#★; like constellations { permanent calls }
starulus · 2 years
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❤ this post if you’d like to interact with NEKU !
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starrconch · 3 years
★ Includes: Albedo, Scaramouche, GN reader, modern AU, tattoo artist reader, descriptions of the characters getting tattoos
★ Word Count: 1203
★ Master List
★ Notes: Request information can be found here :)
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★ At first, your partner wasn’t too keen on getting a tattoo as the thought of having something permanently inked onto his skin scared him a little. He would hang out with you so you two could talk about drawings, however.
★ He admired your work and would often stand outside of your tattoo shop to appreciate your newest drawings, and you were a big fan of his too, often checking out his artwork that was featured in several galleries around the country.
★ Over your dates, he would give you ideas of tattoos you could suggest to customers and you would give him inspiration for pictures to draw (even though he would just draw sketches of you).
★ Eventually, after several months of convincing, you managed to get him to allow you to do his first tattoo.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You know, even though I want you to get one, that doesn’t mean you have to go along with it,” you asked. The sight of his hands shaking as he held the design he wanted did make you feel a little bad.
“No, no, it’s fine. We’ve come this far. I’m getting one on my ankle, I’ve made my mind up.” For his side passion for science and astrology, he was getting a small constellation called the Princeps Cretaceus. According to him, it was named after the fable of the Chalk Prince.
“The ankle is a painful place as it’s on the bone, especially for your first one. Are you definitely and one hundred per cent sure you want this, Bedo?”
He shook his head. “I've decided. I’ve had a lot of water and had something to eat, so I’ll be fine. Besides, I’ve also done a lot of research on it, I’m all ready and prepared.”
“Okay.” you picked up the tattoo gun and hovered it over your sketch on his leg. “I promise I’ll be gentle.” Squeezing his hand in reassurance, you began inking his skin, watching as his face turned from calm to wincing at the pain in a split second. “I told you so.”
Albedo turned away, balling his hands into fists and biting his lip so hard that it could draw blood to distract himself. “I can get through this, don’t worry about me.”
You worked as quickly and as mercifully as you could, listening to the sounds of your partner cursing under his breath as you did. Pride couldn’t help but swell in your heart. Even when you began to tattoo over his bone, he stayed strong, refusing to back down from the battle he was facing.
“Alright, we’re all done.” You placed the tattoo gun back onto the table next to you and rewarded Albedo with a kiss on his lips. “You did so well.”
His skin had turned pale throughout the session and you thought at several points he was going to pass out, but he had pushed through the pain. “No matter how much you convince me, I will never get another one. I don’t think I could handle it.”
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★ The two of you met through him taking a liking to your art style when he first saw it in your shop window and choosing you as the artist to work on his tattoo sleeve.
★ When he got his first one with you, he was grumpy and not too pleasant. But several sessions that stretched on for hours later, you had grown very close to one another. So much so, that he had purposefully booked tattoo appointments just to see you until you started dating.
The restaurant that you were having your second date in was peacefully quiet considering it was a Saturday. It had been so empty that the staff had even let you change your reservation to a table by the window, allowing you to watch the streets below. Cars noiselessly passed by, the stars gleamed in the sky that you could surprisingly see with the pollution that tainted the air. It was perfect.
Scaramouche rested his head on his hand. Anyone walking past might have thought he was gazing lovingly at his date, but you knew that the glint in his eyes meant that he was deep in thought.
“What’s got you so caught up in there?” You leant forward to flick his forehead, drawing him out of his mind. “What are you scheming now?” A chuckle escaped your lips.
“I want to start another tattoo sleeve on my other arm, but I have no idea what I want as the first tattoo to start it off.” He frowned, picking up his drink and swirling it around in the cup.
“How about a constellation design? I’ve just drawn one that could look quite good on you.” Before your date, you had been doodling some random designs and a purple constellation had made its way onto the paper.
Your partner scowled. “I’ll pass. All of that star sign crap is fake and I don’t want something pathetic permanently put onto me.” The sleeve of his shirt rode up to reveal some of the tattoos that you had already done for him. A classic skull was the first one you had done on his shoulder with purple orbs in the eyes, then it had been a wolf with blood dripping out of its mouth, the next was a snake that coiled around his forearm, and then the most recent tattoo you had done for him was a puppet with its arms held up by a string.
Scaramouche took a napkin from the side of the table and brought out a pen to sketch some designs that came to his mind while you wracked yours for designs you had done in the past that he could like. Even when your food arrived, your partner continued drawing whilst scooping food into his mouth at the same time. It made you stifle a laugh, how he could become so focused on something that he wouldn’t deter from it until he was satisfied with the outcome, it was one of the things about him you had fallen in love with.
“How about this?” He spun around the napkin so you could see his design. “I thought of this symbol a little while ago that I like. Would you do it for me?”
“I’d tattoo anything for you, Scara. How did you come up with it?” It was a circular shape that had three spikey points coming out of it, a little like a shuriken.
He shrugged, a small smile appearing on his lips. “I’m not sure, it just came into my head one day.”
“Where do you want it? I can sneak you in tomorrow morning before my other clients if you’d like.”
Scaramouche’s eyes seemed to light up in excitement. “That would be great. I want to have it on my shoulder.”
As you called over the waiter to order dessert, he nudged you gently under the table with his foot, looking away from you a little bashfully. With a grin, you grabbed his hand and took it in your own, pressing a kiss to the back of it and squeezing it. Your partner sure did have strange ways of showing affection.
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starulus · 2 years
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starulus · 2 years
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❤ this post if you’d be interested in becoming MAINS !
what this would mean:
we’re mutually enthused about playing and plotting long term.
a little blurb about our characters and their relationship will be added to my mains page.
they’ll also get their own special tag that i’ll occasionally drop relevant art, aesthetics, sentiments, songs, etc. into.
your character will be baked into my character’s canon where applicable. an example of this would be my character making references to yours even outside of interactions that specifically involve them.
i won’t hesitate to send you impromptu ideas, prompts and more.
our threads will get extra precedence when i’m able to give it.
NOTE: this is meant to be a very casual, low pressure, low demand setup. no expectations for you or myself save for an interest and willingness when time, opportunity and energy allots it. if you have different needs where mains are concerned, i’m absolutely willing to have a discussion and attempt to meet you halfway, but i don’t tend to practice exclusivity or commit to being able to interact on a daily basis, so please bear that in mind.
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