#☆ DASHBOARD COMMENTARY → even if her duty has her out on the frontlines; may these messages remind you that she is with you.
aceparagon · 3 days
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❝Reese's on pizza isn't even the worst combo I can think of. Tapioca boba pizza exists, and is actually rather delicious.❞
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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"I'd quit while you're ahead, Decaf. You're only going to make it worse on yourself." She knows better than to challenge her best friend in this matter after being flustered by him one too many times to count.
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aceparagonings · 9 months
tag dump part 2 ( out of character tags )
☆ SELF-PROMOTION → you are a beacon of hope to so many that you meet. the burden is great; yet you remain strong. ☆ HEADCANONS → these are layers to you; to your heart. let others see who you are within; let your walls down for now. ☆ META → classified information on the world and the force that declared war on the Earth. ☆ PROMOTIONS → these are my dearest friends! you all mean so much to me & help me keep going despite the insurmountable odds. ☆ A LITTLE PLACE CALLED HOME → these facets help run the city of neo-tokyo and the world overall. ☆ MEMES → downtime games for when there's a lull in this hero's busy life! ✫ MUSIC → what empowers her to fight — to keep going on despite the surmounting odds. watch her dance like a star. ☆ OUT OF UNIFORM → downtime is necessary even for a hero tasked with so much; remember to take a break for yourself. ☆ STARTER CALL → you've got a message! what does it say? ☆ DASH GAMES → what's new on the 'net? ☆ QUEUE → ''sorry I can't answer your call right now! I'm off saving the world!'' ☆ DASHBOARD COMMENTARY → even if her duty has her out on the frontlines; may these messages remind you that she is with you. ☆ PSA → hey listen! this is some important stuff here! ☆ OPEN → as a new day comes; there will always be something new to look forward to.
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aceparagon · 3 days
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❝Mayhaps there is merit to crafting leading one to becoming rich...❞
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aceparagon · 7 days
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Why can he feel a foreboding presence all of a sudden? (And maybe even hear faint boss music, too?)
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aceparagon · 1 month
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Therapy? Oh, you mean when she jumps off of the highest skyscrapers just to feel the wind in her hair before sailing through the air at the right moment?
Now that's her kind of therapy!
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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You take her to McDonald's or any fast food chain and she somehow manages to spend $250 or more on the menu due to the black hole that she calls her stomach.
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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❝We'd probably have the fight end in a stalemate than anything, but I bet I can eat more than this Goku can!❞
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aceparagon · 13 days
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❝—Hold on a minute...❞ No, she doesn't know why this thought just came to her now.
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❝Oh my god, I'm gonna be turning thirty in February... Damn, I never thought I was gonna make it to this age, given how this war's been going...❞
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Then, quietly, she whispers to herself: ❝Thanks for saving my life twice when it mattered so that I could really make a difference, dads. I love you so much.❞
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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"So, let me get this straight. I like Tsukasa, but from what I've been hearing, Daiki does as well... Would that mean I'm technically in a polyamorous relationship with both of them?"
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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❝You know, I don't tend to mind pumpkin spice lattes all that much if they're made by my dads or Tsukasa himself. I know that all of them are rather particular about the ingredients anyway, which is what makes them taste so good in the first place!❞
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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Fertility issues aside, if she can't produce children of her own, there's always the option of adopting them and giving them a home!
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aceparagoned · 2 years
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"If angels are so 'incompatible' with any kind of relationship, then please explain just how the hell I've got two of 'em as my dads."
"Checkmate, rat."
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aceparagoned · 2 years
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"I dunno, I think throwing tomatoes at Zenos would have improved things just a tad."
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aceparagoned · 2 years
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It's White Day! To Hikaru, this is just another day to go to work and maybe save the day. Though, perhaps, it might be something more than that, given the right person!
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aceparagoned · 1 year
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"If only riding a bike actually fixed trauma. Now, jumping off of skyscrapers and feeling the wind in your hair, on the other hand..."
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