#★┊✿ ❛ Mun. ❜ it was tara’s turn to speak.
gnectics · 5 years
tagged by: stolen from @vcidgear tagging: steal it
NAME:   You can call me Tara, Cookie, Ahri either ones. STAR SIGN:  Aquarius HEIGHT: I am 5″5″ WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME?   Corinthians PUT YOUR SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? puts up youtube folder
Skrillex & Rick Ross - Purple Lamborghini
Starset - Satellite
SKYND Feat. Jonathan Davis 'Gary Heidnik'
Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner feat. Anders Fridén
Star Guardian Jinx (PBE Version) — Login Screen
Blackway & Black Caviar - What's Up Danger
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU?  Yes. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? Last week. WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?  Ew. WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?   Loud broken mufflers, but I love the sounds of revving race cars engines. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?   Yes HOW ABOUT ALIENS?  Yes DO YOU DRIVE?  Yes. IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?  No. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Passion by Lauren Kate. DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? Yes, I’m an engineer student. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW?   "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?  I was cut on my forearm by a piece of scrap metal that was hanging on my uncle’s motor bike. I have a scar of it that I can’t get rid of now. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW?  Kingdom Hearts is an always, but lately, League of Legends Lore/Games. DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? I do, and it hurts to trust that person again -- so I won’t/don’t. There’s barely second chances with me. IN A RELATIONSHIP?  Yes!
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gnectics · 6 years
Tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create this muse/s: I will admit, since a very young age I have been OBSESSED with the Alien movie and their XENOMORPH aliens. I love them, I think they are grossly cute. I held that love for a long time. THEN, came Final Fantasy 7! My father had the game and I watched him play it. I fell in love with Sephiroth’s character, Jenova, Cloud and the Cetra people. I loved them more than I should. THEN, came Kingdom Hearts 1, when I met my bby Riku for the first time. Now, come the time era when Fanfiction was KING. I used to write fanfiction like it was second nature, and I always needed parents for Riku. HNN, I shipped CloudSephy so much I made them his parents. ( Purely Innocent as first, oh boy ) Then an artist named Bunny-Boss created my ideal family. She had a papa Sephy, Momma Cloud and a little bundle of joy who happened to be silvered haired. Though she was a girl. I thought to myself, if others shipped and loved what I loved, why not do what my little heart wanted? So I mixed all the things I loved and cherished and created Riku. Now, back in the day, the fandom only saw Riku as this big, bad, buff, seme pretty boy that would dominate Sora at every chance he got. And he was perfect at everything, and only weak to darkness. WHELP, I hated thinking and following along with everyone else, so I made him an uke instead. And boy people HATED that, but I loved it. So TL:DR, I made him because of my love for Aliens(Xenomorphs), FF7 Jenova, Sephiroth, Cloud, Cetra people, and Kh1 Riku, and the need to piss people off about a flower loving Riku, who likes pretty girly things. 
What is inspiration for this muse/s: Usually it’s Aliens, really violent & gross aliens, flowers, space, torment, the need to save the ones you love at all costs, the wanting of being normal. Music is another big inspiration for me writing him, and visuals. I love the idea that living is a hard and painful thing to do, yet after all the strife one comes to realize that living is also beautiful. I also love the idea that everyone has a monster inside of them, just some have a physical form than others.
Thread/AU that made you really happy: It been a long time since I’ve rp’d with my old partners, but there was this one thread where Namine became his official sister. The AU Namine had gone through some tough stuff in her past, since she was an actual witch who made a wish. She was cracking, and breaking and stuff and Riku felt so HELPLESS and weak! I love that thread because it taught me to let loose with my muse, and that writing gore was not a bad thing.
Something really special on your wishlist: I write a lot of horror or alien like things, but my dream thread would be to write with a rp partner, a wedding. There’s so many one night stands and mini moments on here, ( not like that’s a problem ) that I wish to write him meeting the love of his life, dating them, loving them,and them getting married. Then I would love to see them grow old, and die -- yet they get reborn and meet each other all over again. That is my dream rp, an actual life between two broken characters mended through each other.  TD:LR A real wedding. Not one written between my muses XD Oh and CHILDREN!! I want them to have children!
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: I am looking for friends, enemies, rivals, and just people he can call his family. If the fates should allow it, a nice mate for him who’s dedicated would be nice as well.
Share something related to your muse! Well, Riku deep deep down wishes to be like his mother above anything else. Most people would think he would like to be like his father, but he admires him and loves him. His mother on the other hand, is what Riku feels like a real mother should be, and that one day he would love to be just like him. Because to him, Cloud is strong and amazing, but is still soft and kind too. A person who went through hell, but is willing to still stand by their crazy ass husband and stop him from killing the planet -- or taking over it.
What do you think about character’s design/how did you come up with it: Riku looks no different from Kh2 Riku, to be honest. I just made him less edgy and sharp. Now when it comes to Jenoku, I imaged a horned, black, irky, goopy like creature that takes human form at will. I wanted something that looked creepy but with a reason, and a cause. I wanted him to look alien to any planet that has existed out there. And I imaged that is what the younlings look like on the Jenovian home planet. Tbh, there’s so much I want to do with that race of fighting alien people.
What your muse has taught you: Riku has taught me to endure, and though I am shy and closed off. He teaches me that being those things shouldn’t stop you from being a better person. Your monsters, your past, your pain shouldn’t determine your future and what you wish to make it. In a way, he’s my hero and he teaches me these things everyday!
What is roleplay to you: Role play to me is playing out any dreams, wishes, ideas, or anything a person wants -- or can’t do in real life. It is meant to teach, to inform, to excite readers of all ages and to utilize the art of creative literature. It is also a means of relaxation and should be treated as such. A fun hobby meant to let off steam, or to live out a dream or nightmare creatively.
Just say something nice about another mun!: I want to give a shout out to psidontknow and their Namine & Xion. Beforehand, I was so scared to write who I wanted, and to embrace my ideas for Riku. Yet, he’s always been on my side helping me push past my old limits with writing. They have been my friend for a long time, and never turned away my ideas. If anything, they have made a safe place on tumblr for me and only made me love Namine and Xion muses more than anything now. They were one of the few people, who truely made me want to write novella threads over and over til my fingers hurt! Though, their muses are now OC, I still see no difference in those beautiful characters they have made me love and cherish. I love our threads, I love our muses and I love our Au’s. I can’t wait til they come back so we can make even more amazing, ground breaking rps!
tagged by: @tokikukan tagging: anyone else who wants to <3
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gnectics · 6 years
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Out of Flowers; Hey it’s been a long time again hasn’t it. Well now we know Kh3 is coming in January, so that means I should be coming back for good soon. And there will be a booty ton of new people and stuff, yay! I am going to take a page out of @aspiringparasyte​ ‘s book and do a soft reboot of the accounts. I may or maynot have been developing folks in private and on other places, so I need to update this place OTL So, I’m going to be explaining everything in this post so far.
Route A. Everything ( verses ) will remain the same as I have written it. Nothing in regards to that will be changing, since I worked too hard on them. If anything I’ll be adding on. ( this is reserved for new people )
Route B. Thanks to discord, twitter and other means with friends. I have decided to explore the idea of Trigger finally tying the knot with Flowerboy. The decision to merge the accounts will be planned accordingly. However, I want to show how it happened, and when, so there will also be moments where they hate each other ( misunderstandings/asks/threads ) and when things started to change. It’s something really important to me, since Its been in the back of my mind since forever.Plus they now have twin daughters, and the tumblr account is HELLA behind now heh heh heh OTL ( this is homage to my rare pairing ship vaniku )
Route C. This is something else that has been on my mind since Flowerboy was Ukeriku and Crown was SemeSora. ( they still are, who are we kidding?? ) Besides me thinking of changing their urls back, I also want to do a life long dream and have them tie the knot. With Chikai and everything appearing lately, I feel ( and long time followers of these accounts ) it’s about time Crown made his move on Flowerboy, and stop with the games of cat and mouse.Because Crown wants a son, sooooooooooo ( This route is an homage childhood pairing ship soriku )
Route D. I know some of my old friends aren’t here to play this with me, but I still want to play in the CureAU I made. I want to play with a godlike Riku, trying to save the human race and possibly failing at it. I also want to play scenarios I never played with before because I was either too nervous, or afraid what others would think of me.
LASTLY! I want to make a true list of who is his friends, and who are longtime followers, since they have been here since the 7 or 8 years I’ve been on this website. They are the ones I want to interact with more, since they have seen the numerous changes to the accounts and just supported me through it all. 
I also want to keep all the friendships and relations that he has. I just want to redo some of the threads with people and get an actual timeline going ( or I’ll drive myself mad )
I also want to say fuk editing and fonts and all that shiz because I miss the old tumblr, and DAMNIT AM I GOING TO GET WHAT I WANT IF I GOTTA DO IT MY SELF!! So yeah we gonna be doing that too. ( Except my icons, I love them leave me alone >> )
And ohh another big thing! Since I am going on a major change ( thiingie ) I won’t be replying to asks, threads, or anything for the time being. I want to focus on my boys, and getting their timeline fixed and organized. Because tbh at this point, I am hella confused at what I was doing and what I wanted to do. And it hurts me to know that? idk how to explain. As for personal stuff, there will be another post for that, but I am better and now medicated for erm. .my issues?? idk ANYWAY, this is what I am going to be doing. Folks can still IM me doe, or send me asks! Okay I’ll shut up now.
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gnectics · 7 years
inartibus & xicproceed & heroicrux
                              Has entered the flower shop.
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gnectics · 7 years
It’s nothing bad, I promise! <3
Oh kay, about that blog changes I was speaking about? Well ahaha it might take me a minute or rather a few days to finally get things all together. Like stated last time, I want to redo all the verses, make new headcanons, officially ( this time for real ) link my Vanitas and Sora to his verses, and do a followers unfollowing. Oh and go back to being strict with my rules again, because I’ve gone soft and I shouldn’t be. Um, drabbles are another thing I used to do ALOT back then, and I realized that’s what made me love rping and learning my muse. Okay, well I’m unfollowing because I want to find people who I really really really want to rp with, like their stories are drop dead amazing and they write amazing too. I started to follow a bunch of people back because I wanted to be nice and stuff, but now my dash is like EVERYWHERE and I’m like @.@ wha?? and I don’t like that. I want my dash full of content and rp, and things that means a lot to people’s characters. In other words not personals ( excluding my best friends on this site, they excused because the things they love is what I love ) 
Also, I want to stop depending on other people and their threads to make me happy. I don’t have the same partners anymore, which is fine, but my joy kinda left with them. And I felt part of my muse left too? Like I said, there’s nothing wrong with it, but I want to make my muses strong with or without people again. And I am going to start today and for the rest of this month to years to come. And if I do connect my muse to people, I rather have people who I can keep in contact on and off this site -- like the few friends that I have now. We rp on discord, skype,twitter, gaia, and even goggle doc’s!! like that’s friendship yo. 
Oh and, I was going to make an announcement, but I have decided to officially join my ( dethiux ) Vanitas with Riku, and go back the story I was going for so long ago. The friends that are close to me already know they are married off of this site, but I wanted to let everyone catch up, and catch this blog up too. A lot has been happening off of tumblr with them, and well it might be a shocker to others, but um yeah -- gotta fix that. ( plus otp ya’ll )
I am also, in another verse, joining my ( arutiimu ) Sora with him as well. Oh boy, do I really need to go into detail of how long these two have been dating. Like the idea of this whole blog used to be around making people mad about an uke Riku, and then, making people even more angry about a Seme Sora. Soo then, I made Riri and Crown. They were the perfect pair, and everyone loved to try and get them together and it finally happened . . . . . . off of tumblr. Sooo I have to update you guys on how that happened as well. Hnn, so much to do. But yeah that’s a little of how they came into the world. ( plus Soriku is the blood in my veins fite me : my ultimate otp : cash’ me outside how ‘bout dat! >D ) But yeah, talking to more friends made me realize that I should have more fun with my accounts like I used to. And I miss that. Annnd I shouldn’t worry about writing a lot, because well I just do. I will find new partners to play with, and new muses to love and enjoy. I am also going to start posting how I feel under read more’s too, since I had been holding in a lot of stuff secretly, and I can’t do that anymore. I am on new medication for my depression, and my therapist said that if writing on a website makes me happy, keep doing that with doses. 
So I will! Plus, there’s so much more I want to do with his account. WHICH INCLUDES, playing with a canon-ish Riku. Since the time of Aqua’s game, I have gotten the chance to see the new Riku and his feelings towards everything. And for the first time, I saw my Riri in him. And I want to play in that world. Now I am not going to be Disney friendly, or anything like THAT, but I will be trying to play with more people from the game and stuff ya know? 
Ohh and don’t get me started on playing with characters from other fandoms!! Ahh the skies the limit! Okay, well if I missed anything I will post more about it later! And soo sorry if all of this was random, I usually have a clear direction with my paragraphs in explaining but I wanted as raw as it flooded out of me. Phew, that actually feels nice :3
Thanks for reading all of this, if you didn’t that’s okay too. Thanks for being here. I love you all and um, oki <3 
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