#hazbin vox
hypnoticmoth · 2 days
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Voxtek shark week - day 5 - Shark snuggles
Nothing more comforting than snuggling with an overgrown shark after dealing with idiots all day
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barsicool · 3 days
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roach-master · 2 days
I drew this at like 1 in the morning so it sucks and I hate itbut
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um yeah
don’t smoke kids unless you’re a morally questionable cartoon television
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evevsy · 11 hours
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good morning 🍬
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I got this message screenshot on my tl the other day and lost my shit at how it was literally just the katie val vox bullshit I'd talked about before except it actually happened to a real person
(and if you don't know what I'm referring to with the katie-val-vox/katie-val stuff: 1 2 3)
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Day 5- shark snuggles
Emotional support sharks ftw 🦈💙
When the memories of the good times come to haunt vox, he goes to take a swim with the fishies and cuddle his sharks 🥹
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nomifae · 10 hours
Silly husband 📺
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calam4r1 · 1 day
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simple n happy
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charmeecoffee · 2 days
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my take on this trend w vox! 🫶💕
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fourdollarwords · 10 hours
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Things I need in season 2: the other Vees mercilessly mocking Vox.
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devilowls · 3 days
Can we get angel radiostatic?
Can we get more angel vox by himself? Your artwork is AMAZING
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Here you go~
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hypnoticmoth · 3 days
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Voxtek shark week - day 4 - Blahaj
One isn’t like the other ~
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Wound patching headcanons with Adam, Lucifer, alastor, and vox? As in, patching their wounds? Getting all close and personal, taking care of them, kissing it better. You know, the good stuff 🫣🫣🤭
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons
Healer Reader x Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Vox
When he came back from hell, injured and bloodied, all thoughts left your mind; all you could think about was saving him.
Crying as you stitched up his stab wounds and hoped that Lute got him back home in enough time that he would live another day.
You were diligent and careful with every inch of his body as you worried that the man you loved would never return to you.
As he woke up, you felt immediate relief and held him close to you for days straight till he was strong enough again.
You let him have it once he was strong enough to handle physical activities. Your voice carried through the entirety of the angelic tower.
Once your rant about taking care of himself and the wrongness of extermination was over, he was happy to open his arms up for you.
Even though you tried hard to continue being mad, it was impossible not to climb into bed with him and hold him even longer.
When he had fallen, you also fell just inches behind him; you knew his wounds would far surpass yours. Where you willingly chose to fall with him, he was cast out.
Once safe and sheltered from most of the elements, you took tender care of his broken wings and tore up the body.
As you stitched him up and wrapped up deeper wounds, you sat above him, crying, hoping he would pull through this.
As he woke from his stooper, he caressed your face gently as you held his hand there, pouring all your emotions out to him.
He reprimanded you for falling with him but, in the same breath, mentioned how happy he was to have someone so devoted by his side.
As he healed, you two built up hell and gave those who had received free will a purpose.
Even though he sometimes blamed himself, he was so happy to have you beside him, fixing hell up one step at a time.
He was picky about who got to see him so vulnerable and weak; he was not about to let others know that he could be harmed in such a manner.
When you showed up outside the radio tower, panicking after watching him disappear after a fatal blow. He couldn't deny the happiness he felt in his fleeting moments.
As you laid him down and tore open his suit, you made quick work of the large wound across his chest that Adam gave him.
You were stoic and focused on ensuring that he emerged from this alive with only a scar to tell the tale.
Once you had finished and he was doing better health-wise, you finally snapped and broke down in front of him, explaining your worries and fears.
He gently pulled you into a hug, resting his head atop yours, reminding you that he was alive and reminding himself he would be a goner without you.
When you two arrived back at the hotel, relief was felt through most of the others; however, you were happy that Alastor finally let down his walls with someone, especially since that someone was you.
Vox had suffered another beating from Alastor, something you were far more used to than you cared to admit.
He never got hurt enough that it required intense medical attention, but he did get his pride slapped around most of the time.
You sat delicately on his lap while he held your waist so you could gently fix up his screen
You were never a techy person, but you learned over the years how to replace his wiring and screens when things got bad like this.
Once he was all patched up, you sighed and rested your head on his shoulder, allowing the day's weight to catch up with you.
Worrying that you were now growing tired of him, Vox asked what was so wrong, only for you to pour out your heart and concerns he may get really hurt one of these times.
Feeling your genuine confession, he smiled softly and kissed you, reminding you that he fights for you to be safe and work free in his tower, but he would make an effort to come home scratched up less often.
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roach-master · 2 days
guys i sexualized the tv again sorry (<— not even remotely sorry)
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🍹come and get a taste !
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hiemaldesirae · 2 days
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cleaned up an old sketch i made 2 weeks or so ago
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