#★ dsaf﹒prompts﹗
autumnsartblog · 4 months
Just imagined Henry in his Fredbear suit, and one of the kids at the birthday party says that they want a bowtie as well to be just like him. So he tells the kiddo to wait a moment and skedaddles off to get one (let’s just pretend he has a small collection), and puts it on the kid, and they get super happy that they get to be “as awesome as he is”. And Henry is really attached to the Fredbear suit, so I’d think he’d be pretty damn happy
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autumnsartblog · 4 months
I have this continuous thought of Henry and Martha dancing, and then they pause in that leaned back position, and Henry compliments her before they both start lowkey flirting with each other. Then, Henry is about to lean in for a final kiss…before someone enters the room (probably his friend) and he fucking lets go of her back, dropping Martha by accident. It takes him a couple moments to notice because he went like a deer in the headlights except shocked and flushed with embarrassment over someone seeing that.
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autumnsartblog · 9 months
Henry blowing bubbles in his drink and then stopping it as soon as someone else enters the room. And he just acts like he wasn’t doing anything like that and just drinks it, glancing off to the side.
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autumnsartblog · 6 months
Can imagine Henry having a breakdown over a trigger and then Dave tries to comfort him, but, it ends up with Dave being shoved out of the room and having the door slammed in his face after being shouted at for even trying to do so 😭
Like Henry is clearly distressed, trying to keep back sobs when Dave suddenly comes in. Dave realises that Henry isn’t looking all that good and comes over, concerned and wanting to make him happy. In which, Henry probably shoves Dave back from getting close to him and starts getting aggressive, directing anger towards him etc
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autumnsartblog · 9 months
Henry in the middle of doing surgery or whatever you’d call what he’s doing on William, and then gets a call and just SIGHS before picking up the phone with a strained “Yes?” followed after “This is Henry Emily speaking, what do you need?”
And he would chuckle while playing a little with the cord thing of the phone and saying “I’m unfortunately a little busy right now, how about you call me [enter time] sharp?”
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autumnsartblog · 7 months
I just imagined Henry and Dave at the pool, and then Henry says to Dave, “I see something in there”, and Dave leans over the pool and says he can’t see anything. Henry then tells him that he just needs to look harder. And Dave leans further over, and Henry proceeds to ask what he sees now. Dave says “I can see me, and you right behind me, Henry!” and then Henry smiles deviously and shoves him over the edge of the pool
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autumnsartblog · 10 months
If Henry and Otto met, I think Henry would giggle at the idea of Otto ever doing world domination but they’d both be curious of how each other work (Henry looks quite inhuman, Otto’s flesh is “merged with metal”)
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autumnsartblog · 10 months
I just imagined Henry having a giant as hell lollipop (those flat ones 🍭), and then putting it in his mouth and his cheeks just going outwards cause he basically has a sugary disk in his mouth
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autumnsartblog · 10 months
Henry holding up someone by the throat angrily and then the door to the room suddenly opens and he just drops the person, stares back at the one who entered the room, and acts like nothing happened
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autumnsartblog · 2 years
I bet you if you call Henry childish, he’ll say
“No, and this is why!”
-a few minutes later-
“And that is why I’m not childish! Good talk.”
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autumnsartblog · 2 years
Yello. I am Autumn/Clove (I mostly go by Andy/Astronomer). And this is my silly little art/theory blog
The fandom/s that I generally draw are DSaF (do not expect much of characters other than Henry) and Dracula, but I occasionally may draw Wordgirl, Exhibit of Sorrows, Fiona and Cake, or Asylum pieces
You CAN repost my drawings (with credits)
If you want to redraw something, just ask me and I’ll give you permission (if I do).
You CAN use my drawings as a profile picture (with credits) — except my personas
You CAN use my drawings as a ref with permission
Feel free to draw my OC’s (in sfw situations)
If you are confused about something or something isn’t stated clearly, just ask me!
I enjoy asks. Feel free to ask about AU’s, headcanons, etc etc. Sometimes I might take a drawing request. Don’t make it nsfw or too suggestive.
I have autism, ocd, psychosis, did and suspected adhd-h! I NEED tonetags, PLEASE..
I use he/it/they (in order of pref) and I’m a genderfluid transneutral lesbian.
#! MY ART ✦ — 📼
#★ dsaf﹒prompts﹗
#★ dsaf﹒writing﹗
#★ dsaf﹒theories﹗
#★ dsaf﹒headcanons﹗
Reblog tumblr — @autumnclove
Dracula reblog tumblr — @sp4nof-myl1fe
Alter intro tumblr — @fieldintroz
Twitter — @AstronomerMills
Spotfy — ★: JOYOUS DAYS ⚙️⋆⭒˚。
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