erudianokabe · 2 years
Nat-san (@quiveringdeer) and I were talking about this scenario. So. As requested, I am posting this here. But this is seriously the first time I'm doing something like this, so I do hope I do this justice, and for whoever reads it to find some enjoyment in it.
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Afternoon gets a bit boring when your husband wasn't around. But what can you do? You're new to this wife business and as much as you want to spend as much time as possible with him, you can't. How could you when he was a man of particular importance? The war was over, sure, but the army and the military weren't going away which meant that your husband— former Vice Chief, now appointed a rank higher— wasn't all yours for the taking.
Sometimes, you wonder who he was REALLY married to. Was he married to you, or was he married to Marley instead… with you being some mistress that he went home to so very late into the night; like you were the secret.
"Aren't you worried that he's spending too much time at the base? What if it's not work? What if someone has him intertwined around their little pinky?" A concerned friend asked you. It's not always that you ask her to drop by. After all, she was not from Marley. You could only ever ask Hitch to visit when she was in town AFTER she's done with her own series of work. You were just so lucky, weren't you? Every one of your friends just had to be from one form of military to the next. Still, you can't help but want the company. There were just some days when you felt a little lonely, a little frustrated even, when you know that Reiner won't be coming home early because Marley comes first.
It's not as if you don't understand why he does what he does either. Keeping Marley safe meant keeping you safe, and with those little details inserted into the equation, your husband was even more eager and zealous about Marley's stability as a nation. He no longer has the Armor, but that doesn't mean that he can no longer protect his homeland. He was a warrior and a soldier. He's equipped with enough knowledge, training, and experiences to make things work.
"That'd be easier to remedy if that's the case." You started, shrugging your shoulders whilst leaning back against the wooden chair. You threw your head back, eyes fixed on the ceiling. A small pout etching itself on your features.
"So, what you're saying is it's fine if he has a lover?" She continued to interrogate, her honeyed tone of voice taunting. A digit pressed itself upon your cheek and all you could do was swat away at Hitch's hand.
"Absolutely not. What I'm saying is, I don't even need to be worrying about others when I'm already losing to his duties as War Chief. And I'm telling you, Hitch, at the rate that Reiner's going, he won't have eyes for any other man or woman— me included." She could hear the frustration in your voice, and couldn't help but laugh a bit. Who knew that your man of choice would be Mr. Boring. That Reiner guy, the one who wrote Annie the dullest letters.
"He sounds as soul-crushingly boring as ever." She says, this time, taking hold of her cup to take a sip of the tea that you've prepared prior.
"It's not like that, he's just really busy. Besides," You reasoned, pausing a while as you folded your arms over your chest.
"Besides?" The curiosity took over your companion for a bit, mildly eager to hear what you had to say to defend your workaholic partner.
"Besides, it's not like I can strangle his paperwork. And if I shred them, he'll get mad at me…" Again. You noted; Hitch raising a brow at you, a silent way of asking if you've actually done it. Which you have; something that she picked up on when you looked away guilty as a criminal. It took a few seconds for the woman beside you to burst into a healthy fit of laughter. Oh the way she would have paid good money to see his reaction to that.
"It's not funny! He really got mad at me; you know!" And yet, the crimson that painted your cheeks hardly seemed like an indication of what's usually supposed to be disappointment. "Well, if he was really mad, how come you look so flustered, hmn~? Are you skimping out on some juicy tidbit? Come on, you can tell me~"
"I-I'm not. It's just that…"
And you trail off, murmuring unintelligible words as you try to force the memory back, and failing in the process.
You remembered it so clearly. Your husband's hulking frame before you, looking at you as if you were some sort of miscreant. The War Chief looked like he was waiting for something, an explanation that he couldn't wedge out of you because you were being childish. More or less however, he was aware of your crimes because he caught you red handed.
"Do you know what you've done?" His voice was stern, disappointment dripping from his mouth like venom from a viper's fang.
"I was getting rid of competition." You clicked your tongue then, arms folded, eyes cast to the side and pouting like a brat. You were a little younger than him, but he didn't expect you to act like a child. Granted that on most occasions, he found that charming, but this time was different. There was no reason for you to have ripped his documents to shreds. No matter what reason you had, that was something that you shouldn't have done; and an act that he couldn't exactly condone. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose, one hand massaging his temple. How was he even going to explain this to the brass? "I hope you know that those were logistics reports, maps to supply routes, as well as an analysis for the next mission. I can pretty much draft everything else, but how do you expect me to go to base tomorrow without those maps? You've gone a little too far with this one."
"Tell them your wife ate it." The spite that was seething from your lips made him furrow his brow. Perhaps it was his fault because he's been working nonstop lately, but he's explained this to you time and time again. He knows that you're smart, that you and him have an understanding, but this was just a little too much, even for you. And this bratty answer, you weren't 12 years old to be saying things like this.
"What are you? A dog?" He asked sarcastically, gathering new sheets of paper from his desk in order to draft new reports while there was still time. "With the way that you're being pretty difficult lately, I should eat you instead." A thoughtless remark, for sure.
"Do you even have the time to do that? You're so busy flirting with your work, that I think I prefer you taking whiffs of Historia's letters instead." You said, also rather thoughtlessly. This made him look up from his drafts. The stare he gave you was absolutely indignant. You were really doing this right now, weren't you?
"Hey, I stopped doing that a long while ago. Now, I only do that to your letters." Reiner attempted at a taunt, maybe that would get you to back down.
"You could be doing that to things other than letters, but of course, you don't have the time." Your answer definitely made him believe that this was all his fault. Him always letting this rebellious attitude of yours slide. A part of him found your jealousy for the mundane adorable, and he loved you for it, but sometimes you also really got on his nerves. And when you do, when you're visibly annoyed at him and making that face… pouting, it makes him want to forget what he's doing and indulge in you. Maybe play your game, put you in your place. Wreck you a bit.
"Are you really challenging me right now?" And when he thought about putting you in place, it was to remind you that you were his top priority even if he's showing it through this obsessive means of insuring you a safe future.
"Sir, with all due respect." There wasn't even a shred of respect in your tone. "If the boot fits, lace it up." Your reply was cheeky and defiant. And he didn't have any words for that in that instant. How that attitude of yours made him chew at the inner walls of his cheek. How that made him undo his tie and unbutton his shirt's collar just to give him some room to breathe. Sometimes, putting you in place also meant giving you your just desserts for being so… you. Sometimes, he just couldn't hold back the urge to make you bite more than you can chew.
Needless to say, two things happened that night. One, someone ate their words. Second, someone was reminded just what Reiner specialized in as the Armored Titan.
"By way of your silence and that look on your face, I'd say Reiner showed you who the boss was." You were pulled out of your thoughts when Hitch's voice broke the silence. You were going to protest but that grin on her face just made you all the more guilty. See, Hitch was the best and the worst person for these conversations. She was the best because she listened attentively to these little girl talks, was invested in the details and the little gossips… but she was also the worst because Hitch was invested in the little details that, when pieced together, gave depth to the entirety of the puzzle. Why was she extra sharp when it comes to things like these?
"P-pretty much." You admitted because the glint in your friend's eye was already an indication that you couldn't lie your way out of this one.
"Well, was it good?" If Hitch could stop hammering you like this… but when she starts, she can be pretty relentless. For a moment, you were silent. Unsure if you even wanted to answer this because it was embarrassing. Soon enough, you folded your arms against the table and pressed your face against it. So helpless. Red as a beet, gaze thrown coyly at the interrogator.
"He was amazing." You whined in defeat, unable to hold yourself back from bragging about your husband. It was the truth anyway, so there was nothing wrong with admitting to it, right?
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
💕 💕 💕 💕 💕
send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc.
@bennyboylewis : Iz, you have been one of biggest supporters ever, and you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever made in life, and I’m blessed every day for you. I love you, girlie. You’ve been so kind and compassionate and patient with me, and I cannot express my gratitude adequately enough. Also, I love Ben. I think you’re the person I have the most AUs with period. I love Ben’s sense of loyalty and snark--Amelia does, too, even when that crazy mechanic drives her insane. You are an insanely talented person, and I hope one day you see it for yourself.
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@tsushimanoonryo : I know we don't write together, but I love reading your threads, and honestly, the few times we've chatted OOC, you've always been so cool and chill to talk with. You're a highly creative individual, and I love all the amount of detail you've poured into your muse. Keep on being awesome!
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@wildthiiing : Lanie, gosh, I’ve been writing with you for so long! Over so many muses... I love interacting with all of your muses, and Amelia especially loves Jane and Trip and Barney. I love reading your threads, I love seeing your headcanons and the things you post that remind you of your muses. Thank you for always putting up with my hyper ass. And all the spam.
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@bokketo : What can I say about Onyx? They are very talented, able to write such vastly different muses, all of them very well. Onyx is an insanely talented writer and photographer, and they have been such a supportive and sweet friend. I'm very lucky to have met them.
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@koiwrites : God, where do I begin with you? You have stuck by me through it all, you were one of my first partners on this hellsite! You are so insanely talented, and I'm always happy to see what you create. Thank you so much for putting up with me and all my screaming about our babies. Thank you for just being a friend and solid partner. I cannot express how much both of those have meant to me over the years.
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@quiveringdeer : Nat is a very talented writer, and they have introduced me to different horror movies. Even though I am not a fan of Attack on Titan (nothing wrong with it, just the premise never grabbed my attention), I really enjoy reading her headcanons and ficlets about characters
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@adventurepunks : Love this one so much. If anyone likes stuff from Amelia's DC Argus verse, you really have this one to thank. Between the adventures with Zee and Amelia or her romance with Roy. Although he is one of my favorite DC boys of all time, I never expected to ship him with Amelia--or that I would ship these two so dang hard. Not only are they so patient with me for replies, always willing to go along with any of my crazy ideas, they always check up on me, and they are just a sweetheart.
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@thedemonconstantine : This person, right here, is an INCREDIBLE artist! Seriously, you need to check out their artwork. I don't know this mun too much OOC, so I don't know if their IRL job involves art, but I hope it does, because again, their talents are incredible. I'm often a spy on their John/Nick threads with @adventurepunks; I can't help it. It may not be my preferred ship for Constantine, but GAWD, their threads are SO GOOD! 10/10 def. recommend!
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@blizzardmuses : Bea is just such a sweetheart and always indulges me with whatever crazy idea I throw at them. They are a very talented writer, and I'm always happy when I get to write with them or read their threads. If you're a Starfire or Red Hood fan, then most definitely I recommend following this one 10/10.
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@audaxbellator : Oh, wow, Bethany, how long have we been partners?? Seems like it’s been forever, ever since I created Amelia. You’ve always been so kind and so sweet to me, thank you. Steve and Amelia are just perfect for each other, and I always get excited to write with you. Thank you for not only being a friend to me but for being a writing partner.
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marleysfinest · 2 years
lilac— is there anyone you currently miss right now? if so, who?
sunflower— in your opinion, what is the best photo on your phone of? (serious or non-serious answers)
lavender— what is currently on your mind (aside from this ask game)?
thank u angel!!!
lilac - I miss my bff, she lives far away and I haven’t seen her since September 🥺
sunflower - my fiancé throwing my bebe boy in the air and bebe boy has the biggest beaming smile 🌞
lavender - so much constantly honestly it’s NON STOP but mostly wedding stuff, so much to organise!!!
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year
- Part One -
Vincent Sinclair x F Reader x Asa Emory
Warnings: Violence, blood, threats, brief descriptions of gore
A/N: @quiveringdeer and her headcanon machine got me thinking about these two again, so I’ve given this piece from a few years ago a nice facelift. I hope to continue with part two soon!
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It’s mid morning when a man strolls into town, the unforgiving Louisiana heat already simmering on cracked asphalt. He’s maybe mid-forties, alone, and handsome in a rugged way, you’ll admit, in his work boots, double-fronted jeans, and plaid button up. Outdoorsy, you guess.
You watch him through the window as he cautiously surveys the area. When Lester had called to alert you to the newcomer, he’d sounded hesitant, or maybe uneasy. Whatever it was, it’s put you on edge already.
Sauntering out the door of Bo’s shop, you wrinkle your nose at the oppressive heat before forcing a sweet smile across your face.
“Hey there! You lookin’ fer Bo?” The twangy accent is easy to fake after so much practice. He turns to you, the cold look on his face almost tripping you up. Then, his dark eyes quickly dart from your cleavage to your face and you regain composure.
He’s only a man. Relax.
“So I’ve been instructed,” he responds to your question. His voice is deep and rich like bourbon. You’d swoon if you didn’t know he’d be roadkill before the sun sets.
“He should be back in about a half hour. Had to run to town fer supplies.” The man hums noncommittally, a displeased scowl on his face. He glances around again as you speak, studying each house in detail. His eyes are piercing, calculating. There’s intelligence there, beyond his gaze. He reminds you of Vincent.
You suppress a shudder. Best get him somewhere else before he starts looking too closely.
Plastering another smile on your face, you announce, “We, uh, have a pretty good wax museum here. I can show it to ya’ if you’d like. Keep ya’ entertained while we wait fer Bo.” The man raises an eyebrow, indicating he would rather do a million other things than look at some half-rate wax museum in this shit hole town. You can hardly blame him.
“Lead the way,” he replies, surprising you.
Alright then.
You must leave the shade offered by Bo’s shop in order to lead the man up the hill toward the museum. As you walk, he studies every building, like he’s searching for something. For other people, you wager.
Unease grows. You’re uncomfortable with this man who is obviously too smart for his own good, but you don’t have much of a choice. You have a job to do, a job that is the only thing keeping you from a knife to the gut and an eternity encased in wax.
Distract him before he notices too much. “What brings you to the area, Mister…?”
“Emory. Call me Asa.” He finally peels his gaze away from the surroundings to look at you. “Entomology conference in New Orleans.”
A bug guy, huh? Be dumb. “Entomology. Is that like, uh, snakes an’ stuff?”
“Insects,” he corrects tersely. You giggle and nod, like you hadn’t just insulted his field of expertise. You wipe your dripping forehead on the back of your arm, hoping he thinks you’re sweating from the heat and not from nerves.
Finally, you reach the museum. He pauses to give one hard look at the Sinclair house perched atop the hill before holding the door open for you. You thank him and slip inside, relieved to be out of the heat.
The museum is oppressively silent, a fact to which you can never grow accustomed. It’s a perpetual funeral, an unmarked grave commanding muted respect for its enshrined dead. You wonder if Asa feels it too.
That eerie, itchy feeling tickles the back of your neck and you know he’s close now, close enough to see you and Asa. Somewhere in the dark lurks Vincent, ready to dispatch the man at your side.
Clearing your throat, you motion to the first piece: The woman with her hand raised as if in greeting, frightful smile stretched across her face. “This is—
Your words lodge in your throat along with your heart when you’re grabbed from behind and pinned against the wall. The hand on the back of your head grinds your face into wax. Your cry of shock morphs into a choked inhale when the point of a knife is pushed to your throat.
 “You’re going to tell me what you have going on here or I’m going to open up an artery,” Asa growls in your ear. Panic surges through your bloodstream and you thrash, heedless of the knife that nicks your flesh. Warmth trickles down your neck and chest to soak into your shirt.
“P-Please don’t touch me, p-please, he won’t like it, please let me go.” You drop the fake accent as you beg, tears welling in your eyes, neck straining to look at the man behind you.
You freeze when a thumb brushes over the brand on your shoulder, your damned shirt having slipped down in the scuffle. Asa traces the white scar, the dips and curves of the embellished “S.”
“Interesting,” he muses.
You both hear the approaching footsteps at the same time, quick taps that disturb the hush around you. Asa reacts first. He whips you both around and you shriek, snapping your eyes shut and bracing for impact.
The crowbar stops its downward arc inches from your face. A tremulous wheeze leaves your lips as Vincent leaps back and hunches down into a defensive position. He’s twitchy, agitated, the good eye behind the mask flicking to the hands on you, to your terrified face, to Asa’s calm expression.
Asa grips you around the middle, cool steel slotting under your chin. He walks you in a half circle so he’s no longer caged in by the wax wall behind him. Your heartbeat pounds in your ears as you allow yourself to be maneuvered, the pressure of the blade on your flesh more than enough incentive. As you move, Vincent’s own knife swishes as it’s withdrawn from its sheath.
You both come to a stop next to one of the statues, the one of the man holding his hat aloft. You expect to keep moving, but find Asa has fallen as still as the figure beside you. His head turns and you realize he’s closely inspecting the statue. Slowly, he brings you both closer. What’s he looking for…?
With a swift kick, Asa knocks the statue to the ground. The upraised arm and the man’s head crack when the statue collides with the floor, limb and skull bouncing and rolling away. Revealed to him now are the layers of real, human flesh, muscle, organs, and bone encased in wax, preserved for all time.
For a moment, everyone stands frozen. The severed head rolls to a stop near Vincent’s boots, but his eye remains firmly locked on the knife at your throat. Your breath leaves you in a shuddering exhale.
Adjusting his grip on the blade, Asa hums thoughtfully. With the toe of his boot, he tips the wax victim to get a better look at its grotesque insides. There’s no tension in his body, no change in his slow, even breathing. He appears completely unperturbed by this gruesome discovery.
Speaking to Vincent, he asks curiously, “Are they all people?” Cautiously, Vincent straightens, tilting his head suspiciously at the nonchalant question. “Well?” Asa presses, gripping you tighter, applying pressure to the knife until you squeak.
Slowly, the wax mask bobs up and down in a nod.
“Very unique,” Asa comments. He drags you back to the next scene, a man kneeling over a woman on a sofa. As he looks over the figures, he adds, “Always a pleasure to meet a fellow artist.”
A fellow artist.
What…what does he mean?
“And this is your muse?” His tone is mocking now, the hand around your waist sliding up to your chin to give your head a teasing shake.
Vincent growls, his grip so tight on the handle of his blade his knuckles blanche. Asa chuckles quietly and squeezes your jaw so tight you whimper. Vincent moves to take a step closer, but Asa tips your head up with the blade, pressing the point to your fluttering pulse.
“You’ll get her back, but first I need a few things from you.”
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chosoluv · 1 year
Number 88
Reiner Braun x Reader | Smau | Fame au | Sports au
Pairings: Reiner Braun x Reader, maybe more?
Contains: Fluff, Angst?, Curse Words
Taglist: Wide Open 😍
After a “thirst” tweet at a certain number 88 goes viral y/n is thrown into a “forbidden” romance with her closest friends “enemy”.
A silly sports romance between y/n, a very popular beauty influencer, and the Marley Warriors star tight end.
TW :
Started: 07/23/23
Latest update : 08/05/23
Yn + Friends - Reiner + Friends
Zero - the accident
One - “hey haha”
Two - “what’s the worst she can say?”
Three - “thanks ☺️”
Four - “old people emojis”
Five - “balance is restored”
Six - “someone humble him”
Seven - soft launch?
Taglist (ask or dm to be added)
: @quiveringdeer @0mint-chocolate0 @tacobellfreshavocado @hanjiii914 @ncentic @soraya-daydreams
Bold cannot be tagged
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
I would absolutely LOVE some Jean content😩😩❤️
oh good! cuz your wish is my command 🫶🏾
honourable tags: @quiveringdeer @flamespond @marleysfinest @ofallthingswhythis
content: masturbation, nipple play, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, piss kink
you’ve known gardener!jean for about, what, maybe 2 years now?
you first laid eyes on him the day he knocked on your door with a microsoft word leaflet in hand to promote his gardening business: “on call 7 days a week, from 10am to 6 — but for you, anytime!”. he’s always been cheesy. tooth rotting, green-thumbed and unexpectedly dependable but god, did he always look this prurient tending to peonies?
either way, he knew how to use his hands and work his way around a bush or two. but the thing about gardener!jean that annoyed you was that he always delivered and always did as he was told. you’re sure it wouldn’t cost him anything, on top of the already generous tips you give him, to just let go.
you saw the way he looked at you; how his eyes lingered a bit too long at the sag of your breasts the days you decided to wear no bra, or how he acutely stuttered over his words once he returned your supposed ‘wind-flung’ thongs that were hid behind a back garden shrub.
but you guess even reliable guys like gardener!jean had achilles’ heels, and how you, with your testing attributes, couldn’t help but test them. you think it was about time you gave gardener!jean a 5-star stellar show, as you positioned yourself legs wide open and breasts pouring out of your top as you played with both nipple and cunt at the same time — right infront of the front garden facing window where gardener!jean was currently tending to your greens.
you didn’t even hear the front door open and close — you only realised gardener!jean had caught you in the lucrative act once a shadow casted over your closed eyes.
“you’re so fucking annoying.”
you say nothing in reply as gardener!jean cups your unattended breast within the grasp of his palm, his fingers automatically rolling the perky nub between each other.
“always doing something to tempt me.”
your smile is wide and accepting as gardener!jean mumbles against your lips — on top of you like he belonged there, now ungloved hands tentatively petting at your balmy, damp folds.
“im done playing nice with you.”
your throat swells up with pleasurable noise when you cry blissful wails into gardener!jean’s ears as his cock motors in and out of your soppy pussy canals.
you were so wrong about him because this right here was more than just reliable, tastier than tooth rotting, better than cheesy. it was perfect, so fucking perfect because gardener!jean was just so done with not having his way with you.
“gotta water my flower somehow.”
soppy whimpers of overstimulation dribble from your mouth as gardener!jean chases his cumshot with warm golden piss, the hissing sound racy as you felt the leakage spill from your folds and puddle into a darkened patch beneath your ass.
gardener!jean doesnt even help fix up his mess once he goes back to gardening. he just says something about there being no point in cleaning up when he plans to create more once he’s finished his job.
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pisspope · 2 years
okay this is actually the first time ive written filth literally ever so please go easy on me
it's y/n and connie getting freaky in a pizzeria bathroom. like that's it that's the fic
((and big thank u to @quiveringdeer for looking this over for me beforehand!! it means a lot to me 😊))
connie x reader
cw: afab reader, sort-of dom connie, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, praise kink a little? and of course mdni
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when you first start dating connie, it's innocent. it's walks by the lake, it's watching him do tricks at the skate park, it's holding hands at the movies. you feel like you're 17 again, laughing together while you play guitar hero and memorizing each others drink orders at the local coffee shop. it's innocent. it's refreshing.
but one day you're walking downtown and the sun is setting, and his hazel eyes are shining, and something just. changes. it's primal, it's downright sinful. you can't keep your hands off him for another second.
Not an hour has passed and you're in the unisex bathroom of your local pizza parlor. It's way in the back, far away from the hustle and bustle of the dining area, where the only prying eyes are the pair right in front of you. Connie's lips are slack and shining with spit, and what little hair is on his head is pushed up in every direction.
Hes got you pushed up against the flaky 1990s style wallpaper, and the whole place reeks of red pepper flakes and bread. But all you can really smell is the heady scent of Him, as he grips your wrist with one hand and pushes it above your head with a thump.
"Fuckkkk," he whines, "when's the last time I told you how sexy you are?" he's pressing you into the wall with the full weight of his body, baggy t-shirt hiding the rigidity of his muscles as they pin you in place.
You laugh, intoxicated by the feel of him. "About 30 seconds ago baby."
He nuzzles into your neck, groans so loud you can feel the purr of his voice box against your shoulder. "Damnnnnnn that long? I gotta pick up the slack."
He moves a hand down to your hips, grips you even tighter. Before you can even register what he's doing, he's biting down onto your neck, licking and sucking like his life depends on it. You try to choke back your moans to no avail. Especially when he works his way up to your ear, making the most lewd sounds you've ever heard, right where he knows you can hear it.
"God you're so fucking beautiful," he murmurs, but it's loud and clear by the shell of your ear. "I'm gonna fuck you so good. Gonna make you forget we're in a goddamn pizza parlor."
And Connie is dependable. The type of guy who keeps his promises. So when he slips off your pants dangerously slowly and gets on his knees along with them, you know he's not bluffing. Two fingers, freshly trimmed you notice, reach out to touch the bottom of your underwear, reverently testing the areas closest to your heat. "Look at that," he whispers, almost to himself. "Already so wet. That for me?"
You nod, a little embarrassed. You're no unplucked flower, but this has all been preamble up to this point. The farthest you've gone with Connie is an impromptu makeout session while out on a hike, nothing like this.
"Yeah?" He says, acknowledging your sheepish response. "Who am I kidding. Of course it's for me."
In one swift motion, he takes your panties between his teeth, right where he had pressed so delicately earlier, and pulls them down to your ankles. Before you even have time to register the chill of the bathroom his mouth is on your cunt, tongue pressing open your folds as those same fingers rub circles on your inner thighs.
"Connie..." you breathe out, unable to stop yourself. Your head hits the back of the gritty wallpaper as he works at pleasuring you, the sloppy noise of tongue against slick echoing in the empty bathroom. "Fuck you're good at this."
Connie hums in response, looks up at you with those big hazel eyes, now looking closer to brown from the darkness of his arousal. He's absolutely tongue fucking you, the speed and pressure only continuing to increase in intensity. You're fine to keep going and finish like this, just a quickie in the bathroom before dinner, but then he starts kissing around your thigh instead, and you know hes got something else in mind.
You look down at him, annoyed and missing the feeling of tongue. But as you drink in the site of him, head buried in between your legs while the other hand palms at his jeans, all is forgiven. Ugh, you can't not fuck him.
"Sorry, baby," he says, pulling away from you as he starts to undo his belt. "Can't just let you have all the fun."
In a blink his bottoms are off, and he's standing over you again, cock upright and glistening with precum. He's stroking himself slowly, and you watch enraptured as he takes his other hand and slides two fingers in your mouth. "Get 'em wet for me, wouldja baby?" He smirks as you do as you're told, sucking and licking like its his dick in your mouth and not this shallow approximation. "Wanna make sure I do this right for you."
Fingers properly lubricated, he pulls them slowly out of your mouth and brings them to the front of your hole, pausing a moment to run his wet digits over your aching clit. "Damn you're pretty like this. You're gonna have to suck me off next time or else I'm gonna get jealous of my own fingers."
He slides his fingers in achingly slow, both at a time so you can feel the stretch on each knuckle. He spreads you apart experimentally, feeling the give of your folds and relishing in the little noises you make. You're like putty in his hands, ready to be sculpted into any shape he wants. And fuck does he know the shape he wants.
"Y/N, fuck," he mutters, more to himself than you. "You didn't even need my fingers, did you?"
"Yeah, no, I didn't," you breathe out, trying to muster up any coherent thought left in your lust-addled brain. "I just, fuck, can I have your dick please?"
Connie stops what he's doing, pulls his fingers out just as slowly as he put them in. "What?" He whispers, obviously bewildered.
You huff, running low on brain power and not in the mood to deal with whatever this is. "Connie, can I have your dick please?"
"God, Fuck," he bites out, each syllable sharp as he starts lining himself up under you. "Of course you can."
He tries his best to suppress a groan as he slips inside of you, the stretch driving both of you deeper into your shared pleasure. He grinds his hips a few times, testing the waters. His cock is fairly average, a little girthier than you expected, but he obviously knows how to use it. "Baby, you're so cute," he pants, rolling his hips. "Asking me to fuck you like that....so fucking polite."
"Polite?" you ask, feeling a blush creeping up your face. Which is ridiculous, he's got his cock buried deep in your pussy and you're getting flustered over a little compliment like that. "You think me begging you to fuck me was.... polite?"
Connie stops his grinding to look up at you, blush now spreading across his cheeks. "Yeah, not the begging but like...." he trails off. "I think it's sexy that you mind your manners. Even, ynow, in the heat of it."
You laugh out loud. You can't fucking help it. Constance "Connie" Springer, thinks it's sexy when you say please and thank you? When you mind your p's and q's? "Okay, okay," you chuckle, faking wiping tears from your eyes. "If that's the case then please, Connie, please start moving. And I'll try my best to be a good girl and not be too loud."
"Oh, Y/N," Connie says, bringing you in for a kiss. "I would never tell you to be quiet."
And as you requested, he starts moving, setting a pace that sends flakes of drywall fluttering off the ceiling. He's voracious, holding you to his chest as he pounds you into the wall. You're going to have fingerprint shaped bruises underneath your shoulderblades for weeks. He takes the side of your neck in his mouth, leaves no bit of skin unbruised by his teeth and tongue.
You try to hold back your moans as you come undone, but Connie is relentless. He tips your head to the ceiling as he hears you swallow yet another whine. "Don't hide how good I make you feel," he growls, eyes so dark they're practically black. "You mind your manners and thank me for how good I fuck you."
His demands tip you over the edge, and you're cumming messily over his cock, screaming his name and babbling thank yous over and over until you come down. You watch in the haze of your orgasm as he reaches his high, pulling out at the last possible second, tugging himself just once or twice before spilling ropes of his seed on the bathroom wall. And fuck it's nearly hypnotizing to watch him pump himself to fruition, his eyes closed tight and his mouth open as he reaches his climax.
Connie sighs out loud, runs a sweaty hand through his buzzed hair. "Damn, that was something else!" He walks back over to where you stand, practically glued to the wall, legs shaky, and brings your lips to his. He pulls back, and his eyes soften. "Thank you."
You smile at him, slowly coming back to reality. "You're welcome. And thank you, too, Constance."
He rolls his eyes at the use of his full name, but soon returns to that familiar shit-eating grin. "Sooooooo," he says, pointing a thumb to the bathroom door. "Pizza?"
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bobbie-doll · 2 months
Tagging @uriyams @loganweaponx @jukai @quiveringdeer @solidsmax @quaintrellecache @taco-belle @v1leblood @a-socialbutterfly @tamale-papi @r3nagad3 @mulberryhill @summerstarkiss @duwango @pussyonthechainwaxx @theblackmanonthemoon @ahhh-marrr-reeee @bryllando @private-pyle @nodarkthings @whip-dat-coke @pizzaplanet666 @potatobutt24 @ambitious-az-a-outlaw @ampervadasz @neverbeenshithtx @error404imagenotfound @fivedeadlyeverythings @xcathenny @jet-grind and everyone else who wants to participate. No pressure.
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erudianokabe · 10 months
Happy birthday Reiner!! Hope you get time to rest and it's filled with lots of love and joy! 😘😘😘
A muted smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
How long has it been since he'd been greeted so sincerely like this? A few years ago… and from people who— I probably shouldn't— he shook his head, bringing his focus back to the one who wished him well on his birthday.
"Thanks, but you really shouldn't worry much." It was just a normal day after all. What with them always on the brink of war, there was hardly any time for celebrations. Gifts came in the form of one mission after another, greetings came in subtle reminders that they wouldn't be in this position had they not failed their mission at Paradis.
He couldn't really feel much about celebrating himself. And yet, at the same time, it's not as if he wanted to dismiss her kindness. After all, this woman went out of her way to wish him well; along with giving him encouraging words in terms of, at least, giving himself a break.
One that he couldn't afford at the moment.
"Here," From the small tray on his desk, he took a few pieces of milk candy, something that had grown in popularity recently. It was sweet enough to give him that extra boost of energy in case he needed to power through documents and other reports.
"It's not much, but consider it a thank you for celebrating with me today." Reiner looked rather apologetic as he slid the small treats across his desk so that she could reach it.
"It's best you go on your way. Wouldn't want you getting in trouble for lingering where you shouldn't."
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marleysfinest · 6 days
I'm going to kick off my own event and shout about some of the angels who have made life truly exceptional. more 2 come!!!! I will not be cutting I'm sorry y'all are just gonna have to witness who these incredible human beans are
✨@pisspope; my spouse across the waves. the other half of my soul. the one who turned my head and made me retire the phrase of never fucking with the jaegers. u inspire me every day and the fact I get to call you a friend is insanity actually and I love u bitch
✨@fromriches-tosin; it's actually beyond my comprehension how talented u are. ruler of reijean, your fics have given me HOURS of eating the most delicious content in the world. shady queen I value so much from our home in the stables
✨ @sailorspica; it has been nothing short of an honour to be here while u discover self-shipping mrs ackerman. your writing is some of the best I've ever read and I hope u realise how gifted you are!! thank u also for turning me on to chappell roan, I fear I would've been stuck in the dark ages without u
✨@oxygenbefore1775; somehow u have been blessed not only by an immense storytelling talent but u are also an incredible artist??? the bridging tongues art will continue to live in my head rent-free until the end of time. I'm extremely grateful we can discuss period-era sukuna together
✨@strawberrystepmom; simply the kindest sweetest soul I've ever known. kendy u are sunshine personified; perhaps u did bring one s*guru g*to into my life but I forgive u. not only are you a beacon of goodness and joy you are also such a talented writer and hilariously funny. ily kendy!!!
✨@quiveringdeer; nat I gotta be honest and tell the people you are the reason I'm still here!! the first person to reach out to me when I set up this lil blog and indulge and inspire me!! I'm smooching u always!!
✨@ssslime; rorybeb I am always so elated to hear from u. you make me laugh so so so much and I'm so happy to know u. you make me feel sane when I'm bellyaching about Momming and for that I will love u until the end of time
✨@neiptune; supremely talented writer, artist, my sworn enemy. need I say more???
✨@vampyrsm; cor unum changed my life and I'm so serious when I say that. I can't adequately put into words both how much I enjoyed that fic from a story perspective and also ur intoxicating writing style. your creativity is an inspiration!!
✨@pavloves-dog; leigh I always know I can get filthy with u and ykw? that's invaluable. I simply cannot put a price on it. u r such a sweetheart and I'm so happy to know u; whether I will still be saying this when naoya is animated WE'LL SEE
✨@bloompompom; the other half of the duo making me Fuck With The Jaegers. bloomy ur art is perfection to me; ur talent is unbelievable and I'm so happy I get to witness it truly!! u r an inspiration!!!
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thesightstoshowyou · 5 months
I’m making a new post in reference to this post because I felt bad adding my insane ramblings to OP’s pretty spider post lmao
Okay. I think you’re right. I think Mr. Black Turtleneck, Black Pants, Black Work Boots, Jean Jacket, Gray Relaxed Fit Utility Work Pants would find the cuff links over the top for a clothing accessory. So, when you gift them to him for some holiday he’s instantly like “…no.” He would be so uncomfortable wearing them out and drawing that much attention to himself.
Also when was the last time he attended a function that would require that level of dress? Impractical. Why on earth did you think this was a suitable gift for him?
BUT. He does keep them in their black velvet box with the lid open right next to all his pinned insect specimens. “They’re remarkably detailed and anatomically correct,” he tells you with feigned nonchalance. And you smile knowingly because, deep down, you know that he thinks they’re cool af.
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chosoluv · 1 year
Number 88
Chapter 7 - Soft Launch?
Previous - Masterlist - Next
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A/n - bc of the lack of dialogue between the main two this chapter was rlly easy to write, and I was giggling the whole time whilst writing the fan tweets
taglist (ask or dm to be added)
: @quiveringdeer @0mint-chocolate0
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Unwitting Victim
true form!Sukuna x AFAB!Reader
summary: y/n’s been dating Yuuji for awhile, and when things are getting hot and heavy for the first time, someone who is NOT Yuuji takes the lead.
word count: 2783
a/n: love me some Sukuna and got inspo to write this 😩💕 SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, not really plot tbh, warnings for non-con, vaginal penetration, oviposition, voyeurism, cheating??? ehhh that’s it I think
taglist: @quiveringdeer and @haylzcyon (thank you for encouraging me to finish this when I sent in that ask! I am proud of it) if you would like to be added to my JJK or Ryomen Sukuna fic list, let me know!
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When we get home from our date, I plop my keys into the tray and throw my purse on the nearest chair, shrugging my coat off to put it in the same spot. Yuuji asks, “How did you like it?”
I lung at him, grabbing him by the collar and kissing him fervently. “I loved it.” I say, giggling.
Yuuji smiles into the kiss, and his hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “So what you’re saying is,” He says, pausing in between kisses, “I should do that some more.”
“And you should fuck me tonight.” I reply, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
His face slightly pulls away from mine. “Y/n. Are you sure?”
I pause, staring at him in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Again, Yuuji?”
Yuuji stammers. “I- I- I just thought that- m-maybe we should wait a bit longer?”
I close my eyes and sigh. “Yuuji. We have been dating for a year. We have been living together for six months. It is very clear that you are not asexual, given that you will let me give you head, and given that your dick is hard as a brick right now. At first I thought you were just being a gentleman. But I have needs too, Yuuji. Why won’t you have sex with me?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, baby, it’s just- it’s complicated.”
“I am so sick of things being complicated!” I burst out, but I don’t really care that I’m yelling. “What have I done wrong, Yuuji? Tell me. What have I done wrong that you refuse to have sex with me?” I say, the tears welling up in my eyes. I blame the hormones from being needy and denied.
He won’t look me in the eyes. “It’s not you—“
“-Don’t!” I cut him off. “Don’t even finish that sentence. I’m done, Yuuji.” I say, grabbing up my things again.
“Y/n! Y/n!” Yuuji says, but I don’t respond. I’m so over this whole relationship where he acts like he wants it all, yet he’s the only one who gets to experience pleasure. I pull the door open, but it slams closed in front of me, Yuuji pinning me between his arms as I whip around to face him. “Fuck, y/n. You don’t understand. I-” He cuts himself off, thinking better of it. “Fuck it.” He kisses me again and I lean into it, dropping my things as he hoists me up by the ass, walking me to the bedroom. He tosses me on the bed, we both rip our clothes off, and he’s back on me in a second. I can’t help but admire his chiseled body with every touch and trace of my finger. I reach for his member, antsy to get going, but he stops me. “Wait. I want to make you feel good first.”
I smile at him with trust, and close my eyes. Within seconds, I gasp, feeling his mouth find my clit almost instantly. Is he sure he hasn’t done this before? However, I’m frozen in place for a second when I feel his lips on mine at the same time. My eyes fly open, and the Yuuji I see is suddenly different. Covered in tattoos, four red eyes, four arms with claws for fingernails, and when I look down, a giant mouth on his stomach, and two penises, fully erect. My voice catches in my throat, and he grins, his second mouth still hard at work on my clitoris. “Ah!-” I start to scream, but he covers my mouth with one of his hands, laughing in an entirely different voice.
“No one can help you, y/n.” The shock in my eyes must be apparent, because he laughs, and says, “I’m Sukuna — the demon living inside Yuuji. I’m what he’s been worried about this whole time.” He’s holding my waist with his lower arms, rubbing circles into my hips with his thumbs and leaving a pinch every time his claws graze my skin.
His second mouth is still hard at work, and I thrash, trying to escape, but it’s no use. He has me pinned down in every way possible. “Let me- ah!” I moan mid-protest as the tongue from his stomach-mouth shoots into me, twisting around and paying attention to all sides of my delicate walls.
“Your moans are so pretty… and based on what I can feel, you’ll be able to fit me — just barely.” Sukuna leans forward, some of his pink hair falling toward me, but not close enough to touch me. “And that’s exactly how I like it.”
His upper arms have moved to grip my breasts, and when he squeezes I cry out. “Ow! They’re sore, please!” He loosens his grip, and then I feel two more pairs of lips on each of my nipples, making me gasp. Not out of real surprise, but due to the sensation.
“You like that, pretty girl?” Sukuna murmurs, “I’ve been watching you from the shadows for so long, I know just what you like. At night, when you touch yourself because of that brat’s neglect, I can hear your whimpers, and I can see what you’re doing under the sheets. While Yuuji was busy trying to keep you all to himself, I’ve been biding my time, learning what exactly makes you tick.” The tongue from his stomach dives deeper inside of me, hitting a spot that makes my whole body jolt.
“Please, please!” I beg, tears welling up in my eyes.
“Please what?” He says, eyes staring into mine as a sadistic grin is plastered across his face.
“I- ah!” A particular sensation causes my back to arch up off the mattress, and this looks to drive him mad with lust. Sukuna leans down, kissing me, and with all the hormones and endorphins coursing through my body, the same exact ones that have been there for Yuuji, it’s harder and harder to tell myself this isn’t the man I love. “Y- Yuuji…” I groan out, and Sukuna bites my lip, drawing blood as I wince from the pain.
“Sukuna. Say my name, y/n. Say my name and I’ll make you feel better.” He whispers into my ear, and shivers flow throughout my spine. His tongue stalls inside of me, and in that moment, I can’t bear it. I’ve been getting no action for over a year, and then this person comes along who looks exactly like him, excepting monstrous mutations, and knows all the perfect things to do… when Sukuna speaks, he says, “Let the monster in, y/n.”
Please forgive me, Yuuji, I think to myself. “Please, Sukuna, please keep going!” I plead with him, and his laugh is blood-curdling as his tongue pops out of me, his saliva and my liquids trickling in his wake.
“Good girl, y/n. Yuuji won’t know a thing — he thinks you and him are having great sex right now.” He presses one of his heads into the entrance of my hole, and I see that he intentionally is leaving his upper penis out of the action.
“F-uck!” I say when he starts pressing into me. I understand now why he didn’t try to use both at once. As he penetrates with one, his other penis drags along my clitoris, as evidenced by his exposed head gliding through my folds at the same time. He’s slow and surprisingly gentle, and even though he looks enormous, my body is readily adjusting to fit him, nice and snug.
“That’s right, take it all. I know you can, baby.” His mockery of Yuuji’s pet name for me sounds like honey on his poisonous lips, and I find myself drunk on it. His head reaches my clit, and I realize he’s halfway in. At an agonizing pace, he pushes himself the rest of the way in, and I moan, grabbing his back and scratching him as I feel his cock sliding along on my clit at the same time.
He starts pumping, and the feeling of him pushing through my gummy walls, my clit being caressed, and the sounds of my juices squelching with every stroke is more than enough — I know I won’t last long.
His hands are moving all over my body, sucking and leaving hickeys wherever they so please, and Sukuna’s settling into an even pace. “I’ve wanted to fuck you like this ever since I first laid eyes on you, y/n. It was so annoying, waiting for that idiot to get a clue and make his move. You feel perfect, my toy. I’m going to use you and abuse you like this forever — filling you up and creating my own army all the while, and when my strength is all returned to me, Yuuji will never stand in our way again.”
“S’kuna…” I pant, hearing his filthy words, feeling the way my breasts bounce with every thrust, my clit being rubbed in rhythm with his pumps, it makes my pussy flutter around him, trying to pull him in and keep him there. I kiss him, and when I feel his tongue prodding at my lips, I open up for him to take full control of me. His tongue starts pumping in and out of my mouth, traveling up and down my throat, almost making me gag, but never to the point where I can’t handle it.
He’s a monster, perfectly built to absolutely devour someone in the bedroom. The thought of how this must look — a person twice my size, completely covering me in his marks as his dick pistons itself in and out of me with increasing speed, the lewd noises of my moans and his grunts and wet slapping of skin against skin, the smell of two bodies making filthy, adulterated love — it nearly pushes me over the edge.
“Su-ku-na-” I whine in between his tongue’s pumps into my throat, “I, I’m close.”
He pulls his tongue back and says, “And I’m nowhere near finished with you.” When I try to grind myself into him, he laughs. “You can finish, as long as you know that I won’t stop until I’ve had my fill.” The thought of him fucking me stupid makes me clench around him. “Oh? So you’ll like being my little fuck toy?” He laughs, and it reverberates through my whole body.
He speeds up, and I chant, “Sukuna, Sukuna! Fuck, Sukuna!” With every pump, I feel a knot building inside of me. He whispers disgusting things into my ear, combined with the throbbing of my clit from every drag, and he keeps hitting the same spot, deep within me, and I’m still fluttering around him, and the squelching, oozing noise is louder and louder, and I’m right there-
“Oh fuck, Sukuna! I’m!-” I tip over into the abyss. The rubber band snaps as I reach my orgasm, and my entire body shakes uncontrollably as my pussy clenches and unclenches around his cock that hasn’t stopped at all, that is pushing my orgasm back into me as it leaks out, overwhelming me and making me insatiable, because it feels so, so good, that I’m sobbing as he pushes on.
“Cry for me, y/n. Cry for the monster that makes you cum like this, on his giant cock, for all of your neighbors to hear through these thin ass walls. I bet you didn’t know it, but I can hear two of your friends on either side of these walls fucking themselves to your mewls, and they have no idea that I’m the one doing this to you.”
“Sukuna…” I obey his command, and I don’t have time to build up again, because the overstimulation combined with the vision of two people I’ve secretly thought about in my fantasies is already sending me over again. “Sukuna, please!-”
As I’m cut off by my own orgasm, I feel his dick forming some kind of a bulb at its base. “You’re going to carry my seed, y/n. Right under all of their noses, you’re going to incubate my army, every day, and they’re never going to know that your pussy is what’s responsible for killing all of them, because you’re under my seal, and will never be able to tell them. Isn’t it just… exhilarating?” Realization at his words fills me with shock, but it’s a short-lived feeling as I’m dragged back under his spell by feeling the bulb start to work its way toward his tip, stretching my walls even more than they already were, the bulb itself covered in ribbing. It leaves me caught in my second orgasm, unable to come down. “Sukuna, what is…?” I ask him, my words slurred.
“This is the seed for my first soldier. It is designed to take in your cum, and develop over the course of a night. When it is ready to leave and develop on its own, it will vibrate, triggering an orgasm from you that will allow it to push down and out. It will grow in size, then travel to its designated holding area. Then I will repeat the process in the morning, producing two soldiers per day. Of course,” He says while thrusting into me, “If you like how it feels, we can always do more.”
When it reaches his tip, his pumps are sloppy, more erratic, and it makes me want it even more. I hook my feet together around his back, grinding myself against him and moaning from the sensation of that bulb rubbing right against my G-spot. “Sukuna!” I scream, and as his seed shoots into me, I feel his body shudder as he buries himself inside of me, prompting me to spill over once more, creamy white liquid seeping out of my folds around his cock.
As we both come down, he says, “I have to leave you soon. Yuuji came forever ago in the illusion I gave him, and he’s finishing up round two as we speak.”
I’m hazy, but I’m still cognizant enough to remember what he said earlier as he pulls out of me. “I’m- are you really using me to create an army?”
He gazes at me tenderly, fondly, pityingly. “Oh, pet. I know it’ll be hard for you to accept, but that’s why I took the burden of guilt off of your shoulders.”
“How am I not going to feel guilt? I’m a traitor now!” I say, and feel tears of anger, of hurt, of remorse welling up in my eyes.
He reaches forward, wiping them away, and I freeze up, scared of how similar it feels to Yuuji’s touch. “You can’t be a traitor when you’re a victim — a curse forcing itself upon you over and over again, using you for its own means, and you’re barred from revealing the truth to anyone. Who would blame you, even as they die at your feet?”
He pauses, feigning thought. My lip quivers and my nostrils flare as he continues, “Of course, the real deciding factor would be if you like how I make you feel.” He grins sadistically, as if he can taste the turmoil brewing in my gut. His words are like a knife to my heart, and I find I have no words to defend against them.
He stands, and in this, I can tell he is not my Yuuji. His demeanor while walking to the bathroom is entirely different. He looks back over his shoulder, and his red eyes and glossy white fangs gleam at me. “Best to keep that part to yourself, then, lest they confirm you as the betrayer you really are.” He slams the door and I jump, bursting into tears and sobbing, feeling sorry for myself and hating the blood coursing through my veins.
“Y/n! Y/n, what’s wrong?” Yuuji’s voice returns through the door, and when he opens it I cry even harder. He runs to me, grabbing me into his chest, and even though it would normally make me feel better, having the person I love most comfort me right now makes me feel disgusting.
He kisses the top of my head and says, “If I did something wrong while we had sex, you can tell me, and I’ll fix it.”
I shake my head and sniff, wiping away my tears. I at least need to act like everything is okay. “No, you did nothing wrong. I just… I guess I’m just emotional after the fact.”
“Okay.” He hugs me tighter, sighing as he does. “I love you.”
My response is a whisper, as my mind clouds with the full gravity of the situation. “I love you too.”
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Tag nine people you want to get to know better
tagged by @wyvernslovecake
three ships: LeviHan from AOT, Kamina x Yoko from TTGL, and uhhh Reiner x me, also from AOT, very canon
first ever ship: oh gosh, first ever? Maybe Xellos x Filia from Slayers? I do be old
last song/album: jfc I literally don't remember...
last movie: Puss in Boots: the Last Wish
currently reading: some book I pirated about foraging for wild edible plants lmfao
currently watching: rewatching Monk! I'm over halfway through season 7, and then there's just season 8. Still holds up as a really funny show with some heartbreaking moments. Tony Shaloub really is a fantastic actor!
currently consuming: oxygen
currently craving: sleep. I should sleep. soon.
@monirei @pisspope @quiveringdeer @recipeforselfdestruction13 @thecowboykatsuki-anon @charlotteplsdosth @bnhxwks @stigandr-the-cat @marleysfinest
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materialgworlas · 1 year
Unhinged screenshots without context: AOT Edition
Was looking back at my old posts laughing my ass off cuz im so damn funny n thought I'd share my favourite ones
If u like these n wanna see the full post go to @samsungwasmyidea
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Ass slashers turned ZEKE SLANDER :
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taglist: @vallidity @im-alyssa-btw @wyvernslovecake @notgoodforlife @onthearrow @dragonqueen2009 @quiveringdeer @alexxistiredd @lady-cryptstone @daoreogirl @emeraldrhee-grimes @aotwritingss @imperialabysssins @duchessavalentino @bitchkay @seokjin-bby
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tadokorochann · 2 years
So me and @quiveringdeer were talking and it got me thinking 👀
Loving the idea of a mafia-style au where you’re either the boss or the child of the person who is, with Bertholdt being your dog. Your servant, your guard, your plaything. You tell him to jump and he would; whether that meant a small distance into the air or right off a building and hundreds of feet to his death. He’d do it in a heartbeat. Both out of loyalty and out of genuine affection for you. He’s ever so in love with you- and in typical Bertholdt fashion it’s full of shyness, stammering; blushing and blubbering sometimes like an all-out fool. But only for you. That side you see of him is reserved for you and you alone, and in terms of what everyone else sees? A harsh opposite. Hoover is known as being calm, collected, and calculating. Quiet, but certainly not timid; not with the violence he inflicts on anyone you point your finger to, or the icy glares he reserves for anyone who isn’t you or, on a few select occasions, Reiner. Someone looks at you wrong? He’ll shatter their jaw without remorse. Hell, someone doesn’t look at you wrong but you just don’t fucking like them? He’ll make them disappear. Happily. He carries out your orders with devoted, vicious precision. But around you, particularly when you’re alone together, he’s a complete mess. How could you love someone like him? He wars with himself, over and over and over, because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you. But at the same time, he’s promised to give you everything you need, and the things you don’t —but still want— too. So if you want him? He can’t refuse you. After all, he loves you so much.
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