#☾ ⋮ ✰ verse › the goldfinch › las vegas
boriys-a · 2 years
@sewninto continued from here
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The phone calls, which were numerous over the past few days, hadn’t intentionally all been ignored. He would’ve taken the time to answer them if it hadn’t been for the fact that movement hurt too much. The insistent knocking against the front door of his house hadn't been quite as easy to ignore. As he pulled himself from his bed, jaw clenching at the white hot pain that radiated throughout his ribs and protested against even the smallest of movements, he made his way carefully down the stairs and towards the door. It was pulled open just a crack to allow their voices to be heard without needing to be face-to-face.
To no surprise, it was Rachel standing on the other side. Rachel, who was both annoyed and concerned with his sudden disappearance. For someone who wanted to be around her all the time, more than happy to spend every single minute of every day with her, it made sense that it would be a bit jarring for Boris to suddenly just stop coming around without any explanation whatsoever. Even their arguments didn't tend to last that long, and he typically came around after a few hours to apologize if he knew he had done something wrong.
❝Ah, you are angry. Am sorry for making you worry so much, but...I wasn't trying to shut you out! Honest! I have missed you every day, thinking of you always!❞ Boris hurriedly explained from behind the door, one arm wrapped around his midsection. The injuries on his face at least weren’t as bad as they had been a few days ago, and he'd have probably gone back to school by now if it hadn't been for the fact that his ribs were hindering him. And while he trusted Rachel enough to know that she wouldn't report anything to the authorities and risk having him deported, he didn't particularly feel like going out of his way to announce what had happened either. ❝I have not been feeling so well. You should go.❞
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boriys-a · 2 years
@rachalcx continued from here
Eyes widening slightly, an incredulous look becoming apparent upon his face, Boris blinked questioningly. He’d been under the impression that Rachel had been perfectly content spending their days hanging out with him. Smoking, drinking, making out, watching old movies and getting lost in conversation, shoplifting and attending school infrequently. They often professed their deep feelings for each other, and while they'd had their arguments and spats that they needed to cool off from, he felt that this was worse than anything they'd ever disagreed on before.
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❝ You are unhappy? Thinking I am around too much? ❞ Admittedly, he did spend the majority of his time with them. He'd latched onto Rachel very quickly after their first initial meeting, often seeking her out in the hallways at school and inviting her over to hang out at his place when his father was away for work. ❝ Fine then, why do you keep hanging out with me if I am ruining your life and plans? Tch. ❞ His mood had quickly shifted, a scowl on his face masking the hurt he felt beneath it.
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boriys-a · 2 years
@sewninto continued from here
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❝Wait! If you would just listen, please. I can explain everything. What you saw is not full story, only what you think happened! At the party, I was talking to big group of people. Telling them about New Guinea, pets I had there, places I have been, all these things they wanted to know,❞ Boris hurriedly explained, the phone held to his ear while he paced back and forth in his bedroom. God, he hoped that Rachel didn’t hang up on him, that she would hear him out and not impulsively break up with him. He wasn't giving her a chance to talk over him or interrupt, just to make sure he got his side of it across.
❝Suddenly, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and is Kayley, kissing me with no warning! Everyone behind her, whispering and giggling, phones out to record what they see, but no explanation. Me? I am shocked, frozen in place, thinking, thinking, trying to process what happened. I did not kiss her! Believe me, коханий. I think she might like me a little, but my heart is with you.❞ Now Rachel could respond and ask any questions they had. ❝Are you still there?❞
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