#◤ .You have to be a Chosen One. ◥ Imagines and Reader Inserts
erudianokabe · 5 months
I was scrolling on Twitter and saw a post that asked if we ever think about post-rumbling where Reiner asked Armin and Mikasa if Bertholdt had any last words...
... and the answer being, "Yeah, he called out for you and Annie."
Jeeze louis, why you gotta demolish my feelings on a perfectly decent Saturday while I work?
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erudianokabe · 5 months
I'm just thinking about Eren's last moments with Jean where he's telling him and his horsey-face to take care of Mikasa. LIKE. It's not a particularly heartwarming scene between the both of them. There's probably some punching there and goading like they usually often do, but maybe after all the beating up they do on each other they're just lying down on the ground and they be like:
Jean: I'm going to make Mikasa forget about your stupid suicidal ass. Eren: Good luck trying, horse-face.
And then they're just silent for a while and then:
Eren: Mikasa will be alright, right? Jean: If there's anyone whose gonna be strong enough to keep remembering a shithead like you, it's Mikasa. Eren: I'm gonna kill you if you make her cry. Jean: Hah! As if you already haven't tried killing us just now, you suicidal maniac... but then again... I'm not man enough to do that to her. Eren: So, you finally admit you're not man enough, huh? Jean: Shut up, Eren.
Maybe something like this.
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erudianokabe · 1 year
idk but reiner just strikes me as the type to sing whilst doing the washing up. like he isnt beyonce or anything but every time, he would pick one of the many folk songs he heard/learned growing up and because his voice is so deep, it'd sound so beautiful in a dorian or mixolydian scale T.T
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If by doing the washing up, you mean chores where he's getting his hands wet. The dishes, the laundry, maybe even washing the car, etc. I think you're onto something there. Like, in my honest opinion, Reiner's the type to be gung-ho about doing something, but tends to get easily shy or embarrassed. Specially if he feels that it's something a little closer to his heart.
So I do think that when it comes to singing, if there's too many people around and he's doing the washing up, he's gonna be keeping his lips shut. Maybe if he can't hold it in, he'll hum it out a bit in his head, and start tapping his foot to this internal song. However, if you leave him alone to his end of the chores, you may just find him singing a little tune. Hums reverberating from his throat, until it turns into a full on song. He'll probably start with something that he knows. From a folk song that he remembers his mother singing, to something a little more recent that he's heard on the radio just a couple of times to remember bits and pieces of the lyrics, but never the title.
"I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here— dum dara da—" Sleeves all rolled up, as he bobs his head up and down, eyes closed losing himself in the song. He's just finished washing the last of the plates and was simply wiping them dry. "I've got two tickets to paradise, won't you pack your bags, dum dara dum dum—" And with that, the last set of dishes were done: spotless and resting neatly upon its rack. Reiner would snap his fingers to the tune of his own beat, enjoying the moment which he thought was solely his.
Unbeknownst to him, you were there, leaning on the door frame and just watching silently. You were in charge of putting out the trash today, so you did. Never did you imagine, however, that you'd be treated to this kind of show. It was as if he didn't have any inhibitions, enjoying himself and even looking pretty smug (yet content) about it.
Sadly, all that came to a stop when your uncooperative throat decided it wanted some attention. So, you begrudgingly cleared it, causing Reiner to stop, his glance thrown over his shoulder only to see you there. Instantly he gets flustered; the red on his cheeks weren't too prominent but he did scratch the back of his neck, showing that he was quite embarrassed. For a moment, his eyes darted to the side, not very willing to look in your direction. "How long have you been there?" He pressed his indexes together in hopes that you had a favorable answer.
"I'm gonna take you on a trip—"
"Not a word to anyone, do you hear me?" You were cut off by the guy who was now marching towards your location. "You're not going to say anything to anyone about this, right?"
And to put his mind at ease, you just moved as if you were zipping your mouth shut.
Not a word to any soul.
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erudianokabe · 1 year
Nat-san (@quiveringdeer) and I were talking about this scenario. So. As requested, I am posting this here. But this is seriously the first time I'm doing something like this, so I do hope I do this justice, and for whoever reads it to find some enjoyment in it.
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Afternoon gets a bit boring when your husband wasn't around. But what can you do? You're new to this wife business and as much as you want to spend as much time as possible with him, you can't. How could you when he was a man of particular importance? The war was over, sure, but the army and the military weren't going away which meant that your husband— former Vice Chief, now appointed a rank higher— wasn't all yours for the taking.
Sometimes, you wonder who he was REALLY married to. Was he married to you, or was he married to Marley instead… with you being some mistress that he went home to so very late into the night; like you were the secret.
"Aren't you worried that he's spending too much time at the base? What if it's not work? What if someone has him intertwined around their little pinky?" A concerned friend asked you. It's not always that you ask her to drop by. After all, she was not from Marley. You could only ever ask Hitch to visit when she was in town AFTER she's done with her own series of work. You were just so lucky, weren't you? Every one of your friends just had to be from one form of military to the next. Still, you can't help but want the company. There were just some days when you felt a little lonely, a little frustrated even, when you know that Reiner won't be coming home early because Marley comes first.
It's not as if you don't understand why he does what he does either. Keeping Marley safe meant keeping you safe, and with those little details inserted into the equation, your husband was even more eager and zealous about Marley's stability as a nation. He no longer has the Armor, but that doesn't mean that he can no longer protect his homeland. He was a warrior and a soldier. He's equipped with enough knowledge, training, and experiences to make things work.
"That'd be easier to remedy if that's the case." You started, shrugging your shoulders whilst leaning back against the wooden chair. You threw your head back, eyes fixed on the ceiling. A small pout etching itself on your features.
"So, what you're saying is it's fine if he has a lover?" She continued to interrogate, her honeyed tone of voice taunting. A digit pressed itself upon your cheek and all you could do was swat away at Hitch's hand.
"Absolutely not. What I'm saying is, I don't even need to be worrying about others when I'm already losing to his duties as War Chief. And I'm telling you, Hitch, at the rate that Reiner's going, he won't have eyes for any other man or woman— me included." She could hear the frustration in your voice, and couldn't help but laugh a bit. Who knew that your man of choice would be Mr. Boring. That Reiner guy, the one who wrote Annie the dullest letters.
"He sounds as soul-crushingly boring as ever." She says, this time, taking hold of her cup to take a sip of the tea that you've prepared prior.
"It's not like that, he's just really busy. Besides," You reasoned, pausing a while as you folded your arms over your chest.
"Besides?" The curiosity took over your companion for a bit, mildly eager to hear what you had to say to defend your workaholic partner.
"Besides, it's not like I can strangle his paperwork. And if I shred them, he'll get mad at me…" Again. You noted; Hitch raising a brow at you, a silent way of asking if you've actually done it. Which you have; something that she picked up on when you looked away guilty as a criminal. It took a few seconds for the woman beside you to burst into a healthy fit of laughter. Oh the way she would have paid good money to see his reaction to that.
"It's not funny! He really got mad at me; you know!" And yet, the crimson that painted your cheeks hardly seemed like an indication of what's usually supposed to be disappointment. "Well, if he was really mad, how come you look so flustered, hmn~? Are you skimping out on some juicy tidbit? Come on, you can tell me~"
"I-I'm not. It's just that…"
And you trail off, murmuring unintelligible words as you try to force the memory back, and failing in the process.
You remembered it so clearly. Your husband's hulking frame before you, looking at you as if you were some sort of miscreant. The War Chief looked like he was waiting for something, an explanation that he couldn't wedge out of you because you were being childish. More or less however, he was aware of your crimes because he caught you red handed.
"Do you know what you've done?" His voice was stern, disappointment dripping from his mouth like venom from a viper's fang.
"I was getting rid of competition." You clicked your tongue then, arms folded, eyes cast to the side and pouting like a brat. You were a little younger than him, but he didn't expect you to act like a child. Granted that on most occasions, he found that charming, but this time was different. There was no reason for you to have ripped his documents to shreds. No matter what reason you had, that was something that you shouldn't have done; and an act that he couldn't exactly condone. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose, one hand massaging his temple. How was he even going to explain this to the brass? "I hope you know that those were logistics reports, maps to supply routes, as well as an analysis for the next mission. I can pretty much draft everything else, but how do you expect me to go to base tomorrow without those maps? You've gone a little too far with this one."
"Tell them your wife ate it." The spite that was seething from your lips made him furrow his brow. Perhaps it was his fault because he's been working nonstop lately, but he's explained this to you time and time again. He knows that you're smart, that you and him have an understanding, but this was just a little too much, even for you. And this bratty answer, you weren't 12 years old to be saying things like this.
"What are you? A dog?" He asked sarcastically, gathering new sheets of paper from his desk in order to draft new reports while there was still time. "With the way that you're being pretty difficult lately, I should eat you instead." A thoughtless remark, for sure.
"Do you even have the time to do that? You're so busy flirting with your work, that I think I prefer you taking whiffs of Historia's letters instead." You said, also rather thoughtlessly. This made him look up from his drafts. The stare he gave you was absolutely indignant. You were really doing this right now, weren't you?
"Hey, I stopped doing that a long while ago. Now, I only do that to your letters." Reiner attempted at a taunt, maybe that would get you to back down.
"You could be doing that to things other than letters, but of course, you don't have the time." Your answer definitely made him believe that this was all his fault. Him always letting this rebellious attitude of yours slide. A part of him found your jealousy for the mundane adorable, and he loved you for it, but sometimes you also really got on his nerves. And when you do, when you're visibly annoyed at him and making that face… pouting, it makes him want to forget what he's doing and indulge in you. Maybe play your game, put you in your place. Wreck you a bit.
"Are you really challenging me right now?" And when he thought about putting you in place, it was to remind you that you were his top priority even if he's showing it through this obsessive means of insuring you a safe future.
"Sir, with all due respect." There wasn't even a shred of respect in your tone. "If the boot fits, lace it up." Your reply was cheeky and defiant. And he didn't have any words for that in that instant. How that attitude of yours made him chew at the inner walls of his cheek. How that made him undo his tie and unbutton his shirt's collar just to give him some room to breathe. Sometimes, putting you in place also meant giving you your just desserts for being so… you. Sometimes, he just couldn't hold back the urge to make you bite more than you can chew.
Needless to say, two things happened that night. One, someone ate their words. Second, someone was reminded just what Reiner specialized in as the Armored Titan.
"By way of your silence and that look on your face, I'd say Reiner showed you who the boss was." You were pulled out of your thoughts when Hitch's voice broke the silence. You were going to protest but that grin on her face just made you all the more guilty. See, Hitch was the best and the worst person for these conversations. She was the best because she listened attentively to these little girl talks, was invested in the details and the little gossips… but she was also the worst because Hitch was invested in the little details that, when pieced together, gave depth to the entirety of the puzzle. Why was she extra sharp when it comes to things like these?
"P-pretty much." You admitted because the glint in your friend's eye was already an indication that you couldn't lie your way out of this one.
"Well, was it good?" If Hitch could stop hammering you like this… but when she starts, she can be pretty relentless. For a moment, you were silent. Unsure if you even wanted to answer this because it was embarrassing. Soon enough, you folded your arms against the table and pressed your face against it. So helpless. Red as a beet, gaze thrown coyly at the interrogator.
"He was amazing." You whined in defeat, unable to hold yourself back from bragging about your husband. It was the truth anyway, so there was nothing wrong with admitting to it, right?
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