#☼. ;; let's play! (OOC)
citruswriter · 4 months
Silly Freedom
Reader x Astarion
Warnings: Angst, ascended Astarion, maybe ooc bc I've never actually played the game (fight me), gender neutral, Reader can use magic, alcohol, Reader gets roofied, insinuations of rape, Reader is chained in a cellar for a bit, reader is wearing a dress (idc if ur a man, put on the fckn dress Steve).
Blurb Extended
Listen In With Me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
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"Astarion?" You called softly as you slipped into view, stopping at the doorway and peering into your husbands study. The scowling man looked up at you, expression immediately softening as he saw you gently leaning on his doorframe. Straightening he beckoned you in with a motion of his hand. "Yes, my treasure?" He replied softly, scooting his chair back some so he could drag you into his lap, arms wrapping around your body so he could draw you close and breath your scent in. "I was wondering, if maybe, I could go out tonight? Alone?" You questioned, lightly chewing on your bottom lip. Astarion pulled back, gaze sharp as he glared at you. "No." He growled. "Oh come on! Why not? I'm more than capable of fending for myself!" You complained as you ripped yourself from his grip to angrily pace around. "Astarion, I love you, but I need some freedom! Please!" You exclaimed as you threw your arms up. "Astarion we used to traverse through treacherous lands together! Fighting monsters that nobody else could!" You had a good point, much to his dismay. A low growl left his throat as he watched you pace in the beautiful silks he had specially handcrafted for you. "This is different! You'll be alone, far away from me and my protection! I'm much more powerful now and it's known that you're my consort! There are plenty of people that would love to get their hands on you as a means to blackmail me!" He honestly wished you'd stop with your silly quest for freedom. He was more than willing to let you roam the city... with him.
"Astarion..." Your voice softened as you turned to face him again, giving him your best puppy eyes. "Please? I promise I'll come back home to you. I'll even bring you back a treat." You pleaded as you approached him again. He sighed, frustrated. Could he really deny you? Absolutely not. Not when you looked at him like that. He opened his arms to you and you sat on his lap once more, hands cradling his face as you gently peppered his face in kisses. His eyes fluttered close as he basked in your affection, he loved you so much... "Please, my love?" You pleaded once more and he groaned. "Fine. But don't get used to it. I expect you home before dawn." He finally growled out and you squealed in delight before scurrying off to change into simpler clothing.
Astarion held the door open for you as you finally went to leave. "I'll be back before you know it," you cooed, leaving a kiss on his lips for giddily skipping off into the night, ready to start your adventure.
It wasn't long until you found a tavern and went in for a bite to eat. Happily eating your food, you ordered your first drink. You shot it back like it was water and ordered another. Before you knew it, you and an old man were doing shots. People were crowded around the two of you, placing bets, and cheering. "We need more shots?" You called over the crowd, grinning wide. The old man laughed and shook his head, "I'm tapping out!" He said and you screamed in delight. The crowd roared at your victory and you laughed. You excused yourself to go peer out the window, the moon was past it's halfway point. Maybe you should head home soon...
Stumbling back to the counter you made sure to leave the bartender a generous tip. "Leaving so soon?" A male voice slid it's way into your ears and you turned around to find a tall man. "Unfortunately. I promised my husband I wouldn't be gone too late". You said with a smile and the man nodded in understanding. "Well before you go, I bought you a drink. To congratulate you". He said with a friendly smile. You really should head home... But what's one more drink? You grabbed it, chugging down the golden liquid. It felt cold on your lips but it burned down your throat. You giggled and did a little spin, dress twirling around you. You felt nice. Tingly. Dizzy. You sighed softly in discomfort as the world around you seemed to spin faster and faster and faster. Fuck did he drug you? You fell to the ground, vision blurring. You whined out, tears pricking your eyes as all you could think about was your dear husband.
Time passed by in a blur. You were chained in the strange man's cellar. It was cold and damp, your green cotton dress was torn and dirty. How many days had it been now? You weren't sure, it was dark and you couldn't see the Sun. The man came around everyday to feed you and use you however he wished. You hated it. But if you resisted, you were beaten. Bruises from his later tantrum still stained your body. It hurt. Everything hurt. You thought back to that night. Oh how you wished that you had just stayed home. Sure it could be a little suffocating to have Astarion there constantly almost 24/7. But at least you were safe and protected. At least you were well fed and held tenderly. But this man? He just kept you chained up and gagged with a metal gag in the wine cellar in which he kept his product. Shivering as the cold once again seeped into your bones, the shackles rattled as you went to lay down. You had the worst migraine today. Or was it night? You never knew. "Thank you for taking me so late. I know I'm outside your usual business hours but I really could use a nice bottle of wine." A voice above said. You instantly perked up. Astarion? "Oh? Any special reason?" Your captor questioned as he opened the cellar doors. "My consort... They ran away from me..." He answered and you wanted to cry from the pain and heartbreak that seemed to sleep through his voice. "I don't know where I went wrong." He said wistfully. You didn't do anything, my love. You were perfect. Was all you wanted to say.
Struggling to stand, you walked as far as your chains would let you. If there's one thing your captor didn't count for, is that you were magic. You could have freed yourself but you never had enough strength. He purposefully kept you weak but you had to try now. Raising a hand, you gathered what remaining scraps of strength you had. You had one shot at this... You felt your magic course through your veins. Your hair and dress lifted slightly as you struggled to cast the spell. Pain racked through your body as you sent a vicious energy bolt through the cellar. It bounced around as it crashed into the shelves and bottles. Collapsing from using your last bit of strength, you started crying. Whining as the pain started to set in. You sobbed as you heard your captor attempt to push Astarion out of the cellar, desperate to keep you hidden but he pushed the man back. He knew your magic. He knew what it looked like. He knew what it felt like.
Your captor did everything he did to convince the man to leave, to go. "(Y/N)?!" He called out, tone desperate and worried. You yanked on your chains and whined. A normal person wouldn't be able to hear it, but Astarion was far from normal. His acute hearing immediately picked up on the noise and he ran to find you. Finally, he made it to the back of the cellar to see you. "Oh my..." He breathed out in shock and you whispered, trying ever so desperately to crawl towards him, tears streaming down your face. Rushing into action, he broke your restraints. "I'm so sorry!" You sobbed loudly. "I'm so sorry, Astarion. This is all my fault." You cried. You trembled as he cradled your face, thumbs wiping your tears away. "Shhhh. Shhhh. No this is not your fault. You couldn't have predicted this." He cooed. Your captor tried to quietly turn around to flee but Astarion heard him. "And where do you think you're going," he scowled. He stood up and straightened up to his full height. "Run." He spat, fangs flashing out. The man ran off but he didn't make it far before he was captured. Fangs sunk down into the man's neck, aiming to kill. The man screamed in terror and pain as Astarion turned him into a midnight snack. "My love..." You called out weakly. Snapping his head up to look at you, he softened once more. You wanted to go home, he could tell. He crept over to you and picked you up with ease. "Come, little love. Let's go home." •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
Back home, he sat in the bathtub with you. Warm water lapped at your skin as the silver haired male scrubbed your body clean, softly muttering insults about your captor. You didn't move, just let him do whatever he wished in his quest to scrub you clean from head to toe. You dissociated from reality, too exhausted from the past few days to properly connect to him and what he was saying. "Darling?" He questioned, head resting on your shoulder. You snapped back to reality and turned your body slightly to look at him. "Darling are you ok?" He asked, hands reaching up to touch you. Before he could touch you though, you turned more and leaned into his body, hugging him. "Thank you for rescuing me." You muttered, nuzzling into his neck. He looked down at you, you weren't ok and he knew it. But you were safe now. Safe and on the path to getting better. "I'm never going anywhere without you by my side ever again." You said, voice cracking from how overwhelmed you were. He sighed in happiness and held you close. "How about we get comfy and go to bed, hm?" He questioned and you nodded. "I'm sorry for not listening to you," you said softly and the two of you got out of the tub. Astarion hushed you, kissing you softly before drying you off and helping you get into some comfy pyjamas. "Well I guess next time you'll take my advice, darling," he cooed in a playful tone and you offered up a relaxed smile. Dragging you to bed with him, he made you cuddle up close to him. He pet your hair, fingers sinking to brush your scalp as he held you close. It wasn't long before he noticed that you were fast asleep, loosely clinging onto him. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as the realization of how close he was to losing you. But you were back. Clutching you ever so tightly he breathed in your scent like he had so many times. "What would I do without you?"
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Anywaysssssss. Here's my little thingy based off my imagine drabble. I hope ya'll like iiiiiiiit! 😗
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tamedstray · 4 days
you always pay attention to the little details. You take time to consider what the psychological effects past events have on your characters and think about how that affects the ways they interact with the world and others
You lose a point when you're mean to them, though. 😠
Send me your favourite detail about how I play my character and I'll respond ooc ☼
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I KNOW IT'S YOU JB SO @tadbitfooled and I know that because 1) that's what you do. You consider how backstory affects psychology. And 2) You can't stop me. If I want to play vampire cattle or manipulation victim with my pretty little doll then that's my right 😤 I do let him have lots of good stuff too!! His ❛bad❜ ending is him living a good life, even if it wasn't the one he always dreamed of.
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sarastuss · 7 months
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btw, sarastus is that " you touch them, you die. " type! 💛
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ladaar-hasmoved · 3 years
dnd last night was wild.
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