#☼  SINBAD. ―▐  the dragon will hold him close and whisper of his value,he is her most beloved treasure she’ll give to no one.
zorkaya-moved · 3 years
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↪ @highseaskxng.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
-14 year old Sinbad sits on Zarina's lap because he's heard this is what children do during the holidays and they get gifts.-
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Proceeds to push him off her lap to fall to the floor immediately. One swift move and she has no hesitation, a sigh escapes her immediately as if she's disappointed over what she got. " You're not a cute girl or a handsome man. " She's not your Santa Claus, Sinbad. She will discriminate. " You're also above the age where you can sit on another woman's lap to ask for presents and be a kid. Shoo~ " Zarina proceeds to cross her leg to prevent the other from even attempting it again. Perhaps, when he becomes king and confesses to her, she'll let him actually do this.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
“ i haven't mastered the art of kissing yet. wanna practice? “
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It's a jest and she knows it, an obvious inquiry for her to kiss him. Who is she to deny his sidelined request when he looks at her with those bright eyes? It is obvious there is weakness (a soft spot) within the woman's soul as she noticed it years and years ago, but now it seems to be a pleasant sensation. The dragon adores basking in her treasure's attention and why shouldn't she spoil her treasure... no, her beloved, with the same attention? It seems to her he's been doing well at work, being the rightful King and she allows herself to smile at his "smooth" line before she steps forward, placing her hands on his chest to gently push him back to make him sit down. The luxurious couch with tons of cushions and tiny pillows, where she liked to rest in the middle of the day, is a perfect place to "practice" in her eyes.
" You have not? We cannot leave it on the back burner then. It's important to know such art more intimately, " she whispers upon getting the King to sit down, placing her knee between his legs and bending forward to put her hands on the back of the couch, caging the man. Their faces close, Sinbad's back pressed against the couch and she is enjoying staring into his eyes. If she's done this when he was younger, she thinks he would've blushed and it makes her enjoy this moment all the more. The daring look of Sinbad leaves her to understand just how she adores his presence and his warm touch. " Let's start, shall we? I will give you an example. Right now. "
Eyelashes flutter upon her blinking, Zarina brings herself closer to Sinbad's lips but stops right before they touch. Her own lips curl into a small smile, teasing and mischievous for that one second. The origin dragon's patience runs deeper than the ocean's floor if she wishes for it to be the case, but it's obvious she wants to kiss him just as much as he wants to kiss her. It's undeniable, he's got her all around his finger when it comes to affection and longing.
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" You need to make the person long for it, just like this. Make them want to move forward but silence them with one look. And when they are upset they didn't receive the promised kiss, " she glances to the side to strive his attention for a second and immediately covers his lips with her own, sealing the kiss with unhidden desire. Zarina's mind concentrates on the sensation more than ever, indulging in the natural scent surrounding Sinbad and the warmth he sends through her body the moment they indulge in each other. Without breaking the kiss, Zarina changes her position to make it easier for the "lesson" to continue, her hands now resting on Sinbad's shoulders and her legs straddling his lap. Angling her head, she opens her mouth mid-kiss, letting the kiss deepen and let her tongue enter his mouth to press against his. In a sense, it was sloppy, but it was enjoyable. The soft lips united, exchanging the blossoms of passion. It only gets better when Zarina feels Sinbad's hand on the lower part of her back, bringing her closer while the other weaves into the silver locks. Her eyes close right before they have to take a breather, leaving only a thin string of saliva connecting their lip before breaking apart.
" You're irresistible, Sinbad. " She utters softly, only for him to hear and know. Her beloved, her soul, her love. He is her everything, he is the one who she'll sacrifice the world for without second thinking. The way her golden gaze shines with love and affection is an obvious implication of how important Sinbad is for her and how strong her feelings are. " If I could, I would close you in your room and not let you come out for several days. I would test your endurance and take everything you can offer to me. " But she won't, she wishes for him to remain healthy and well-rested. Only when he wishes to take a day or two off to rest would she be interested in going at it for longer: the kisses, the passion, the embraces.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
“ do you feel closer to god yet ” (Sinbad and his ego XD)
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" Nope! "
The woman answers immediately at the question thrown at her. She can see Ja'far's and Hinahoho's curious look at the honesty and straightforwardness of her response. Internally, the generals knew exactly why the woman has answered like this. Feeding Sinbad's ego isn't her daily job, it's important for the Origin Dragon to bring it down as much as alleviate it. He's a human and whenever he refers to himself as God, Zarina's eyes show dislike and they freeze over, making her look away and be quite unhappy with the other. Today, the woman takes it with a grain of comedy while not even looking at the King of Sindria, reading a scroll more attentively than looking at the man who held her heart in his embrace and who have chosen to have her remain by his side. His choice, she obliged as it was the only selfless thing she'd do for him - go along the desires she could allow and follow, all to preserve his life and his smile.
" If you feel closer to God, you must be feeling older, huh? Usually, humans say they feel closer to God when they're older and closer to death. Don't make me worried for your health. We're laying off alcohol for two days now, Sin, " she can hear the 'pfft' and 'hah!' from behind, knowing full well the people who have heard it knew that Zarina will not let the ego of her beloved become too big. Not only that, but she pokes at his biggest weakness just to make sure he remembers to never call himself like that. The reason he's so far ahead and one of the reasons she loves him is because he's a human, and a human's potential is endless. " Now, Sinbad, " Zarina looks up at her lover with a smile as if she didn't just deliver a verdict that might hurt both his pride and his fun for the next two days. Pettiness is one of her clearest traits now that they're closer to each other than ever. This vixen knows exactly what she's done and she feels no shame about it! " Let's make sure neither of us is feeling closer to God, alright? I love you alive and well~ Don't you love me alive and well, too? " Truly, a snow fox instead of a dragon.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
For the entire day you're to speak nothing but my praises. (17 yr Sinbad)
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" You want to waste such a crucial command on something so silly? You are craving my praise, don't you, Sinbad? " The woman laughs half-heartedly as she puts on the earrings, ruby stones shine beautifully with her red outfit. It is time to dance today, a time to present another story of the past before people who do not understand each story she tells is one of reality, their past, and her experience. If Sinbad wants to hear only praise in his address, she will not be able to refuse it as her word is true when she gives it. With a smile, the Origin Dragon looks at the sailor, beginning her promised command from the get-go.
" You're a talented young man, aren't you? Why would you need me to praise you more than how great you already are? " She is following the command, knowing it'll be a long day singing praises to Sinbad, but it's fine. She can watch him being excited to hear her kind words, praises, and glorious exaggerations that he just might use for his tales. " What do you want me to start with, then? Your skillset in trading, your smooth way of talking, your battle capabilities? I can go on with several different ones, it just depends which ones you want to hear me praise. "
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
“You got hurt… because of me. I’m so sorry.” (it's like you were begging me to send this)
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The dragon's kin does not share such warmth between each, not physical, at least. Not with two arms wrapping around one's body with an intent t keep close, to warm up, to protect, to shield, to love. She knows her mother cannot do the same and will never be able to do the same without being in a body of a human. The maiden of moonlight and winter, the scales of frost have disappeared from her heart as Sinbad approach her with an intent to make her stay with him. It's warm, she does not expect him to understand how powerful his presence with her was and continues to be.
Zarina feels her breathe stop for a moment as his words leave him like a sorrowful melody. Amber gaze closes as she brings her hands to wrap around him. Zarina sighs, her exhale is as soft as it can get as if she didn’t make any sound at all. Her attachment to the King of Seven Seas is obvious, the way she nuzzles into his neck as he tells her his apologies is everything but sad to her. The way she can hear his voice tremble, it makes her remember the day when Esra died but also the time when he cried in her arms, it makes her wonder if that gentle and bright core of his is still intact. It soothes her mind, the Origin Dragon breathes in his scent in that moment of tenderness and sadness. This melancholy inside her chest is melting with a warm sensation of love, he’s still a kind-hearted man she’s met all those years ago. How glad she is to be here in his embrace, feeling his warm seep into her very soul. 
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“ It’s been years now, Sinbad, it’s in the past, ” the woman utters, remembering the broken bone and the pool of blood she sat in, shocked and terrified of her understanding that she couldn’t kill the man with amber gaze and violet hair. Zarina remembers the moment when it striked her, the understanding of her powerful attachment and the possession that took ahold of her - he is her treasure, he always was and always will be. The physical pain is bearable. She’s been tortured and hurt before, but she wishes not to speak of those days when knife would open her flesh and sickened bastards would find solace in the taste of her blood. Right now, she is safe and serene. The calmness of her heart remains only because of Sinbad’s presence by her side. She is falling asleep with a tender smile on her face while being in the hands of one she truly loves. She wants to spend the rest of his life with him, she will not find another who’ll ever come even close to what he is and who he is. He’s her one and only love. “ Just stay with me as a way to repay me and do not hurt me anymore. Live with me and be happy with me. ”
Her voice is warmer and softer than every as she caresses his back, trying to make sure tat he understands how she does not wish for him to suffer because of the past. Physical pain she can bear, but if he breaks her heart she fears that apathy will fully consume her and she will forever exit this world, forced to wander the eternity in her lonesome and distrustful self. This is why she wishes for him to know that she is no longer hurt and is no longer bleeding, her bones are not shattered and neither she is sitting on the floor, shocked and unable to move from an emotional weight suddenly slamming her down. 
“ You are the best thing to happen to me in two thousand years. I do not regret any moment with you. You are my treasure, my dear beloved, my Sun. I’ll stay with you until the very last day. I love you, Sinbad. ” Lips place a soft kiss to his neck simply because of how their position works, Zarina nuzzles into the crook of his neck once more as she relaxes in his hold. He can so easily pick her up and lay down with her, she will not fight back or say anything. If he wishes to spend a soft, tender moment with her in his arms, she will be more than happy to oblige in the silence and sweetness of today’s lazy afternoon.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
Sinbad randomly pins her against a wall mid sentence to kiss her, and very well as she deserves.
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It's an obvious hunger that can only be satisfied by each other, a giver of warmth and the taker of said warmth. It's something magical to the one who's lived for countless centuries, insatiable and never satisfied. A wish to finally find someone who'll become the beacon of light in the never-ending darkness, a desire to find someone who'll finally satisfy this abyssal depth that no amount of jewelry and fascinating stories could fill. Finally, she feels drunk on one's presence and it's setting her free as relaxes in Sinbad's hold, the initial tension from being pressed against the wall settles down as his lips take away the words about to be spoken. The lack of shame is evident from them both, shining brighter than the sun in the day sky and the stars in the night sky.
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Zarina adores this very moment, his boldness making her smile through the kiss as she remembers all of their moments together. So short, so vivid, so bright. She longs to have many more moments that she'll remember for as long as she lives, not wishing to ever forget this presence, this warmth, this love. The vigor he shows melts her, making her succumb to the passion and to the emotion behind each of these unrestrained shows. Her scolding will wait until much later as her lips are sealed, eyes closing to indulge in this very moment all the more. Sinbad has learned well over the course of years how to kiss someone, it shows through how they both wordlessly deepen the kiss without any regard to anyone who'll decide to walk through this hallway.
Human bodies can only handle so much without oxygen, she notes, feeling the burning sensation in her chest as Sin moves away from her. Heavy breathes fill the silence of the midday hallway, they share golden in their eyes, reflecting in each other's gaze, and Zarina tugs at his robe again, fingertips then running across his jewelry that clinked with each move.
" Come back, " she utters, speaking of their closeness and the way she already misses his lips on her own. The chuckle coming from his side only makes her eyes travel back to his lips, his voice soothing her mind and making her forget about their business talk just for now. " Come here, Sin. "
It's enough time, the woman thinks to herself, before dragging the man to herself again. Their lips meet again, and she does not care how she hears the generals searching for their king, calling Sinbad's name every so often while checking rooms. Her satisfaction comes first and if the King of Sindria kissed her as she was lecturing him on the importance of a good deal, she will take it all. He was hers and she was his, obvious as it is.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
“  you can’t even say that and look me in the eyes.  you’re clearly lying.  just tell me the truth.  ”
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On moments like these does the dragoness get upset, defensive, quite unhappy with the way he approaches this conversation. The solitude from others when it comes to truth and reality causes her not to understand his desire to know, to understand, to dig deeper. Zarina told him everything he wished to know ad he could know, it is as she wished to do and it is as she expected things to end. It can be called selfish, her desire to hide away the truth as it’s not something she wishes to discuss, it would give away the reasons for her weakness and for her hesitation that’s never happened before. She’s never hesitated, ever, but upon thinking that she’ll have to end the life of Sinbad before? The hesitation almost caused her death. Zarina knows now: she will not do the same mistake again, her hesitation will not happen. One time has been enough. If his life will be in the hands of another, she will take it for herself by coloring her weapon and her hands in his blood. He is only hers and no one else’s. 
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“ It is not lying if I wish not to speak of it, Sinbad, ” the Origin Dragon crosses her arms, staring the man down without hiding away the hostility at his words. Rarely does she get agitated, usually it is playfully done and she doesn’t act up on any emotion as it gets drowned by boredom and business. When it comes to such personal relationships, the dragoness is not one to be fully knowledgeable of how they might work. Besides the support and the understanding, she still has a harder time of grasping the human ways. Then again, why does he want to know what transpired before? Why does he continue to ask her these questions over and over again? As if he doesn’t remember himself what happened. “ Why do you wish to know? I am alive and well now, am I not? This is all you should be thinking about. I know how to prevent myself from getting in that situation again. ”
Fingers drum against her bicep as she continues to have her arms crossed, looking away from Sinbad once again not to lie but to show how she doesn’t want to continue this conversation. It’s unfair of her to hide away information, but what can he do? Can he dominate the mind of David sleeping within him? Can he even reach so deep within his soul and his mind when his djinns cannot reach that far? It’ll be a waste of time. At least, for now, while she is searching for a way herself. 
“ Why do you want to know right now? The injury caused before, as you can see, is no longer seen or present. You do not have to look this worried or concerned over it. It was caused by my hesitation, it shan’t happen again, ” it is true, there will be no hesitation and there will have to be a sword to prevent her from striking down all who is before her to stop her from taking what’s hers. No, not ‘what’ but ‘who.’ Obviously, Ja’far will stand in her way first, glaring at her and trying to talk her out of anything that may cause pain or suffering to Sinbad. She loves him, but she is a dragon: a selfish, possessive dragon who only has her eyes on the treasure that is hers and only hers. He’s bound her by his side with the words of love, he is a culprit here as she will be. “ What will change if I tell you, Sinbad? Are you going to obtain a unique and different power that I never knew about? Certainly, your body has suffered enough after the ordeal. What will change if you learn who hurt me and who was responsible? I will listen to your reasons and judge if it is time or not. ” How difficult she is, far more difficult than any mortal woman would be, brushing off the broken bones and the pool of blood, a truly painful and terrifying view for those who are mortal and whose bodies cannot be healed as easily without djinn’s powers. 
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
❝ i know i slept with a lot of people, but… it wasn’t making love. ❞ (Let's face it it's the REALEST Sinbad thing.)
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It leaves her speechless if only for a moment, eyes darting from the sheets and silk of her nightgown to look at the king lying next to her. The love he spoke of was known to her now, but rarely did she speak of it in the open. The way he touched her, the way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her. He knew far better than to trust her, but he still asked her to stay with him. He was no fool, he was a man who could see in the future and decide which path to partake in order to reach his destined goal. The chosen of Rukh, the one who made her remember Solomon and his lead. Different but just as influential. It left her stare at him for a moment, taking in the words spoken. They felt like a blessing and so she reached out.
While looking away, her hand finds his and gives it a tender squeeze. It's obvious for them to share a bed now, countless people knowingly avoiding the king's chambers when the snow-haired maiden would walk towards it in her silk robe made by her design and her offer, materials given by her as well. White and silver, no gold despite her appreciation for the color of her and Sinbad's eyes. As of now, she'll remain sitting next to him, hair tied low.
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“You say then that you made love to me and only me then, Sinbad?” Such change was avoided, she did not wish to accept his feelings until he knew exactly what he was going for. It was a selfless thing she did only for him: give him a choice, but as of now, she decided to look at him and at his feelings, gaze softening just enough to show that it's real. "Then prove it to me right now."
Her gaze travels to the exposed chest, knowing full well the man enjoyed his sleep without any clothes. Unlike him, she enjoyed the feel of silk and the way it felt when he would undress her. It was obvious she'd let the dawn kiss their skin in the morning, sunlight waking up them tenderly. Zarina moved first, crawling closer to her king and cupped his cheek with her hand, letting the thumb move across his skin. The same hand moved down to graze his neck, then remain on his shoulder, pushing him to down on the bed, her hovering over his without looking away from his eyes. The interlocked gaze felt more intimate than before and she leaned down to give him a kiss.
"Make love to me, Sinbad. Because tonight I will say the words you wished to hear for so long. You can embrace me, kiss me, love me because..." Another kiss pressed on his lips, tender and sweeter than ever. Her touch was somehow warmer, but it was simply because of his shared warmth to her. "I will adore you just the same if not more, my love."
Another kiss, now deeper and even more intimate. She'd give herself to him all the more, speaking his name so sweetly and beautifully that he'll know how true this night was. Zarina would accept him and his feeling, letting him know it was all the same from her side as well. Her dearest treasure... she was happy he would only make love to her and her alone.
“You are mine as I am yours.”
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
ah, fuck it
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shove my muse up against a wall for a surprise kiss.  ( accepting ! )
Sometimes, it was a question if this was better than Sinbad’s previous scandalous adventures that made many maidens file complains when the king would get drunk or accidentally create a whole harem after one night. The insatiable nature of both the man and the woman seemed to only become greedier the longer they spent together, teasing and taunting each other through intelligence and charm, appearance and personality. It had to be all about work today, work and politics. They remained the same, long and filled with beautiful words that hid snakes and knives beneath it. 
It was wonderful to see how Sinbad would maneuver around the words of the Emperor, Kou Empire’s ruler reminded her of the past in this world. And yet, her mind would not go around work as she would dress so beautifully that it would make almost everyone turn their heads her way. All to ignite a reaction, to just casually poke the King of Sindria throughout the whole ordeal as they remained in Kou Empire. Her own charm and her own skillful tongue would make her quite a person on the meeting as she’d easily discuss both economics and politics, not shying away from showcasing the intelligence and knowledge, but alas, the evening would come to an end and they would both bid their farewell for the night to Emperor Koutoku (Hóngdé). 
What was even more wonderful was how after escaping all the eyes, including his vassals, the King of Sindria would take it into his own hands to capture her lips. The way he pressed her against the wall made the butterflies fly up in her stomach, joy and excitement would flare up like beautiful lanterns as she would return his kiss with the same fervor. His body heat, his scent, his hunger, his greed, his pride - she would take it all and accept it all. He was no longer a youngster who she teased and taunted he was no longer naïve and sweet, blushing at her words. He knew how to play a game skillfully, she almost wished to take all the credit for herself, but she couldn’t - it was Sinbad’s adventures and his own intelligence that got him here. And how weak he made her in the knees now, knowing full well that they were not too far away from the eyes of servants, be it his or Kou’s. It made her want to giggle slyly, but not when his lips were all she could think about along with how his body heat would make her wish to touch him more. She abstained.
Her greed was ancient, longing to claim this man’s existence as her own for so long. Zarina wished to have every single part of his being to become hers, transcend the understanding of mortality and remain with her ‘till thousands of years will pass and the world will change countless times with humanity’s ever-changing mind. She didn’t wish to allow Sinbad’s Rukh to simply go through the Sacred Palace and rejoin the unified flow. These lips, this warmth, these touches, this existence - it was hers to claim and wish to have forever.  
“Sin,” a hushed whisper of his name as she’d wrap her hands around his neck to not let him distance himself too far away. He tasted like alcohol they gave out on the party, such a sweet taste and she wanted more of it. Selfishly and greedily, all too happy to know that no other woman would get to know this taste today. If at all. “We’re going to get caught if you don’t behave.” There’s a teasing note to her words she’d place a chaste kiss to his lips, not pushing him away but just putting out a small warning. 
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“Ja’far might be happy you’re not walking into another scandal, but... At least, wait until your chambers. Or did you think I won’t follow when I know such a tense party got you into a bad mood you’d like to... relieve yourself from?” Of course, she would remain by his side. It was a promise that she made to him years ago upon her return from the Great Rift. One hand would remain wrapped around his neck while the other would be placed on his shoulder, fingers playing with one of his vessels around his neck yet her eyes never left his. “You know I always love some drama, but I don’t want to hear a lecture from Ja’far when he asked me to make sure you don’t get out of your room today. By any means possible.” The meaningful words spoken as she’d chuckle while wondering if he’ll get the point for her dressing up so prettily today and touching his arm or shoulder as she would stand by his side and sometimes bring him his glass of alcohol. 
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
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" Oooh, Sinbad is coming for seconds. Fine by me. Hm, let's see. I want him to please me. I want him to worship me. I want to make him work for it. I'll sit there on his throne and dare him to eat me out. Wouldn't it be such an experience? I'll praise him like he wanted to be praised before, I'll indulge him in singing his name if he does well. Oh, I know he'll do fucking well. He's not a womanizer of Seven Seas for nothing, we've had sex before, I know. I want to have one of my legs over his shoulder and my hand in his hair, tugging just a bit when his fingers reach that sweet spot and his tongue playing with my clit. This human body is so sensitive, one of the reason I've never regretted this fragile appearance, the pleasure is unbelievable. I want to make eye contact when he eats me out, prideful as ever, but he'd look so fucking good on his knees in front of me, between my legs, pleasing me. I'd have the famous conqueror of dungeons, King of Sindria, the undefeated Sinbad like that just for myself, eager to please me. I'm the only woman who gets to see him like that, the only one he'll whisper tender words of love while cradling me, the only lover he'll be satisfied with until the ends of times. I like when he gets control, but let me be honest, I like control and dominance just as much. Such an intoxicating thought. "
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
“You’re the reason that I got this far.” (Could be before the initial years long goodbye)
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Zarina raises her hand to stop him from continuing immediately. She was not the moving force behind his success. It was his innate talent that he was born with. She will not disagree that she was there to assist him and to lead to where she wanted him to go, but alas, she wasn't always there when it could matter the most. Zarina thought to herself about how she would've dropped him immediately if he did not meet her expectations. She wasn't there to coddle him or to teach him as others did, she only had him understand what she liked and didn't like. Of course, it was only from the dragon's point of view, as her lessons were lessons indeed, even if they were done for her own benefit and for her own selfish reasons to have Sinbad survive for as long as he did.
Her rejection didn't come from the place of malice, it came from the fact that she felt he put too much faith on her shoulders. Zarina was not kind, neither was she gentle and tender compared to Rurumu who passed away protecting Sindria’s people. If not for Sinbad's summoning, she wouldn't even care about the salvation of this little so-called country. She should've disobeyed his plea and instead killed Barbarossa and strangled Falan while she had the chance. They dared to touch her treasure. 
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"You are the reason on your own, Sinbad. Think about it, if you were a different man, I wouldn't have bothered to even look your way," she makes sure he understands her stance and her true nature. The selfish, self-centered and the cold-hearted. However, there is an emotion she has yet to uncover for herself regarding the young man standing before her. Something warmer, something gentler, something priceless. "If I didn’t think you’d be great and go so far without me, I wouldn’t have affiliated myself with you. I simply joined you for a ride and made sure you acknowledge the passing of time and how the world is not a kind place. That is why, you have only gone this far because of yourself.”
It was strange how she rejected taking such high honor, usually she would’ve boasted about it, but it was the proof of her seriousness. Zarina was acutely aware of her internal state of mind, yet surprisingly, she did not believe such honest words of warmth. They were foreign to her, making her think that it was a random thought said out loud that didn’t have such a large weight.
The Origin Dragon sighs upon looking at his face after her words, noting that she might’ve been too harsh on him as she prepares for her largest yet trip. How cruel of her not to tell him he’ll loose any and all communication with her in these years. It slips her mind easily, the passage of time all too different for her. With that in mind, she places the last vial into her purse before turning around and walking straight to the once-a-sailor. She reaches out to cup his cheek, let him feel the cooler touch, not ice-cold. 
“You will go farther without me. Our farewell may last for a long time, but I will return. Patience is a virtue you have yet to learn, you’ve always been impatient in these moments,” thumb caresses his cheek, eyes looking deeply into his. Her business here was done and it is time for her to return to the Dark Continent, to gather what is needed and to make sure she will not have to return there for decades. It’ll take her time to gather all the materials. Her hand slid down just a bit to have her thumb travel across his lower lip as if silencing him from speaking anything but also sending a message. “By the time I return, you’ll be King. And then... I’ll give you what you wished for all these years. So be patient for a bit more, I cannot grant you anything that’ll delay me any further. It’s for your own sake as well.” 
Did she know how he looked at her? Naturally. Did she know how deep his feeling were in reality? That escaped her, making her think that once these years will stand between them, he’ll forget them. Her mind judged him as a human, a human whose feelings will change with time. Little did she know how wrong she was. 
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“What I can give you is an embrace, one that’ll last until my departure,” her hand is moved away from his face as she steps back, instead opening her arms to invite him for a hug. Her expression softens yet remains mysterious and mature as always, alluring but distant. “You do not always have to be strong in front of me, I’ve always been acutely aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with me before my leave, that is the only thing I can ask of you,” she tilts her head to the side, giving him a small but gentle smile. “To survive, to live well, and to wait for my return. I promise to return to you.”
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
“Your hands are so warm cold.”
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dirty talk. ( accepting ! )
"You're spitting out bullshit, Sinbad," she'd chuckle at his words, knowing that he was right at this moment as her hands would slide down his chest to his abs; oh, he was fit and it made her mouth water again. Her hands were colder as using the magic to create ice before caused her temperature to go down just a bit more than usual, but he was warming her up. So nicely, so well. If the human temperature was thirty six and six, hers usually was three, but maximum four degrees lower, it would just feel like she was cold on a cool windy day. Yes, today her hands were colder because of the used magic, dabbing in her favorite element just a bit more, but he was being dramatic. All too dramatic on this front, she’d tell, but maybe it was more obvious to him than her. 
After all, it was he whose body was radiating heat and warmth she basked in, addicted to it and longing for it more often than not: be it through a hug, a lean, a kiss, or be it through sex. It was good she had waited until he was passed his twentieth birthday, earlier she would’ve been too much for him. The touch, the hunger, the desire. It was primal to her, the need and the wish to have him all to herself and vice versa. In his bedchambers (well, not only) she’d let him toy with her and let his own selfish dreams come true. The more he wanted her, the more she was happy to give and take as well. If it was Sinbad, she’d happily indulge him. Zarina loved to sit on his lap like this, straddling him like this and touching him. The pads of her fingers running across his skin, so much warmer than hers and it’s so obvious how she was melting metaphorically while staring at his upper body being present to her. 
“But you like it, don’t you?” Zarina would smirk, still not looking up from eyes staring at his muscles. Not only did he became taller than she, but he gained some more muscle and he was indeed a man. He has been when she left, sure, but it did tickle her insides when he’d showcase the difference compared to him from before to him now. “I miss when you blushed when I did something,” her nails would travel up back to his chest, scratching his skin just a bit, her eyes meeting his at that moment as she’d give him a charming smile. How long will he let her touch him all over and when will he lose that patience and make her get to the actual feast? Who knew, it was fun on its own. “You can feel exactly where I touch you, it makes you wonder where I’ll go next, and how it’ll feel somewhere else...”
Zarina would move on his lap to sit a bit more comfortably, not exactly caring about how Sinbad felt when she did it. This skimpy outfit she was wearing was holding on threads just covering the most essential parts. Well, it was something certain dancers wore in other countries to allure and attract. Heliohapt seemed to be far more exposed when it came to female assets. She wondered if Sin liked it, but then again, it was also because she wanted to try this out. 
“Sin~bad~” The sing-along voice would be heard from her then when she’d cup his his face in her hands, now her smile took on a more cheeky note as she continued. “If you don’t like how cold I am, then warm me up. Make the heat travel through my body under your touch. You know you can...” 
Was she begging to be touched? Not that she was begging, but she did want his hands to travel all across her exposed skin. All the more she wanted his lips and teeth on her neck, leaving marks signifying her belonging to him. Then, something inside clicked in her brain as she placed her hands on his shoulders and golden eyes shined with sudden excitement. 
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“Why not experiment with some magic and magoi techniques?! Unlike normal women, I will not be affected negatively by those, so do you wanna try it out?” Somehow, she seemed more excited than usual, which was just a bit concerning. “Both a study in control and having some fun. I like to combine work and pleasure when it’s towards training for the future.”
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
[ LAST ] : our muses share a bittersweet final kiss together, knowing it to be their last. (AU time. Teen Sinbad is now on his deathbed because of David.)
@highseaskxng I demand compensation with a cute kiss ask after this, Jay.
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kissing prompts. ( accepting ! ) 
It was not supposed to end like this.
If anything, it was not supposed to end this way. Not with Sinbad lying in bed, paler than ever and the Rukh in his body in such disarray. Barely reaching his eighteen, the First Singularity was about to take his last breathe today. It was not how she ever expected the flows of fate to go, not when Solomon’s world remained more free than Alma Torran, but it wasn’t Solomon’s fault nor this world’s, it was an intervention of the one who dared to taint her treasure from beyond. The man who had taken over the Il Llah’s core and gave it human selfishness. She could sense him inside Sinbad’s body, tearing her dearest treasure apart from the inside.
Unforgivable. If she allowed Arba to move on along with Al Thamen with their foolish wish to bring their “father” back, this time it was a straight line to the depths of frigid Hell. Even the Great Rift’s darkness will not match with the fear that she would bring towards the other who dared to take someone so precious to her. But it would not be good to show such a beastly and monstrous side to the dying young man, a trader and a future king. Zarina could’ve protected him from Al Thamen, but she did not expect for the Black Rukh to find its salvations within the body of one mortal whose birth itself was a miracle. That’s why she wanted this miracle all to herself, that’s why she remained, alas going away for some weeks but she always returned. She never returned to others, besides her mother in the Great Rift, passing Yunan’s house over and over again for centuries.
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“Mhmm, I’ll stay,” she would reassure him by holding his hand in both of her own, both to let him know of her physical presence and also to monitor his magoi’s flow. She tried to find a way to ease the burden off him by altering several formulas that some knew as magic but it was taken from the days of Alma Torran, the ancient crafting that she was able to learn through two thousand years while watching David and Ugo and even Solomon, but it would not be enough if she were in Solomon’s world. Sinbad will not survive the trip to the Great Rift, it was obvious and it was making the inside of her body freeze all the more, preparing to lose what she found worthy of treasuring and staying for. “I won’t leave you, Sinbad. I promise.”
Her smile would finally have a touch of softness despite her melancholy being seen in her golden eyes. There’s no salvation for him with her by his side, not when his mortal body would break apart if she would attempt to do anything. If not for the rules that were akin to chains on her hands, legs, and around her neck, she would’ve been able to do something. Purge the tyrant from the previous world, the father of this world’s God - a human who ascended but who was not allowed to intervene. This young man was hers, she gave him fifteen years to make her stay forever, but he the intervention that was not supposed to happen was taking it all away. Sinbad was the miracle that was not just affecting the world, but it also affected the one who lived beyond - her. Her mother told her that if she would meet a treasured person, she would become possessive and would wish to remain with them until their last dying breaths. She expected such things to happen with Sinbad, he brought out the emotions she’d rarely experienced, if at all. Perhaps, there was one woman who was able to teach her feelings that were warmer than her logic and warmer than her observation. A wish to protect, a wish to cherish, a wish to learn more. Never-ending, circling, all so similarly to four different seasons of winter, springs, summer, and autumn. This young man, he could’ve become so much more and she would’ve been happy to watch him grow, become stronger, and change the world. He would be able to, just like Ugo and Solomon, he would be able to change the foundations.
But now…? He was fading away. Right by her side.
Silent blizzard was raging inside her chest, not letting her speak more often than she usually would. The seriousness of the situation would not be able to be easily dispersed with comedy and jokes that Sin would always bring when he felt pain. Zarina knew she would not allowed it as well with a tight grip on his hand, hoping to catch rise in temperature instead of its failing, bringing closer to the moments of inevitable death’s kiss. A kiss… it made her remember how often Sinbad would speak of that gesture, counting times when she would give him one.
“Sinbad,” her soft call of his name would be gentler than usual, lacking any slyness or playfulness. The melancholy and the sadness would make her smile become softer, but also speaking of how there would be no hope for the future. She didn’t have the power to lie to him, promising to be honest with him. She still held his hand but only with one of her hands, now letting their fingers intertwine. With her other hand, she caressed his face, noting once again at how worn out he was and how fragile a human body was. It made something inside her start to shatter one by one, resulting in her gaze watering just a bit as she blinked it away before bending down to press one kiss to his forehead. Then she would place her hand that arrested his face to the side of his head to give her more support as she’d distance just enough to let him see the look in her eyes and hear her words. “I wished to wait until you twenty, but we don’t have time anymore. Close your eyes, Sin, I’ll make sure it will not hurt.”
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With those words, she would squeeze his hand and then would dip down, letting her lips press against his in a soft and tender kiss. Even if her lips were just a bit colder than his, she would linger for a moment there to grant him just one small wish. Their first and last kiss, a kiss she would’ve given to him as a reward for establishing his country and a show of gratitude for making her once again witness the spring blossom one more time. A kiss didn’t last for long, not wishing to strain the young man’s dying breathe. Little did Sinbad know that the kiss was also a spell to let him fall asleep, not feel the dread that his body would speak to him. A simple grace that she was able to grant him, a death within a dream. Only then would a tear would fall on his cheek, sliding off his face and disappearing.
“Goodnight, my dearest treasure. I’ll meet you on the other side, I promise. I’m still mad that you have not lived to your glory days, settled in your country to greet me and finally be able to tie me to yourself. I know you would’ve been able to, because even now I know my place would’ve been by your side. You foolish, arrogant and ambitious King. There’ll be no one like you.”
The Origin Dragon allowed herself to show sadness and grief at that very moment as she sat back up, feeling emptiness once again taking its rightful place inside her mind and soul. There will be no one like her treasure in this world, no one who she would wish to make herself and watch him create history. She was no Magi, but she had seen them being created, she had seen the creator, and she had known the one residing in the Sacred Palace, its creator and current master.
As Zarina wiped away the tears, her gaze turned from soft to cold as she stared at the sleeping Sinbad. But she did not look at him, no, she was looking at the energy that was destroying him. Once he will pass on, will the energy that resided in him be given to David? Before it would happen, she wanted that man trapped and drag his Rukh out herself. Perhaps, a trip to see Uraltugo was in dire need rather than anyone else. With that in mind, the golden eyes gleamed in the dimly lit room as the crystal necklace around her neck would let out a white shine before shattering into silvery dust, carried by the wind outside.
“I’m sorry, Sinbad, but I will not let one arrogant human from Alma Torran to taint your Rukh any longer. Even if it means your death, but I will make sure that David will no longer intervene,” at those words, the dragon would look outside the window where the crescent moon shined. A second later, she would get up only to pick up the sleeping and dying Sinbad in her hands. Easily, all too easily. Her gaze was no longer tender, no longer soft, and her manner of speech took on a more threatening and dangerous tone. “David Jehoahaz Abraham, I know you can sense my frigid rage. Do not forget whose being you are going against, arrogant fool. Have you forgotten why we - Origin Dragons - were so highly respected? You have taken what belongs to me, so it is natural that I… doom both you and my treasure in the Sacred Palace. Wouldn’t it be fun for Uraltugo to find you once more, trap you in your little world and never let you escape? But this young man’s Rukh...” She’d become softer just for a second, pressing her lips to the crown of Sinbad’s head. “... He will let me meet him again without your taint.”
At those words, the candle in the room would fade into nothingness. The room would remain empty as there was no one there. No dying Sinbad, no Zarina, nothing and no one. The room would be as if there was no one there from the beginning. No letters and no farewells. There would be simply silence and nothingness that would meet anyone who would come here.
Sinbad the Sailor, Sinbad the World Changer, Sinbad the Trader… He would not be found, he would disappear and never be seen; his body never discovered. And so would not be found the silver-haired storyteller who was last seen taking care of the ill young man whose fate was altered because of one organization. No, because of one greedy human from a dead world.
Somewhere else, Yunan would sense a disturbance in the air. Somewhere else, he would hear the footsteps echoing in the Great Rift along with a lullaby singing. Somewhere else, the Magi would know that the Sacred Palace doors would be slammed open by the dragon’s roar.
No one would dare to take a dragon’s treasure and come unscathed. Even if it was a so-called God for the Origin Dragon in full bloom’s frigid rage would become its final judge.
Somewhere else, an old friend would greet her with a dead vessel in her embrace, tears of gold would stream down her cheeks as she’d beg for the first time in her life to let her meet with the Rukh of the one whose presence soothed the rusty icy edges of her soul.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
Ticklish kiss (From Adult Sinbad, mostly on those days when there's legit nothing to do but either drink or bother her. XD)
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💋 + a number for a type of kiss  ( accepting 3 more ! )
The way his name came out from her mouth was speaking of how she was trying to ignore him for the last fifteen minutes, but it was not going as she planned. The King of Seven Seas seemed to be just as persistent and determined as always. She should not have ignored him before, she should not have irritated him before, it all felt like karma. What you reap is what you sow, that’s how it went. Now it was all too obviously how her teachings turned him out to be all those years ago, but he created his own techniques and ways to make it harder for her. The shine treasure, the tempting warmth, the lips she got to taste already. It was supposed to be her meditation, if it was any other person she would’ve been able to ignore them, but it was Sinbad! Out of all existing people in this world, he seemed to be the only one that got to the silver-haired wanderer. Quite a treat. 
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“Sinbad,” she repeats again, not opening her eyes but frowning every so lightly at the feathery-like kisses he was placing across her exposed upper back, pushing her hair off his way and making it all fall from her shoulder to the front. It seemed like bothering her today was his sole goal, which would prove to be problematic as temptation in the form of her treasure was the only temptation she may break down against in terms of her meditation and rest. Zarina knew she didn’t tell him to stop, but he was being a little shit and she knew it from the chuckles she heard several times from behind. Even now, she would bet he had a smirk on his face as he knew that she was sitting quiet for longer before and now she started to talk. Suck for him, but she wasn’t ticklish. Those feather-like pecks were leaving her wanting and longing, in her own way. He was a man who’ve learned enough from this world, it was dangerous to underestimate him, but her pride would also speak loudly. Not today, though. “You little...”
She tensed the moment he placed a kiss to the back of her neck, finally having her react physically. It was the last straw. He wanted to play? She will play. Was this the reason why Ja’far looked at her with such a smile before that said ‘deal with this on your own now’ before closing the door behind Sinbad? This king and his generals really put everything on her today to entertain the world changer. It wasn’t her fault he turned into such a flirt that would be skirt chasing after princess and cause Sindria problems...! It was, but she will never admit it as eating the fruits of her charismatic lessons labor was not what she expected. It was fine if it was others, but using such ways against her? How dare he!
“Alright, fine,” Zarina would turn around, now facing him while standing on her knees on the cushions she surrounded herself with on the floor to sit more comfortably. The moment she faced Sinbad, it was the moment when she let him see the subtle gleam in her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips to look mildly strict and threatening. “You asked for this,” a subtle frown, she’d then shove the king to fall back on the cushions and pillows, hovering on top of him with a mildly miffed expression before it softened and changed into a small smirk. 
“People will talk about how King of Sindria is acting strangely around the mysterious storyteller, wondering if I am your woman, making other women jealous and wonder if the Skirt-chaser of Seven Seas has his eyes on someone that is not them. Scandalous, but lucky for you... I’m into drama,” Zarina teased and taunted, thinking of all the rumors that would start going around and even outside of Sindria. It would be fun, it would be so much fun to watch how people will twist this story, but right now? She would dip down to press kisses all across Sinbad’s face, paying him back for all the fifteen to twenty minutes of him trying to find her ticklish spots. His cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his jaw, going down to his neck. 
“Payback for interrupting my meditation, Your Majesty,” she laughs smugly, obviously smirking against his neck. It was childish, but she would allow herself to act like that with him for today. For now. If Sinbad decided to enter the dragon’s lair and started poking it with a stick, the dragon would happily reply. It was her time to find his ticklish spots while running her hands across his chest, his stomach, his torso. All to find any way to bring out his laughter. It was time for them to be a bit playful instead of serious, especially with how in the middle of her search, Zarina just took one of the pillows and pressed it against Sinbad’s face before rolling over to fall next to him. 
“Ja’far’s going to hate me bothering you at work, you know that. You both are working against me here, he’s more than happy to see you terrorize my meditation instead of vice verse.” It was a pout, a legitimate pout. It did seem like ALL generals were more than happy that Sinbad would spend time with her instead of his usual antics. 
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
The moment she sat upon a seat Sinbad stood behind her, parting her soft locks of hair from her shoulders in order to give her a massage. Fingers kneads her shoulders gently at first until he gradually added the pressure for the sake of her comfort. "When was the last time someone's spoiled you like this?" His words were soft, calm as the sea before a storm Fingers continues to work against her skin. "You know there's been an increase of criminal activity in Reim as of late. If only there was a way for all those bandits to meet their ends, swiftly and silently in one night. Would you be free to do that Rina?"
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unprompted asks. ( always accepting ! )
Female human bodies were indeed prone to such problems as back pain and shoulder pain with their front 'treasures,' the soft mounds of hers were having its effect. She only took into consideration what type of body would be presentable and likable by the research she did while being in the Great Rift, but it did not occur to her that she will suffer the price of such antagonizing and irritating pains in her neck, shoulders, and back. The need for a massage was quite big as she'd speak of wanting to get one during the day, but as a good citizen of Sindria, she was helping out Ja'far with documentation and trading, finding her knowledge and her connections quite helpful. All because she was bored out of her mind, so work was the only thing to do - but right now? Sitting with documents at the table and then helping others, it made her skip several days when she would've liked to get some massage to ease the knots. How lucky it was for her to feel Sinbad's hands on her shoulders.
A soft sigh followed right after the beginning, the touch of his warm hands on her exposed shoulders was so satisfying. The way he'd start off softly only to add more pressure allowed her body to feel a pleasant pain, eliciting a soft moan from the silver beauty without her noticing. It always happened when she was getting a massage, sounds of encouragement more often than not as her body would give in under the skilled touch. When did he learn this? It was so unfair, there had to be things he couldn't do at all! He was not supposed to find such ways to sway her, especially not with that voice of his. Truly, she shouldn't have taught him anything about charming a woman because it was all backfiring right now. Not that she'd let go of her control if his request would be anything that would be too much, but with how little he asked right now? It would be fine.
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"Sin... That's, hnng, just a bit more pressure there," she'd whisper to ask him to massage that one specific knot that caused the most distress. Eyes closed as she enjoyed the attention she was given, just how many women would be proud to announce that they got service from the King of Sindria himself? Well, if she were not so relaxed, she'd think there were women because these skills had to come from somewhere that was not her. It was smart of Sinbad to speak of his needed favor from her when she'd become just a bit more putting in her seat, basking in the enjoyment of this massage. Fuck, he was smart and she was proud of him, but since when did he allow her to bask in the more chaotic game of cat and mouse with some foolish mortals? "There's too many... Ahh, I mean, if there's a specific group you want gone, then..." Her eyebrows frowned just a bit before relaxing again as she felt the pressure in the tight knot again, cutting her short before she'd bring her hand to place on top one of his. It was a signal to make him stop for a second or she won't be able to answer at all.
"If you mean the rats that are leading the majority of those bandits, that's fine, but I will not erase all of the bandits in reim. It'll cause disbalance in Reim and it'll be suspicious," still, she would get rid of the leaders that were orchestrating the crimes. She knew who he was talking about, noting on their presence in Reim. Their elimination would make the bandits to become less aggravating but still enough to cause business to work and people to remain on guard. "Mhmm, fine. I'll do it, but... Can you do my back as well, though? You're soooo good at it."
Her hand was taken off his before she'd go silent for a second, yet there's something else she'd like to tell. There's a note of light pouting in her tone, but nothing else. It was so funny to hear her just lightly slurred speech from what magic did Sinbad's had done to her after just massaging her shoulders. Magic, he was a magician! As she cleared her throat to return
"I'll leave in two hours and I'll come back before sunrise. If I find you sleeping with another woman while you sent me to clean up, I'll be upset and throw the woman out of the window. After touching dirt, I'd like to be cleansed with your warmth." It's not possessiveness per se at this point as if he wished to have another woman in his chambers anytime else - it was fine, but not today when he asked for such favor. She would like to clean off before snuggling close to him in the morning. Sinbad's scent and his warmth would make her forget the boredom she'd feel while getting rid of those pests. He basically sent her off to do pest control! "I should ask you to do this more often..." There's a purr to her voice, eyes closed once again as she'd listen to what he'd have to say to that suggestion.
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