#★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( asks )
adveanture · 3 years
*    @ircnwrought​​    —    BACK  IN  THE  DAY  THEY  USED  TO  BURN  WITCHES . . .   I  DON’T  WANNA  END  UP  LIKE  THEM    (   ASTORIA  &  HARRY   ) 
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UNCLE   VERNON   AND   AUNT   PETUNIA   WOULD   HAVE   LOVED   LIVING   IN   THOSE   DAYS,   HARRY   MUSES.         it   isn’t   a   funny   thought,   but   he   learns   to   laugh   at   them   a   long   time   ago.      it’s   better   than   crying      —      better   than   sitting   in   the   hurt   in   the   dark.            “      most   muggleborn   students   i   know   have   families   that   really   support   them   being   here      —      being   witches   and   wizards.      ” 
he   thinks   about   hermione      —      about   how   close   she   and   her   parents   are,   even   when   they   don’t   understand   everything   about   her   new   world.      he   thinks   about   dean’s   mother,   and   the   creeveys’   parents,   and   plenty   of   others   with   supportive   letters   that   arrive   for   them   every   week   over   breakfast   in   the   great   hall   as   the   years   stretch   on. 
“      if   anybody’s   burning   witches,      ”            he   continues,   taking   a   sip   of   his   pumpkin   juice,            “      for   the   most   part,   i   think   it’s   happening   here      —      in   our   world.      and   our   people   are   the   ones   doing   it.      ”   
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adveanture · 3 years
*    @lupiinee​​    —    YOU  KNOW  MY  DOOR  IS  ALWAYS  OPEN  TO  YOU    (   REMUS  &  HARRY   ) 
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IT   ISN’T   EASY   FOR   HARRY   TO   TRUST   ADULTS.         there   have   been   few   he’s   known   that   cared   for   him      —      that   wanted   to   be   trustworthy.      he   doesn’t   matter   to   so   many   of   them      —      expendable   to   the   best,   worthless   to   the   worst.      but   professor   lupin   has   already   proven   himself   different.      he’s   actually   helped   harry      —      helped   all   of   them      —      more   than   any   other   teacher   ever   has,   except   for   perhaps   professor   mcgonagall   and   miss   lainey   from   year   one   in   the   muggle   world,   who’d   insisted   on   harry   receiving   an   eye   examination   when   the   dursleys   dragged   their   feet.   
harry   nods.            “      i   know   that,   professor,      ”            he   replies.            “      thank   you.      ”            but   that   familiar   bit   of   suspicion   at   kindness,   at   openness,   creeps   in,   and   he   wonders:      is   lupin   only   offering   this   because   he   thinks   harry,   ron,   and   hermione   might   be   up   to   something?   
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adveanture · 3 years
*    @cruelveined​​    —    NO  OFFENSE,  BUT  YOU  LOOK  TERRIBLE    (   PANSY  &  HARRY   ) 
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HARRY   LOOKS   UP   FROM   HIS   PARCHMENT,   NOTHING   FOR   BLANK   DISBELIEF   IN   HIS   EYES.         he   could   not   care   less   what   these   slytherins   think   of   him      —      haven’t   they   figured   this   out   by   now?            “      it’s   funny,      ”            he   begins   dryly.            “      so   many   of   you   start   lovely   conversations   with   ‘no   offense.’      have   you   noticed?      do   you   all   .   .   .      talk   about   it   in   your   dungeon?      do   you   plan   this?      ”            he’s   got   no   time   for   this   today.   
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adveanture · 3 years
*    @lupiinee​​    —    NO  ONE  IS  MEANT  TO  BE  ALL  ALONE.   THAT’S  NOT  HOW  HUMANS  ARE  BUILT.   YOU  DON’T  NEED  TO  DO  THIS  ALL  ON  YOUR  OWN    (   REMUS  &  HARRY   ) 
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SOMETIMES,   THEY   STILL   DON’T   SEEM   TO   UNDERSTAND   HOW   ALONE   HE   HAS   BEEN   IN   HIS   LIFE.         they   encourage   him   to   seek   out   others,   to   let   those   he   loves   help   him.      they   push   him   to   allow   the   adults   to   handle   the   problems   that   arise.      but   that   has   never   been   his   life;      that   has   never   been   the   way   of   things   for   harry.      and   coming   into   the   wizarding   world   doesn’t   solve   that   problem.   
“      i’m   not   alone,      ”            he   says.            “      i   have   my   friends.      ”            he   frowns,   and   he   crosses   his   arms,   looking   into   lupin’s   eyes.            “      i   know   that   you   care   about   me.      but   i’m   not   a   child.      ”            the   time   for   that   is   long   past   by   now;      the   time   for   that   dies   when   harry   is   left   on   the   dursleys’   doorstep      —      when   voldemort   marks   him   for   an   enemy   years   and   years   ago.            “      i   don’t   need   as   much   help   as   you   think   i   do      —      or   maybe   as   much   as   you   wish   that   i   did.      ”   
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adveanture · 3 years
tag drop :  harry potter,  anti jkr harry potter  
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( starters )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( replies )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( asks )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( portraits )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( about )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( inspirations )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( desires )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( aesthetics )
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   025.  harry potter ( dynamics )
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