lilacsadgirl · 1 year
Know no one reads it... it's so long. I just felt like I have to share it somewhere. It needs to be corrected but I need to see if it's worthy enough or not.
My dear grey one, who I love the most
No one here around me except your ghost
Seems like you're dead I can't reach you anymore
Drown and covered in blues, miss how it felt before
My careless grey one, who I care about the most
The pest incurable girl recently lies on frigid floors
These shattered glasses really hurt my toes
As time goes they match the color of my nose
My dark grey one who I light the most
I treated you the best even on my worst
Stole my time and attention from the rest
That's why no one knows I'm such a mess
My numb grey one who I feel the most
Never ending emotions drag me like a force
Battling, bruising, healing my life's a curse
Misapprehended emotions make you nothing but gross
My static grey one who I run to the most
Took off my conscious awareness all to be yours
Wanted to be held by you when they treated me bad
I used to saw your smile when they didn't understand
My dry grey one who I rain on the most
Wish you could know the pain you put into my soul
Eyes so much smaller, they look thirstier
I remember you when I look in the mirror
My indescribable grey one who I narrate the most
Maybe if I were interesting you would call me your own
I sticked little hearts on me with color of your thoughts
Keeping you in my arm isn't free it needs to be cost
My changing grey one who I rely on the most
I'm the stones on your cliffside all I do is roll
There's a girl inside of me, she endlessly hates you
The other one dementedly writes about you
My uncertain grey one who I assure the most
All my existence includes is skin and bones
I feel like this sadness gonna stick forever
I run to the means to fullfil, I mean whoever
My unsteady grey one who I tolerate the most
There's nothing to write for you but these empty notes
Why can't you miss me, not those kind to force
Passing all the hurdles but chronics on my horse
My invisible grey one who I see the most
Don't know why I'm breathing without a goal
Can't feel yellow anymore your absence paints me blue
What we had was so constrained so you had to unglue?
My flawless grey one who I reclaim the most
Do the ones around you really know your worth?
Never regretted sharing anything with you
Maybe this will be the first time I would do
My busy grey one, who I need the most
Got no beauty, seem deader than a corpse
Been talking to you, your shadow's on the walls
Wanted to ask if from the start it was false
My free grey one who I committe to the most
Waves of your emotions no longer rest on my coast
Teared myself apart, you cared enough to watch
Not seen you within years but barely felt your touch
My unsolvable grey one who I try the most
Don't be ashamed if someone sees you on your lows
But if someone's not me, it's not for the better
Comprehending your moods needs someone clever
My forgotten grey one who I remind the most
I still talk to the moon, while the wind blows
Everytime you loved me I was in love with you
But you didn't love me all the times I loved you
My impatient grey one who I wait for the most
Tell me have you ever tried hard to be loved before?
You don't have to but I do that's how my story remains
Buried unwritten words choke me, I obsess my own killers
My unknown grey one who I know the most
My words gonna tell you how my world flows
Seems like you don't even notice I'm not around
Been hidden in your closet hoped to be found
My quiet grey one who I talk to the most
New conversations can't be bought from the stores
I wrote thousand letters for you inside my mind
Directed hundred movies with you while I was blind
My lost grey one who I find the most
Gonna risk whatever to fill this hole
How hard it was to break the pieces this small?
Lying glamorising the shit you did to me after all
My insecure grey one who I defeat the most
Too many brutal insurgents are getting close
You destroy me effortlessly by not being destroyed
Maybe I wasn't good enough for you to be employed
My brave grey one who I'm afraid the most
Cheeks don't host my weakness, surrounded by savior boats
I thought about you wherever I went to
Now those places are hardest to go through
My realistic grey one who I dream of the most
My imaginary fairytale moments feel like a joke
Can't see you talking to me in my Dreamland
Would've stay there all day if you took my hand
My unbreakable grey one who I fall for the most
Why can't I hurt you, diligently tired but not even close
I care so truly but sentimentalism smells needy
Roses are morose while the weather is sunny
My escapee grey one who I look for the most
Still waiting patiently wishing you open the doors
Blood drops on my body scream you riped my soul
Spend years and years to heal from what we did not control
My calm grey one who I fight the most
Our struggles seem too different to be close
Obviously again we got nothing to discuss
It's the same, your promises always turn to dusk
My dear grey one, my gone grey one, who I miss the most
Did you know that is was you who hurt me the most?
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 1 year
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
So beautiful 🦋
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
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Credit to @macrosbudt, who created the original post and gave permission to repost. I'm trying to blaze this. If it doesn't work, that means the moderators rejected it.
Edit: Yeah, they rejected it. This is at least the 3rd time they've decided to reject a post about women being oppressed.
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
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Help us by spreading the news.
Be our our voice.
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
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I liked this scene so much
It felt comfortable ✨☕📚
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
I missed them:)
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
I was happy there, not thinking about you or maybe thinking about not thinking about you.
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
I'm jealous of the girl who forgives
I'm jealous of the girl who achieves
I'm jealous of the girl who's not afraid of trying
I'm jealous of the girl who's not ashamed of running
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't think too much
I'm jealous of the girl who easily talks so much
I'm jealous of the girl who sees life as a journey
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't feel being thirty
I'm jealous of the girl who writes happy endings
I'm jealous of the girl who has many feelings
I'm jealous of the girl who thinks she has someone
I'm jealous of the girl who isn't tired of everyone
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't know this emptiness exists
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't think before she speaks
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't care
I'm jealous of the girl who's not aware
I'm jealous of the girl staying up talking to you
I'm jealous of the girl so confidently looking at you
I'm jealous of the girl who wants to communicate
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't bother elucidate
I'm jealous of the girl her mother praise
I'm jealous of the girl her father craves
I'm jealous of the girl laughing in your arms
I'm jealous of the girl longing for your hugs
I'm jealous of the girl you always talk about
I'm jealous of the girl you can't live without
I'm jealous of the girl you're trying to keep
I'm jealous of the girl who can go to sleep
I'm jealous of the girl who feels like her own age
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't see home as a cage
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't know you change
I'm jealous of the girl who enjoys being strange
I'm jealous of the girl who doesn't even know you
Cause I miss my old self more than I miss you.
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lilacsadgirl · 2 years
No one knows me here, no one reads me here and no one excepts me here so I can be myself so easily.
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