#☽ | face each new sun ★ (ANSWERED MEMES.)
lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               "Why should I listen to you? It's not like you'll believe me over Dewey anyway, we all know you like him better than the rest of us." (from huey) / @tunnagan​ | BREAK MY MUSE’S HEART - accepting. 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      Della gave Huey a  look  of  confusion,  followed  by  frustration.  Why  was  he  acting  out  so  much  all  of  a  sudden?  
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                                  ❛  Huey, I don’t like any of you better than the other. You’re my sons, I like && love you all equally. Really, I do. Now what is going on with you lately? You yelled at Webby, fighting with Dewey -- talk to me.  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               "I regret that I got stuck 11 years away from the kids." Donald's voice is low and soft but there's a warm smile on his face as he wraps his arm around Della in a hug. "But I don't regret saving you. I'll never regret that. You're my sister. My twin and I'm so grateful that you were here for them. I can't think of anyone I would trust more to raise them when I couldn't." (You know what verse) / @decanard​ | BREAK MY MUSE’S HEART - no longer accepting. 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      Della wrapped her arms  around  Donald,  hugging  him  tightly.  She  was  still  working  through  all  of  this  --  the  constant  feeling  of  wanting  to  blame  herself  &&  the  guilt  that  her  brother  had  missed  out  on  raising  his  twins;  it  was  a  lot  to  handle.  But  she  was  always  thankful  that  Donald  didn’t  blame  her.  Even  if  she  blamed  herself.  But  she  wasn’t  going  to  let  Donald  have  to  deal  with  that.
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                                  ❛  I know you would’ve done the same for me, Donnie. I would do anything for those boys, to make sure they’re safe && healthy && happy. I always knew you were gonna come back. I wanted to make you proud.  ❜  
            She said quietly, doing  her  best  not  to  let  the  tears  fall.  She  didn’t  need  to  cry  right  now.  
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                                  ❛  I’m glad I was right - That you came home.  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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“ we need to go shopping! baby clothes, maternity clothes, furniture, all of it! ” / fr. gladstone <3 / @dollhousemuses​ 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      In all honesty, Della  was  kinda  freaking  out.  But  she  was  doing  her  best  to  stay  calm.  Sure,  she  was  excited  to  have  the  eggs,  but  it  was  still  kind  of  terrifying.  What  if  she  wasn’t  a  good  mother?  The  last  thing  she  wanted  was  for  her  kids  to  hate  her.  Maybe  it  was  just  a  pregnancy  panic.  Who  knew?  Della  sure  didn’t.  But  maybe  this  would  be  a  good  thing!  Shopping  with  her  cousin  for  baby  stuff.  
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                                  ❛  Heh, yeah! Baby stuff, they need things. So many things. Things I need to get. Let’s do it!  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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❝ ... What? ❞
That's all Drake can manage to say, eyes wide and breath stalled at the news. Honestly, it makes sense- where Dewey is concerned anyway. He doesn't know about the other kids yet... HIS kids. But he should know. He should have known them their entire lives. Should have been there. And yet they grew up without him. WITHOUT HIM. Without their parents. He could have- ... He would have wanted to- He would have done anything for.... ❝ What the HELL, Della?! ❞
Abruptly standing up, chair is knocked over from the force as he glares at the other, ❝ I had kids- three of them, this entire time! And you never told me? Don't I deserve to know? Didn't THEY? Years, Della- Years without their dad and without their MOM. ❞ There's a bit of bite in that statement, Drake unable to resist rubbing in the reason they had grown without both parents, albeit without specifically saying it. ❝ Oh-hoho— This is just like you... ❞
❝ What? Did you think I'd be a shitty dad? Is that it? Didn't trust me to be able to take care of them? ❞ - (*YEEETS*) / @ducktales-wco-oo​ | BREAK MY MUSE’S HEART- accepting.
▬▬▬ ☾☆      After agonizing over this  for  weeks...  Della  decided  it  was  time.  She  needed  to  tell  Drake  the  truth.  There  was  just  no  avoiding  it  now  that  they  were  back  in  each  other’s  lives.  Finally,  she  felt  like  things  could  become  semi  normal  again.  While  she  was  worried  about  his  reaction  to  the  news,  Della  was  hopeful  that  he’d  understand,  after  everything  that  happened.  So  she  was  slightly  taken  aback  by  his  response.  She  didn’t  flinch  at  the  chair  being  knocked  over,  but  she  did  catch  her  breath.  He  was  so. . .  angry.  
            She’d never wanted him  to  direct  his  anger  at  her  like  this.  Still,  she  didn’t  say  a  word  as  he  spoke,  letting  him  get  it  all  out.  This  absolutely  was  her  fault.  As  usual,  Della  had  made  a  rash  decision  &&  hadn’t  thought  about  the  consequences  of  that  action.  That  was  one  of  the  hardest  lessons  she  ever  had  to  learn.  But  she  couldn’t  go  back  in  time  &&  change  the  past.  All  she  could  do  was  figure  out  how  to  fix  this  so  that  they  could  move  forward.  
            That wasn’t going to  stop  her  getting  upset  in  the  moment,  however.
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                                  ❛  -- What? What do you mean this is just like me? -- Never mind, that’s not the point. Ignoring that; I KNOW I messed up by not telling you about them. But I never, ever thought for one second that you would ever be a shitty dad. I know you would’ve done anything for those boys, including giving up your dream of becoming an actor. That’s why I didn’t tell you. Because I didn’t want you to give up everything for me. I could handle it.  ❜  She  took  a  moment  to  breathe  before  continuing. 
                                  ❛  I never expected to be gone from their lives. I made a stupid, reckless mistake && I am still paying for that, so thanks, Drake, for throwing that back in my face. I really appreciate that. Look... I’m not saying me not telling you was your fault. I am fully aware this was on me. I wanted the best for you, especially after we had just decided to call it quits. I want you in their lives. I just thought I was helping you before.  ❜  After  that,  she  went  silent,  readjusting  herself  in  her  chair  &&  looking  anywhere  but  at  him.  
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                                  ❛  I’m... sorry.  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               ❝ when i heard all those great stories of you from uncle donald and webby... ❞ dewey looks.. frustrated. he sits there, tapping his fingers on the table as he gives a shrug, ❝ i don't know... i guess having you home has just been underwhelming. ❞ / @warraigoe​ | BREAK MY MUSE’S HEART - accepting. 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      She didn’t really know  how  to  respond  to  that.  Della  was  definitely  upset  that  she’d  let  Dewey  down,  but  how  did  she  fix  that?  
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                                  ❛  I’m sorry I didn’t live up to the expectations you had of me. I’m gonna go work on the plane.  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               "One of the worst parts about it was that you didn't leave me a note or anything like you left Uncle Scrooge. You were just gone and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye because I wasn't even told until the next day." (from Donald) / @decanard​ | BREAK MY MUSE’S HEART - accepting. 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      This always happened whenever  they  got  to  talking  about  her  absence.  With  anyone  else,  she  could  brush it off  with  a  joke,  or  pretend  it  didn’t  happen.  But  there  was  something  about  talking  about  it  with  Donald  that  made  it  hard  for  her  to  joke  about  it.  They  hadn’t  properly  talked  about  all  of  this  yet  &&  she  knew  it  would  come  up  sooner  or  later.  Even  if  she  preferred  never.  
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                                  ❛  I know.. I’m so sorry Donnie. I really -- Wasn’t expecting to not come back. It was only supposed to be a few hours.  ❜
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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😘 (tyler) / @tunnagan​ | hey remember those kisses from 5evr ago?
▬▬▬ ☾☆      This was the very  first  college  party  Della  had  ever  gone  to  &&  she  was  having  a  blast.  There  were  so  many  people  &&  she  lost  track  of  her  brother  &&  his  friends  pretty  quickly.  No  matter,  she  could  just  make  some  new  friends  while  she  was  here!  She  may  not  have  actually  been  enrolled  at  the  school,  but  her  brother  was.  It  was  fine.  
            She found herself sitting  on  a  couch,  watching  the  people  around  her  as  they  went  about  their  business.  She’d  started  chatting  up  this  guy  sitting  next  to  her.  He  was  pretty  cute  &&  they  were  getting  along  pretty  well.  She  wasn’t  typically  this  forward  but  hey  --  it  was  a  party  right?  So  she  leaned  forward  &&  kissed  the  stranger,  her  arm  wrapping  around  him.  
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