#◜ inbox. ◞  * ・゚✧ *   ━━━━━   ♡  a  battle  with  myself ...
rekas-writes · 1 year
Hello, can I order headcanons? If so, I would like a yoru x male reader with an agent whose skills are similar to a vampire, remember to eat healthy and take care of yourself!! ♡
A/N: Hello and thank you for your order! It was really fun to write! I promise I am also taking care of myself ^^ And here’s a note for you to do the same too!
Also, my inbox has quite the stack of reqs, but I’m doing my best to get through the list as quickly and as thoroughly as possible! It’s just a little bit overwhelming ^^; It’s also not helping that Tumblr on my pc is eating my reqs ;-; I’m glad my phone has all of them still (at least I hope it does-)
✧☕✧ Thank you for ordering, please do visit again soon~! ✧🍮✧
Strange Cravings and Love Bites
Pair: Yoru/ M! Agent + Radiant! Reader Source: Valorant
Type: Headcanons - 1,222 words Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, Angsty/Hurt w/ Comfort at the very end Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
TW: Mild references to violence, reader getting hurt, reader biting Yoru and getting a little carried away but he's fine! + thought of Yoru dying at the very end
You remind Yoru a lot of the classical vampire figure, to the point where he kind of associates you with some of the common tropes. More specifically, the weaknesses. You may not be able to tell with his prickly demeanour, but he is a worrier- especially with those he holds dear, doubly so if it concerns his boyfriend. He doesn't want you to get hurt, and ends up projecting that whenever he gets harsh.
Que his surprise when he sees you eating garlic bread or chilling casually under the sun. You had to remind him that you weren’t actually a vampire, and if they really did burn up- Reyna would have to carry an umbrella to every day mission (You heard her laugh behind you right after. You weren’t sure whether to count your days or to consider yourself on her good side)
Though, that being said, the Sun probably does have some kind of influence over you and your abilities. Maybe you have an allergic reaction if you’re under it too long, or it takes longer to channel your abilities, or you could just feel weaker under the harsh light (Maybe even changing personality like a certain FE character)
Somehow, being beside Yoru makes that all feel better, if just a little. Maybe it’s because he’s your 夜 (*Yoru -> night). Your comforting, starlit night in the overwhelming brightness of day. If you ever spill those thoughts to him, he will short-circuit no matter how hard he tries to brush it off. Any flattery unrelated to his prowess in battle is way harder for him to take in and retort, even with his ego. It’s quite easy to tease him and watch his face glow warm with a blush- like the hue of the setting Sun
"Like the night sky, you're like a blessing to me! My very own good luck charm! Thank you, Yoru."
"... You're terrible at flirting. Focus on the mission already, idiot," // Internally: "adsjjskdjdk???SDAJKDAJHKJDK???"
If your eyes are sensitive to the light, there’s a good chance he gave you a pair of sunglasses. They might’ve even been your first gift from him! Having seen you wordlessly struggling with the glaring sunlight, he either leaves a pair in your locker or shoves them in your face while avoiding your eye contact. He will never admit that he was thinking about you, let alone worrying enough to get you something. Don’t ask, he will scoff and say it’s because he doesn’t want you dragging the team behind with your incompetence. Ouch.
You may have keen senses, like Reyna’s ability to hear people’s heartbeats. Your eyes are sharp, and you can smell copper like a shark despite nothing being spilt on the battlefield just yet; or perhaps your sense of smell is more distinct. Maybe certain people smell sweet and alluring or plain and uninteresting, if you have the urge to feed just like a vampire. You may even need to feed, in order to recover your strength. (On base, you totally drink from "juice pouches" Like some kind of morbid capri-sun)
If it’s the latter, Yoru most definitely draws you in the most. There’s just something you can’t put your finger on. If you focused on it, you'd be able to guess where he was with those heightened senses of yours. Mirror Yoru really needs to watch out when you’re on the prowl, that unique draw applies to him too
As a radiant related to creatures of the night, there’s a very good chance you can shapeshift into a bat! Yoru could never admit it but he thinks that form of yours is very cute. He definitely has the urge to just hold you whenever you shift. He thinks you can’t tell, but you can see the way his expression subtly changes to one of awe. No thought, only hold bat boyfriend gently.
Some agents have definitely found you like that, just napping somewhere in the common room with you in your bat form perched on his head. You might even be able to control or summon bats! He put a limit on how many you could summon in his room, though. He's not willing to have his bed be surrounded in bats, unfortunately :(
There’s been times where you've pushed yourself too far, the strain bearing its weight down on you. Like all radiants, you get tired when you use your abilities too much. You’re running on empty when you get hit badly, body too exhausted and hungry to mend itself like usual. Alone with a hand pressed to your biggest wound, you wait- head growing foggier as time seems to all but slow down.
You can’t describe the look on Yoru’s face when he finally finds you. He’s silent, and you can't hear his usual scolding and sharp insults. It's frightening, you realise. More frightening than your possible death. Instead, he's kneeling forward and offering his arm to your mouth. It’s positively dizzying when you breathe in, self-control broken as your body demands for you to accept.
When you finally snap back to focus, you’d never felt dread like that before, lurching backwards as you try and focus on hearing the thud of Yoru’s pulse. Guilt and anxiety are at the forefront of your mind, with apologies spewing forth and shaking hands. He only brings you into a slight hug, one partially induced out of light-headedness, as he mumbles your name and a partial command/plea,
“Take better care of yourself.”
He makes you swear to come to him whenever you need to drink after that. Yoru can't bear the sight of you like that again, slouched, wounded and gasping for breath with dulling eyes, your skin a sickly hue. He was prepared to offer as much as it took to get you back to usual. He probably accidentally confessed here and now, after realising just how much you meant to him.
If immortality is part of your radiant abilities, deep down, you knew this wonderful relationship would one day become a bittersweet memory. You avoided telling him for as long as possible, not wanting to burden him with your knowledge of what will happen. But one day, it’s inevitable as you gaze at the night sky and count the stars like they’re the countdown to the day you would be left behind.
You’re sombre, the terrifying thoughts weighing you down more than usual, and Yoru can tell whatever it is that had been plaguing you for these past few weeks is really piling up. He doesn’t want to have to force it out of you, but it pains him to see you like this. He’ll wait, no matter how long it takes to gather the strength
That day, you break. It’s as he holds your hand gently- as though you’re made of glass. He calls your name, not your code name, not a nickname. His tone is just as gentle, yet firm- steadfast in letting you know he has you as much as you have him,
“You can talk to me.”
You crack and splinter, caving in to his warmth and comfort. You vent the painful pangs in your heart, the dark storm that rages in your head. All that pent up grief and pain floods out into the abyss of night. To the world’s night and your night; the night that lets you cling close and embraces you readily to soften your anguish
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drifloonz · 1 year
Blue and rosa (separately) having a s/o that has a team of fairy types? I really love fairy types there so cute and deadly at the same time (also can s/o's ace be a sylveon?)
i have had many asks about the main actual canon pokemon characters tht rnt pokepasta ones rotting in my inbox and i feel so bad so im gunna answer this one . I am so sorry anon. probably the last thing i'll write for today
Anyways also writing this finally bc rosa is my bbg ( i used to identify with her whenever i imagined myself in my head... and shes my favorite protag ) and i need to write for her it is a primal need!!! ive been playin thru bw2 slowly as well . . . anyways.
blue / rosa with a fairy specialist s/o who's ace is a sylveon!
♡ you likely met him at the battle tree in alola to test your teams mettle, and regardless of how the outcome turned out, he was very intrigued by how you fought and talked to you a little after it.
♡ blue definitely knows fairy types exist, but he's like, never used a fairy type in his life whatsoever. he barely knows much about them.
♡ this is why when you battled him he probably had no clue what to do for type matchups and whatnot. Woops. ok maybe "no clue" is a little rough, he's definitely at least encountered a few fairy types, but he is very. Not knowledgeable about them regardless.
♡ once he learns their weaknesses and strengths ( courtesy of you, probably ), he finds it really interesting and also funny. tiny little fairy pokemon are supereffective against dragon???? and fighting?? and dark????? and only has two types its weak to????? damn. maybe he should think about training a fairy type, but none of them really fit his vibe. ...although, alolan ninetails looks nice, even if he always does prefer arcanine. unfortunately, there is no fairy-type arcanine, and he'd never replace his own anyways.
♡ he might also get an alolan sandslash as a counter to fairy types LMAO ( he also has owned a sandslash before, but doesn't use it as often anymore... so it's a nice reminder. )
♡ he respects your commitment to the type regardless. not his cup of tea - the type, and committing to one type like gym leaders, some trainers, and sometimes champions do - but it's really interesting to see how you fight with your team.
♡ and the sylveon too... he's never seen one'a those. heard of it, but never seen one. he's fond of the eeveelutions, and is also similarly fond of your sylveon. gives it little pets and scritches sometimes if he's walking past it. yours is a real competent fighter and also an eeveelution, so he likes it by default. plus apparently, sylveon only evolves when given proper affection, which is proof of you two's bond.
♡ when you two properly become a thing - likely from him constantly asking you to talk and hang out with him and him covering up wanting to hang out as "getting advice" from you for fairy types - he starts to learn a lot more about fairy types, since he sorta has to, being your boyfriend and all - he can't let you down with his knowledge. he's also been training some pokemon to counter your fairy types when you two battle, even though only really one of his own pokemon on his main team is susceptible to fairy types. he also did probably get that alolan ninetails, courtesy of you breeding one for him or him just finding one on his own.
♡ fairy types are very affectionate and he gets used to this very quickly - if any of your 'mons are out when he comes to your place, they'll usually rush to see him and nuzzle him. it's very cute and funny to you.
♡ you two's pokemon also lightheartedly play with each other a little, and the clashing aesthetics are really funny. his machamp playing with a slurpuff or something like that is very very funny to watch.
♡ despite the pretty opposite vibes you two ( probably ) have, you get along fairly well. even though blue is blue, so he's obviously gunna tease you and irritate you on purpose sometimes. you seem to respond well to it, though.
♡ regardless of how he acts though, he wouldn't trade you for the world, and it's very clear. he's very happy with you :D
( sorry the relationship side is lacking i entirely didn't read the s/o part in this ask for a hot minute so these r last minute additions WOOPS )
♡ rosa is also a fairy type specialist in part! not like, entirely i'd think. so ig she's not a specialist, but yknow! she's the champion of unova in current day ( along with being a famous actor and celebrity of sorts and whatnot, similar to diantha a little ), and champions usually don't have 100% consistent teams, but do usually have one or more focused types, and fairy is one of hers, along with psychic and normal. and also grass if you really wanna stretch that having two grass types means its a more focused type in her team, which technically, but not as much as the other 3.
♡ for reference, the two teams ive made for her are serperior, meloetta, flaaffy/ampharos, audino, musharna, and weavile.
while the second team is alcremie, diancie, sylveon, shiny braixen/delphox, indeedee, and a shiny lilligant. which there are at least 3 fairy types in there and also 3 normal or psychic types. she travels the world a lot which is why she has pokemon from diff regions, for the record
♡ anyways into the actual headcanons i just wanted to get ppl to know my Current Day rosa hcs and ideas a little more for some better grasp on her
♡ since rosa herself has a sylveon, she finds you having one very endearing and cute! maybe the two of you met because she was walking with hers and yours sensed another sylveon and rushed to meet hers?
♡ regardless, she's very endeared to all of your fairy types - she's never seen every fairy type, since they aren't very common in unova at all, only 3 unovan pokemon having the type and one of those only being a mega pokemon, and the other being two pokemon from the same evolutionary line ... along with the fact that the whimsicott line used to just be acknowledged as a grass type before fairy type was a new discovery.
♡ but she's fallen in love with the fairy types she's seen in kalos when she went there for a vacation and even caught a couple! she thinks they're extremely cute and fun, and also POWERHOUSES. which is something she loves - cute or elegant pokemon that can wreck shop, especially cuz' people underestimate them.
♡ happy to give any and all of your fairy types attention and pets. if you'd like, you can certainly ramble to her about all of them and she'll be happy to listen - she always loves listening about how people's pokemon act and how they caught them... things like that. she'll also get easily excited and impressed by any fairy types you show her that she's never seen!
♡ she'll be happy to have casual battles with you and your fairy types sometimes - there's no big seriousness to it though, mostly just having fun. if it were an official champion battle she'd probably be trying her hardest to kick your ass, but since it's just for fun she doesn't care about bringing her 100% A game to it.
♡ regardless of who wins, the two of you are just laughing and heading back to a pokemon center, and afterwards all of your team get some much-needed treats and pets after the battle.
♡ you two do end up hanging out casually and for fun a lot like this, and after a particularly nice hang out at the ferris wheel in nimbasa city, one of you two confesses and then start dating, i'd like to think. all because you two's sylveons met on a fateful day...
♡ she's very happy with you, and loves battling casually or just hanging out with you two's pokemon. your teams get along very well with hers, and she gets along very well with you too. it comes very naturally.
♡ will invite you to her vacations/business trips to other regions if you wanna come with! she specifically loves kalos, but galar and sinnoh are also places she likes to visit from time-to-time... galar also has a bunch of cute fairy pokemon that you two can catch and look at! she got her alcremie and indeedee from there, after all. indeedee's remind her of audino, too...
♡ spoils your sylveon absolutely rotten, and it can't get enough of it. honestly it'd probably be funny if your sylveon started to like her more than you. or at least acted like it. and her sylveon would probably be the same but with preferring you LMAO. the sylveons both probably get a little jealous of eachother sometimes, but nothing serious.
♡ have fun with your celebrity gf because she loves you unconditionally and Will give you little kisses on the nose by the way and listen to anything you want to talk about.
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skellebonez · 3 years
*slams into your inbox* hiiii skelle sooo for the ask meme how about
13 (detective au) and 67 (character in peril) for shadowpeach
25 (fairy tale au) and 84 (married to the job) for shadowcoding?
you dont have to do both prompts if you dont want, thers just so many good ones i couldnt decide!! if you dont want, then just pick your favourite ^^ in curious to hear any/all ideas u have! have a nice day ♡
Like ridiculously long. You sure know how to pick prompts that spark my brain in some way! I had to do both, I just had to. They're both under the cut so I don't completely drown the dashboard or ship tags, and the start of each is the larger blue line so if anyone reading this is only interested in one you know where to start and stop!
13 (detective au) and 67 (character in peril) for Shadowpeach
I do enjoy the occasional Private Detective AUs, specifically the kind of lone wolf “gonna do everything myself vigilante style” kind so I think this would be that kind of AU. The focus would be ShadowPeach but I like the idea of the private detectives in question being MK and Mei because they are best friends and partners in helping people out! So… both SWK and Macaque are famously missing, their many battles long after the Journey ended becoming legend until one final confrontation made them both vanish.
Until Macaque shows up at MK and Mei’s private detective business in disguise out of the blue one day, asking them to find an “old friend” (we know who) of his that’s been missing for “so many years he’s lost count”. Despite their suspicions about his intentions they take on the job because they haven’t had a high paying client in a long time and for some reason he’s paying them half in advance (well above their normal pay rate for a finished job)... so they think that even if they don’t this “old friend” they might figure out what is up with this guy and be able to get the full story and tip off the friend if he vanished for good reason.
As their investigation goes on they learn that something really weird has been going on and there is a string of disappearances in their city every 20 years where someone vanished under mysterious circumstances and a family member or family friend always comes to look for them and deal with their affairs… before that person vanishes and the cycle continues. It’s actually incredibly concerning that no one caught on to this before they did. And they eventually come to find the final person in the chain and it’s someone they’re far too close to and know personally, it cannot be a coincidence.
More investigation, they learn the person Macaque claims to be doesn’t exist, they confront him, and he finally reveals himself for who he actually is and the real reason he came back. An old enemy is returning and he cannot fight her on his own and he needs SWK to fight with him or else she might erase the memory of him from the world.
And then MK’s adoptive father would show up and who would it be? … yeah, it’s the final person who would have taken over the role of the disappeared, it’s SWK in disguise.
In this AU Sun Wukong has been taking on different “lives” and hiding out among the humans instead of SWK just vanishing to Flower Fruit Mountain and Mac doing… whatever it was he did. Every fight Macaque had with him (and it was a lot) over the centuries ended in him getting his ass kicked until around… I’ll say 5-400 years prior when Macaque just kinda gave up after he finally asked SWK what really happened and he was the one who vanished after that because he realized he wasn’t innocent in their falling out after all (at first he wouldn’t accept this but eventually he would realize SWK was telling the truth and boy did he fuck up claiming his friend just abandoned him and the mountain and everyone else on it).
This would only be half way through the fic, the secondary half would be a series of flashbacks to what happened between them before he left on the Journey interspersed around them finally talking to each other properly and working on how to fight off LBD’s growing power and teaming up with other LMK villains early to keep her from getting to them (they’re all characters in peril at this point). The entire time Macaque would be acknowledging what he did wrong and saying he doesn’t expect anything more than SWK to help defeat LBD because he’s “the hero, and don’t heroes do the right thing?”, meanwhile SWK knows he is not telling the whole truth. LBD should have been weak enough for Macaque to take down alone, why hasn’t he done that? And WHY has he only been using glamours and none of his other powers?
The ultimate climax of the story would be the revelation that most of Macaque’s powers were stolen by Not Mayor in a trap he had set for him when he tried to take out LBD himself, that’s why he needed to find SWK and that’s why he’s not been using them. He would end up nearly being killed in the final battle before LBD and Mayor are finally defeated and his powers are returned to him. 
He ends up leaving, vanishing again, and SWK would set off to find him because they have “unresolved business”. MK would ask if this is like all the other times, the disappearances, and he would assure him that that part of his life is over and he’s coming back.
Fast forward to an epilogue chapter where he finds him on Mount Huaguo and they end up watching the moon set and the sun rise together and SWK turns to him and says hes changed a lot. He’s not the same Six-Eared Macaque he left behind despite his wishes to return. Macaque would tell him that he’s not the same Suun Wukong either. They’re both different people now.
And Sun Wukong would say “well, in that case…” and offer him a handshake. “I’m Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Handsome Monkey King, you’ve heard the legends I bet. Who are you?”
And it would end with Macaque taking his hand and answering with his own name, both agreeing they should get to know each other.
25 (fairy tale au) and 84 (married to the job) for Shadowcoding
Ok, so, I know a lot of fairy tale AUs are based on existing ones and that is the entire gimmick for the fics HOWEVER. I also love fics and stories that create their own original stories with fairy tale vibes and elements and that’s kind of what I am going for here.
Syntax would be the royal scientist for Spider Queen, a very powerful and feared ruler in this AU. Because I believe she is based on the Spider Sisters in JTTW she took the throne at a young age after her sisters were killed in a battle. Her sisters were the main defense of their kingdom, only a small army to back them up as they thought they were unstopable, and now SQ with Huntsman and Goliath as her royal advisors and right hand men, have been the only real offense and defense for a long time. Syntax would be a regular human she had brought in from their kingdom at some point after finding him traveling between kingdoms.
Spider Queen would ask him to modify her venom and tech (someone had to build her mechs before he showed up and it had to be her so she has ben making mechanical defenses for the kingdom) so that she could turn her subjects into spiders, thus increasing their number and making it so they are able to protect themselves should anyone attack the kingdom. In compensation he would have all the accommodations he so desired in the palace.
Much like in the show Syntax would be able to build the tech but fail at modifying the venom, working night after night working to exhaustion until a mysterious girl comes to the kingdom. She offers SQ what she needs to perfect the venom but the queen is skeptical, insisting that Syntax can do it. The Girl says that she bets that he could not fix the venom within the course of three nights, and if he does not she would. SQ makes a deal with her, and then it is revealed she is LBD and their bet is sealed. Should Syntax fail to make the venom she will modify it to her desires at noon the day after the third night and, as SQ made a deal with her and those cannot be broken in fairy tales, she pushes Syntax to do what he can before she loses their kingdom.
On the first night Syntax is visited by a shadow who whispers to him “go to the garden, hidden deep within the maze is a rare flower. Pluck it, set it in fine wine, and come sun down tomorrow add it to the venom”. He questions who the shadow is, the shadow smiling and telling him that he is someone who does not want LBD to win. He does so, having no other ideas of what to do (and fairy tale logic), and come the next night the venom does not work like it should but it does glow a different color and when testing a small drop on himself out of curiosity it greatly increases his strength and hearing for a short while. 
On the second night the shadow returns, telling him to “take the deepest feelings from the queen, added immediately” and add them to the venom. Syntax realizes that he needs Spider Queen to tell him everything about why she wants this venom, confiding in him her worries and causing her to cry. He adds a tear he caught to the venom, the color changing once again. This time, when tested the drop increases his hearing to the point he can feel vibrations in the air and his vision gives him the ability to see ultraviolet color (still needs glasses, now he needs his visor) for a short time.
The third night he waits for the shadow to return, and he does. He tells him to come to a secret cave under the kingdom. There he will find a man encased in bone. Take him from his prison and add a drop of his shadow magic to the venom and it will be finished.
Huntsman and Goliath are skeptical about this, but wenn Syntax shows them what the venom can already do SQ insists they help him find this mysterious man in bone. There, under the kingdom and in the caves, they find Six-Eared Macaque, a legendary demon who was said to have gone missing centuries ago. They take him from his prison, still encased in bone despite their efforts, and while he feels bad about it Syntax takes a single drop of blood from one finger and adds it to the venom.
Before anyone can stop him he tries a full dose on himself and becomes a spider, the venom having worked as the shadow had told him.
When Syntax tells Macaque to show himself, to the confusion of everyone else, the shadow returns and praises him for figuring out who he was. He was captured by LBD long ago, used as a pawn in her schemes and he had been trapped only able to watch the world in this form. His reason for showing himself to Syntax was 3 fold. 1) he wanted LBD to be defeated. 2) He wanted Syntax, this ingenious man, to see if he could save him from the bone. 3) He was genuinely impressed by the man, working so hard for a kingdom that had taken him in.
Syntax knew it was also because he was lonely. He had spent so long alone thinking about what had happened.
LBD comes, as promised, and when she sees Syntax as a spider she attempts to kill him. Fairy tale logic, this is enough to break the deal between her and SQ and that power of a broken deal frees Macaque from the bone and he drives her out of the body that she is inhabiting (the little girl from the show, who we in the fandom call Bai He). LBD is not defeated, but she is driven off for now, and Macaque is offered the palace to rest in and recover before (if) he leaves.
He chooses to stay, leaving to fight LBD and ultimately defeat her with the help of others, because Syntax would help him get used to being in a body again and he is impressed by the man’s wit and tenacity.
The fic ends with the kingdom willingly becoming spiders for SQ, Macaque and Syntax as the Royal Guard and Royal Scientist, and Bai He adopted into the spider family.
Fairy Tale ending!
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