#◦   ━━   ft. deezee
alderapitleaf · 2 years
WHEN: Not long after the initial bloodbath WHERE: Within the common area
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There’s been differing levels of panic all day. Since the moment she sent off Birch and Parsley, she’s been trying to hold herself together. Riggs can only do so much for her panic. And during the bloodbath, it was no different.
Now that it seemed the calm had died and most tributes were exploring, she was trying to focus on her breathing, to get herself under control, and then she realized, she should check on her friends.
Getting up, she easily found DeeZee, whom she knew might be struggling given one of his tributes. “Hey,” She says, her chest still rising and falling quickly. “I just figured neither of us should be alone right now.”
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favathornewood · 2 years
lil hc wrap-up w/ @deezeeashfrost
deezee and fava weren't able to see each other again after they showed their asses with a big baby food fight. every time they happened to cross paths, someone quickly ushered one of them away in an attempt to "keep the peace" so to speak. but they had a lot of silent conversations with angry glances across the room at each other when they were able to do so.
lil hc wrap-up w/ @silverostro
silver and fava have not had a moment to speak at all. now fava has TRIED to locate silver but damn oh damn is silver always doing something fam. here's hoping they'll be able to reconnect in ablaze because fava has some things to say. also because fava wants her actual friends to be safe lol
lil hc wrap-up w/ @dcwnhardin
we wanted a little parallel hug moment with dawn and fava so gdi we made it happen! fava definitely interrupted a conversation in order to speak with dawn (and the other person allowed this to happen because the girl on fire is very demanding lol) and she promptly apologized for any drama her little necklace charade caused but also ensured dawn that she did NOT say his name to anyone at all. and gentle little dawn reassured her that the whole necklace thing isn't even a concern because other things have been going on / dawn is here to help baby!! and then they got a nice little hug out of it and it was magical and the end. here's hoping they survive!
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givcnup · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 4. on griffin’s way up to twelve after he and silver plan post-plutarch talk
JUST AS HE and Silver had planned, Griffin takes a quick detour into Ten before heading straight for the people he needs to prioritize evacuating, hoping against hope he’ll find who he needs there and nowhere else — or if he can’t find the Victor himself, then at least, at the very least, his Escort. Six hours can feel like a long time, but with the design of this cursed building, and the amount of going around Griffin will have to do to get the word out along with Silver, it can feel frighteningly short too. He’s only thankful that it seems luck is on his side today when, from the moment he steps off the elevator, he sees precisely who he needs to, mere paces away, as if on his way to get on and head elsewhere too. Whatever plans DeeZee Ashfrost has, Griffin’s going to have to wreck them completely.
“DeeZee. Just who I was hoping to see,” he says, relieved, but putting on a bit of casual friendless for the Peacekeeper standing a minute or so away from them. Right away, he opens his arms, not waiting for permission before he pulls the much larger man into a friendly half hug. Quietly, urgently, he whispers: “It’s time, kid. We’re leaving in six hours.” He tightens his hold around him. “I need you to listen closely to what I have to say because you’re going to have to spread the word to your friends.”
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ovcrlookcd · 2 years
FT. DEEZEE ASHFROST ( @deezeeashfrost​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 1. afternoon, after several failed sponsorship requests, in the sponsors room, tower
PISTA’S HANDS ARE shaking even as he numbly makes his way through the room, narrowly avoiding a group crowded around some Mentors from One. He doesn’t notice them at all, and whatever haughty sponsorship tactics the Victors there are going on about sound like muffled noises to him. In his mind, the ringing has returned, high-pitched and relentless. He replays the look on Glammour’s face the entire time he’d been talking to her, how scared she’d seemed to even be sitting next to him in the sponsors’ room, her eyes darting every which way, nails up to her teeth in a show of uncertainty and worry. It had felt as if his world had come crashing down on him when she shook her head in rejection of his request, apologetic though she’d been; it feels like his world is still crashing down on him now.
He’d tried for a few others after that, but every single one of them had gone worse — one of them hadn’t even bothered to give him time of day, pursing their lips and shaking their palm no as soon as they’d seen him approaching. Pista’s used to hardship, having lived a life full of it, of poverty and of daily suffering, but this feels too much like he’s already been kicked down into the dirt and is still being stomped on. The room is cold, the air pleasantly conditioned to keep the elite happy, but he’s sweating, and he can’t wait to be out of here. He might drown if he stays.
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deezeeashfrost · 2 years
NPC HEADCANON: DeeZee ft. Bandi, Pearl (the Avox), Ivory, and Coco ( @embersnpc​. )
He manages to find Bandi first, before he even makes it back to Ten after his first few stops. Knowing her, DeeZee knows there’s no way he’s gonna manage to convince her to go immediately like he wants her to, but he does try anyway, trying to guilt her slightly by telling her no one else could keep a room full of anxious idiots from doing anything stupid besides her, after all, which she counters with the very valid concern that someone needs to keep the anxious idiots who aren’t there yet from doing anything stupid to make it there. Knowing he intends to do what he can to help the people he cares about get there first, he can’t really argue with it, and instead he just begs her not to wait until the last minute, not to wait for him, knowing he’s still got too much to do to head there yet. They hug really damn tight, he gives her one of his stupid bolo ties from Ten because it feels right, and she promises to see him in the kitchen, if he promises not to forget he has people who need him, too.
Pearl has been in Ten’s suite for years, and at this point he likes to think they’re friends, even if she can rarely actually answer anything he says. This feels like the moment to finally repay her for all the shit he’s put her through, as well as give her a real chance at the sort of thing that very likely landed her as an Avox in the first place. He tells her he needs ingredients from the kitchen for a home remedy for his arm pain, wildly specific instructions, saying nothing else is gonna be enough for him, and he tries his best to convey that this means something, because he never asks her for anything otherwise. It’s hard, but he thinks he manages to get the point across, telling her he’s already got Bandi searching, too, that she’ll be able to help her make it happen.
Even though Seven isn’t technically on the list that Griffin gave him, he can’t not make sure that Ivory, someone he’s seen as a little sister for a long time, knows what’s going down, too. It’s clear as fucking day that she does, though, the moment that he makes it to Seven, and it’s also clear to him that she’s of a similar mind as him; make sure everyone they care about can get out, and don’t bother worrying about themselves until the last second. He can’t argue with that, even though he wishes he could tell her to get the fuck out now, before anything can happen, because she deserves a safer chance at something better than this shit. He knows how she is, though, knows they’ve always had their anger in common, so instead he tries to tell her that when it comes down to it, she should follow his lead with that anger if she can, hoping that might be enough in the end to get them both out safely once the rest are gone. For the time being, though, DeeZee still has another few stops to make, so he keeps going.
By the time he finds Coco, it feels like time’s already running out. It’s clear already that she knows what’s going on, but it’s not clear to him whether she’s trying to leave the Capitol behind, or isn’t quite ready to leave her life behind, despite her sympathies, and there’s no fucking way to be open enough to ask with so many eyes and ears around. All he can really do is try to make it obvious in his own way that he hopes she’ll come with them, despite how terrifying the unknown is, and how risky the plans are, and ask for any last minute help from her that she might be able to give in the meantime. 
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alderapitleaf · 3 years
WHERE: The Rooftop WHEN: Afternoon of the Tribute Interviews
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Aldera hadn’t slept. She spent most of her night and her morning staring at her door, waiting for someone to burst in and take her away, with plans to do who-knows-what to her. But they never did. No one ever came. That should have eased her anxiety but it didn’t.
So she had to get up. Riggs had said he could help prep Birch and Parsley for their interviews. She had matters to tend to. Friends to make sure were still present. She went to the one place she’d imagine DeeZee, who was first on her list, to be.
She didn’t realize she was running to the steps, firmly clutching her journal (a miracle that it hadn’t been that which was taken, thought she’s still uncertain whether it was that which was parsed through), until she reached the top, out of breath. Upon bursting through the door, seeing her friend smoking a cigarette, she let out an exasperate sigh, and rushed forward, laughing her thin frame towards him to wrap her arms around him.
“I’m so glad you’re still in one piece.” She was never an affectionate person. But times were different, and the relief of her anxiety made her do things out of character.
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favathornewood · 2 years
WHEN: Shortly After the Big Separation (sad face)
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This is the worst case scenario — Wren, alone.
Stationed in front of the screen, it feels impossible to breathe. She feels an immense pressure in her chest as if the world – her world – is caving in around her. Tears well up in her eyes and she hates herself for not being able to control the flush of panic that she feels. There are other members of Twelve talking and she can feel their eyes on her, but she can’t hear them. It sounds warbled and wrong, like they’re underwater.
Fava dislodges herself from Hudson, only then aware of how tight she was squeezing their arm, and apologizes under her breath. She needs space. (They understand. They always do.)
She registers that she should stay, that she isn’t the only one that’s hurting by what just transpired, but can’t just sit there; not when the fear is licking at the pit in her stomach, not when the voice inside her head is starting to make the bad decisions sound like good ones.
So, she runs.
She runs fast.
Fava doesn’t know where she’s going, she’s just tearing down hallways and staircases like they’re the familiar streets of home. Home, a place where she’d like to be if only to wrap her arms around her mother and bond over the trauma of a lost sister. Her mind is racing and her heart is in her throat and then: stars.
Her back hits the ground and her head rebounds slightly. She closes her eyes tight, the light of a common area blinding her. Some gasp, but no one crowds her. Someone does help her up, but she doesn’t realize who it is until she braves the fluorescents.
It’s DeeZee. Looks like her body knew where she was going after all.
“You’re a fucking brick,” she hisses as she realizes what who she ran into. Her anger isn’t directed at him. The look on his face tells her that they’re in the same boat. Good. She has just one thing to say. “I’m done playing nice.”
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favathornewood · 2 years
WHEN: A Solid 10 Minutes after Bloodbath
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They didn’t have to be close for Fava to know that DeeZee is on the brink of destruction.
With one Tribute down, it was only a matter of time before the former Victor destroys everything in his path. She comes running, ignoring those that try to interact with her. She’s on a very important mission: to stop it before it happens. Sponsors are harder to get from people that are red with anger.
She doesn’t take the time to catch her breath when she arrives at his side with hands already raised – hear me out. “I know it looks bad,” (because it is bad), “but it’s not over.” No, the Quell is just beginning. It’ll only get more tense as time goes on. That’s why DeeZee needs to keep his attitude in check. It’s the only way to help those remaining.
“I don’t know what happened.” She lowers her hands slowly, head shaking at the image of Gage choosing solitude. “I don’t know what we can do in here other than kissass in order to get Bire some help. So, I need you to take a couple of breaths with me.” She inhales deeply and holds it for a couple of seconds before releasing it slowly. “See? Let’s go. Breathe.”
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favathornewood · 3 years
DETAILS: currently a hallway, sometime in the night of day three
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Her anxiety manifests in white knuckles and crescent-shaped indentations left on her palm. There is tension in every joint, every muscle, and her head is throbbing. She does this to herself. She has since she was a little girl. She doesn’t know how to stop the spiral once she’s on the ride.
It’s been days since she’s heard from Cinna, one of the few people that she’d consider a friend. It’s been just as long since she’s heard from Silver, the single individual that has her rehashing every interaction with a fine-tooth comb in search of hints. The absence of these two people is deafening. It makes her chest ache with a panic that has yet to erupt.
(And she’ll do anything in her power to keep it from spilling over this time. She needs to keep her wits about her. There’s too much on the line.)
Her feet lead her to District 10 and a request for DeeZee comes through clenched teeth. When he appears in the doorway (sans cowboy hat) she looks up at him with a light in her eyes. A fire if you will.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
She doesn’t really care if she is.
“I’m in need of a favor and you’re just the guy to ask.”
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favathornewood · 3 years
Middle of the Party (@deezeeashfrost​)
There’s something wrong with DeeZee.
His lips are downturned and he’s wearing -- a sweater. That’s it. A fucking sweater. Where’s the color, the personality that he showcased at the wedding, that he always has on standby?
She made a face when she saw him, but was quickly scolded by a certain someone for being rude. Fava brushed off the comment and narrowed her eyes more, hoping that he would sense her presence and rush in with an explanation without her having to say a word. That moment doesn’t happen. In fact, they don’t get a moment together for hours. She’s still being passed around like some sort of prized possession. According to Griffin, that’s life as a victor. You never get off the train.
Fava manages to chase him down in between conversations. Her nails (painted a soft pink; please kill her) catch his arm and dig in enough to gain his attention. She offers a sweet smile in response as if she did nothing wrong.
“What are you wearing?” She looks him up and down for good measure. “You look ridiculous.” Translation: you don’t look like yourself.
She considers crossing her arms, but her tendency to slouch when she does so could call the attention of Nelly and she doesn’t have the time to be corrected. Instead she stands tall, with her shoulders rolled back and chin held high. That second part is only because DeeZee is damn near a giant in comparison to her small stature.
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givcnup · 2 years
FT. SILVER OSTRO ( @silverostro​​​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 4. immediately after the plutarch talk
THE DOOR CLOSES on them, and Plutarch is gone. Six hours has officially begun. Griffin fights hard not to let aimless panic take over, fights hard not to run to the door, open it, and chase after Plutarch, fights hard not to waste any more time. With a deep inhale, he turns right away to Silver, getting down to the important business straight away. "First thing’s first,” he starts, almost shocked by how breathless he sounds, and it hits him just then exactly how fast his heart is beating, and how loudly it’s thudding in his ears. But he push, and moves on. “Multiple lines of communication. My main priority still lies with Twelve, but there are stops I can make along the way.” He moves closer, brows furrowed, despite knowing that this is a place of safety for them.
“I know how you feel about him, but we can count on DeeZee to tell his friends in the upper districts while I make sure Fava, Hudson, and Nelly make it to safety,” he explains, voice low, before continuing. “I assume you and your connections can take care of the first few and middle districts?”
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givcnup · 2 years
FT. NELLY SINGE ( @ncllysnge​ ) | QUARTER QUELL, DAY 1. late evening, twelve’s floor, some time after gage’s hostility causes the split
GRIFFIN HAD CAUGHT the whole scene on screen while away from the group and had stood like a deer in headlights for a few moments after it, incapable of believing how wrong things had gone — and all because of something they could have controlled too. Gage wasn’t a fan of him, even when Griffin had tried talking to him, even when he’d asked about him from DeeZee and found out he’d been attempting to Mentor the man too, and he wasn’t a fan of Hudson, his own sibling, and while it was clear from the start that the bias had been on Wren, Griffin wouldn’t say they’d made zero attempts to try and reach out to him. He hates that regret always comes at the tail end of something, though, always comes last, always comes only when something happens to prompt it out of you. The effort was there, but it was minimal. They should’ve done better. They should’ve involved him more. Should have. Should have.
His legs take him back to Twelve’s quarters before he can stop them, on the lookout for people he ought to be talking to, and it’s Nelly he finds first, keeping to herself in a corner. And as much as he wants to start talking strategy with the kids, ( with Silver too, somehow, some way ) figure out sponsorships and the next steps, messages to give, things to send out, the personal wins out, and he goes over to her right away. “Nelly?” he says, voice colored with concern as he approaches, hand reaching out to touch her shoulder. “Nelly, how are you doing?” She can’t be taking any of that well.
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