#☠️you are my most toxic desire☠️
as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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“Where are we going..?”
“To show you my world...”
I did it. I finished a self shipping drawing between Asobakw (my self insert) and BTAS Jonathan Crane! :)
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hazbingirliexoxo · 3 months
“The Archer” Angel Dust Analysis
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A/n: ALRIGHT YALL❣️ it’s been a hot minute (literally a whole month lol rip☠️) but I have FINALLY written this and am ready to share it with everyone!🤩 So I’m a huge Swiftie and I absolutely love Angel😭💕 so listening to this song: “The Archer” instantly made me think of him. I think the lyrics really highlight how his experiences with love have shaped the complexities of his true feelings and while we still have so much more to discover about his and Husk’s developing relationship in the show, I truly think that this song just “screams” them. If you haven’t listened to the song before, I definitely recommend to!😊 Anyway, lez get into it!😎
Note: For reference, I primarily used this article: https://gwtimes.org/1625/music-books-movies/the-archer-taylor-swift-lyric-analysis/ to organize all of my thoughts and opinions on why this song suits Angel so well. I think this author did an excellent job at explaining the real message of the song in regards to Taylor’s life, but this analysis is solely based on my OWN interpretation of how Angel’s character fits this song. Just wanted to clarify. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!!!❤️❤️❤️
Combat, I’m ready for combat
I say I don’t want that, but what if I do?
Cause cruelty wins in the movies
I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you
Okay so, with these first few lines, we can think about how much Angel has been through, both in life and death. Like anyone else, he’s made mistakes and fought with many people he’s cared about before, whether that be with his birth family (ex: Arackniss, Molly) or his newfound family/friends he’s made at the hotel later on (ex: Charlie, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious, etc). But in terms of his actual familial background, Angel was born and raised in the mafia, meaning he’s used to seeing the indescribable horrors and violence associated with that lifestyle. He has no choice but to conjure up this metaphorical shield of “armor” in order to not only protect himself but also, survive. This ultimately makes it very difficult for Angel to form and develop good, healthy relationships, whether that’d be platonic or romantic, because as much as he craves genuine love and affection, isn’t that going against everything he’s known? To not care about what anyone thinks of him because at the end of the day, everyone leaves regardless? Angel Dust is a perfect example of being conditioned to this toxic, negative mindset he’s built for himself every day and we especially see more of this when it comes to his work with Valentino.
Now Angel is a celebrity, the most famous porn star in all of hell. Of course, due to his natural charisma and good looks, all eyes are drawn to him. He’s expected to essentially “put on a show” and show off what he’s “good for” because who could resist the seductive, charming Angel Dust? But that’s the cruel irony behind it all. Angel’s perception of his pornstar persona overshadows the reality of his true self, which makes it easy for him to push people away and not let anyone see the real him. He’s bred to allow people to chase after him, lust after him, because that’s the embodiment of who Angel Dust is, not who Anthony is. Angel Dust doesn’t care if people “leave” him because he knows that one way or another, there’s always someone else who will appreciate him for his “talents”, who will shower him with the desire and attention he so desperately seeks, despite it being superficial. But Anthony? No one knows who that is nor anyone would care to know who Anthony is in Angel’s mind, so rather than reveal his true thoughts, he decides to remain silent and keep them hidden from the public view as a way to protect himself.
Easy they come, easy they go
I jump from the train, I ride off alone
I never grew up, it’s getting so old
Help me hold on to you
Now, these second set of lyrics go a little more in-depth about Angel’s personal life and relationships. The first line expresses how easily he attracts people and yet still drives them away. The second one, however, can be explored through both a platonic and a romantic perspective. In a platonic lens, Angel struggles with making real, genuine friends (other than Cherri) because he’s afraid no one will be interested to get to know him. The same thing can be said in a romantic point of view. Angel loves to flirt, yes, but with his pornstar persona, he over-amplifies it and makes it seem like he’s “on board” in the beginning, but in the slightest sense of any seriousness or vulnerability, he “jumps off”, going his own way because he knows he’s unable to commit. This third line takes a look into how Angel is associated with being the “black sheep” of his family. Despite his somewhat childish nature, Angel’s always causing trouble and has never been the more focused, responsible type like his older brother: Arackniss. But due to these specific family dynamics, this shows how Angel feels like he’s never taken seriously with his true self. And because of that, he doesn’t understand how to grow and mature enough as a person to handle long-term relationships. The last line here can be portrayed as Angel’s inner thoughts and feelings towards his future love interest in the series: Husk. Angel is so used to giving up and running away from the idea of real love because of his own sexual abuse and trauma from Valentino. But throughout his whole afterlife, Husk is the only good man who respects and values Angel for who he truly is and despite how nice yet unfamiliar that feeling is, Angel’s terrified of losing it. Therefore, these lyrics can imply how he’s pleading for Husk to help him stay grounded and focus on exploring and pursuing this new relationship with him.
I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey
Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
In the chorus, we can start to see the lyrics become even more personified towards Angel’s life. He’s been hurt by so many people, yet he’s also his own worst enemy because he’s done the same thing to those who he cares about too, ultimately straining or damaging the relationships as a whole. He wonders why no one would want to stay in his life, but deep down, he knows that he doesn’t make it easy for people to love him either. So in order to change that, he needs to believe in himself and trust that he can make a positive effort towards becoming better.
Dark side, I search for your dark side
But what if I’m all right, right, right, right here?
And I cut off my nose just to spite my face
Then hate my reflection, for years and years
Within the next verse, we can connect back to how Angel’s toxic mindset has made a profound impact on himself and his relationships. There’s a big part of him that’s always subconsciously searching for the negative aspects of letting people into his life, and that in itself, is what overpowers his psyche into not recognizing and acknowledging the positive facets as well. These next few lines can be referenced to how he strives to maintain his pornstar persona. The whole concept of Angel Dust is for him to be as appealing and desirable to everyone no matter what because that’s what the public likes to see. But unfortunately, what Angel doesn’t comprehend is that he doesn’t need to overemphasize this “mask” of his because the real, genuine people in his life (such as Molly, Charlie, Cherri, Husk, etc.) love and accept him for who he is internally rather than externally. This lack of understanding can also drive him to act impulsive with his emotions and lash out towards the people he deeply cares about, thereby causing him to feel hatred towards himself and regret the decisions he’s made later on.
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is on fire, invisible smoke
And all of my heroes die all alone
Help me hold on to you
The metaphorical meaning behind these next lyrics can connect to how empty and restless Angel feels when he’s by himself. We know that he suffers intense nightmares and drug hallucinations from Valentino, but in this next line: “The room is on fire, invisible smoke”, this allows us to dive deeper into his inner troubles and the emotional turmoil and chaos he’s experiencing from it. He’s known to “burn bridges” and “start fires” with others because like I stated previously, he believes everyone will leave him eventually, so as a result, he shuts people out as a way to cope with this depression and loneliness, knowing that it’s still his fault.
I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey
Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
Here we have the main chorus again, but what’s different is that the word “screaming” is used. This allows us to really see and feel the intensity behind Angel’s emotions. It can almost be viewed as if he’s “crying out for help” and begging for someone, ANYONE, to reach out and stay there with him.
Cause they see right through me
They see right through me
They see right through
Can you see right through me?
They see right through me (2x)
I see right through me (2x)
This next sequence of lyrics is pretty self-explanatory, especially regarding Angel’s famous reputation. Based upon his story arc so far, the internal struggles and hardships Angel has faced throughout life and death have definitely taken a toll on him. Even though he aims to portray this glamorous, charming pornstar personality, characters like Husk can see right through Angel pretty easily and have no issue in calling him out for how fake he’s being. This not only makes Angel very hyper-aware of his mask “slipping away”, but also adds on an extra layer of anxiety and panic he’s feeling from losing control of that facade.
All the king’s horses, all the king’s men
Couldn’t put me together again
‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends
Help me hold on to you
The first line here is a clear reference to the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty, but the next few lines are what really emphasize Angel’s character even more. Angel is not an easy guy to get along with. He knows he can be an asshole and because of that, he’s made many enemies who could’ve potentially stayed as friends in his life if he didn’t push them away. But that doesn’t make him feel as if he’s alone right? After all, Angel Dust is fulfilled with receiving “love” from clients, fans, and Valentino all the time, so that has to mean something, right? This particular mindset is what fuels Angel to continue craving that form of infatuation and attention because it’s what he surrounds himself with every day. However, once that “high” dies down, who does he have waiting there for him at home? No one, because in reality, he IS alone and that terrifies him even more due to the fact that he’s the reason behind these self-destructive tendencies.
I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey
Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
(I see right through me, I see right through me)
Who could stay? (4x)
You could stay
Combat, I’m ready for combat
These final lines of the song play a significant role in how Angel’s perspective on love can change for the future. Like I’ve said prior, Angel has never had anyone show real, genuine interest in him before, that is, until he met Husk. Husk has made it very clear in the beginning that he doesn’t like putting up with anyone’s bullshit. While his gruff, no-nonsense exterior may be off-putting to others, Angel is very attracted to how real Husk is in expressing how he feels and that is exactly the kind of person Angel needs in his life right now. Over some time throughout the series so far, we start to see a closer relationship develop between the two as well, how fond and comfortable they are of each other. This scares Angel because like all of his other relationships and his current predicament with Valentino, he’s afraid that Husk will voluntarily leave or be taken away from him forever. So in order to avoid that, Angel is determined to do everything he can to keep Husk a permanent part of his life.
Overall, Angel is well aware that he’s not an easy person to love, but with Husk, he feels as if he could be the one to truly understand and accept him for who he is. That maybe, and hopefully, Husk will be the one to stay for good❤️
A/n: yalll,, this is soo fucking long I’m so sorry😭 but I absolutely love these two with all my heart, literally on my hands and knees like this 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ but anywaysss I really hoped you enjoyed it just as much as I loved writing it🥰 PLEASE give me all the feedback you have! I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions, it would really make my day🥹 Thanks for reading loves!!🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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midheavenastrology · 1 year
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🏹if u have the asteroid eris in aries 🔥☄️🕯️in the 12th house - spiritual warrior 🧿🌟- basically u are literally fighting the spirit world/bad vibes/energy vampires 🧛‍♀️🩸that lurk in the subconscious/ephemeral ✨world
🏹leo ♌️ and prominent 5th house placements: probs have a very psychic link to cats 🐈 i tend to believe that if cats are naturally drawn to you, then ur pineal 👁️ gland is a lot more open 🧿and reflective to energies beyond the physical plane 👽🛸no shade to dogs/dog lovers ( i love dogs 🐕) but dogs are def more root 🌲🏕️chakra animals :)
🏹if u have the moon 🌝 cancer or neptune 🌌in the 3rd house, people with lunar 🌛🌜or neptunian qualities will often without knowing it tell you something you need to hear 👂: like an intuitive 🪬knowing. for ex: my friend is a cancer moon, rising and i have cancer in my 3rd house..whenever she says something that comes from her higher self (like she's reading tarot) 🃏🎴i take note because it often comes into fruition 🍒🍉🍓🍊🍋later.
🏹if u want to have great seggs 🥵♨️🌶️may I recommend hookin up when the moon is in a fire sign 🔥or earth 🌲sign ? (air 🌬️is all about mental 🧠stimulation, so it’s not rly going to bring seggsy energy and water 💧 is self contained and can get lost in emotions 😩so it’s better to be alone during a water moon (maybe scorpio ♏️ maybe..but could get toxic 😬🙈real fast)
🏹people trash 🗑️🚮 8th house synastry and i get it..it can turn super super toxic ☠️real quick (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness blah blah) but if u crave and desire 🍆this kinda passionate ❤️‍🔥exchange, 8th house could be a hot synastry aspect for y’all. not to mention it’s the house of SEGGS 🍆🍑so u will def def have RLY great sex with whoever lands in ur 8th house. like eat me up, lick u all over, go several rounds kinda passion ❤️‍🔥
🏹hear me out y’all: i kno traditional 🥱synastry puts earth+water 🌲💧together and fire+air 🌬️🔥together but I think in particular capricorn ♑️ placements are better off with air 🌬️signs; why ? because we’re an extremely cerebral 🧠earth sign. we're sandwiched between sagittarius (the higher mind/scholar/teacher) and aquarius (THE intellectual mastermind) it’s no wonder we always seem to attract air signs…🌬️🌬️🌬️
or is it just me lol ? 😪🤓
🏹be careful during a mars ❤️‍🔥🔥🥵transit in ur chart- for example: let’s say u have mars in the 5th house and it’s leo ♌️ season (leo rules the 5th house) u will unknowingly attract aggressive 😡🤬😤confrontational people. basically they’re karmic peeps who come back to fight u 🤺🧯take them as you will (my strategy is always detachment) also this could attract overtly sexual ❤️‍🔥🍆🌶️energy as well- like peeps be hollering at u all day long 😮‍💨 (also peep the sign as well..if it’s in pisces, they can lash out at you by acting like a victim 😭or do the blame game)
🏹on the other hand when venus 🥰😘😍is transiting ur chart, be god dang thankful cus ur literally attracting pleasure 💘💌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼abundance in the house it’s transiting - i mean sometimes that could be not so chill if it’s in a not so fun house but every house has its good/bad. let's say you have venus in the 11th house -then u will attract lots o’ cute af friendships 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️community support 🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️and help in ur hopes+dreams- check the sign as well to see what kinda friends, community support you’ll attract- if it’s in leo, it will be creative 🎨👩‍🎨👩🏼‍🎤artistic, flashy and beautiful 💄👸🤴peeps. venus in the most layman terms is the things you love, so when it’s being aspected, suddenly there will be an abundance of the things you love 💕
🏹astrologer robert glasscock 🙏 says that the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are ur present, cadent is ur (3, 6, 9, 12) past and succèdent (2, 5, 8, 11) is ur future. if this is true and u believe in timeline jumping ⚛️⚗️- try to understand ur planetary placements in the succèdent houses and how that future 🔮could unfold.
for ex: say you have mostly fire🔥 and air 🌬️placements in those houses/this lifetime might be about embracing more of ur masculine 💪energy/take action. also dependent on the signs and planets- i have the moon in 5th in virgo (subconscious creativity) 🎨👩🏼‍🎤🎸🎷venus in 11th in pisces: creativity and expressing this creativity as a mode of healing ❤️‍🩹 is v impt to me.
🏹also a great way to really tap into what ur soul calling is is to look at ur venus 💘and moon 🌝sign placements/aspects: think of it: ur moon is ur emotional 🥹 comfort, it’s what u are naturally gifted 🎁🧧at and venus is what you love 🥰it's honestly the easiest way to see what could bring us the greatest joy 😎🥳🤸‍♀️🎆when fully acknowledged and understood.
🏹i have a theory that u start to meet more people 🧍‍♀️🧍🏻🧍‍♂️who embody ur progressed chart. it's like they’re secret teachers 👩‍🏫 that teach u how they express being that sign: for ex; say u were a venus in pisces ♓️ and now ur progressed is venus in aries ♈️ u will start to meet more aries placements: this shows you the parts of u that u might need to shed 🥲in order to progress more in life. it doesn’t mean u aren’t a venus in pisces anymore just that some of the traits of this placement has to transform 🐛🦋so u can basically “progress” in ur soul 🌌journey ..does this make sense ?
🏹i believe masculine ♀︎♂︎♀︎♁ energies ⚛️embody their mars+sun ✿✿✿signs more and feminine energies ⚛️embody their moon+venus signs more. what do y'all think ? maybe jupiter for masculine 🔥as well and ❤️‍🔥lilith for feminine.
🏹fire signs🔥🔥🔥- how many of y’all have a fireplace 🏕️at ur place lol
🏹people who have virgo ♍️ libra ♎️ and scorpio ♏️ placements prominently in their chart : chefs kiss 🤌 y'all are the bombshell 👸💋💄🥰personified: u are both the maiden, goddess and femme fatale 😎
🏹saturn 🪐 influenced signs- (capricorn, aquarius) have the most beautiful bone 🦴🩻😇🤤structure- like no joke, y'all look like greek statues. 🗿🗽
🏹if u wanna embody ur bad bitch 💋🌶️❤️‍🔥💄💃energy: channel ur lilith placement: what sign and what house is it in and what aspects is it making. for ex: lilith in pisces ♓️in the 8th house 💀⚰️🪦aspecting saturn 🪐: u get into ur bad bitch era ❤️‍🔥when u become a spiritual warrior 🗡️✊that becomes a channel for others to transform ⛓️🔗their old constructs of sex+death 🍆⚰️and money 💰
🏹virgo placements have the best style 👗👚👖👙🥻👘🥼🩱fight me on this 🤺
🏹if the benefic 😎👏🍀🌞🕶️planets are transiting ur 12th house, u best believe ur angel 👼 guides are watching over u- expect lots and lots of synchronicities 🕍🌻🍄🐚divine timing ⏱️ and unexpected abundance 🤘🎉🍦
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that's all 🌞🍀🌞🍀����🍀🌞🍀🌞 i hope y'all enjoyed and got some fruitful 🍒🍑🍉insights 🧘‍♀️🧿🪬👁️🔮
happy virgo full moon y'all (iz my moon sign 🌝🌚🎑
love y'all 💜💘💌
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taylortruther · 3 months
Sex will come up... it’s a Taylor album, of course. But how can you even have sex with someone you’re falling out of love with or who’s so angry or upset with you? You can’t desire someone if you look at them with stormy eyes? //
Oof anon, spoiler alert: yes it happens and yes it's horrible. I say that both as someone who experienced it for a bit and also as someone who watched two of her closest friends (boy & girl that were together for over 4 years) be in that kind of dynamic at the end of their rs. It's so bizarre, everyone just goes through the motions as if it's automatic, almost like when you cook a recipe you've made hundreds of times and you don't think much through the steps, you do it almost subconsciously, but you still love the end product so that's why you keep making it again and why you've gotten so good at it idk ☠️☠️ it's horrible afterwards, my friends would not even talk to each other or cuddle or anything and yeah you feel guilty and icky. Especially if you're not really into the other person anymore which was my case 🫣 It's hard to describe idk.
I think the most realistic media portrayal I've seen of this is this film called Blue Valentine, idk if any of y'all have watched it but yeah it very accurately depicts a ltr and marriage gradually desintegrate. It's very painful and sickening to but it's imo a well done film with raw and realistic human emotions. At one point there's this scene where he tries to have sex with her and she simply can't get into it so she kinda tries to get him to hit her in an attempt to make herself be into it but he won't and tells her he could never hit her and then she storms off and yeah idk it's awful. I have to say though, I actually think that this kind of stuff is very common at the end of ltrs. It's also such a mindfuck bc on the one hand you know things are bad and you're thinking of ending it but at the same time there are small good moments that make it still feel worth it and when you're still passionately fighting and having sex with this person that you have loved for so long, you continue to think that it can be fixed. It's the last moments of flickering fire before the flame is extinguished, but as long as there is a flame, no matter how tiny, you feel convinced that it's still worth staying.
It's when the flame dies out completely and there's no fighting, no arguments, no sex, barely a look or a word uttered at each other that you know it's truly over, and you finally accept that it's time to go. In my experience, along with the excruciating pain that comes with that, there's also some weird form of... relief. That you're finally out of that limbo. But it's been so long that you can hardly even recall who you were before that person came into your life and that's where the really hard part comes lol.
(Btw DISCLAIMER before anyone comes for me lol: I am NOT saying or in any way insinuating that this is what happened with Taylor and Joe, I am merely sharing some thougths based on my own personal experiences)
YUP! and yes, for younger readers or people who don't understand this, we're not saying every relationship ends in toxicity or you should accept/expect it. but it's just really common for problems in your relationship to manifest in your sex life, and it can be really shitty and awful.
and i agree that, while painful, coming out of emotional limbo is also hugely relieving. there's this moment when you're in the eye of the storm that you feel relieved: the breakup has happened, and you are not yet feeling the consequences (loneliness, fear, etc.) and so you just feel... at peace, almost?
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branded-perceptions · 2 months
Think about progress: does it advance humanity if we just keep creating more and more "diverse" products that with their core incredients as seen in food industries are actually quite similar just bra(i)nde(a)d with different stories, appearances and hallucinatory triggers?
And can we not imagine human progress, for example as seen in the movie star trek, that goes beyond "products" "profitability"?
The across all the worldwide populations' via covert colonialism agonising and conflict-creating myth of progress arises upon
more and more of our global workforce aspirations as well as the by that served market and voter demands
being shifted towards an economically exploitative elitarian hallucinatory matrix (🎶my dream - Akira the Don) of "hot" "trendy" NYC progress
(*Gary Vee talks about selling 52 Dollar smoothies in toxic plastic*)
detached from causal care and social imagination of utility of how we all as global average population
[of whom most can never afford, will and should never ever be peer-pressured to spend 52 US Dollars on a bra(i)nde(a)d hype smoothie while the from that profiteering adolf hipster can't even solve and warn about the side-effects of the by them similarly mindlessly peer-pressured C-19 vaccine: do you realise the repetitive insanity of such vain err mindsets? No matter what you do, people like Gary Vee seem to continue to be always so insane, "positively". We need to adapt our society accordingly. There was a time when people were allowed to drive while being drunk, then we changed laws. There was a time when we did not have psychiatry, now we have it. Use it.]
want to co-construct our causal lives through society whose industries all tend to act a little bit like the 🎶"MONEY SHOT💸💉💸 - AC/DC":
During last decades this mass insanity became obvious via the deceptive bra(i)nde(a)d food products' low quality incredients growing "bigger" and bigger people (obesity and chronic diseases) that then create "bigger" and bigger market demands for symptomatic treatments' subscription models that like C-19 boosters (🎵I GOT A GOOD PRESCRIPTION)
do not really focus on or are by the for that responsible people (🎵FOR THE STATE OF YOUR CONDITION) desired to in any objective way checked and evaluated
for solving the issues at hand that grow our economy "bigger" and "bigger" (🎵YOU GOTTA TAKE IT THREE TIMES A DAY)
of more and more of our workforce, jobs, aspirations and so on being occupied with that deadly zombified rat race of co-destroying all our lives (🎵OR AS MUCH💸💉☠️💉💸 AS YOU MAY)
for no sane reason at all but a shared chasing of a from causal life needs detached hallucinatory mind matrix status "heaven"🤥😷😇 (🎵GONNA SEND YOU ON YOUR WAY)
of similar like big pharmas' covid pandemic profits from rational means and responsibility checks detached economic measurements (🎵NOW TAKE THIS DOWN)
that "grow" as more of our population via "Gary Vee talks about positivity" get sicker and sicker (🎵LET ME GIVE YOU YOUR RELIEVE) and consume more and more regardless if it actually enhances and serves their quality of life or not due to lacking mimetic cultural mind pattern to collectively habitually introspect about these dynamics:
What Galbraith failed to acknowledge is that the by that created social imbalance is not about a tension of the private and public sector but about overlapping dynamics:
as more misleading and vain our advertisings' vain err media misguide our propaganda entrainment especially regarding informed consent💉 as more corrupt politics become, not the other way around! Every politician has and will always have private interests because they are just human, and to some degree that is okay as long as they strive to more or less do their jobs they get paid for - and that, primarily, is caring about the public sector and NOT caring about the direction of our free economic markets' social imagination, that is what our advertising industries get paid for and they largely failed regarding the social responsibility they got paid for while via their pleasure bananas' psychological ID motivations as usual (🎵WE GOT A GOOD CURE FOR WHAT AILS YA) being like laughing killer clowns (*smiley Pfizer ads*) "positively" mindlessly hooked upon that (🎵IT WON'T FAIL YA) similar like during last decades in all sorts of topics without caring about morals, introspection or objective reality even if they got reminded about it for years and years, they simply do not care while like a laughing Gary Vee tearing society into their graves without that most of society are aware (📚immunity to change Robert Kegan) about the by that bent social imagination of markets like interplay of big food and big pharma:
If the public communications (🎵LADY, TRY THE MONEY SHOT)
of our as "hot" and "trendy" bra(i)nde(a)d hallucinatory hypes (🎵BEST TAKEN WHEN HOT)
of economic go(o)d(s) (🎵YOU GOTTA TAKE IT THREE TIMES A DAY)
would incentivise consumers and economy to focus on causal care (🎵OR AS MUCH AS YOU NEED)
then naturally also the DIRECTION🧠👅🧠 of the bribes of lobbyists would be more purposeful and as a result the personal interests of those in public sector would imitate the private sector more healthily in for average population less destructive ways.
This is what Queen Elizabeth has already hinted upon multiple times: no one cares. She, her intellectual friends or anyone could talk or "advice" the for economy responsible people but all they ever seem to do is to talk hot air shit: just watch Gary Vee content and understand the dynamics that "positively" via psychogenic madness put our
🎶money in the grave - drake
(🔍Queen Elizabeth II dies of broken heart💉💔)
To countervail that myth of progress we need to more purposefully leverage our new technologies to more efficiently (less bureaucratic corruption and waste) manage both the private and public sector towards advancing new types of public infrastructures:
think about all the streets that we have, they are not "profitable" in any way, but without them our economy and daily lives would not be what they are. The functionality of the private sector depends upon such infrastructures like from public sector constructed streets, public transportation or like in Germany the public universities that have no huge tuition fee.
We need to apply this also to areas like the online space to construct infrastructures whose main objective are not just "profits" like advertising revenues:
imagine decentralised and transparent evaluation platforms that via optional systems of independent laboratory checks offer complex insights into causal effects of thereby less bra(i)nde(a)d stories of causal economic go(o)d(s) and verified customer feedbacks that unlike Amazon reviews cannot be faked.
Imagine some evolving aspects of food processing, farming and food storage / distribution infrastructures that do not depend upon profits and are managed as public common good like streets, free for all if everyone contributes a few hours each year to their innovation and maintainance that become realistically scaleable via AI-TECH and robotics.
Imagine digital infrastructures regarding shared management of localised public duties similar like families mamage who shovels snow and who takes the trash out and who cooks and washes the dishes and cleans the rooms, metaphorically speaking regarding public duties, as co-constructing shared social contracts via elements of digital direct democracy regarding local communities entwined public maintenance jobs and health care whose huge need for support workers can be connected to social security, even replacing aspects of our insurance systems in ways that 20 years ago were not possible due lack of interconnectivity that we now have.
These things need to evolve slowly step by step via trial and error, incentivised by our monetary flows of our free markets - whose aspirations' social imagination thus need to be directed👅🧠👅 in a causally appropriate and less destructive direction.
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sandysembler · 2 years
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Just a reminder that positively focusing and striving to always be happy can be toxic! ☠️ I lived that life for years. It’s called denial or another term is called spiritual bypassing. It’s when we are terrified to feel anything except awesome so we just pretend the “bad” emotion isn’t happening. We “reach for a better feeling thought.” Sometimes, positively focusing is exactly what we need- so it is a very useful concept and tool. But it takes mastery of the self and emotional intelligence (which most people honestly don’t have because we’re not taught it and it’s not modeled for us) to be able to know what we need in the moment. Sometimes it’s: this has been a crazy freaking day but I’m purposefully going to choose NOT to be crabby just because my client has been having a hard time. I choose to operate aligned with love now. (And lemme tell you the truth. Learning this skill isn’t just being able to say it. It’s deep deep emotional and energetic work to be able to pull this one off mid kid meltdown). But sometimes it’s: I’m angry. And this anger is telling me something. My anger is telling me where a boundary has been violated so sweeping it under the rug and positively focusing is actually not dealing with the human issue in front of me. Positively focusing actually might continue the abusive relationship I’ve been participating in and my anger is information. To honor myself I need to feel the emotion and know what to do next. See how it’s not all black and white? Life is a dance... a rhythmic flow of being tuned in to our needs in the moment. It takes us being able to know ourselves intimately enough to know if we are operating out of a wounded hurt place... or if we are operating aligned with truth. And we can’t heal the gash if we pretend it doesn’t exist. So as always, invite more self compassion in. Whatever you are feeling is always 100% okay. Pause long enough to feel it so you know what you need next. ♥️ Oh ps. If we consistently deny “bad” emotions in ourselves, raising emotionally intelligent children is pretty damn difficult. Let’s break the cycle! 👉🏾Desire some help? See free masterclass (link in bio) (at Saint Petersburg, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj6IPOxpyvm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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Very tempted to colour this... i probably will :3
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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In which Asô discovers their professor is in fact Jonathan Crane.
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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i got soft feelings
i wanna kiss btas!Jonathan you guys have no idea--
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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You fuckers are not prepared for the sheer amount of simping I/Asô do in chapter 6
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