#☪take me with you [que]
aamaranthiine · 5 months
the last unicorn
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“Unicorns are immortal. It is their nature to live alone in one place: usually a forest where there is a pool clear enough to see themselves--for they are a little vain, knowing themselves to be the most beautiful creatures in all the world, and magic besides.” ― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
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an independent lady amalthea from peter beagle's the last unicorn, rp blog, est. 2020 but revived dec 2023. not exclusive to any fandom or rpc. expect themes of melancholy, mortality, legacy, dealing with grief, loss and regret, learning to be human, conceptualizing immortality and its burdens, whimsy, mischief, duality and the indifference of nature. semi-active // adults (18+) only // penned by lumi (31, she/they) multi verse & multi ship, currently wandering the worlds of: the last unicorn, one piece, studio ghibli, disney, baldurs gate 3, castlevania and many others. > 1. carrd // 2. memes // 3. headcanons < > 4. permanent shipping call // 5. interaction call // 6. promo <
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estcsy · 2 years
leonardo x reader x noah!
dr memory! ֗
(If you are confused then go back a few post LMAO)
translation key!
“Siempre te dije que tuvieras cuidado Gabriela.”
“I always told you to be careful, Gabriela”
“Mama lo siento pero los dos los dejamos llevar-“
“Mom I told you that we both got carried away-“
“Que hubieras hecho si saliste embarazada?”
“What would have we done if you got pregnant?”
“Hola milo!” “Hello milo!”
“SHE HAD A PREGNANCY SCARE-?“ The voice of Leonardo Luna was full of shock and concern.
But got cut of by the feeling my right arm that was wrapped around his shoulders moving off and my hand flying over his mouth.
“bruh she’s literally standing ten feet away from us.” I told the boy with the black hair.
You see, me and Noah always happen to be at the right place at the right time.
“I know these apples are so juicy on my lord.”
Noah Luna has a thing for apples.
Noah’s hand made it’s way to grab the apples that was in the basket at the farmers market.
Taking every red apple he can see and putting it in his bag.
Making me laugh at his cute obsession with red apples.
“Do you not like the green-“ my voice getting cut off by the sound of Mrs. Cruz and her 17 year old daughter, Gabriela Cruz.
“Siempre te dije que tuvieras cuidado Gabriela.”
Both of our heads turning, looking over our shoulders out of curiosity.
“Mama lo siento pero los dos los dejamos llevar-“ Gabriela was on the verge of tears at this point.
“Que hubieras hecho si saliste embarazada?”
My brown eyes and Noah’s blue eyes going wide.
Both of us turning back around with our mouths open.
“damn..” he said trying to hold back his laugh.
Noah is the type of person that laughs when he doesn’t know what to do.
Turning our heads about around wanting to see what happens next between the mother and daughter.
I know that may sound a little bit rude.. but nobody likes them anyways.
By now, Mrs. Cruz and Gabriela were having a full blown yelling match. You could tell that Gabriela was holding tears back.
I don’t exactly like her after the things she said about Dolores, but I do feel bad for her.
Still watching them fight, Mrs. Cruz begin walking away from her daughter. Leaving Gabbie on her own in the farmers market.
“Wait till Leo hears about this.”
Me and the twins are now at their house.
The home was filled with many flowers and had a very welcoming aura.
“Hola milo!” Seeing the little boy was like all the chemicals in my brain that made “happiness” completely flooded my mind.
Running up to the little boy named Milo Luna and pick him up into a hug.
“You don’t great me like that..” Leonardo said while he watched me kiss Milos face while holding him in my arm.
Putting milo down, I look over at Leo.
“Do you want me to pick you up and kiss you?” I cooed and walking over to leo and fixed the chain around his neck.
“I mean….” Leo started and pretended to tuck long hair behind his ear making me laugh.
What an idiot.
I playfully shoved his shoulder, making him do it back to me.
“HELLOOOO WHAT ABOUT ME?” Noah’s voice loud voice wanting attention as well.
“NOAHHHHH MY BESTIE” I began to talk over to Noah with my arms open.
“MARSSSS” He opened his arms as well.
“AHH” Both of us yelled while embracing one another.
“Please both of you shut up. Not only do you sound stupid you both sound ridiculous.” The older twin scolded us.
“Get in here my brother!”
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aamaranthiine · 5 months
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Like a shadow on the sea, a figure slipped around patches of dappling sunlight peeking through the canopy of trees. Brief flashes of white that could be the sun reflecting or the leaves shifting to rearrange the shadows that flit across the earth. Delicate movements that did not disturb so much as a twig or leave imprints in soft, loamy soil. With nothing to mark it's passing, it is easy to dismiss the creature as pure imagination, even for the glimpse of a leonine tail or the loft of a dainty head.
The warbling of birds is gossip to keen ears, their chirping voices forming words that only she could comprehend. Something dangerous had taken place. There were glimpses of men in the area. Blood had been spilled. Voices rising and falling as the birds took flight to their nests, many quickly forgetting the discord often trailing the heels of mankind in favor of plump insects to hunt or to tend the needs of flightless young. A wiser beast would turn heel and follow the birds away.
She did not.
It is like having an eternal pose lodged in one's breast, a needle that incessently points and then tugs and tugs her in that direction. A compulsion sown deep into her marrow ever since consuming the Fruit years past. Too many times the instinct had almost been her demise; the poignant weakness to be drawn to the innocent, the young, the pure of heart. Even moreso when they were wounded.
It is a curse.
And yet she obeys it each time. Damned, she is certain, to one day be undone by the soul deep coercion.
The unicorn, one of the oldest myths and dreams of men from around the world, treads forward with a wariness that ensures she is all but invisible. So white she is almost golden, blending in with the sun and the shade simultaneously. Slowly closing the distance to where whoever lay hurt and dreading each and every step that it may be another ambush.
A wiser beast would turn and run.
And she does not.
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for @seaoftales / young mihawk
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
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( a closed starter for @risenocs' Vera )
The sky is clear and the air is thick with the scent of sunflowers, yellow blooms swaying languidly in the balmy breeze. The sprawling rows of flowers planted at the base of Dressrosa's palace are perhaps the only comfortable place for the wayward pose artificer. Despite the standing agreement she had with Doflamingo about being safe here in his Kingdom, she did not particularly enjoy visiting for long periods. The lanky blonde's presence is a constant needle in her side - her instincts shrieking with alarm bells each time she got too close to him.
Here, though, out in the sunflower fields? There is a tiny bit of serenity to be found. Resting in cool soil and letting the plants soak in her power. Whenever she was here, the flora flourished brighter and larger; a passive effect of her devil fruit that she'd kept secret. Nobody seemed to notice anyway, being that the Donquioxte family did not seem as invested in plantlife as she was.
With a sigh, Thea sat up and shook out leaves and petals from her snowy-white hair. She wanted to leave the Kingdom but Trebol had requested she stick around for a specific mission to be detailed later. Annoying but apart of her duties as a courier. Expression souring, she started to pick weeds out from the ground as something to do.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
valentine's day application
Name: Trafalgar Age: 26, almost 27 Do you like to cuddle?: mh, i guess Can we make-out?: just sitting together, talking, maybe holding hands, that could be nice A night in or dinner out?: a night in, we can stay up for as long as we want just take out time to talk and whatever we feel for, reading or games Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: either works or we could go for something salty if you prefer a proper dinner What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm easygoing, we don't have to do anything fancy, just spending time together sounds nice Would you cook for me?: there are a few simple meals i can do Would you let me cook for you?: if you wish
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( valentines day applications - accepting / for @herztakt )
It's just for a little fun, surely even she is allowed that luxury? Thea couldnt remember the last time she'd made a conscious effort to make and maintain amicable ties with someone. (Or maybe she did, and it just felt like a dream now.. As these things did when she was too long as human or other.) She had filled out one of the Valentines papers at the insistence of a few of the Heart's crew, not expecting one to be returned in kind!
Mirth is warm and fuzzy as it tickles over her skin, the heat crawling up to her neck and cheeks. Silly. That's what this is. Yet the artificer folds the paper up and slots it into the pocket of her vest. She would hold onto this, it would make a cute addition to one of her treasure caches that spanned the years.
And maybe she'd bother Law later too.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
Valentines Day Application from Vera
Name: Vera Pecker Age: 26 Do you like to cuddle?: Not with you Yes Can we make-out?: Absolutely not Maybe A night in or dinner out?: Neither Night in Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Neither Strawberries covered in dark chocolate What makes you a good Valentine?: Nothing I will cherish anything you give me, even if I don’t want it Would you cook for me?: Cook it yourself Yes Would you let me cook for you?: Absolutely not Yes There’s a note on the back saying “Father made me fill this out. I want nothing from you, woman.”
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( valentines day application / for @risenocs Vera )
"What in-" the piece of paper, somewhat crumpled, that is handed to her by some errand messenger is given a suspicious glance. At first she thinks its some nonsense note from one of the Executives, but instead its a Valentines Application. From Vera, of all people.
Vera, whom made her dislike of Thea quite plain, even if she tried to hide it behind a silent veneer. The artificer is not stupid, and too many people did not know how to successfully hide their emotions from Observation Haki. She laughs a bit at the crossed out responses, then flips it over to spot the additional note.
Pencil in hand, Thea scrawls a reply: 'Thank you for the effort anyway, but it is best we keep separate, Im sure you agree.'
She sends it back to Vera and goes about her day.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
What color is your aura?
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SAGE - from here
herb clippings, matcha, bullet journals, mini backpacks, needlefelts, pistachio, laptop stickers. your essence is sage: you are introspective and retreating. everything is organized and planned ahead; you are meticulous, stacking up a card tower you can't let fall. it is difficult for you to untwist your tongue and tell others you need them. you are the observer. you are the writer gone off alone. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of green, forest, honeysuckle, and seafoam, who share your guarded nature. you are also drawn to the self-expressive sky and apricot, who will help you grow and embolden you to say what you need. however, you may struggle to get along with the overly-emotional personalities of rose and cream who ask you to be too vulnerable.
stolen from @horonomi tagging: whoever hasnt done it yet!
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aamaranthiine · 21 days
❛ come back to bed. ❜ / from Mihawk
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( subtle smut sentences. - for @seaoftales Mihawk <3 )
She had slipped from bed only moments prior, rising in the dim predawn light to draw the curtains and return the room to darkness. It's no surprise her absence is quickly noted, how the lack of her soft warmth in his arms stirs Mihawk from sleep. Enough to drowsily coax her back to bed, the rough sigh of his voice all the prompting she needs.
Crawling over rumpled sheets and blankets, drawn back into the comforts of bed and the familiar strength of her swordsman's embrace. Any chill that might've settled on her skin chased away by his heat, tangling limbs together so there's scarcely space left between them. Amalthea hums a nonverbal reply to his muttered complaint about her waking him, soothing any twinge of ire with a sleepy kiss.
Quiet settles over them, the muted rush of breathing and the steady drumbeat of his heart dull in her ears. Calming.
She does not doze off so quickly, caught somewhere between waking and dreaming. Basking in the dark serenity of the moment, of the hours before obligation demands them awake and dressed and presentable to others. Thea slides an arm under his and around his back, tucking her face into the crook of his neck to breathe him in. Bliss is a weightless heart, her mind floating in a haze until sleep eventually overcomes her.
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aamaranthiine · 3 months
“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ” from @gxdmade !
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( from unhinged dialogue prompts - accepting. / for @gxdmade ! )
"Hopefully none of those things will be directed towards me..?" Not that she seems particularly bothered by the thought, there's definitely a bit of humor in the mapmaker's demeanor. "How about you help me put this itching powder in those other pirates clothes and we'll both satisfy our penchant for mischief, hm?"
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aamaranthiine · 3 months
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
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( from unhinged dialogue prompts - accepting! ) "Is that so?" The unicorn muses in her dulcet voice, intrigued and humored at the sudden comment. It was clearly borne on a wave of exuberant mischief, which has the mythical creature almost tickling with mirth. "Have the fae gotten to you? They certainly have an influence on being unhinged, as you say." for @intothewildsea
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
Special Valentines Ask Delivery!
The News Coo circles a few times before spotting the one it had been searching for. In addition to the letter it had also been paid to deliver a small package. Landing close by it hopped over to Amalthea with a caw, announcing the delivery for her. Said delivery was send from a certain red-haired emperor. The package holds a variation of rare chocolate treats, formed in various ways to thematically represent the beauty of the forest.
The letter is handed over next and it reads the following:
Dear Thea,
I hope the News Coo finds you well and in time. Enjoy your little present. It’s not much, but in honor of Valentines Day everyone deserves at least a little present. Don’t eat all at once, they contain liquor and I don’t know how well you can hold yours yet. Maybe we should figure that out together next time we meet?
PS: The bird has been paid already, don’t let it tell you otherwise.
As if knowing it’s mentioned the News Coo lets out a small squawk, demanding payment. Either in money or a small treat, before it flies off in order to deliver more letters.
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( valentines day gifts <3 thank you! )
In the process of testing needles for her newest Eternal Pose, of which two so far were duds, Amalthea is interrupted in her work by the cry of an approaching News Coo. She was on some unmarked island close to the Calm Belt and hadn't been expecting any mail until she sailed back to civilization.
The bird drops down to where the artificer sits in some shade, trilling complaints about the long flight it had taken to find her. Thea apologizes for the inconvenience as she accepts the package and letter, her contriteness melting into tenderhearted happiness at the present. She laughs at the note's conclusion, keeping it balanced on her lap whilst opening the box of chocolates.
"I have a feeling Akagami could drink me under the table, despite that I've been drinking a lot longer than he has been." Thea comments to the impatient News Coo, whose response is another squawk in demand of a treat. Smiling, she tosses the bird a gold coin as tip and watches it fly off.
"Been awhile since I've played any drinking games, might be fun to revisit." Said to herself as she sampled a few morsels.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
A part of him wanted to just turn around and crumple the little note he had in his hand. To say that he was nervous would have been the understatement of the century. With everything going on, and the feelings he harboured for Thea deep down, he decided to shoot his shot.
A hand extended towards her, handing her the note written in neat cursive lettering.
Name: Mihawk Age: 41 Do you like to cuddle?: in private, always Can we make-out?: of course A night in or dinner out?: A night in with a homemade dinner Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: chocolate covered strawberries What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm a devoted and loyal lover, I will love and dote on you any time of day and night, bring you small present from my journeys and I will protect you at all costs Would you cook for me?: cook for you, make desserts, bring you breakfast in bed. Whatever your heart desires. Would you let me cook for you?: absolutely, and I would even join you if you'd let me. Cooking with somebody is always fun.
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( valentines day applications - accepting / for @seaoftales Mihawk )
Amalthea knows Mihawk is lingering nearby, just out of her periphery, but she is content to wait for him to overcome the indecision she can feel wrapped around him like weeds. She jots notes down in a logbook, keenly aware of the approaching holiday and thinking absently about the things she'd collected for him. In quieter moments like this, where they have the chance to relax, she dwells on the strange but not unpleasant way that Mihawk made her feel human.
Never mind the harsh, looming reality that she is not and never would be, finite and mortal again.
Her midnight gaze lifts from logbook to the note he finally presented her, curiosity on her face as she accepts it to read. It's summation has her heart dancing despite the tightness constricting in her chest; both pain and euphoric lightness. Thea chuffs, smiling, then sets aside her book and stands to bring herself just nearly flush to his side. She tangles her free hand with his, "What a funny modern custom, rather more direct than poetry or sonnets," fondness plain in her dulcet tone.
"I like it," I like you, her dark eyes say, "come with me, I have something for you too." A gentle tug on his hand to lead him off.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
Name: Nyssa Age: 23 Do you like to cuddle?: With trusted individuals Can we make-out?: If we trust each other another and after a couple dates. A night in or dinner out?: Either but being alone in private areas are more favorable. Let’s take a picnic around Lagoon at night with no one else around. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: chocolate covered strawberries What makes you a good Valentine?: I’m very understanding a space, and knowing that it takes time to earn your trust. Would you cook for me?: I will do my best but will probably need help not burning myself. Would you let me cook for you?: You might have too when teaching me to cook
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( valentines day application - accepting / for @onepiecc's Nyssa )
It's a rare decade where Amalthea dabbles in holidays - not only did she have a terrible concept of time but her isolationist habits tend to make it so she never had anyone to celebrate with anyway. So in this particular year, wherein she tried to be less distrustful, it feels nice to be the recipient of such customs like on Valentines Day.
She laughs softly at the sincere answers scribbled on the page, cheeks warm and stomach fluttery like it was a butterfly swarm. Spending the day with Nyssa sounded nice - but first she ought to find an appropriate gift for the mermaid before heading out in search of her.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
“ There’s trouble for all when there’s trouble for one. ”
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( from x, assorted dialogue prompts. for @herztakt )
The only sound is the wind, how it tugs at the loose fabric of her clothing and makes it ripple. Otherwise, she's pacing silently, restlessly; back and forth, back and forth. It would never not be strange how no matter what lay beneath her feet, she never made a sound whilst walking or running. Whatever unfocused anxiety making her pace is momentarily paused when Law's voice startles her from the reverie.
She halts. Violet eyes wandering over his features - like just for the briefest second, she might've not recognized him - "Hm, when the one is part of the all, perhaps." At least she's lucid enough to make a quip, "The only trouble at this moment is I am restless, and there is not much space to be running."
For one usually so aloof and composed, the tension in her is obvious. Like an animal pacing within the confines of a cage; biding and eager and wanting to have more open space to stretch their legs. She wanted to run. Needed it. Being human for too long made her feel like she was dreaming - foggy, unknowing, leaden with too many things.
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
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( for @fieryxhearts's Sabo, from here )
She's typically not the sort to ask strangers for help, not humans anyway, animals are always happy to lend a hand if she was polite. But unfortunately even the most dexterous of beasts probably wouldnt be able to untangle her from her current predicament - so Amalthea is resorting to bothering a top-hat wearing fellow. Her posture is slightly uncomfortable, with how her hands seem held behind her back.
"Uh well, I got tangled up, to say the least." Slowly turning to reveal that both her arms are tethered in a complete mess of rope, like some net trap gone horribly wrong and knotted all out of sorts down to her wrists. "It was a poacher's trap I got into, trying to disarm it." Which is a very loose explanation of events - no need to mention the trap had been meant for her, specifically.
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aamaranthiine · 4 years
Tag Testing
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