#☩ i’ll rewrite the whole movie dont test me ( OOC. )
lighthouseborna · 3 years
Some genuinely loving but maybe kind of “tough”(/straightforward) reminders:
People don’t know you have ideas for your character and their character if you don’t reach out to them. 
Posting on the dash is not the same as reaching out to people (barring, of course, a direct @.)
Blocking is a quick, easy, accessible tool for cultivating your online experience. Someone doesn’t have to do something “wrong” to you/someone else for you to block them; getting blocked doesn’t mean you did something “wrong”
People do wrong and learn from it in literally every aspect of life and the internet is no different, especially since it is a expanding sphere where new methods of communication evolve rapidly (people are gonna fuck up. You’re not obligated to forgive/interact with anyone you don’t want to forgive/interact with but maybe calm down about it a little bit idk)
People do not owe you their time as a moral point of fact; you do not owe them yours (you do not have to be available 24/7, and you do not have to be available in one space just because you’re visible in another)
You do owe each other respect and decency.
If you constantly back out of  and downplay your interactions with others (both ic and ooc) you are going to feel left out and it will be your own fault
Tags are polite but people who don’t use them aren’t evil for not using them, you are responsible for your own well being and if someone wants to extend help, that’s very sweet of them! and if not they don’t deserve to be shamed or harassed for it, you are not their responsibility
Attempting to censor other writers for fictional content in any sphere, but especially a hobbyist’s sphere, is pretty silly and a very slippery slope; re: blocking is quick, easy, and accessible
Unclench your damn jaw ♥
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
on a hunch the “Something” is that like.
Imagine you really like something, but even the spaces that are about celebrating the something, the specific part of the thing that you like is ignored or (and it feels like more often but that might not be objectively true) heatedly criticized and repeatedly completely devalued.
Does it like, Matter with a capital m? No, it’s just a piece of media. Is it a big fuckin bummer? I mean like. Yeah.
so like in. the clearest (and not meant to be shitty but maybe it’s shitty idk) way: I am tired of being on defense and if you expect me to preface every thing I say with a “I know you hate this” disclaimer uh. I’m. Not doing that anymore. My space. You can leave it.
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
Little……one-liner(ish) no-plotting starter call? I just toss it at you and we Run / see how the kids interact?
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
You know I’ve only just worked this out but Jack is so dislikable in DMTNT for .... ok a lot of reasons, but the one that I think contributes the most is his motivations are really unclear so all of his scenes are ??? empty and pointless because literally other than Henry-decided-he-needed-him, why is he there????
edit: this is why altering the dynamics makes the entire story more weighty and interesting, motivating Jack to join the search for the trident not for (notoriety reasons????) but also because he cares about the Turners and Henry specifically, and in this essay i will-------
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
Drop a 💀 in my inbox and Henry will tell your muse a spooky story!
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
if i make big puppy dog eyes @ u will u guys agree to a sense8 au
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
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Little......one-liner(ish) no-plotting starter call? I just toss it at you and we Run / see how the kids interact?
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
verses i dont technically have but have a handful of thoughts about anyway
human/living amplifier g/ris/haverse
chi-blocker atla!verse
force sensitive but not force-using SW space pirate(/smuggler) verse
and this is not a verse but just an opinion relating to media I’ve seen and there’s this thing in DW where some people are just more aware of things like low-level psychic fields and that’s also very him and I am specifically talking about the Ood and their song and (if not being able to hear it, in the strictest of terms) you cannot convince me that, in this highly specific crossover situation that honestly makes no sense but So What, that he would not be able to tell that they were thinking and talking. Like you can’t tell me he wouldn’t know. He would.
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
Listen I’ve been feral about this for like a week(?) at this point and I’ve sent it to no less than four individual people and I still keep thinking about it so like. 
Hi this gif from (this set)? A very Henry face like this is how he uses his face and also what he does when he’s trying not to crush other people whilst he is in the midst of being crushed thanks for not asking i am, in fact, vibrating in place with the level of emotions i contain for this one (1) stupid fictional boy that i 40% invented
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
i suddenly feel. very bad! so i am going to go lay down/maybe hang out on mobile a bit. also here is a sneak peek at a thing i have been working on as a break between working on things i am being paid to work on. art is a weird hobby/work avenue. anyways— ily be good chickens. drink water and stuff.
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
.......So if I did let gr*shverse consume some larger portion of my attention and make a verse would anyone be interesting in interacting/plotting in it ?
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
this is ur sign.... whatever headcanon/idea about your character you’ve been sitting on, write about it and post it. right now go do it right now this instant put it on dash i want to read go right now go do it
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
Hi uh. We have officially entered “Hannah struggle bus season” so I am. Like here but not here. Call it a semi-hiatus I guess? I am. Mainly very focused on being a person but still intend to write, is the general idea. 
Slow ic replies, even slower ooc answers.
please be very patient, I am trying
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
i smooch ur noses
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
General RP style and preferences
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Italicize what only applies sometimes. Elaborate on any points you’d like with a *  
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t | I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses |
Plotting Preferences
| Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| Oneliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Mulit para* | Literal Novels
*Listen we cant start with a one liner but I can effectively guarantee it will become a para on my second turn with it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (assuming u didn’t like a ‘one-liner starter call’ and get a paragraph+ to begin with.) I like words.
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you* | I reply on a schedule/queue (specify if you’d like) | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
*Generally expect me to be slow; sometimes (rarely, but it happens) I get absolutely walloped with inspo for a certain thread and will even do multiple replies for it in a day. I also generally do my drafts in the order I get them (oldest first) but this is broad and I will skip ones I just don’t have inspo for and, like I said, if I’m really vibing with something sometimes I will throw it back as soon as I get it.
Romantic or sexual ships
| I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like) | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | Ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (specify reason if you’d like) | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut |
| I do NOT do smut at all (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m very selective about it* | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to nsfw headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to | I am comfortable with foreplay and fade-to-blacks but nothing further
*I am pro nsf(tumblr) content! but also have a weird relationship with it and not a lot of experience and like.............tl;dr Shy. I am Shy. You can mostly expect random headcanon dumps and the occasional drabble/answered ask. I also have a sideblog of ref/inspo you will never, ever see. I tag all of this very liberally.
Active hours 
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards | 
CST/GMT -5. I pop in.................a Lot, but I mostly do successful writing in the mornings (when I have fewer distractions) and I do a lot of on-dash shenanigans at night—into the Ungodly Hours when my sleep is hyucked up (which is. A lot.) I really should get a job and other hobbies, tbh.
Activity Schedule
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activit | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
Here a lot. Whether or not I actually Do anything about it tends to.......waffle.
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls | I don’t do calls, but always fee free to ask me for one! | I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do |
I. have AUs. They are multiplying without my deliberate attention. I generally love to throw him places it’s very entertaining but I do admittedly get frustrated sometimes with feeling like I don’t get to do a lot with him in his home setting/verse, so if you’re willing/interested in meeting me there PLEASE let me know!!! but broadly I am happy to just hurl him at mach speed toward Whatever. I can make it make sense.
| I don’t do crossovers | I’m selective with crossovers | I love crossovers! | 
They gotta make sense one way or another.
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
this unironically came up on my tiktok so it’s slowly scoping me out for the hyperfixated nerd i am and that’s also why im thinking about it but the choice to put Elizabeth in a pink dress was. A choice. And like I personally don’t think that it was a wrong choice because I mean like. It’s a pretty dress and maybe she just pulled it out and dressed up specifically for the special occasion there’s no reason for her not to enjoy pretty things (she openly admires the dress from the first movie until it tries to kill her lmao) but when her cameo is entirely visual it’s weird and incongruous to the previous journey we’ve seen her costuming reflect. Like there’s nothing “”wrong”” per se with the costume it just doesn’t...... make sense in terms of where we left off with and therefore presume elizabeth to be in her characterization lskfjglskfjglskjfg
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