#☾ ✩☽ oh my god he has a name? ;; reese
amidnightmission · 8 months
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She supposed it was (weird? cool? interesting?) nice that they could still just sit like this and TALK. She didn't have that many others she could just talk to. Not everyone really understood what she was going through, after all. Reese had seen and heard enough weird things from Mr Knight to just go along with it.
But still...
❛  you  have  to  watch  everyone  die .   ❜
She had not mentally prepared herself for this. A hand went to her head, giving a little groan. "Who needs to go out in the day when they've got a little ray of sunshine like you around, huh?"
Reese sat back in the chair, considering his words whilst looking at him. Looking through him. He wasn't wrong. Unless something serious happened to her, then that was true. She would live on and on and on. Others just WOULDN'T.
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"Isn't that the same for you?" She was still facing, now actually seeing him, and took a sip of her drink. "With this job, I mean. Isn't it the same for you?" Die or leave. People around them got hurt left, right, and centre. Or they left to avoid it, never coming back. Sometimes it seemed the same as dead, right?
Reese glanced away and finished, "I won't stop living because others die. So... I guess that's something I have to get used to." And until then, she had them. Calm and cool. And when it did happen? When she did lose people? She’d need the Mission.
what we do in the shadows accepting ; @silverjetsystm
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midnightxmission · 7 months
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Being a vampire was pretty weird. Obviously. She couldn’t even begin to argue about that fact because there was no real normality in her life now.
Not a complaint, just a statement.
She didn’t actually have plans for Valentine’s which was probably for the best. The sun had just kept on hanging in there today and by the time she could do anything it was late and, well, she had work. Reese wasn’t overly fussed. The whole day was pretty commercialised and all. And it wasn’t like she could even have chocolate now. Not going to the February 15th chocolate sales would save her some money - gotta find the positives somewhere where.
She was working on her night school course when he entered. An English class today, but the plan was to pick up others soon.
Reese glanced at him, sent him a quick grin, before glancing back at the computer— a Quick Look was all that was needed for her to be able to tell it was Jake. You know, the mustache, clothes, walk… kinda made him stand out. How she’d missed the flowers though….
She blinked as they were held out to her, before grinning in good natured amusement- for the quickest moment. Reese willed her expression to go cool and blank, brows then furrowing. “This your way of sayin’ I can’t get Valentines from anyone else, huh?”
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But once the words were out, she was grinning again. Idiot. She stuck out her tongue between fangs, before reaching out to take the flowers. “They’re pretty,” she admitted, sending him a further, more relaxed and friendly smile. The gesture was nice and kind, and though she had joked, Reese appreciated it. It was just nice to be thought of (and, uh, yeah she wasn’t going to get anything else). “Thanks. Jane. I like ‘em. You been busy?”
Valentines Meme !! 💐 to give my muse flowers (but also Jake to Reese, he’s being a doof and wanted to be nice) !! @normaltothemax
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amidnightmission · 8 months
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Okay, she’s pretty certain @writteninscarlet is just teasing her. But she also doesn’t really want to ask much more about what’s going on. She doesn’t understand Mr. Knight as it is. But if he’s gotten the Scarlet Witch to think he has charm, she’s impressed.
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amidnightmission · 8 months
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“Sometimes I wonder if I should have a specific hour set aside to deal with the weird shit Mr. Knight says to people. Maybe set up a hotline. But it would take up FAR too much time.”
She sat back in her chair, eyeing the woman before her. Of course Reese knew who she was. The Scarlet Witch. Reese used to have a poster of her up on the wall until she outgrew the phase of having posters up. She kinda sometimes wished she still had posters. Might liven the place up. …Mission didn’t seem overly keen on that idea.
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“Really, if he said something weird, just tell me. I’m happy— Hm, prepared to tell him to cut that shit out. Someone has to.” She was about to start babbling. This was, again, The Scarlet Witch. But she’d just introduced herself as Wanda, right? Okay, fine. Nice and casual. Reese could be casual. She just really hoped it wasn’t something Mr. Knight had said…
She shifted in the seat, nose giving a little wrinkle as more of the witch’s scent reached her. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was tempting. But she was in control. And the danger the woman before her could present was pretty. Besides, Reese was nothing if not professional, right?
The vampire shifted again, relaxing and finally asking, "Really. What can I help you with?"
starter call ☾ @writteninscarlet
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midnightxmission · 8 months
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Reese liked to think she was pretty used to strange things by now. Becoming a vampire wasn’t normal, was it? Least, she hadn’t thought so until every bleeding person around her was suddenly a vampire, cat-woman, or other creature of the night.
Strange was her new normality. But most of the time she enjoyed it. She’d gotten over the dread. Her parents still weren’t happy, and never seeing the sun totally sucked. But Reese was still here and kicking. Making the most of things.
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Weird was fine, strange was good. She was used to it.
Sort of.
…and he’s dead.
Okay. Maybe not.
She glanced at him at his words, then at the man who was dead. Definitely dead. Ceased to exist. Her lips curled down into a frown, her fangs showing briefly. This wasn’t ideal.
“Better that than undead?”
Okay, bad joke. In bad taste.
She wrinkled her nose, frustrated and annoyed. She’d KNOWN there was another vampire in the area, she could sense it. But here she was, too late. And with a tag-along.
There was nothing she could do now except pass the fact there was more vamps around onto Mr K.
“….we should go. I don’t want to be caught here with… with him.”
Buzzfeed Unsolved accepting // @normaltothemax
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midnightxmission · 8 months
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"Yeah, well, I'm in between majors," she muttered, before taking a sip of her blood bag. "It's not THAT funny I was studying biology. Funnily enough, I don't think vamp physiology is on the exam."
A sigh. A shrug.
"I'm undecided what I want to do, but I'm not giving up on classes. And let's face it. I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD." Was there a bitterness in her tone? Maybe. But it wasn't so harsh as it had once been. A lot of the sting was gone.
"Whilst I'm switching, I need to keep up my credits. Let's say history and geography isn't my forte." The stories she was hearing from Wanda weren't completely relevant, but they were interesting. And truthfully, knowing stories from different cultures was helping her get her head on straight and see things a little differently. It wasn't like she seriously needed to get good grades on these exams, but she wanted to pass.
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"I don't know what I expected from night classes, but the professor I have is a real hard ass." She sighed, looking over the text book and biting her bottom lip - gently. Then Reese laughed. "And you know what? One of the sections coming up is more 'modern history'. And it's about some of the Avengers fights. How crazy is that?" At least she wasn't one of the dorks MAJORING in 'superhero antics 101' or whatever the class was (and okay, maybe Reese might actually find that interesting)
[ study ] sender tries to help receiver study non-verbal actions meme accepting ; @writteninscarlet
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amidnightmission · 8 months
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It wasn’t actually unusual for her to see a person simply fall from the sky. Though usually they ‘fell with style’ or with the help of a pretty decent cape. This guy? Not so much. But his aim in landing in the dumpster? Top marks for THAT.
She knew he was alive. She could hear him. Hear his heart with those keen sense of hers. He sounded a little like the freaking Tin Man would with a clock inside him, rattling around, but he was definitely alive. Reese had moved before even thinking about it, going towards him to help but the guy was resilient as fuck. It was almost impressive.
He was falling apart but still on the move, that sheer determination was almost astounding. Hell, it almost rivalled Mr. Knight’s persistence and stubbornness and Reese had believe none could rival him. So it didn’t really surprise her when she started to make the suggestion of hospital and got cut off.
The wheezing sounds were painful to hear. And then his mouth was open and was he trying to make a sound humans (and vampires) could hear? What— what the hell was he doing?
“does that sound like a man who needs a hospital ??”
The question astounded her. As did that look on his face. She stared back. Blankly.
“Are you freaking kidding me?” she questioned, one hand on her hip and then pointing at him, “You’re only still alive because the Grim Reaper heard that sound and was scared off. But sure, it doesn’t sound like a man who needs a hospital. A hospital aint gonna fix whatever THAT was.”
She wrinkled her nose, looking over him carefully. The scent of blood was overwhelming - to her - but most of the cuts didn’t actually seem that bad. The bruises were worrying. “I think you’re probably bleeding internally and— no, no, no, don’t say well that’s where the bloods supposed to be.” Smartass. Brilliant, always great to have more accident prone vigilantes around.
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Her eyes narrowed, frustrated and concerned before she said, “Fine. No hospital. Mr. Knight hates ‘em, too.” So did Reese. Who liked them? “But the Mission ain’t far. I can patch you up. And get you coffee.”
always sunny in philadelphia accepting ; @normaltothemax
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amidnightmission · 8 months
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Why had it come up? Why was this happening to her? Didn’t she deserve one normal day?
The secretarial side of her work should really have been the easiest part. She may be undead but she wasn’t brain dead, and at 19 electronics simply sang to her. Easy to understand, easy to use. As much as things were always a bit ‘chaotic’ around the place, Reese could keep things organised with some simple plans and spreadsheets. Proper ‘secretary’ stuff. And some snooping. And general playing about.
But really. It WASN’T her. She’d not downloaded this virus. It was one of the other lost souls wandering through. (though which one?) And seriously, pop up adds? Was this virus from the 90’s?
And as soon as she’d made the ‘ew’ face and the comment on no creampies today, she should have expected SOMETHING.
“what kinda creampie are you talking about ??”
Reese was torn. Laugh? Cry? Sink into the ground? The Mission could probably help her with that. Or maybe she could request for Steven to disappear into the ground. That might be harder to achieve. Instead, she simply stared at him until she decided to be kind. Educate him. He was either messing with her, not paying attention, or truly didn’t know. And honestly? Reese could never tell.
So she sat back with a smile, and remarked, “Depends what you’re interested in. This ad IS saying there’s something for everyone. Not what I’M looking for today, but maybe you need it Steven.” She paused as if thinking it over, playing the part, then remarked, “If you’re curious, come check out the ad?”
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always sunny in philadelphia quotes accepting ; @silverjetsystm
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amidnightmission · 8 months
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Reese didn't really know any other vampires. There were the other suckers that had been transformed against their will, but most of them had fled. She wasn't sure everyone had survived after Mr. Knight had stopped the scheme from continuing. They could be anywhere really - they weren't in a WhatsApp group, and she wasn't there keeper. Point being? She really didn't know any other vampires.
Was there things she ought to know but didn't because she'd been turned only a matter of months?
Bad enough the former vegan had to start drinking blood. But there were ways to do that without the human element. Blood donations were a thing. Sure people didn't think their blood was being donated to help her but it was saving her life, right?
She wrinkled her nose, looking over at the woman. Uncertain. Unsure. A bit on edge. And actually a little amused. Look, if that was standard clothing to join the super-cool vampire club she would PASS. Anyways, what had she been saying? Right, fighting or some threat. Made sense considering they'd ended up assisting one another in whaling on someone.
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"If it's something bugging the neighbourhood, I'm happy to help." Part of the Mission, right? Help those out around her. Do some good. "I didn't realise there was any major issues. Uh, like, supernatural issues going on. Just the usual creeps." Mr. Knight wasn't here, but Reese was. And she was just as good. And being on edge meant she had a lot of adrenaline to burn off (did vampires even get adrenaline? she'd think on that later. or ignore the thought). "If you don't mind a tag-along, I'd like to help."
starter call ☾ @dusktrip
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