#☾ Dash Games
lunarruled · 23 days
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Comfort List
Comfort food(s): Pizza, chicken nuggies and fries (yeah I'm not an adult lmao)
Comfort drink(s): Flavored water, coffee, and Tequila
Comfort movie(s): The Boondock Saints, Splash, The Goonies, Hell House, Grave Encounters
Comfort show(s): wrestling (any of them), The Walking Dead, South Park, American Dad, Ridiculousness
Comfort clothing: Any over-sized shirt and either shorts or leggings
Comfort song(s): Nothing that's come out recently lmao. This bitch is stuck in the early 2000s sadly.
Comfort book(s): The Bluest Eye, If Beale Street Could Talk, Stage Fright, The Pigman
Comfort game(s): UNO, Monopoly, Solitaire
Tagged by: @legendsxx (thank you so much!!) Tagging: Anyone that hasn't been tagged yet!
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macabrepuppet · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
warm burnt orange
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Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
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lunarruled · 4 months
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What Chess Piece Represents You?
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Black Rook
You are the Black Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. Being the black piece, you hide an inner beast within you. Perhaps you're one to rush headfirst into trouble, was it for a friend's sake? Or your own? Are you the overprotective type? Did you know your grip was that tight around someone's neck? For all your protectiveness and deliberate planning, you can't wash the blood off your hands that easily.
Tagged by: @luckhissoul (many thanks!) Tagging: Everyone that wants to!
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lunarruled · 4 months
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Link for Maker
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Tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead (thank you so much!) Tagging: Anyone that hasn't done this one yet!
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lunarruled · 4 months
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What Color Personality Are You?
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Your color is Grey
Attributes: powerful, mysterious, provocative
Power and mystery are dominant factors that characterize people, like you, whose personality color is Grey.
As a Grey, you know no fear—and no limits. You like to keep people guessing. People crave mystery and uncertainty—they want to find out more about you. But you won’t let them; you never let anyone get too close, to fully discover who you are. You have an air of aloofness; you play coy and hard to get. Never the one to initiate, you attract all sorts of invitations to various events from those around you.
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses (thank you my friend!) Tagging: everyone who sees this is tagged!
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macabrepuppet · 2 years
What's your role in a found family dynamic? the brains
the brainspeople are not so much your forte. you are more at home with thoughts, ideas, hobbies, skills. as such, you probably have to learn how to work well with others--but once you do, hey, it has its moments. while you are treasured for your ability to solve problems, people also have this unique love of novelty. when you break from your schedule, when you say something no one is expecting--that's novel. you are as curious and lovable as the subjects you study. you are family. this place is not the same without your witty comments and wry observations. you definitely feel more comfortable when someone needs a straightforward answer than a shoulder to cry on, but it's not impossible to give both. know that your family loves you for more than that, though, and will (usually) remember to respect your boundaries.
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