#☆゚*・゚{ In Character } — ↳ Cᴀɴ I ᴛʀᴜꜱᴛ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ? ・゚*゚☆
childoflegend · 10 months
@cursed-ichinose || unprompted.
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"...Who are you?" Her question was hesitant, almost as if she were afraid to hear his answer. It wasn't often there was new face seen around the corridors, so the male's appearance was quite a surprise to her. He felt familiar for some reason, as if she'd met him before. But, perhaps that was his white hair fooling her into thinking he could somehow be related to Shinya.
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childoflegend · 10 months
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"Wait, does this mean if I ask then I can get a hug?"
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childoflegend · 10 months
@kuroheishi || continued from x.
Fresh grass was gently waving in front of his vision, the summer breeze was tickling his skin as he laid on the ground unable to move. The unforgiving Sun was shining brightly, warm as the rays hit his black uniform that was tore by his stomach. In the middle there was nothing left of the fabric, just a massive whole that went through his whole body. There was no cloud in the sky that day, Yuichiro could see the blue fogging out with the corner of eye.
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"Hah... Crap." the curse running through his veins was slowly healing his cells, but not fast enough, his muscles were refusing to function despite his attempts. The injury had been too severe even for the Seraph inside of him to quicken the recover. It was the 17th Injection he had gone through that day as he was trying to control the monster that lived within him. For 17 times that day Yuichiro had heard the trumpets of heaven been blown, the sky ripping apart as it opened it gates in front him. "Sorry... Rise... Haha..." a low rasp followed his weak laugh, Yu could feel his mind slipping down the surface where there was only darkness waiting for him. "I can continue... I just..." his fingers gripped at the grass that was now stained of an eerie crimson, the breeze was the only sound he could hear. ".... Need to rest for two seconds..." he wasn't sure whose voices surrounded him, his body was too exhausted to keep fighting any more. The last thing he saw it was a black figure and the gentle grass lulling his conscience away from reality.
Watching the male thrash around while being possessed by the Seraph of the End made the girl's stomach churn. She knew this test had to be important if Guren was the one pushing for it, she trusted the man, but even still she found herself wondering if putting Yuuichiro through this hell was really worth it. It felt inhumane.
Seventeen times she watched the male violently throw himself around. Seventeen times she watched the grotesque display as he tore himself apart. Seventeen times she could feel her heart breaking. Seventeen times too many.
Rushing to Yuu's side as he collapsed once more, Rise dropped to her knees as she felt something falling from her eyes. Tears. Her heart broke for this boy she viewed so highly. He was her family. Her gaze flickered between his wound and face as she shakily tried to help him. There wasn't much she could do, but maybe.... Taking off the cloak around her shoulders, the teen moved to wrap around the other's torso in an attempt to, at least, slow the bleeding.
"No, shhh.... Don't apologize to me, Yuu-nii..." she had to pause in her speech as she moved to cup the other's cheeks within her hands. More tears loosely rolled down her cheeks as she tried to calm herself down-- he didn't need her like this right now. He needed her at her full strength, otherwise she couldn't be of help to him.
Moving to remove her uniform jacket, revealing the nearly pristine white button up underneath, she meticulously folded the article of clothing before shifting. Carefully lifting the raven's head, Rise gently placed the folded jacket underneath him before guiding his head to rest on it. The stench of blood filled the air around them, it made her feel nauseous. What could possibly be beneficial about this?
Feeling her breath catching in her throat as the other declared his return to his reoccuring nightmare, the girl shook her head as she reached to gently cup his face in her hands. "No more, Yuu-nii... please... If resorting to this... I just... It's not worth it, please... I d-don't..." her voice choked up briefly, "...want to lose you..."
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"P-Promise me... that that was the last time... for today at least..."
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childoflegend · 10 months
@lendmeyourpower || x.
It wasn't every day the teen found herself sitting in one of Guren's lectures, however some of the time she would get dragged along by the man to listen in just in case he'd happen to mention anything useful for her. In reality, this time she knew it was just because he wanted to keep an eye on her, especially due to her reoccuring nightmares accompanied by her being caught sneaking outside the city walls to spend time with her not-so-secret vampire boyfriend.
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Despite the man basically forcing her to accompany him to his class, Rise had found herself dozing off in the back of the classroom. She'd clearly not gotten a wink of sleep the night before, the dark circles under her eyes were a dead enough giveaway. After all, who could sleep when your demon half is in your ear trying to force her way into control?
Just after what felt like mere seconds to the girl the bell rang to dismiss the regular students. As she felt her eyes flutter open she was met with Guren's stern gaze. Being startled by the man's presence, Rise nearly fell out of her chair before quickly jumping to her feet.
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"I-I was listening to your lecture, I promise! I was just resting my eyes! Maaaaan, your class went by pretty quick today, great work out there!" She tried playing off as she offered a nervous smile.
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childoflegend · 10 months
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"My my, Yuu-nii has a lot of energy today."
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childoflegend · 10 months
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"...I wonder who's going to win this time."
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childoflegend · 1 year
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"Hand holding?? I wanna hold hands!"
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childoflegend · 1 year
@ofsavior replied to your post: Holding Hands.
Guren is just staring at her.
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"...Does that mean you... don't want to hold hands?"
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childoflegend · 6 months
@sunbreathr inquired: “I wasn’t made to be the hero.” ( Yuu to Rise! ) || x.
It wasn't too often anymore that the two got to see one another, not since Yuu joined his new squad anyways. That didn't change the fact that Rise didn't find herself missing him terribly. She never imagined that the next time they would meet would be on the battlefield, let alone to be hearing those words coming from the boy she'd grown to love like a brother.
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Even now, with the injured state the two of them found themselves in while they hid away in some destroyed building, Rise found herself smiling as she reached her hand out to gently grasp onto his arm, "Yuu... You'll always be my hero." Her voice was soft, but her words were sincere. He'd come into her life just at the moment she needed him to, he taught her that it was okay to be a kid, that it was okay to be mad at those that wronged you. She would forever be grateful to him, even if some day he ended up turning against her.
"You're right about one thing, Yuu. You weren't made to be a hero, but that doesn't change that fact that you've saved me countless times. I am very grateful to have you in my life, if you hadn't come along when you did, well... who knows? I probably wouldn't be standing here, able to tell you this. So, thank you."
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childoflegend · 6 months
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"Who do you go to when your dads are the ones arguing with each other?"
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childoflegend · 6 months
@lendmeyourpower inquired: [ dying breath ] || x.
The battlefield was cold and unforgiving, it didn't matter who was on the field nor did it matter if they were deserving of life or not. At the end of the war not everyone got to walk away, that was just the way of life-- for humans, anyways.
Hazelnut eyes briefly observed as the little bit of remaining vampires scattered and retreated. It appeared she'd lived to see another day, albeit the injuries she incurred in the battle were heavier than she thought they were. She knew, however, that she would be fine in due time, after all, she was a demon.
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Her focus had instead turned to finding the lieutenant colonel. She knew the first thing he would do once they were reunited was lecture her for letting herself get so scuffed up during the fight, but she was starting to feel herself look forward to it. After all, he had to be alive to lecture her.
Making her way across the battlefield, a familiar figure laying on the ground came into view and Rise felt her heart sink into her stomach. Running as fast as her legs could carry her, the brunette made it to the raven's side and dropped down to her knees, tears immediately flooding her eyes when she saw the terrible state the man was in. As she shakily moved her hands to place pressure on his gaping wound, the girl tried her best to fight the oncoming tears as she forced a smile down at the man.
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"Don't worry, you're going to be okay," she tried to reassure, though the shaking in her voice showed that she knew better. Feeling as his hands gently grasped her wrists, Rise looked up to the man's face as the tears began falling at his words.
"Stop talking like you're going to die, D-Dad... please..." she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to put pressure on the wound once more. Moving slightly to get ready to call for help, the teen felt the man's hand gently grab her chin to make her look at him. Her father, not by blood, but choice. He was the only man in the world that had managed to make her feel safe and wanted, and now he laid there gasping at his last breaths.
"Pl-please.... please don't leave me. I can't live in this world without you, s-so please..."
And with his final breath, the man had muttered his final goodbye. Watching as the light faded from his amethyst hues, Rise choked out a sob as she reached to cup his cheeks, "D-Dad..? D-Daddy, please... th-this... this isn't funny, Daddy, g-get up, let's go home..."
"Please don't leave me alone..."
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childoflegend · 9 months
@museguided inquired: ❛ pull yourself together. we have work to do. ❜ [ Aiko to Rise ] || x.
The stench of death was something that was expected when it came to being on the battlefield, it was one the girl had grown quite accustomed to from a very young age after having witnessed her own father's 'death' at only eight years old. However, watching as dozens of soldiers were slaughtered around them, Rise found herself stuck in shock as the battle came to an end. Eyes scanning the surrounding corpses of their friends and comrades, the brunette was convinced she'd blacked out for a moment until she heard a familiar voice speaking to her.
Glancing back towards the raven haired woman, Rise could feel the tears now rolling down her freckle covered cheeks. Work. That was right, they would have to gather the corpses of the fallen. If they didn't it would only attract Fourhorsemen to the area, which was the last thing they needed.
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"R-Right, my apologies," she stammered as she forced her body to move towards the nearest body. The process was bound to become a long one, after all there were at least twenty soldiers laying around them, but the girl had no intention on leaving any of them behind. They all deserved their proper burials after all, not to mention their remaining family deserved to know what happened to them.
She had failed them.
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childoflegend · 9 months
@cursed-ichinose inquired: 'I’ll go out back and I’ll get my gun’ (to Rise) || x.
It wasn't often that a vampire was able to free themselves from the labs in the JIDA headquarters, so it came as quite a shock when the loud speakers sounded the alert to warn everyone of the creature's presence on the grounds.
Rise had been walking around the corridors with Hiro, happily chatting away about something she'd done with Guren recently before the sirens sounded. Looking up, almost startled, the girl looked to the snowy haired boy with concern in her eyes. "That's this sector, isn't it?"
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Just as she'd asked that, they heard what sounded like shattering glass followed by fast paced footsteps as the vampire in question came to view. Rise sprung forward to draw her sword, blocking an oncoming attack towards the boy as she did so. Glancing to him as he told her he would be coming right back, she offered an understanding nod before she locked eyes with the blood sucking creature once more.
"You can take your time, I've got this." She said over confidently. She'd been working very hard on her training lately, so she was sure she would be able to do it all on her own.
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childoflegend · 10 months
@lendmeyourpower inquired: ❛ you need to make decisions based on what you want Rise. don't make the same mistakes i did. ❜ || x.
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His words struck the girl hard. Make decisions based on what you want. What if she didn't know what that was? Could she really be able to do such a thing? She was afraid of disappointing the man more than anything, and yet she found herself muttering,
"I... don't think I can do that."
Her gaze lifted to lock with the man's, a deep frown forming on her features as she moved to run a hand through her hair. "I-I'm sorry, I just... I don't think you've made any mistakes, Guren. I know that you've done bad things in the past, but... If I had had the bond with your friends with my own then... I definitely would have done the same in your place."
Admittedly, if it had come down to it and she had to cause a mass catastrophe to bring those she loved most back to life... she wouldn't hesitate to do it. Even if she knew she was becoming putty in those who were pulling the string's hands. She knew those weren't the words the man was hoping to hear, but they were true.
"I really admire you, your strength. I don't think a better person could have been put in charge of raising me, y'know? I know what I said wasn't what you were expecting, but... that is what I want." She tried to smile as she looked away from the man now, "I bet you think I sound like a real idiot, huh?"
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childoflegend · 1 year
@ofsavior inquired: 👫! || x.
War. It was never easy for anyone, let alone child soldiers. Though, it was a normal the teens found themselves knowing all too well. There was no end in sight for the ongoing battle between humans and vampires causing some to fear that perhaps... Humanity may never come out on top of it. Pouring rain muddied the battle field, which naturally gave their vampire opponents the upperhand.
Striking down a vampire foe admist an ongoing battle, Rise found her gaze shifting down to her blade as her mind wandered to the feeling of her sword cutting through flesh--human or not, that's what they were doing. She knew deep down that it was for the better, but even still her empathetic heart betrayed her by making her think, why? A familiar voice broke her from her thoughts, one that was full of worry and fear-- Rin. Lifting her gaze to meet the blonde's, the soldier nearly dropped her katana to the ground as she took a staggered step forward.
However, she stopped in her tracks as she heard yet another voice calling to her and telling her to get out of the way. As she found her eyes widening, her legs moved on their own to put herself between the two, her shoulders stiffening as the raven haired man was barely able to stop his swing in enough time to not strike her.
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"You-- you can't kill him," she hesitated, breathless, it was rare for her to defy the man standing in front of her. His gaze was so cold, it was reminiscent of one she'd known well in her early years. "He..." her mouth was left agape for a moment more before she lifted her gaze to meet his, "this is Rin, Dad. You... this... I-I didn't want this to be how you found out... I had a pl-plan to introduce you and everything..."
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childoflegend · 1 year
@withsorrowandregret inquired: “just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.”  (shinya @ rise) || x.
Having been running on barely any sleep for roughly two days, the brunette's disheveled appearance had understandingly caused worry amongst those she loved most. Sitting in the Major General's office, Rise had hoped for a leasurely chat, perhaps just catching up or something to that effect, but was instead met with a well meaning lecture. After some back and forth between her and her second father figure, she'd given in and allowed herself to finally get some rest.
However-- it was short lived.
Two hours into her rest, the girl had suddenly sprung up, her hands almost instinctually moving to hold her head as she did. Her breathing was heavy as tears flooded her hazelnut hues, it was almost as if she didn't realize where she was and that there was something now beside her. As Shinya spoke, Rise visibly flinched as her shoulders tensed up. It had taken her a moment or two of the other's gentle reassurances for her to finally take in a deep breath and slowly exhale it. After a few moments, she slowly looked towards the other as she tried to force a smile.
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"I-... I'm sorry, I just-- I had a bad dream... I... I think I'm okay now... Thank you..."
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