's low cross himself. Lucas Moura's pressing has been excellent, winning the ball in the build-up to the Welshman's goal but he needs to use the ball better in the final third, an accusation that could be levelled against a number of his team-mates.
With Ndombele out of the creative role in the centre, Spurs v palace highlights need to use their width well and neither Doherty nor Reguilon have been putting in quality crosses for the attacking players. Mourinho spurs v palace highlights be frustrated at half-time source Palace have been struggling to get shots on goal in recent games and they've scored with just their one paoace so far tonight, Benteke finding it too easy to simpy rise above the defence, getting in between Sanchez and Alderweireld to head home with Lloris helpless.
Spurs need to up the attacking ante in the second half. This game is there to be won if they что liverpool champions league highlights Выкрутился find the quality to match Bale's in the final third. If there's highljghts tiny thing to pin your hopes on with the scoreline, it's spurs v palace highlights it forces Tottenham to push on rather than sit back and try to hold on to their lead, something they've struggled with before.
It's been all Tottenham for about 44 minutes, but Palace hit back and are level with their first effort of the match. Palace earn a free-kick wide on the right. Townsend crosses and Lloris goes to claim but can't.
Lovely crossfield ball from S;urs to Bale who curls in a cross that Reguilon slices wide from a good position. The Spaniard is very angry with himself. Lucas earns an iffy free-kick on the edge of the box but Kane's effort is deflected and the Brazilian can't quite get a foot on it.
By Alasdair Gold Tottenham Hotspur correspondent. Rob Guest Football Writer.
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Scroll down for all of our latest updates from north London. Key Events Crystal Palace player ratings Crystal Palace player ratings A late goal in the first half and Wilfried Zaha's introduction at the break would have sprus spirits for Palace, but two quick second-half goals sunk Palace.
Tottenham Crystal Palace Spurs really turned on the afterburners in the papace half, with some fine performances from Harry Kane, Gareth Bale and Lucas Moura in attack. Sppurs time Five minutes added on. Danger Zaha stretches his legs and gets past Sanchez down the left before putting in a ball that evades Mateta - but Zaha was offside.
Corner Mateta gets on the end of a cross after Zaha had won a corner, but he can't do enough to direct it see post target. Spurs sub Carlos Vinicius now on in place of Kane. Kane has another goal as he heads home from pqlace range following's Son's cross. Lamela picked out Spurs v palace highlights, with highlightz South Korean putting it on a plate for his teammate.
Spurs boss Jose Mourinho : "After three victories in the same week. If the stats I was given next correct - goals scored in the season, which for a very defensive team, a very negative team, palacf not bad. Of spurs v palace highlights it is a privilege to have such a very good group of players. Three matches, nine points, and for next week when we play a crucial match in the Europa, and against Arsenal, nothing could be better for us than to win nine points this week.
Palace boss Roy Hodgson : "We felt we were back in the game at half-time but those two goals early in the second spura - goals of great quality - it was always going to be difficult. We've tried to encourage him to get in the centre. As Harry Kane said to me after the game they took their chances very well. Eight points might not sound very much but it takes a lot of getting.
I'm not concerned spurs v palace highlights that respect but I'm aware if you are not careful and think your spyrs is done you can easily lose game after spurs v palace highlights. Maybe some were a bit hasty in their judgment as he was obviously not match fit, and has taken him some time.
He didn't have the rhythm or the spring in his step, but now he looks like the player we expected to arrive. Another good night for Gareth. The attacking players we have are amazing.
Not just the ones who played tonight, but the others on the bench. We're all pushing each other, and it's nice to get the three points again. We've got the confidence back and hopefully we can keep it going. On playing with Kane: "It's fantastic, he's an incredible highlkghts as he spurs v palace highlights again tonight.
Tottenham 4-1 Crystal Palace highlights: Harry Kane and Gareth Bale star for Spurs
He's been so consistent. It was a fantastic performance again from him and we're happy to have him here. On his own form: "It feels good. It takes a click for more info of time sometimes but I'm experienced enough to be highlighys. It is what it is. Time will tell [if I can get back to my best], but I'm not 21 anymore. I'm sputs going to keep working hard every game. You've not got the youthfulness where you can recover quickly after sprinting for 90 minutes, but you learn about your body as you get older and that's spurs v palace highlights I'm having to do.
He's 32 in July. I played my best football when Spurs v palace highlights was I was strongest when I was Of course, he's not 21, but he's talking like he's an old spuds - he's not.
He's a worldie, and he should be doing the opposite of that and saying what he's going to do and how fabulous he's going to be. He's got spuds ability. He's spurs v palace highlights on the bench a lot at Spurs this time around. If you're on the bench, you're alright to play some part in games We saw pictures of him smiling on the bench. He's been here all season, and I expected more from him. I'm an enormous fan of him, and I just want to see more pallace him.
0 notes
quantum-natura · 7 years
Numerology: Calculating Your Life Lesson Number
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Numerology Basics
Each one of us has four personal numbers that carry a specific vibration. They are the Life Lesson Number, the Soul Number, the Outer Personality Number, and the Path of Destiny Number. In this post, we’ll be focusing on the Life Lesson number.
The Life Lesson Number represents lessons one must learn in this lifetime and is most significant to career choices. It is derived from your full birthdate. 
Though this post will be focused on calculating one’s number using the numbers in your birthday, I’m including information on how to calculate the numeric vibration of letters as well, because it’s intrinsically related.
To work with the value of letters beyond “I”, which is 9, we reduce the value to a single digit. For example, “O” is 15, so we reduce the number by adding the first digit to the second: 1+5=6. The number 15 is then written as 15/6. The letter “T” is 20. We reduce the 20 by adding the first digit to the second: 2+0=2. The number 20 is then written as 20/2.
Number Values of the Alphabet
A   1       J   10/1       S   19/1 B   2       K   11/2       T   20/2 C   3       L   12/3       U   21/3 D   4       M   13/4      V   22/4 E   5       N   14/5      W   23/5 F   6       O   15/6       X   24/6 G   7       P   16/7       Y   25/7 H   8       Q   17/8       Z   26/8 I    9        R   18/9
We can reduce any word to a numeric vibration by using the above table. Before we move on to calculating one’s Life Lesson number, lets experiment with a few words:
3  +  9  +  6  +  5  =  23/5 C     R      O     W
We reduce 23 by adding 2+3=5, which is written 23/5
5  +  9  +  2  +  3  +  8  =  21/3    W     I       T      C     H
We reduce 21 by adding 2+1=3, which is written 21/3
3  +  9  +  7  +  8  +  2  =  29/11 L      I       G     H      T  
We reduce 29 by adding 2+9=11, which is written 29/11
There are four double digits which generally are not reduced. These are referred to as master numbers. Master numbers offer more opportunity for expression, yet demand more effort from the person or thing in question. The master numbers are 11, 22, 33, and 44. Whenever you arrive at one of these numbers in your calculations; retain the master value. 
Because the word “light” vibrates to master number 11, it’s written as 29/11 instead of 29/2, which would be the case if reduced entirely. The number 2 is still acknowledged as the base number as the word will fluctuate between the vibrations of 2 and 11.
An individual will fluctuate between any master number and its base digit because the vibration of the master number is too intense to live under continuously. Living under the vibration of one’s base number offers respite while preparing to work with the master number vibration again. 
Calculating Your Life Lesson Number
To calculate your Life Lesson Number, add all the digits of your birthdate together and reduce the sum. Here is an example of how someone with the birthdate of 24 October 1948 would calculate their Life Lesson Number:
10 + 24 + 1948 10 + 24 + 22 (1 + 9 + 4 + 8) 10 + 24 + 22 = 56/11
Since the reduced sum of their birthday is a master number, the sum is not reduced further. 
Now that you know how to calculate your Life Lesson Number, read on to see the description of each numeric vibration. All number descriptions come directly from Numerology and The Divine Triangle (1979) by Faith and Dusty Bunker, the reference material for this post.
Life Lesson Number Descriptions
1: You must learn to be original, strong willing, creative, and innovative. You should have the courage and drive to go ahead into new fields of expression and be a pioneer. You should always go forward, never turn back. At times you may be dictatorial and stubborn because you do not like to be restricted or directed. You are a good executive and work best alone. You are usually efficient and well organized. You are not naturally domestic but can manage well in any situation. You usually like sports and athletics and enjoy the thrill of winning. You are sophisticated, not emotionally romantic, and always appear at the head of social and commercial groups. By learning the lessons of number 1, you become intimately familiar with the universal energy; that probing, seeking, independent spark that moves all creation. You are creative on the physical plane because your pioneer spirit precedes all others and expresses your unique individuality. 
2: You are here to learn to become a good mixer. You are a good salesperson, more persuasive than forceful. You should be a support for those in leadership roles, help them to find their goals in life, and remain behind the scenes if necessary. This quality can be a help to you in business because those who benefit from your talents will in turn help you make use of your abilities. In partnerships and groups, you will encounter the lessons you came to earn in this lifetime. Success is then very possible. You must have consideration for others and should bring people together for a common cause. Various professions are open to you as you learn to be adaptable to most things that need to be done. You could select a career in finance, music, medicine, religion, or statistical analysis and research. 
3: You are best in intellectual, artistic, or creative endeavors. You need to be expressive to manifest and to see the results of your work. Beauty, fruitfulness, luxury, and pleasure are your keywords. You should have ambition and pride. You must become conscious of the law, and by being an excellent disciplinarian, you will achieve a position of authority over others. 3 combines the daring of 1 with the caution of 2. It is a number of self-expression and freedom. You must guard against becoming a jack-of-all-trades; rather, you should specialize. You could then be successful in artistic, religious, or inventive pursuits. You should avoid routine work because you dislike restriction. You should work alone for the best results. Business partnerships become too disciplined for your freedom-loving nature. You could write, lecture, teach, or find your niche in journalism. Whatever you decide to specialize in, you must use your creative and inspirational talents. 
4: You must build a solid foundation on which to base your life. This demands a well ordered system of conduct and morals. Administration or some sort of management would be the best type of employment for you. You want your home life to conform to the culture in which you live. You will provide well for those within your care, and you expect them to respond with respect and dignity. You should become a diligent worker and honestly earn your success. By being thrifty, you will have an adequate savings account as security against any possible losses. You should learn not to take a chance unless it is a sure bet. You should seek high goals. You might want to achieve concrete results quickly, and therefore should strive for patience and perseverance. Learn to face reality and base all your efforts on sound practical reasoning. 
5: Your keyword is freedom. If you have “free rein”, you can accomplish wonders, but if you feel bound or limited, you lose your enthusiasm and accomplish little. You would be a good explorer or Peace Corps volunteer, as you learn well by travel and experience. You are a diligent student if interested in the subject, but you may fail in subjects for which you see no useful ends. You should be eager for new experience, and shun monotony. In your quest for knowledge, you will become interested in discovering answers in books and magazines. An avid reader, a fluent talker, and a versatile doer, you are the witty conversationalist and brighten any group by your mere presence. You are here to learn and experience the value of freedom and should not tie yourself down too severely. Your talents once learned, prepare you for a literary career or a a position in sales and dealing with the public.
6: You are here to learn a sense of responsibility for your family and community. 6 is the love and domestic vibration and requires that you be responsive to the social needs of others. A fine sense of balance must be acquired so that you can equalize injustices. This keen sense bestows artistic abilities as well as judgmental talents which can be utilized in the legal system. You should develop compassion and understanding necessary to ease the burdens of those who will naturally be drawn to you. You are among those who serve, teach, and bring comfort to humanity. A wide choice of professions is yours including nursing, teaching, welfare work, ministry, medicine, restaurant enterprises, a legal profession, and possibly veterinary or animal husbandry. You may also choose to end a career in the arts, interior decorating, or hairdressing. 
7: You are here to use and develop your mind. Your words should be full of wisdom when you decide to talk. Your strong intuition helps in any line you choose and gives insight when needed. You may be an enigma to others, and even to yourself at times. You like to read, think, and meditate. Many times you have to relay on your soul-force to solve difficult material problems. You may delve into the occult, the mysterious, and the phenomenal side of life. Music and other arts are in harmony with your keynotes. You may be drawn to the church, science, or research and analysis. A career in mathematics or investigation could hold your interest. You should learn to open time by yourself in the woods or by the seashore where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind.
8: This is the number of power and ambition, the number of the executive, the boss, who lives by brain and brawn. You will learn to work and will want to see everyone else working. You can push people to become successful in their own right. You should lead and show by example how to profit in business. You are here to learn to handle power, authority, and money. You can build a business empire and should work to that end. You want success for your family and for the family name as a matter of pride. You want your offspring to carry your name with honor and dignity. Sports is another field open to you, as this number vibration bestows great strength and endurance. Many famous athletes operate under an 8.
9: You should be the universal lover of humanity, patient, kind, and understanding. You are at the peak of life’s expression and must turn and show others the way. You seem to receive wisdom from above; thus you know that the true way of happiness is in service to others. You are the marrying type, strong in passion and compassion. You easily acquire money or wealth, and know how to preserve it. You are never petty, but deal in broad concepts and can attain success in the face of difficulties. You are here to show others the way, through your breadth of thinking. You can choose from many professions; education and medicine are the most usual. You may become an orator, writer, or lecture with equal ease. Communication, foreign service, statesmanship, and leadership positions are easily within your capacity.
11: The keywords here are altruism and community. You came into a unique and testing incarnation. You must practice “love thy neighbor as thyself” and use it as your foundation. Your strong intuitions are of value in gaining wisdom and inspiration. 11 is one of the most difficult vibrations because the demand for high standards is constant. You must learn patience and at the same time be able to make quick decisions. Seek for balance between the material, physical life which has to be considered, and the inspiration, spiritual life which underlies your self-understanding. You can succeed in the field of science because all new inventions and discoveries such as laser rays, research in fields of anti-gravity or kirlian photography, or any area of electronics would appeal to you. You could choose to be an astronomer or an astrologer, or a bible researcher and interpreter. You may become a teacher or writer in the field of philosophy. You are original and creative and could become and inspirational speaker. 11 is an esoteric master number of spiritual import. It bestows courage, power, and talent with strong feelings of leadership. You must not let this power go to your head, since frame and recognition are likely; instead realize that true mastership is service.
22: You must express a basic building urge, accomplish things in a big way, and work with large groups or business concerns. You would enjoy the import-export business which could demand long distance travel and meetings with persons of authority. You like to take an inspirational idea and put it to practical use. Self-knowledge is very valuable to you. 22 gives the promise of success. You know how to use your ability to adjust the physical laws of life and living to demonstrate esoteric wisdom. You could become an executive in banking or financial affairs in a national capacity, or help organize businesses for others as an efficiency expert or the like. As an ambassador to foreign countries, you would demonstrate statesmanship. You like to be occupied in some large enterprise to challenge your power to achieve. Your lesson is to learn to take charge of large organizations and corporations and to handle money efficiently and usefully for the benefit of large groups of people. 
33: You should be steady and reliable and develop a strong desire to protect others. You would like to live close to nature, and this urge may influence you to choose a life in agriculture. Your goal would be to produce food on a large scale to provide sustenance for the hungry of the world. You would never be found in any profession that could act destructively to humanity. Your talent may lie along the line of the arts: music to bring harmony, painting to bring beauty, or literature to promote education. Service in the field of medicine an healing could also attract you. Possibly, you would choose the law as a way to protect others through justice. Since the 33 consciousness is almost beyond that of humanity, a place within ministry or priesthood could lead you to the realm of your dreams as world savior. You may be required to sacrifice your own desires for the need of others in order to fulfill your Life Lesson vibration.
44: This number stands for strength and complete mental control over your life while on earth. It requires discipline in every department of life so that you may be instrumental in promoting the material advancement of the world. Your mind must be trained to let the higher forces work within it, and you must keep your body and environment in order so that you are ready for any opportunity to achieve this same results from others. Your high energy potential is meant to further evolution by helping others set their world in order. You should try to promote better ethics and justice in the world of business. You must recognize reality, then use what you learn to alleviate the physical burdens of others. You are the instrument by which this alteration takes place. By displaying bravery, resourcefulness, courage, and discipline; you serve as an example for others. Edgar Cayce is an example of the 44 vibration. 
Please remember that these are just general descriptions of the numeric vibrations pertaining to the Life Lesson Number. Not everything may resonate with you, and that is perfectly fine. Numerology is meant to be tool to guide, not a stringent set of rules to live by. 
Stay tuned for follow up posts on the Soul Number, the Outer Personality Number, and the Path of Destiny Number
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Ultra Fast Keto Boost - Now Anyone Can Live Without Fat
Ultra Fast Keto Boost
It is safe to say that you are battling for misfortunes weight? Or on the other hand you are tired of doing all practices for getting in shape, however no genuine arrangement was in your grasp. At that point what you will do. Never lose trust. You ought to get the best and best one day. Heftiness is a constant malady that won't survive. On the off chance that an individual is fat than it is good judgment when will progressively stout and high fat amassing in coming days. Why individuals are overweight and why individuals have more muscle versus fat than expected. Numerous purposes for this difficult issue.
·         Lower work out capacities
·         Absence of information about sound nourishment.
·         Lower ingestion and processing rate
·         Enduring in constant sickness.
·         The body has effectively a higher fat proportion
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·         Never control on wants.
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October Democratic Presidential Debate in Review
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Good News: I get a day off work  while all of our high schoolers take the PSAT and can provide you with your Spark Notes updates of how the Democrats are doing. Bad news: There’s yet again too many candidates on the Democratic debate stage, with more yet to come. The moderators were our best yet in terms of persistently calling out question dodging, but with 12 candidates, even prominent figures at times faded into obscurity. While watching the debate, I’d hear, say, Bernie, speak and think “Oh, I forgot he was even here tonight! Where’s he been?” Is it too much to ask for a higher bar to entry? The debate environment was spicier this time, with Elizabeth Warren in the hot seat as candidates sought to eliminate her growing lead over Joe Biden and the others in the polls. Here are my continuing thoughts on each of the candidates latest debate performances, again ranked from best to worst for your convenience. 1) Pete Buttigieg This debate provided a perfect environment for Pete Buttigieg to shine. He isn’t a frontrunner, and the questions tonight didn’t highlight any of his weaknesses. This allowed him to emphasize his unique plans and criticizing other candidates, while insulating him from being attacked himself. Buttigieg this debate was the moderate who said whether to a sideshow like Beto or a top candidate like Elizabeth Warren, “how is this plan actually going to work?” and watched as they squirmed their way through. Now, normally I don’t like candidates who are all critique and no plan, but Pete Buttigieg managed to avoid that pitfall as well. He was critical of other candidates without being obnoxious or personal. He did propose some unique plans of his own, such as his 15-justice Supreme Court plan, and took a strong stand on foreign policy. He also took the ‘is this economically feasible” mantle from Biden by claiming it as a young person’s priority to see some change at least. Nothing but positive words for Pete Buttigieg. 2) Andrew Yang Well, I think I’m about to eat my hat. I never thought I’d say this, but I’ll give credit where credit is due: Andrew Yang had a great debate. Do I think he’s a serious candidate now? Well, no, but I can understand how it is that Andrew Yang in particular has stuck around in the race where all the other minor candidates and even a major candidate like Kirsten Gillibrand have dropped out. Andrew Yang only mentioned universal basic income (UBI) once tonight, and that was only when directly asked. This debate for him was about being forward thinking, and advancing a fundamentally different perspective than the other candidates. When other candidates want a wealth tax, Yang suggests a value-added tax (VAT). While other candidates debate about Facebook, Yang brings up screen time and its role on mental health. It’s like one of Andrew Yang’s advisors pulled him aside and was like “Hey Andy, people really like your ideas, but they think you can’t shut up about UBI. Can you give them the non-UBI Yang?” Andrew Yang took that advice, and it worked. While he’s still far from being close to any sort of top poller, I think  he’ll stick around, and we may see him in a non-presidential political role sometime soon. 3) Cory Booker While I’m not sure exactly how to typecast Cory Booker as a candidate, he pleasantly surprised me this time. Of course, we got “I live in an impoverished neighborhood,” but in this debate Booker also stood up for other groups, such as the poor and women, a group he’s not even a representative for. Booker’s early willingness to discuss abortion both as a women’s rights issue and a poverty issue revealed a candidate with a fundamental civility and an ability to transcend identity politics. His comments against simply sniping at frontrunners served him well in a debate where Harris and Warren got into a legitimate argument about something as inconsequential as banning Trump from Twitter. I’m not sure why I would vote Booker over my favorite frontrunner du jour, but he put his crazier ideas on hold this time and allowed people to think of him as a mix of moderate and progressive. I won’t forget my past low scores of Booker (or of Andrew Yang) but in fairness ot both of them, they had good performances.  4) Amy Klobuchar Amy Klobuchar is not pleased. We know because she fell back on the meanest of midwestern insults, “Your idea is not the only right one,” and the well known “I’m SOAR-y.” Jokes aside, Amy Klobuchar is kind of the less popular, less progressive version of Pete Buttigieg, but also a person willing to step into a frontrunner role should Biden falter. Klobuchar realized she had a chance because of the Hunter Biden scandal, and so this debate she refused to apologize for her moderate views. The problem, though, is that so many times, Klobuchar would make a strong point and then immediately pivot in an obvious way, losing good ideas and failing to make the impression she could. The worst example was when she was asked about abortion, and was the first candidate to mention codifying Roe v. Wade. She was the first one on the stage to suggest that, and I was impressed….until she messed it up. Rather than emphasize that, she rushed on to criticize Trump, letting other candidates get credit for an idea she suggested first. I like Klobuchar, and I could honestly see myself voting for her, but she has no chance unless Biden falls, and if she wants to stay in, she needs to watch those flubs. 5) Elizabeth Warren I’ll say it straight up: This was not a good debate for Elizabeth Warren. Warren is an impressive debater, and she managed to convert a center-lefter like me for a while with her inspiring language and perpetual preparedness. This debate, she lost a lot of that luster. Instead of the perfectly composed Warren we’ve come to know and love, we got a Warren who dodged a question about raising taxes over and over again. One dodge might have been fine, but when moderators pressed, Warren wouldn’t commit to a straight answer. This was made worse by Sanders’ frank admission that taxes will go up in his plan. For me, Warren’s whole appeal was her record and her experience. To see her waffle this way was painful. Warren still had her good moments--calling big businesses the umpire as well as the team really resonated--but she took a hit this time. She’s still at Number 5 because outside of healthcare, she did fine, but I don’t have the sort of glowing praise of a Warren debate performance that has become usual in these recaps.  6) Bernie Sanders It’s always so hard for me to review Bernie Sanders. I don’t like his style or some of his views, but I still want to avoid bias seeping into my analysis. To me, Sanders was just average this time, a solid Number 6.  There’s nothing new with Sanders, and his debate performances don’t inspire new voters to his side. Do I like that he was honest where Elizabeth Warren was evasive? Sure. Did he convince any voters at all who didn’t want a political revolution that we should have one? Not really. If Bernie’s going to win this cycle, it won’t be by his debating skills. It is a good thing he wasn’t on medical marijuana at the debate though (if there was ever going to be a debate inside joke, there it is).  7) Julian Castro I’m not really sure why Julian Castro is running for president. To be honest, I forgot he was even in the debate for most of the run time, and I was taking notes in order to write this article. Warren wants to tackle political corruption, Klobuchar and Buttigieg want to incrementally push liberal policy, Yang wants to bring us into the future, and Castro wants… what?  There’s nothing bad to say about Castro mainly because there’s nothing at all to be said about Castro. I will give him credit where credit is due for being the only candidate to completely destroy the mandatory buyback argument (Mandatory gun buyback means door to door collecting, leaving the door wide open for racist and/or aggressive cops to abuse citizens), and I appreciate his efforts to bring up police brutality in a debate where it was ignored. That’s really all I can say this time, though. Castro was useful in this debate, because someone had to explain how mandatory buybacks would work. He wasn’t really useful for much else.  8) Joe Biden This debate should have been in the bag for Joe Biden. I mean, Trump clearly thought he was the best candidate enough that broke the law in order to get political dirt on the guy,. Biden could have played that to his advantage. Instead, he bungled his greatest advantage. When asked about the contradiction between his son’s position in Ukraine and his supposedly neutral vice presidency, he refused to admit any sort of fault. Instead of admitting his son may have acted with poor judgment (as Hunter Biden admitted) but that Trump’s fault dwarfed any action his son could have taken by orders of magnitude, Biden pretty much refused to talk about the scandal at all. This scandal could have cast him as the best candidate to beat Donald Trump. It makes zero sense why he would clam up on it. Worse, Biden continued to make his signature verbal flubs in a debate where his age and health were under intense scrutiny. Sorry, Joe, saying “We’re able to end Roe vs….oops, not that, I mean protect Roe” is not a good look.  Let’s all take a small break here, before we get to the four worst candidates of the night. These candidates displayed far too many Trump-like similarities to be overlooked, so here we go…. 9) Kamala Harris Like Castro, I had such high hopes for Kamala Harris, and she squandered them. The last few debates, I criticized her for sniping at other candidates while refusing to respond to her own hypocrisy, and thus appearing petty. This debate, the issue she chose to go after Elizabeth Warren on was, weirdly, Trump’s Twitter account. Not to say this is a stupid issue, but, it’s a pretty dumb issue to pick a fight on. I legitimately don’t think a single voter changed their minds about voting for Kamala Harris because she took a strong, principled stand on banning Donald Trump from Twitter. Worse, she repeated her tactic of making strong use of executive orders. This, combined with her support for a mandatory gun buyback achieved through executive order is incredibly Trump-like in the sense that it erodes democratic norms and freedoms in a dangerous way. Using executive power to circumvent Congress, go into people’s houses, and take away their property opens the door for completely unchecked executive power. We are a nation where the president cannot make laws, and certainly should not plan on unilateral lawmaking without Congress. Harris’s willingness to prioritize her priorities over the public and to snipe personally at other candidates recalls Trump in a very unappealing way.  10) Tom Steyer Steyer somehow met the threshold for this debate and I’m really not sure how considering how low-profile he’s been in past debates and polls. Well, he’s here now, I guess. He’s not my favorite candidate for one big reason thus far. Tom Steyer loves to talk about how the government has failed, and that’s not what Democrats do. Describing the government as a failed experiment is a Republican talking point, and a pretty standard one at that. If the government has failed, how can one put in new programs or initiatives? Steyer is new on the scene, and I can’t see him getting support when his dominant message is one that basically endorses gutting the government.  11) Tulsi Gabbard While we’re on the subject of Republicans in Democrats’ clothing, let’s talk about Tulsi Gabbard. This debate really separated Tulsi from standard Democratic thought, and not in a flattering light. Donald Trump just abandoned the Kurds by supporting Turkey in Syria over Kurdish allies. All the candidates acknowledged this horrible decision, but only Gabbard argued that the United States should abandon the region altogether. Her Trump-style isolationism was thoroughly attacked by Buttigieg, himself a veteran, who reminded Gabbard that she was in effect encouraging ISIS. Unfortunately, foreign policy was not the only area where Gabbard presented herself as a conservative Democrat without the “get it done” appeal of someone like Klobuchar. On abortion, where every other candidate had fresh ideas and was infuriated at the conservative attacks on Roe v. Wade, Gabbard was much more restrained. Her attitude towards abortion seemed to be less focused on preserving the right and more focused on regulating it further, as evidenced by her proposal of banning third trimester abortions and keeping abortions “safe, legal, and rare.” Tulsi Gabbard’s debate last night identified her as far more socially conservative than I think is acceptable this election cycle, and in the current debate environment, it really stood out. 12) Beto O’Rourke Last but not least is Beto O’Rourke. Last debate, Beto branded himself as “the gun control guy.” I was excited to see him this time outline his policies for gun control and delve deeply into how he would reduce gun violence. Suffice it to say, we did not get that. When asked how mandatory buybacks would work in practice, Beto explained that people would turn in their AR-15s and AK-47s simply because “they follow the law.” Even when pressed that he had no idea who had the guns and no way to collect them other than door to door, Beto simply relied on good faith as a way to enforce a deeply unpopular policy. This sort of inability to discuss political logistics on what has become Beto’s signature policy was astoundingly bad debating, and I wasn’t the only one to see it. Immediately after Beto refused to discuss the logistics of the buyback, Pete Buttigieg criticized Beto for making empty promises. Beto’s response? Using emotional appeals about weapons of war in order to justify a policy he has no clue how to implement. Beto O’Rourke’s handling of his signature issue is a bit of a litmus test for the candidate himself: he’s all promises and emotional appeals with zero concrete policy. That’s why he’s on the bottom of this list.  We’ll see how the candidates fare  (and who’s still even on the stage) at the next debate in November! Content from The Bipartisan Press. All Rights Reserved. Agree or disagree with something in this article? Share it in the comment section and see what others think. Read the full article
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Elizabeth Warren Seeks to Cut Private Equity Down to Size
Digital Elixir Elizabeth Warren Seeks to Cut Private Equity Down to Size
Elizabeth Warren’s Stop Wall Street Looting Act, which is co-sponsored by Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown, Mark Pocan and Pramila Jayapal, seeks to fundamentally alter the way private equity firms operate. While the likely impetus for Warren’s bill was the spate of private-equity-induced retail bankruptcies, with Toys ‘R’ Us particularly prominent, the bill addresses all the areas targeted by critics of private equity: how it hurts workers and investors and short-changes the tax man, thus burdening taxpayers generally.
Not only would Warren’s legislation prohibit some of the most destructive private equity activities, but it would end their ability to act as traditional asset managers, taking fees and incurring close to no risk if their investments go belly up. The bill takes the explicit and radical view that:
Private funds should have a stake in the outcome of their investments, enjoying returns if those investments are successful but ab-1sorbing losses if those investments fail.
Needless to say, this upends the traditional private equity model of “head’s I win, tails you lose.”
Warren’s bill owes a considerable debt to the work of Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt, who have been investigating the private equity industry for many years. Appelbaum also provided detailed testimony which provided additional backup for the provisions of Warren’s bill.
Critics will say that Warren’s bill has no chance of passing, which is currently true but misses the point. When Bernie Sanders talked about universal health care and other progressive policies in 2016, the media either ignored it or treated it as crazypants leftie. Those ideas are now part of the discourse, as elite Dems are wont to say. Warren is taking on the “value creator” myth of private equity and seeking to end or restrict their asset-stripping. Her bill isn’t just a step in the process of exposing the falsehoods that have kept the industry from being held to account. By (hopefully) putting private equity titans on the back foot, it should also help impede their efforts to allow mom and pop retail investors to partake of private equity’s egregious fee structure (which would be larded up even more to cut in retail fund management firms).
Because the bill itself has sections that amend the bankruptcy and Internal Revenue Code (meaning mere mortals can’t readily parse them), we’ll rely on Compliance Week’s summary of its main provisions as far as private equity is concerned:
…firms would share responsibility for the liabilities of companies under their control, including debt, legal judgments, and pension obligations to “better align the incentives of private equity firms and the companies they own.” The bill, if enacted, would end the tax subsidy for excessive leverage and closes the carried interest loophole.
The bill also seeks to ban dividends to investors for two years after a firm is acquired. Worker pay would be prioritized in the bankruptcy process, with guidelines intended to ensure affected employees are more likely to receive severance pay and pensions. It would also clarify gift cards are consumer deposits, ensuring their priority in bankruptcy proceedings. If enacted, private equity managers will be required to disclose fees, returns, and political expenditures.
This is a bold set of proposals that targets abuses that hurt workers and investors. Most readers may not appreciate the significance of the two-year restriction on dividends. One return-goosing strategy that often leaves companies crippled or bankrupt in its wake is the “dividend recap” in which the acquired company takes on yet more debt for the purpose of paying a special dividend to its investors. Another strategy that Appelbaum and Batt have discussed at length is the “op co/prop co.” Here the new owners take real estate owned by the company, sell it to a new entity with the former owner leasing it. The leases are typically set high so as to allow for the “prop co” to be sold at a richer price. This strategy is often a direct contributor to the death of businesses, since ones that own their real estate usually do so because they are in cyclical industries, and not having lease payments enables the to ride out bad times. The proceeds of sale of the real estate is usually dividended out to the investors, hence the dividend restriction would also pour cold water on this approach.
The bill also seeks to help workers by making the private equity firms liable for pension looting, and for giving unpaid wages and other employee consideration much higher status in bankruptcy.
I don’t mean to sound like a nay-sayer about ending the tax bennies of highly-leveraged deals, since it’s an appealing and sensible restriction. However, the Reagan Administration floated a proposal to limit the tax deductions for highly leveraged transactions. The Brady Commission report found that that was one of the two triggers for the 1987 crash. So it might need to be phased in.
Last but the opposite of least, one pro-worker measure would constitute a major change in shareholder rights and duties. the bill’s imposition of what is known as “joint and several liability” for portfolio company debts onto both the private equity fund that made the investment, as well as onto the fund’s individual investors themselves, breaks significant new ground.
Generally, a bedrock principle of corporate law in the U.S. is that stock owners are not liable for the debts of companies in which they own shares. Exceptions are rare and generally involve either fraud or some kind of legal determination that shareholders played more than a passive role and were actively involved in directing the company.
However, there is precedent in private equity for recognizing joint and several liability of an investment fund for the obligations of its portfolio companies. In a case that winded its way through the federal courts until last year (Sun Capital Partners III, LP v. New England Teamsters & Trucking Indus. Pension Fund), the federal court held that Sun Capital Partners III was liable under ERISA, the federal pension law, for the unfunded pension obligations of Scott Brass, a portfolio company of that fund. The court’s key finding was that Sun Capital played an active management role in Scott Brass and that its claim of passive investor status therefore should not be respected.
Needless to say, private equity firms have worked hard to minimize their exposure to the Sun Capital decision, for example by avoiding purchasing companies with defined benefit pension plans. The Warren bill, however, is so broad in the sweep of liability it imposes that PE firms would be unlikely to be able to structure around it. It is hard to imagine the investors in private equity funds accepting liability for what could be enormous sums of unfunded pension liabilities ultimately flowing onto them. Either they would have to set up shell companies to fund their PE investments that could absorb the potential liability, or they would have to give up on the asset class. Either way, it would mean big changes to the industry and potentially a major contraction of it.
I am surprised that Warren sought to make private equity funds responsible for the portfolio company debts by “joint and several liability”. You can get to economically pretty much the same end by requiring the general partner and potentially also key employees to guarantee the debt and by preventing them from assigning or buying insurance to protect the guarantor from being liable. There is ample precedent for that for entrepreneurs. Small business corporate credit cards and nearly all small business loans require a personal guarantee.
Warren’s bill also has strong pro-investor provisions. It takes on the biggest feature of the ongoing investor scamming, which is the failure of PE managers to disclose to the investors all of the fees they receive from portfolio companies. The solution proposed by the bill to this problem is exceedingly straightforward, basically proclaiming, “Oh yeah, now you will have to disclose that.” The bill also abolishes the ability of private equity managers to claim long term capital gains treatment on the 20 percent of fund profits that they receive, which is unrelated to the return on any capital that the private equity managers may happen to invest in a fund.
The policy arguments weigh heavily in favor of fee disclosure and repeal of the carried interest loophole, almost to the point of there not being much of another side to the arguments beyond the private equity industry’s strategy of misdirection and obfuscation.
Not surprisingly, the private equity industry and its hangers-on have reacted negatively to the proposed bill. Pitchbook News, one of the industry’s daily newsletters, headlined one of its daily email blasts in the last few days “Warren, AOC continue attacks on PE.” Ironically, the piece didn’t even deal directly with the Warren bill but mostly was about Warren and AOC’s efforts to get unpaid wages paid to workers at recently bankrupt retailer Shopko, which is an issue that the Warren bill also deals with. The private equity industry trade group, the American Investment Council, didn’t even try to refute the legislation, but instead put out a single sentence statement labeling it as “extreme” and claiming without evidence that it would harm Warren’s Massachusetts constituents.
The power of private equity is destined to decline as its returns continue to fall due to too much money chasing too few deals. But there’s a very real risk of the already-aggressive asset-stripping tactics of private equity firms intensifying as a way to offset deteriorating fundamentals. Thus Warren’s shot across the bow is that the more evidence they provide of the need for her legislation, the greater the odds that it will eventually pass.
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Elizabeth Warren Seeks to Cut Private Equity Down to Size
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ik-jams · 7 years
BTS as Dads~
Sorry for the wait honey~ Here's your request, I hope it's how you wanted it!! Enjoyyyy. 💙💙 ~~~~~~ Jin/Kim Seokjin: • Immediately wanted to hold the kid when it was born. • Super Dad now bishes. • Your kid will be one of the sassiest and would also be able to shut anyone up if they even try to interrupt them because of what Jin teaches them. • Never loses kid at a store • Attempts to help with school work but would then probably call you. • First thing he/she will know how to do is freaking cook. • Jin is soft. Has sweet vocals, would sing your kid to sleep. • Chances of kid becoming a food taster or chef are high. • "Why can't you say dad or dada?"-- "No I'm not mom." -- "Y/n what are you teaching him/her?" Family quote. Suga/Min Yoongi: • He wasn't exactly 100% prepared to see a child, be a dad, and take care of a kid but he would never leave you. • Learning from you about child raising. • Would watch his kid with a judgmental look like- “Why are you like this?” • Then when he's doing something father like son/daughter they're watching with a judgmental look. “Don't look at me like that.” • 60% likely to lose their kid. • Probably asking you when the kid needs help on HW because Yoongi would tell them too. • Your kid is most likely to be following in his dad's footsteps or find something else. • Yoongi would teach his girl/boy some roasts. You can bet yo ass yo kid gon be a savage lil thing. • “Remember you're the sun and they're the moon because when you rise they’re going down.” Yoongi to your kid. J-Hope/Jung Hoseok: • Would be super happy but terrified of even laying a finger on his own child. • Would take you quite a bit to get him to carry her/him. • Very likely to lose a kid out of excitement. • Would attempt to help with HW but at some point ask you. • Once he does you're never getting your child back. • Your kid would always be happy because J-Hope makes funny faces and his sunshine aura would spread. • Teaches them about kindness and respect. Especially kindness and positivity~ • Since he's always letting them watch him dance they are likely to follow thief dad's footsteps or maybe a writer etc. • Would teach his child all the knowledge he has so that they can be whoever they want to be. • “Ah~! Look at you! You're getting taller~ You're so pretty/handsome. Do well at school!!” Super positive parent Hoseok says to his kid. Rap Monster/Kim Namjoon: • Was sort of ready for this to happen? Not 100% afraid but kind of nervous. • Would love to hold his child, it'd take him a few minutes to adjust but he'd definitely want too. • Your kid will grow up knowing a lot, Namjoon would share all his knowledge with his kid. • Would 24/7 help with school • Clumsy enough to lose a kid. • He would make sure his kid knows what they're doing and they know the right from wrong at a young age. • “Study, you have a test.” -- “I'll help you, I want you to Pass!”-- “You'll be smarter than the whole class~” Jimin/ Park Jimin: • Super sweet, awkward, would ask if he can hold it shyly. • Would be at awe that he made a child and would be kind of cocky about it kind of not. When you had the bump - “You see That?” He told another person's child who was questioning your belly. “I made that.” Cue you smack his arm. (I just made a movie reference if you get it and tell me I'll show you my stuffed favorite stuffed animals. 😂) • Your kid will grow being really shy and sweet with a sassy edge because of dads teachings. • Your kid would also have quite some knowledge because it has been said that Jimin can be quite wise and I believe he would share that wise-ness. • Would probably teach them how to dance they grow older. • “What do you mean this music is bad?”-- “I like it so you listen to it.” I promise he'd say this as a joke to your child. V/Kim Taehyung: • Tae would be super excited about the thought of having kid. • Now having one- “When you feel better consider another one no?” • Would love to hold his kid. • Your kid will grow up with the cute expressions of his/her father. • Tae would make so many faces to your kid, the kid might make them back. • Would buy them whatever the hell they wanted because he one of those parents. • But I think he's smart enough to know you can't spoil a child 24/7 • “You like this plush?” -- “Two? But that's $80..” -- “Where's your mom?” Jungkook/Jeon Jungkook: • Nervous AF. • "I can hold the kid?"--"You sure?"-- "You're not lying I can carry this small human?" You have to remind him it's his. • Jungkook was practically raised by his hyungs in BTS so that would equal a small Jungkookie plus you. • Tell them about sports as they get older. • Maybe sing them to sleep. • Spoil but also wouldn't spoil his child. • Only 15% likely to lose his kid. • HW would be super annoying but of course would help on what he can. • Teaches them whatever they want because he's the golden maknae. • "Do you like this sport?" -- "No? How about his one?" -- "Aish– You're going to be as lazy as your mom huh?"
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webart-studio · 6 years
Utilizing information responsibly doesn’t must weaken advertising methods – Advertising and marketing Land
Knowledge privateness is, appropriately, excessive on the minds of tech corporations and the general public at giant. Sadly, a lot of the dialogue of late has centered round controversies originating with the misuse or fraudulent nature of some information sources. However we shouldn’t let this cloud our collective judgment about how information may help companies make higher selections.
When processes and methods are in place to make sure the gathering and use of information is completed responsibly, we will do proper by shoppers and types. The advantages and alternatives made potential with correct, effectively organized and actionable information will profit the whole business.
Manufacturers should put information privateness on the forefront
Lately I used to be honored to talk on the Accountable AI/DI Summit the place I addressed these points and clarified the significance of manufacturers guaranteeing that their shopper information methods are a prime precedence. Manufacturers have a duty to be forthright concerning the varieties of information they’ve entry to, the permissible makes use of of that information and the worth that information can present. Creating information methods which might be helpful however respectful to shoppers should be on the forefront of each enterprise immediately.
Manufacturers are beneath super strain to make fast and vital selections primarily based on information, however they shouldn’t lose sight of the belief that’s positioned in them and their companions to be clear about what information is getting used, how it will likely be used and the way it will likely be gathered. And, with a supercomputer in each shopper’s pocket, information is obtainable at a charge by no means seen earlier than. When mixed with the processing energy to make sense of it, companies could make good, accountable use of the newest in AI expertise to focus on and section their audiences with methods that show to be a realistic method to reaching their present and even new prospects. Although shoppers immediately stay weary of how manufacturers are utilizing their information, they’re additionally extra prepared to interact with trusted manufacturers who deal with their data responsibly and supply extra tailor-made and customised experiences. In response to Accenture, 92 p.c of U.S. shoppers imagine it’s extraordinarily vital for corporations to safeguard their data, although 44 p.c of U.S. shoppers are pissed off when corporations fail to ship related and customised experiences.
Balancing belief with offering personalised experiences is one thing that any retailer dealing with shopper information immediately should perceive as a enterprise crucial.
Wholesome approaches to information framework
To achieve the total potential with the help of information, companies should additionally adhere to a wholesome method that precisely weighs the authenticity and high quality of information out there. Earlier than information might be utilized to enterprise selections, it should be refined, analyzed and measured in opposition to particular enterprise challenges.
As soon as information is ingested and saved, it’s important for enterprises to take away low-quality information and refine the remaining information into usable, contextualized information units that may be utilized to research a lot of key enterprise challenges. Uncooked, unfiltered information will result in confusion. However information that’s scored, screened, filtered after which contextualized might be leveraged for high-level evaluation that can replicate optimum ranges of confidence for a corporation and its companions.
Knowledge ought to empower assured enterprise selections
Cellular location information is among the many most wealthy and impactful datasets out there immediately and when companies analyze it successfully and responsibly they’ll evaluate completely different alternatives, resembling potential retailer places, product localization methods and vacation promotions.
In 2018, with Amazon knocking on each retailer’s entrance door with a commanding share of the ecommerce market, the methods put in place to achieve a aggressive benefit ought to unquestionably embody a considerate advertising technique that encompasses accountable information practices.
Companies of all sorts ought to embrace using information and be targeted of their method. Don’t let a couple of unhealthy apples or outright nefarious examples of information manipulation trigger you to overlook out on this chance. Understanding the advantages and challenges of information is vital, and the earlier enterprises perceive this dynamic the higher. In immediately’s numerous market, companies want information options that empower them to anticipate and reply to many circumstances and challenges.
The categories and lasting impact of choices that enterprises should make are increasing and if a pacesetter doesn’t have all of the out there data to make these selections it may well harm their enterprise and prospects. If you happen to aren’t contemplating all of the choices and methods wherein information may help you, I strongly encourage you to embrace the problem and learn the way the accountable use of information can reinforce your ideas and assist your online business develop.
Opinions expressed on this article are these of the visitor writer and never essentially Advertising and marketing Land. Employees authors are listed right here.
About The Creator
Gladys Kong, CEO of UberMedia, is an knowledgeable in cellular expertise and information options. Gladys is devoted to innovating and growing new concepts inside expertise startups. Since becoming a member of UberMedia as Chief Expertise Officer (CTO) in 2012, Gladys has been answerable for taking UberMedia from social media app improvement firm to a number one cellular promoting expertise firm and recruiting among the finest information science groups devoted to persistently producing information options that anticipate and reply to immediately’s numerous market. Gladys’s tenure in expertise is intensive: She was CEO and co-founder at GO Interactive, a social gaming agency. Previous to that she was VP of Engineering at Snap.com, and VP of R&D at Idealab, the place she helped create quite a few corporations, together with Evolution Robotics, Picasa, X1Technologies, and plenty of extra.
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source https://webart-studio.com/utilizing-information-responsibly-doesnt-must-weaken-advertising-methods-advertising-and-marketing-land/
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killrate · 2 years
“Shut up and drink your bone juice.”
♡ @wintrhaven
The witch rolls her eyes at the suggestion. “Don’t tell me what to drink. If I wanted milk, I’d have it in a glass, in my hand right now! And… ew, can you not call it bone juice?!” She scoffs. Apparently, the brattiness doesn't take long to kick in when she's told to do something that she isn't particularly interested in doing.
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“And for the record, I’m twenty. I haven’t grown since I was…” she pauses to recall the exact age. “Fourteen? A whole millimeter! I’m sure that ship has sailed. My grandma’s genes screwed me.”
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killrate · 2 years
Normally, she’d be excited-nervous to be in the presence of Rogue Cheney. But at the present time, she’s quite the opposite. As much as she is lucky and grateful to have received a pardon at all, she often feels out of place among mages that she has little-to-no rapport with. It’s not exactly discomfort, but something close to that sensation that she couldn’t quite put a name to. The only rational thing for Marilyn Abaddon to do is, of course, to not be alone in that sentiment. If she wants to crawl out of her own skin, she will make him feel it with her. Neither of them want to be here, she’s quite certain of it. But as it stands, they are very much forced to sit here, together, waiting indefinitely—sharing this table. She turns her head to look at him, who appears to be paying no mind to her.
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“Thanks for the concussion by the way. You made my part of the trial reeeeaaal quick. Even if I was still sentenced for… what, a quarter of my remaining years?” She giggles dryly.
♡ @twilightdrawn for an end-of-year beef.
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killrate · 2 years
“   if  you  need  weed ,   get  it  from  me .   ” / from cuelebres LOL
♡ @cuelebres
Oh, she missed him so much. How fittingly cruel that they'd have to part ways - at least for now. Nothing like seeing that deadpan face at midday, but at least this time he's not bullying her.
That means he misses her, too, obviously!
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❝Uh, no. No thank you...❞ She emphasizes, all while securely holding a glass of water to her chest. ❝Last time I touched that, I said way too much.❞
She wants to recoil at the memory.
Indeed, she would not shut up...
❝Way too much,❞ she whispers, turning her face away for a moment. ❝Going forward, it's strictly wine for me.❞
... Mostly because it hardly ever tickles her.
spring cleaning the inbox !
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killrate · 3 years
" here. i'll take the first shift. you get some sleep, i'll wake you. " — cuelebres 👀
♡ @cuelebres
❝Umm... You’re sure?❞ The question is redundant, she realizes only after blurting it out. She hardly thinks that Erik would be offering to do so if he were exhausted.
And at the same time... What if he is tired already, and is just... used to it? Aren’t Oracion Seis already used to so much bullshit as is?
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Her gaze stays focused on him for a moment - despite him not necessarily looking her way. Finally, she shakes her head with a quiet ‘ mm-mm ‘.
❝You know what? No. I’m alright.❞ Mary tells him firmly, settling against the trunk of tree. ❝You take a rest first, Erik. And if you really can’t fall asleep, then fine. We’ll switch. Besides, I never take the first shift anyway. That’s not really fair, is it?❞ She smiles at her friend, just before reaching over and pinching his nose.
❝Now nap.❞
stake-out mission prompts. / no longer accepting.
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killrate · 3 years
❛  last  night  i  discovered  something  wonderful …  ❜
♡ @novaliie
It isn't Jellal's fault that Mary's so irritable today. That's on the neighbours, who were celebrating next door with the windows wide open─and Mary had decided that she wouldn't be that person who phones in a complaint.
Neighbour solidarity had a cost, however. And now she's paying it. Yawning every five minutes, and her under-eyes a bit puffy. Jellal on the other hand? Perfectly awake! And chatty. While she pours their tea, she tries to focus on what he's saying, but she fades in and out of focus.
"Last night I discovered something wonderful." He tells her, while her back remains turned to him.
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❝What was it, hon? That you like men?❞ She mutters, a little unenthusiastically. ❝I'm kidding... Go on.~❞
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killrate · 4 years
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up. “
♡ @prxestigiae
Admittedly, she wasn’t expecting that one. She’d read just about any issue that Rogue Cheney had been featured on since she was fifteen, and... Never any mention of that, not even in the useless trivia that was certainly incorrect, because none of the magazines seemed to ever agree on his hobbies.
She blinks, a tiny ‘ ah ‘ can just barely be heard out of her.
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❝Do you collect them? ... I used to collect mushrooms. The poisonous ones. I thought they were neat, too. Actually, I still do think they are, I just kinda lost the habit, I guess.❞ She giggles. 
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killrate · 3 years
" mcdonalds is two minutes away. what could possibly happen here in four minutes that hasn't happened in the last six hours? "
♡ @sanctidente​
❝Sting, first of all, you are completely forgetting to include line-up-times, and wait-times... That’s, like─possibly ten minutes. Y’know how much can happen even over the span of─❞ She starts, pinching the bridge of her nose. ❝You... Reaaaally want your Happy Meal, huh?❞
He did not say ‘ happy meal ‘, but it’s where her mind goes.
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❝Fine. Go, I’ll keep an eye out... And I’m taking your apple-slices.❞
stake-out mission sentences ! / not accepting.
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