#☾⋆⁺₊✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔫 𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔲𝔫𝔞 ✩ interactions
lunarxtique · 2 months
"You'd better hurry up."
The warning to the witch godling came from above where Davon had perched himself on the rooftop of the dining hall. Laying comfortably, he kept his gaze on the horizon to watch the sun setting. However, there was the very strong scent of rain caught by him.
"A rainy night ahead. Best you don't get caught up in it...unless that's a thing you like." He shrugs. "Can't say I've never enjoyed it myself."
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lunarxtique · 3 months
The sky was a dark indigo and the stars were already scattered among the heavens. It wasn't too late, but it always already the time where most of the camp had turned in for the day. Davon on the other hand had only woken up a couple hours ago and after getting ready for the night, he began his patrol around the camp to ensure all was well. He did this several times and as the midnight hour was upon them, he was passing by the cabin built for the child of Ares.
A soft smile touched his lips has he remembered the brief time he'd spent with Alejandro; a departure that Davon felt happened too soon but with him, he carried that memory of the other demigod's anger quelled to accept company. Though...he noticed that the light was still on within the cabin, as was the window opened. Funny...he thought with how rigorously Alejandro trained, he'd be passed out by now...
Rather than knock and disturb him, Davon decided to be sneaky and scaled up the building just to peep inside that window to ensure that his new friend was okay. Once he got to the window, he peeped inside of the room and saw that the son of War was still very much wide awake.
"Hey chulo," he spoke quietly to not completely startle the man. "Why are you still up? You really should get some rest. Still good for you regardless of that extra stamina you've got goin on now..."
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lunarxtique · 3 months
Now that he had warmed up on his own, Davon was on the hunt for a dance partner. As the fae band was transitioning to more slower renditions of modern throwback pop songs, Davon passed by several bodies, getting a whiff of each individual. The damn ambrosia had his nose off the charts but at least the headache from the original sensory overload was leveling off. Though he didn't need the enhanced sense of smell to note when there was a gentleman near by who had posh taste in cologne.
He back tracked a few steps, following his nose until he was facing the son of Nike. With out much warning, he leaned in toward Remy's neck, tip of his nose brushing against the side as Davon drew in a deeper whiff of the other male.
"Damn, you smell as amazing as you look. I'd apologize for being weird and potentially uncomfortable but I'm not exactly sorry to have your scent."
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lunarxtique · 14 days
Selene Cabin @roguelunatiic
"Heya Si?" He asks knocking his knuckles upon the cabin door of the Moon goddess. In his other hand, he carried the crossbow that the other demi had passed to him during their quest in Atlantis. He still wasn't sure why the other had given it to him; maybe because he thought he was weaponless? Regardless, he was there to return it to it's owner.
"I've got your bow out here. I figured you want it back."
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lunarxtique · 2 months
The scent of flames and blood still lingered over the camp. How they were going to recover from this attack, he had not a clue. Davon was just taking it a moment at a time. Just more unpleasant memories to cope with.
He knew that the squad he'd been with was alright. News of the others were carried through talk amongst the camp. He was sure they were all licking their wounds, but he wanted to see them in person.
He followed his nose, and it led him to the library far in the back. The section on chastity. That was amusing...and rather clever thinking on Everest's part. Of course no one would ever think to find him here. Unfortunately for the son of Aphrodite, tracking down folks was just one if Davon’s goddess given gifts.
He did still approach with caution, kneeling down steadily next to Everest's body. A hand reached to give the other's cheek a tender caress with a soft graze of his knuckles.
"Mi bello durmiente," he whispered, giving Everest a careful glance over to make sure he was okay. "...I'll just be here when you wake up." He says down completely beside the demigod of beauty.
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Location: Iris Cabin Tag: @charmingdallas
"Hey," Davon called for the Son of Iris. Right after the other demigod and left the infirmary, there was a vibe; something told Davon to do a follow up check-up with the guy. Especially when spirits were low and they were having to bury some of those who they'd come to call neighbors.
"I'm not going to ask if you're alright. None of us really are." he says walking around to stand in front of Dallas. "I do want you to know...we'll get through this. "
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Location: Nike Cabin Tag: @victorywithremy
Davon was lucky enough to be one of the few unscathed by the attack near the infirmary. Fatigue from his spells, yes. Trauma from witnessing so many of those who lived in their camp? Definitely yes. He still was physically unscathed though and once everything was done getting the infirmary somewhat in order, Davon did what he did best; he ran. He'd peeled off his top and tossed his shoes before going for a light jog. Usually it would be in the forest but he was unsure how safe the perimeter was and he'd rather be within the camp in case someone needed assistance.
As he ran...right. He still had some fatigue and around Nike's cabin, he started to slow before stopping completely. It donned on him that he really had not seen Remy for a hot minute; nor had he gotten some quality time spent with him. The son of Artemis huffed and sauntered towards the front door of the cabin before giving it three solid knocks with his fist.
"Hey Pops," he says calling to the other inside. IF he was inside. "It's Von. You got a minute?"
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Location: Infirmary Tag: @hearthwxrmth
They had some downtime to breathe after the ambush and Davon was still more than grateful to have everyone still in one piece. He gathered supplies within the infirmary, hoping to prep aid for those who needed it still while he tried to recharge his himself as well.
"Hey, you need to take it easy for a bit," he says to Gabriel, tapping upon one of the clinical beds. "I obviously can't make you but it's HIGHLY suggested."
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Davon was not exactly sure when he'd run into the son of Boreas again, though he made it a personal promise to give his gratitude when he did for the other looking after him along with Jesse during that nightmare of a concert.
As evening fell, he entered the repaired hall, a little later than usual as he was still trying to really avoid too much socializing that would have been draining for the current rut he was in. Though low and behold, although no one else was currently there; Lars actually was. The son of Artemis drew a deep breath and gathered his courage as he steadily approached the older gentleman.
"Guess we're thinking alike in having a later dinner. Actually breakfast for me." he says as he finally comes to a halt before the winter godling. "Are they serving anything you enjoy?"
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lunarxtique · 2 months
He'd taken a few more days of bed rest; even if he wasn't no longer physically hurting, he needed to find of peace of mind. Upon the third day of being in his cabin, he decided to just venture out. Some fresh air would do him so good, so he was heading towards the forest. At least until he crossed paths with Harley near the center of their camp.
"Mi Reino," he said, merely out of respect and affection for the other, though rather than the usual hug and kiss he'd give after already being intimate, Davon kept his distance but wore...an attempt at a pleasant smile.
"Hope you're well," he says before ultimately trying to continue his steps forward.
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Davon was used to hearing the calls of all kinds of critters surrounding the camp. The soft meows of a cat out around his cabin didn't surprise him. What did was...the kind of kitten he was. There was only one person he knew who had a whole army of phantom kitties.
"Yo Ollie," Davon called as he walked around the Demeter cabin to the Green house. "I found one of your kids," he said, holding the ghost cat in his arms; at least it was letting him hold. Even when they were ghosts, he was glad to be able to connect with wildlife.
"Oh wow, are those plums?" The plump, deep violet fruit caught his eyes as they were one of his favorites. He walked over to the tree while still holding to the cat.
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lunarxtique · 2 months
"NEW MEAT." The son of Artemis announced as he popped up behind Gabriel and swayed out from behind their new Godling of Hearth. "Heya, how ya doing? Enjoying yourself so far?" he says while dancing steps in a slow circle around the other.
"I'm Davon. Also Von. Mommy is Artemis. A pleasure to meet you, genuinely and possibly in other ways. The night is young after all."
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lunarxtique · 2 months
"Hey Dr McSteamyDream," Davon called for the other demigod, arriving at his side while holding a goblet. "Doesn't this bring back memories? I feel like it does," he says, reaching to boop Virgil on the nose. Then he takes a long pull of his drink while giving a slow look up and down the older demigod. Was he gorgeous? Of course he was. They all looked wonderful. It's just within their usual setting of the infirmary, Davon tried to keep it professional. That was more difficult to do now that they were both one hard snatch of the toga way from being naked. Who knew what the night had in store. "You're too sexy to have been a complete square back in your day. Come on, what's the wildest thing you've ever done at a party?"
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lunarxtique · 2 months
"You...YOU are actually here? Like out here? With us, doing THIS?" Davon gestured to the general area where their celebration continued. Yes he, was in shock. It was only because Silas didn't seem to be the party type. Hell, it felt like they were pulling teeth trying to get the man to loosen up and enjoy Disneyland of all places.
"You're not allowed to leave the vicinity until you've had at least a full goblet of the horny grape juice and dusting that ass of yours off on the dancefloor."
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lunarxtique · 2 months
Night patrol was over but there were still a few rounds left that Davon had in his mental checklist of things to do before he went to sleep. That included some wellness checks.
After getting himself a smoothie from the dining hall's kitchen, he was standing at the Zeus cabin. He hadn't seen Romeo in a few days; the godling had crossed his mind so, he figured he'd show his lovely face.
Hus knuckled tapped lightly on the door. "Wakey, wakey, your highness. The sun is shining for yoooou~♬" he serenaded.
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lunarxtique · 3 months
It had been a long journey back, but he made it to camp after the trip to the ranch. Though he wasn't necessarily the same upbeat person he typically was. After he got back to his cabin, he took a rather long hot shower, and...he didn't even feel like being inside of his cabin at the moment. Instead, he made his way out near the edge of camp, where he laid down in the soft grass. Night had fallen fresh, and he laid there staring at the sky. Hands behind his head, he snorted to himself.
"So much for sticking together." He mumbled to himself and then couldn't help but grimace the more he thought on being left behind.
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