#☩ alive with the beating of a young heart ( about. )
lighthouseborna · 1 year
Alright I've been thinking about this forever (like the whole time I've had this blog- like even before that, when Henry was on the multi. Probably more or less as soon as I saw it ;slkg;dlkfj) and I'm still not sure if I have a long form series of words about it but I do think I've finally landed on a short like. thesis statement of sorts about it and it's about this parallel by the way
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gifs from (this) immaculate gifset. I could have made my own but I am...being lazy shhh
and I think the statement goes like: "William is efficient and Henry is reliable." Because efficiency is often reliable and reliability can be efficient but they aren't... the same.
edit: hmmm saved his life silently vs. "gotcha!" you know?
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
im thinking about. the way in his info i went "Son of the Pirate King. Blood of a Turner, feathers of a Sparrow." and then how also. the name of a legend; the name of a ghost. the only child of only children. the apprentice of the code keeper. the boy who broke the trident. the only survivor of the monarch.
so many legacies for one pair of shoulders, is all im saying.
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
i am thinking about. how henry spends the entire movie proving he is capable and also correct not as a matter of conceit but in order to accomplish his goals and how most of the people in the movie call him 'boy' anyway as a way of undermining him but actually it's not until the actual dad figures in the movie take control of the situation for the sake of their kids that you see that kid side of him (the 10 year old going 'I want you to come home' while soaked and shivering) again, like.
the movie goes: Here He Is
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and then nine years later it's all certainty and brashness
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and people are calling him "boy" but who are they talking to because it's not him, surely?
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not this young man pushing and pulling and powering forward, everyone else in tow, surely?
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and then it's like. oh There He Is
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
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Henry Turner Variants: pick ~10 characters from media that remind you of your muse or that you use as inspiration, (insp)
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
this is gonna be one of those things i just sit here and think about after saying it huh
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
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Cattell 16-factor Personality Test
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Warmth 82% — supportive, comforting
Intellect 50% — instinctive, unstable / cerebral, analytical
Emotional Stability 46% — irritable, moody
Aggressiveness 62% — controlling, tough
Liveliness 86% — wild, fun loving
Dutifulness 30% — untraditional, rebellious
Social Assertiveness 82% — uninhibited, bold
Sensitivity 50% — coarse, tough / touchy, soft
Paranoia 26% — trusting, easy going
Abstractness 50% — practical, regular / strange, imaginative
Introversion 10% — open, friendly
Anxiety 20% — confident, self assured
Openmindedness 64% — curious, exploratory
Independence 10% — outgoing, social
Perfectionism 22% — disorganized, messy
Tension 50% — relaxed, cool / stressed, unsatisfied
tagged: @piraticblood tagging: yes
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
I make the rules but also Henry’s big brother shaped, I don’t make the rules. Is your muse younger than him? Congratulations! they’re a younger sibling now. Henry’s here to support them and tease them and defend them and remind them what they’re capable of and Believe In Them and back off when they ask (but keep an eye out anyway.) Like that’s just how he is. All heart. Heart on his sleeve. Big brother shaped.
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
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Nicholas Laughlin, forward from So Many Islands
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
Where Should You Be Kissed?
The Cheek.
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You are made of light. Your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. You should be kissed there. And often. A reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
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Flora & Ulysses, Kate DiCamillo // Abhorsen, Garth Nix // Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales dir. Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg // (Novelization), adapted Elizabeth Rudnick // I wanted to ask, Katie Maria // David And, Dave Harris
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
How do you Breathe?
with your feet planted.
your breath comes from Standing. for what you believe in, for people who can not, for the fact of refusing to kneel. you breathe against something (what would you do without a wall to push against?), there is something in this world that is not right and you breathe for the sake of holding against it. if you weren't breathing you'd be dead and dead people cannot stand. at the same time, if you were not standing, you would not be drawing air.
What king of pining are you?
the brush of skin on skin makes you go insane. your touch starvation is getting out of hand, no pun intended. you have a mental list of every time you've touched them and you'll come up with more excuses to expand the list. bodies were made to fit together and you think theirs would fit yours nicely. oh to hold, to be held.
Where do you hold your love?
on your shoulders.
you hold your love on your shoulders; a weight to bear but one you're not crumbling under. love for you is heavy, big- it makes up everything, the world is comprised entirely of love and you know it. this can make you feel smaller than you'd like to, like you have an obligation to be a part of it, or maybe an obligation to create a love so massive it marks itself as different- greater, a task to take upon yourself. but doesn't all love feel different? and isn't all love great?
Let me tell you something nice about you.
you feel like freedom.
everything about you is so wild and hard to get a hold of. maybe you're everything and nothing at the same time. no rules or obligations. you talk because you want to, you cry because you feel like it. everything inside you is bursting into flames and storming inside you. everything is fleeting and colorful. people will remember you for years.
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
I have posted and deleted this before but I am thinking about it and the way it’s just like entirely more spot on than it needs to be so it’s back:
this  quiz  takes  some  time  to  nail  down  clearly.  i  would  recommend  doing  it  when  you  have  the  time  to  spare  &  the  mental  readiness  to  read  a  lot  &  potentially  take  the  quiz  more  than  once  to  find  your  muse’s  perfect  alignment.
Primary house exposes why your muse does certain things. reasons, motivations and drive. Secondary house defines how your muse does things. their methods, actions and behaviors. Models are when you use the tools and systems of another house you don’t belong to. Burned houses value the ideals or methods of their original House, but are exhausted and more jaded.
Slytherin Primary
Slytherin Primaries are fiercely loyal to the people they care for most. Slytherin is the place where “you’ll make your real friends”– they prioritize individual loyalties and find their moral core in protecting and caring for the people they are closest to.
Slytherin’s reputation for ambition comes from the visibility of this promotion of the self and their important people– ambition is something you can find in all four Houses; Slytherin’s is just the one that looks most obviously selfish.
Because their morality system of “me and mine first” is fairly narrow in scope, Slytherins often construct an additional morality system (a “model”) to deal with situations that are not addressed by their personal loyalty system.
While Slytherin has a reputation for being insular and amoral, a Slytherin’s loyalty does not have to be limited to a small group of loved ones. Some Slytherins have “inner circles” so large they look like Hufflepuffs. But it's a big possessive type of love. To quote Terry Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching: 
“Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine!”
Gryffindor Secondary
Gryffindor Secondaries are more likely to change their volume than their content. They can hold their tongue. They can be polite, patient, proper people—but when the going gets rough or the rough get going you can find a Gryffindor Secondary by the way their problems are met head on rather than subverted, negotiated, or cajoled. They have an efficiency so direct it can be almost combative.
Gryffindor secondaries can be subtle, skilled, and even quiet, but they will cut to the core of things unflinchingly. They will sacrifice social harmony, reputation, and peace before they sacrifice their own outward integrity.
Gryffindor secondaries can be an interesting mix of stand-up integrity and mischievous rule-breaking and chaos. These potentially conflicting traits fall to this— Gryffindor Secondaries are self-defined. Their integrity and their honesty is a deal with themselves, not others.
It can be easy to overlook the efficacy of the Gryffindor secondary when distracted by their tactics. Friends (and opponents) will forget that simplicity and directness of method says nothing about the level of complexity and intelligence in their motivations. Honesty means neither shallowness nor immaturity. The drive and ability to cut to the heart of matters which backs up a Gryffindor’s directness makes them powerful in conflict and refreshing in friendship.
Gryffindors don’t have to be loud. They just have to be honest and to desire to live with integrity. In an ideal world, they don’t base their actions on external limits and motivations-- they act based on what they believe, who they are, and what they think is the right thing to do. Of course, the world is complicated and heavy, so sometimes even Gryffindors have to bow to convention, politeness, or external force-- but it rankles them in a way that disingenuity would never bother other secondaries. 
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
do love (the verb)
"do things from love, not for love" but he says Both ; Ingrid is supplying the concept of "just Do Love" in answer
“Yes; the Greek agape(1) and storge(2) and philia(3); the French a la folie(4); the Hebrew raya(5) and ahava(6); the English if you throw me over I will come straight back(7); gosh this list is endless but these are the ones I had top of head; do not love this boy if you cannot be loved back, he will not give you that option; really you don’t even have to love him and still there will be no mercy, (only love)” [x]
1. Agape (ἀγάπη): Radical, selfless love. To family and friends but so too to strangers and distance, unknowns. Extended without conditions, without requirement. Ideology later translated to Latin caritas - the origin of "charity." Greco-Christian "gift love," the highest form of Christian love, comparable to concepts in other religious traditions such as the mettā or “universal loving kindness” in Theravāda Buddhism. (You do not owe the sun.) (You will make a difference to who you can reach.)
2. Storge (στοργή): Familial love, typically given the context of natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa. (Don’t go. (Come back.)) (I am your echo.) (When taken to basics.) (The tools they give.) (The place they live.)
3. Philia, (φιλία): Deep friendship. Comradery, brothers in arms, loyalty. Sacrificing for them, yes, but knowing them. Sharing your thoughts and emotions and everything with them. (We were not made the face the word alone.) (Gotcha!)
4. À la folie: To (the) madness.
5. Raya (רַעְיָה): The understanding love of a companion or soulmate; a best friend. (Forgiving love.) (Relentless love.)
6. Ahava (אהבה): Commitment Love. (Even-when-it-is-difficult love.) Ferocious love. I’m-not-going-anywhere love. A (declaration of faith.)
7. (And) (if) (you) (throw) (him) (over), (he) (will) (come) (straight.) (back.)
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
What Color Character Is Your Muse?
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Dark Blue.
Dark Blue characters are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up. While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. 
They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. They like being needed and helpful, and.... want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging. (....Listen. It’s. Not wrong but it’s not right, either. It’s ... Something, anyway. Close, maybe.)
They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. 
They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. They often had to grow up fast and mature early(?), which they both take pride in and resent(...eh it’s. Eh..) They are likely to join a just cause on a whim (it’s not a “whim” it’s just and it’s the right thing to do), and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in. They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. 
They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others. 
Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
listen maybe i just have jewelry on the brain but there is Always a version of the necklace. this is important to me.
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
4am. Thinking about how, like
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and like
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and then
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