#◆; CrimsonBlade
samorrin · 6 months
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Crimsonblade A random gift for V0w0ga. I saw the new ref and just wanted to paint him
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lewd-bytes · 3 years
A male individual was staggering through a forest, his clothes were in tatters after he came into contact with... Monsters.. He couldn't understand how he had gotten here in the first place, but every part of his body had hurt!! And.. There was this black and red think stuck to his chest, burning in pain as every monster he encountered had disappeared. He would slowly make it to the treeline, trying to keep his balance as he glanced around, only to find a strange cottage, no too far from the forest. "Only... place to find.." He panted out, limping his way towards the cottage. He would cross a small bridge and make his way to the wooden door, fatigue and exhaustion catching up to him. "H-hello...?" He called out as he weakly knocked onto the door. "P-please... I... I need.. Help.." He would say as his knees gave in beneath him, falling back onto ground as his vision blurred, his body weak and betraying him as he began losing consciousness.
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His vision would return slowly to him, conscious once more asserting itself. He’s blacked out, flashes of movement, of memory, persisted but, for the most part, between reaching that door and now, as he stirred, was an indecipherable blur.
[ “...hear me?” ]
He caught a snatch of a sound, a voice, something soft and comforting. He’d need to focus for his sight to stop swimming, for the world around him to feel solid again. But, as everything came back into focus, he was able to finally make out his surroundings, and their occupant, clearly.
[ “Are you awake? Hello?” ] 
He was lying on a couch, a blanket over him. It seemed to be some small woodland cottage and, standing over him, at his side, was a yellow-coated young Pegasus Mare, large, dewy, eyes filled with concern as long tuft of pink mane cascaded down her lovely form. 
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caeliuris · 5 years
💞 💘 (cualquiera!)
Send 💞 and my muse will say something nice about your muse
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     – Creo que Horikawa a crecido bastante últimamente, y no solo hablo de sus habilidades en batalla, también hablo de su forma de ser.  Es muy reconfortante saber que siempre se puede contar con él. –
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
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     ooc; AAAAAA KANESAN ES MUY BONITO, FUE LA PRIMERA ESPADA QUE ME GUSTO. KANESAN YOU ARE SO PRETTY.  Kanesan, debería ser más honesto con sus emociones.(?) ¡Pero lo tienes muy bien desarrollado! 
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ash-morrison · 7 years
pirate fic rec
resist everything except temptation | louis/harry | 100k
The one where Louis is the commodore's son who is forced to become a part of Harry's crew when he is captured.
drowning in your eyes | louis/harry | 45k
The Pirates of the Caribbean inspired au where Harry is a fierce pirate who holds the heart of a beautiful merman.
liberté | louis/harry | 64k
Prince Louis sets sail for a final adventure before being wed. Instead, he finds himself captured by Crimsonblade, the world’s most notably ruthless pirate.
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fightingowlfilms · 7 years
Crimson Blade premieres 9/17 on @shortstv #indiefilm #scifi #wasteland #postapocalyptic #shortfilm #independentfilm #crimsonblade #shortstv #filmmaking
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Draco; Hog- I mean Beaubaton's Beauty
/Imagine Spree week is so close to an end. :( Well Saturday should be fun ;) I’ll try updating sooner for some in different time zones. Well here we go! Warning(s): A swear word Enjoy!💚🐍\
“Excuse me boys.” I heard a voice say, which happened to be Maxime Olympe.
“Ms. Crimsonblade you have a letter.”
Headmistress Olympe gave me a worried gesture as she looked back at Draco and Harry. Surprised that they both liked me.
“Merci directrice Olympe.” ~ “Thank you headmistress Olympe.”
As she bowed softly and left. I put the letter in my robes, and walked off. I looked behind me to find the boys staring at me, drooling. I scoffed, ‘This is how us females are thought of.’ I thought.
“Hey, Beauxbaton girl!” A ugly voice shrieked. I turned around finding a girl with pug like features, she was alright, would’ve been prettier if she didn’t seem snobby,“Stop trying to steal my boyfriend!”, and obnoxious.
“Um excuse me?” I ask, who’s her boyfriend, Draco, or Harry. Whoever is dating her messed up… big time.
“Stay away from my boyfriend! Draco is mine!” The snobby girl said. “I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.” I replied. “Of course you don’t your a Beauxbaton bitch!” The girl sneered.
OK you can insult me but, never insult my school, Beauxbaton or my classmates. I was going to get her back real good. I evilly grin at the girl, as I thought of a hex. It took a while till it worked, the girl looked at me in confusion.
The girl rose to the air, screaming. I fled from the scene and left her there.
“Ms. Crimsonblade, I expected a very more mature and responsible way of acting in this situation but, I’ve seen my teachings have done you well.” I heard Madam Devine say. Madam Devine was Non-Oral magic professor.
“Yes, they have.” I smugly smile. “Just be sure headmistress Olympe doesn’t catch you.” Madam Devine winked at me.
“Thank you Madam Devine.” I replied, picking up the ends of my robes and slightly picking them up while bowing down.
“Um Madam Devine, how much longer till we head off back to Beauxbaton?” I ask, desperate to leave the situation I’m stuck in.
“Well in a few days, Ms. Crimsonblade.” Madam Devine said, leaving me here as I think of solutions. Ways. To test them out.
I went over to stay with Harry, first. I sat at Gryffindors table right to the spot available next to Harry. Hermione, a lovely and brilliant girl I met on the first day helping me find my way to places was reading a book.
“Bonjour Hermione.” ~ “Hello Hermione.” I said, as Hermione looked up at me and said, “Comment allez-vous?” ~ “How are you?” “Bien.” ~ “Good.” I said as we both smiled and went back to what we were doing.
“Hello Harry! How’ve you been?” I ask, munching on a piece of bread. Harry looked right past me. I followed to his eyes to find him staring a Ravenclaw. ‘Gosh, like me one moment then move on.’ I mentally scoff. Hardly enjoying my time sitting here.
“Harry.” I say trying to catch his attention. “Y/N, will you go out with me?” Harry blurted out of oblivion. Gryffindors had bravery… To much. I stared at him and gave him the are-you-serious look. I was so going to make a scene.
“Really Potter your asking me out after just basically ignoring me and thinking this I’m going to say ‘yes’. You must be out of your mind! Just using me, huh!” I shout the great hall stood fairly silent as I heard two familiar giggles.
Fleur and Anaera.
“Well I’m sorry but, I can’t just deal with that. Goodbye Potter.” I said making a grand exit as I heard some groan in disappointment or say ‘oh that’s gonna burn.’.
I knew Fleur and Anaera where right behind me. “Hey Y/N wait up!” Anaera said, I came to a halt as Fleur looked at me with slight anger, “Headmistress Olympe is going to get furious Y/N!” Fleur said. As I shrugged my shoulders in response.
“Wow carefree today?” Anaera smirked. “I’m tired. Of being used. I could easily tell Harry just wanted to make a particular Ravenclaw jealous.” I said, Fleur and Anaera frowned knowing the bad history you had with relationships’ one of the reasons you didn’t want to go to the dance.
Girls easily got jealous over your natural beauty. That’s why boys’ used you. They knew they can make their ex jealous. Making them want their ex back.
“What about that Draco boy?” Fleur asked. “I don’t know.” I said. I’ll do fine without them either way I’m going back to Beauxbaton. “I feel like someone’s here.” Anaera said, suddenly I remembered what happened earlier this day. “Oh yeah turns out he has a bloody girlfriend!” I squealed in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Fleur apologized. “No need to it wasn’t your fault Fleur.” I grin.
“You and Anaera are going to find someone. I’m just not.” I frown, “That’s not true Y/N. Your one of Beauxbaton’s beauties!” Fleur said.
“That’s why Fleur. They head for looks.” I said, as Anaera said, “Dragon boy.”
“Dragon boy?” I said, puzzled until I saw Draco walk in the hallway. ‘Was he eavesdropping?’ I thought, ‘Please say he didn’t hear us.’
“Hello Y/N. Would you like to have a walk with me?” Draco asked, the girls pushed me forward, “Yes, she would love to.” They answered for me. He looks at me and I nod my head.
“I heard you call out Potter.” Draco chuckles. I just stay silent.
“Don’t mess with me if you don’t want me to call you out too.” I say.
“Woah. Well I wanted to thank you for going to the ball with me.” Draco thanked me. “It was nice while it lasted, Pureblood.” I said in spite of my anger.
“I sometimes hate being a pureblood,” Draco said. “You sound like you hate me.” Draco finished. “I’m a half blood, you can insult me go on. I’m leaving either way.” I agonize, waiting for an insult.
“Your to pretty to be a part veela. Your to beautiful to be insulted. I don’t like your beauty, I like your ruthlessness, your confidence…. May I kiss you?” Draco looked at me, “Uh Yes.” I said, he gently cups my face, I could smell his peppermint breath and his strong cologne filling up my nostrils.
“That’s the girl who hexed me!” I heard the same shriek. “Are you sure Ms. Parkinson?” I hear a professors voice say. I panic, “That Beauxbaton’s girl! *gasp* And she’s snogging my boyfriend!” Fact was I wasn’t even close to kissing Draco.
“Mr. Malfoy, who’s this?” The professor’s monotone voice said. “This is my girlfriend, professor Snape.” “When have you met this Beauxbaton lady?” Professor Snape said, I looked at the scary dark haired (note: also greasy haired) professor.
“About a year ago, professor. And Parkinson I can assure you that I’m not your boyfriend.” Draco lied for me. Parkinson scoffed in disgust, his professor eyed me suspiciously, “It’s not polite to stare, sir.” I said, as my confidence was slightly boosted. The professor stopped staring and walked away the snobby girl following behind.
I headed in for a kiss myself as I cupped his face and pushed my lips onto his. I felt like I was in a cliché high school drama and romance movie. Like the jock and the nerd falling in love. I kept my lips moving on sync with his.
“Why did you want to go to the ball with me?” I breathed out, looking into his piercing blue-grey eyes.
“I told you, I was a half blood, why’d you kiss me?” I sigh, “I knew you where a half blood. When you said it in french, I understood.” Draco said, my mouth became ajar.
“Y/N! Y/N! Have you read your letter!” Anaera interrupted. “No.” I replied, “Please don’t let it be true!” Anaera cried. I grab the letter out of my robes, familiarizing with the blue wax with a C in middle.
I open it and began to read out loud, “Dear Y/N, Your father and I have some business in England to attend to for three years. We’ll have to move, your going to be transferred to a new school. Hogwarts. I know you’ll miss Fleur and Anaera, you’ll give them visits during your break. I’ve already talked to Headmaster Dumbledore, who’s alright with the transfer. He and Headmistress Olympe already know you won’t leave with all the rest of Beauxbaton. Love, Mother P.s Tell me what house you get in.”
My eyes widen, this can’t be. Anaera had a few tears sliding down her cheeks. “Fleur and I will miss you.” Anaera sniffles. “I guess that’s good news to you, Draco.” I smile, “What are you insisting?” Draco smirks. “Will you go out with me?” I say, “ Well,” Draco sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with bright pink cheeks. “Yes.” Draco kissed me and Anaera began teasing me.
~• A Few Days Later •~
“Farewell, Y/N. We’ll miss you.” Fleur said as I hugged her. “Send us letters!” Anaera said, hugging me tightly as I let her go.
“Good luck with Dragon boy.” Anaera shouted as they all bordered up and left.
I guess I was wrong, I’m not Beauxbaton’s Beauty. I’m Hogwart’s-
“Ready to get sorted, love?” Draco said, I snapped out of my thoughts. “Yes.” I answered, “Draco everyone’s looking at me. Including, Potter.” I smirk as his face looks at Harry’s direction with disgust. “Your going to end up in Gryffindor, I can already tell.” Draco said.
“How?” I ask, “Your confident. You have a brave heart, hermosa. On the bright side we’ll have classes together if you do.” Draco said, I looked at him puzzled. “What does ‘hermosa’ mean?” I say.
“Beautiful in Spanish.” Draco responded as I walked towards the stool. I sat down and a hat was placed on top of my head.
“Hmm a part veela. Very beautiful aren’t they. Not Hufflepuff, your can be kind and loyal at times but, ruthless and harsh when needed. Your intelligent, but not fit for Ravenclaw. You don’t want much power more equality. Your very confident, I believe GRYFFINDOR will be a perfect fit!” The hat bellowed, Draco was correct.
Draco looked at me, a sad glint in his eyes. I went over to him and kissed him. Everyone was a bit in shock but, I didn’t care for the most.
“I love you, Hermosa.” Draco whispers. ‘I’m Hogwart’s Hermosa.’
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caeliuris · 5 years
[jealous hiss a la distancia(?)]
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     Le hace pucherito porque igual a Yasusada le dan más amor, no puede ponerse celoso por eso. (??????) 
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caeliuris · 5 years
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     – ¿o… wo? –
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caeliuris · 5 years
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     – ¡Ahh~! ¡Muchas gracias! –
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caeliuris · 5 years
kiyomitsu, ¿ya te enteraste? ¡le gustas a alguien! :P
     -- ¿¡De verdad!? --
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     -- Q-Quiero decir... por supuesto que lo sabía, era de esperarse que alguien gustara de mi -- aunque no esperaba que fuera tan pronto. Todo había sido tan repentino. ¿Era verdad o solo era una cruel broma? Kiyomitsu esperaba que fuera lo primero, pero no sabía si podría corresponderle. -- Aunque... bueno, supongamos que no sé quien es la persona exactamente... ¿sabes de quien se trata? --
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caeliuris · 5 years
🌼💕 para el kashuu bb
* talk about your muse!
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send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
     Le hace muy feliz recibir halagos de todo tipo. Sean sobre su apariencia o el buen trabajo que esta haciendo, pero lo que le hace más feliz es que le presten atención. Y aunque suena bastante simple, es más complicado que eso. No es un simple “llegar a hablar con Kashuu y escucharlo un rato”, no. El momento en que alguien recuerda algo que menciono con anterioridad sobre su persona (sea sobre sus gustos, disgustos o lo que piensa) el corazoncito de kashuu va a latir rápido y la sonnrisa en su rostro no se desaparecera en todo el día.
send 💕 for a love headcanon
     De verdad sueña con ser la cucharita pequeña de alguien que le quiera. Es muy cariñoso, aunque no le gusta mostrar esa parte de él a cualquiera.
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caeliuris · 5 years
lxnedigger replied to your post: OWO
-le pone un espejito- it’s u(?) ))
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caeliuris · 5 years
Los vi en las termas, Kiyomitsu, tengo evidencia / Izuminokami sosteniendo los DVDs de las cámaras que instalaron (?)
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     – Pervertido – y lo admitía abiertamente, no tenía vergüenza(?).
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caeliuris · 5 years
cashew (?)
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caeliuris · 5 years
Le gustas a cierta uchigatana de cabello azul; lleva un haori del Shinsengumi y es algo yanyan :P
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     – … –
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     – Si esto es una broma… es una de muy mal gusto, ¿sabes? No hay que jugar con la emociones de las personas. – 
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r0yalqueen · 5 years
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My lovely RPG oc’s
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