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nobodydeviates · 2 months
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wonderhevrts · 6 months
For every 🎄 (or "X-MAS TREE") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing they want the most for Christmas.
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"I don't exactly celebrate Christmas.. Yet if i did, i would not mind finding you under my Christmas tree, wearing nothing but a pretty bow around you, so i can unwrap you myself."
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arcgeminga · 5 months
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Starter for Portrayer Phantasos ( @eternalstarlights​​) | The Forbidden Prison
♕┊ Aspros was standing in front of tall steel gates. The man huffed and crossed his arms over his chest and cast his eyes down to the light-furred puppy that sat in front of the gates, scratching her ear.
“Delightful,” he sneered down at the annoying thing as sarcasm dripped from his words naturally. The puppy didn’t seem fazed. Instead, she barked with what Aspros (wrongly) assumed was glee. The displeased look on the Specter’s pale face deepened.
He hate running errands for people. But Pandora’s word was the word of Hades -- not that Aspros was in any position to reject the orders. She said that he and his assistant would have a little guide to help him through the Forbidden Prisons...
...He certainly wasn’t expecting the dog.
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♕┊ Aspros groaned, shifting the whole of his weight to one leg. His eyes trailed up to the Forbidden Prisons.
“How come Pandora can’t send one of the Judges to search through the prison for her? Why is it our responsibility?” Aspros complained lightly. Was he reluctant to go? Fuck yeah. He’d probably break a nail in there, and he was having more than enough fun throwing his weight around and silently plotting his revenge against Sanctuary. But, alas, he was stuck with Phantasos. 
Pandæmonium. One of the deepest and most forbidden prisons in the Underworld. Their mission was to quell the sudden unrest within. Most of the abominations were kept in their cells, but it appears some irresponsible Specter accidentally let lose one of the worse of the creatures. Since Pandora probably hated his guts, Aspros was sent to Pandæmonium with Phantasos as his current (work) partner.
...oh, and the dog. Can’t forget about the dog.
The Puppy barked again, causing Aspros’ eye to twitch.
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rosehearrt · 1 year
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Gonna be absent again today, grandma finally had her surgery so I'm gonna be helping her - busy as ever!! I'm going to try to get drafts out today as well though! Crossing my fingers it'll happen. I'm so sorry I've been gone so much!
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kokoronohiroi · 6 months
save me b*ldurs gate okuyasu … save me …
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stormbcrn · 1 year
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random daenerys targaryen headcanons. / personals dni.
- while she doesn't practice much, daenerys has a natural talent for drawing and sketching. her favorite medium is charcoal, and luckily, it was easily obtainable even when she and viserys lived in exile.
- daenerys steeps deep purple flowers and lavender in hot water to soak her hair after bathing. the purple dye tones and removes any sign of yellow from her hair so she can keep it a pure, bright white. lavender is the strongest of the floral scents when her hair dries, and daenerys often smells of lavender for several days after treating her hair.
- after drogo’s death, daenerys collects texts and reads all she can about treating wounds. she felt helpless watching drogo die from something so small, when to her, he was invincible. understanding as much as she can about preventing infection feels like a small way she can protect those she loves, even if she could not protect her sun and stars.
- daenerys does not use dragonfire outside of war. instead of burning criminals or traitors, daenerys is more likely to feed them to her dragons. much like the high valyrian command dracarys, she has commands to tell the dragons to eat: ipradagon and raqagon, meaning “eat” and “enjoy,” respectively. she taught them these words when they were young while she hand fed them cooked meat.
- lemons and blueberries are daenerys' favorite fruits, though she will try any food once. because of her travels through the free cities, daenerys developed a diverse palette and enjoys many different flavors and spices. she likes learning about a culture through its food.
- as daenerys' dragons grow, they have shed scales, lost teeth, and broken claws. it makes daenerys feel silly, but she cannot let go of these things. she still has shards of their eggs. she collects pieces of them, not unlike how a parent saves their children's baby teeth.
- being unburnt is unique to daenerys and is not caused directly by her valyrian blood or family lineage. the targaryens in general are not immune to fire, even dragonfire. daenerys' ability can only be explained by magic or prophecy.
- daenerys still feels pain from being on fire. the fire surrounding her consumes the air she breathes, and that along with the smoke, soot, and ash makes even breathing an arduous task. if daenerys spends any amount of time in the flames, she is convinced she is suffocating the entire time. often fire causes her to lose her voice afterwards because of smoke inhalation. the heat while in a fire is intensely uncomfortable and leaves her skin parched and cracked. she uses several ointments to calm her skin afterwards and it takes a number of days, if not longer, for daenerys to completely recover.
- despite being immune to fire, daenerys is very much so affected by ice and snow. she becomes cold easily and is much quicker to suffer an ice burn or frostbite than others. even in layers of fur, she never warms when she's in the snow. in winterfell, she has one of her handmaids heat a stone in the hearth to lay at the foot of her bed so she stays warm in the night. it has only caught the bedding on fire once !!! you can think of dany like a true reptile in this sense: the only thing she needs is a warm rock.
- daenerys' favorite time of day is dusk. at dusk, the world is blanketed in a soft blue light, and in it, she can find momentary peace with her day. as night falls, she often feels an inexplicable sense of loneliness.
- it rains or storms for every important event during daenerys’ life: when she is born, when she returns to dragonstone after living in exile, when she is coronated as the queen of the seven kingdoms . . . just to name a few !!!
tagged by : @dracharenae tagging : @pagosfotia, @fullrigor / @honormine, @nanlanmo, @ada1r, @witchered / @viscountbard , @perzyr, @notodin, @graunblida
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crowntess · 1 year
it was a knight that entrusted her with word from faerghus.  and at first, mikoto thought nothing of it than a joke.  a humiliating feat that only simmered into realization at the grim expression of her colleague.  now that she remembers the moment, trudging through the thinning snow up to her ankles, the idea of it all is horrid.  though she is optimistic, a bitter emotion swells in the spaces of her mind and chest.  not even the healing light of her staff can numb the feeling of desperation.  how else is a mother to act when word passes of her daughter dragging her reputation through the ground?  and not by disgracing herself with bad mannerisms, but theft and foolery!
her substitute mount, amber, follows after the guidance of her grip on the reins.  the few faculty and students deployed on the missions were far beyond their position.  it’d be out of her jurisdiction to venture into the foreign land without an official mission pledged to her name, but still... she is here. only in the outskirts of the kingdom will she attempt to find a hint of the fool behind her daughter’s fakery.
“   —and she’s a kind lady, i tell you!  have i told you of the time she tripped in a river and was concerned of hurting the fish there instead of the scrape on her knee?   ”   mikoto sighs, a pleasant smile warm on her lips as she recalls the fleeting memory.  amber makes a noise behind her.   “   to think of her stealing from the poor is baffling!  corrin would never dare to. she’d never have the heart to.   ”
snow and dirt crunches beneath hooves and soles.  mikoto opens her mouth to bring forth yet another memory when the reins grow taut in her hand.  a branch snaps and the silence that follows is deafening, immediately torn by amber’s neigh.  dirt is kicked up by the horse’s hooves, reins yanked against impatient tugging.
“   calm yourself, amber!   ”   mikoto exclaims, tightening her grip and raising her hand to beckon her mount’s attention.   “   there is no threat, darling.  be still!   ”   thankfully, the fright had been small.  the panic settles, slowly, but when it does, the sound of footsteps becomes prominent.  hoshidan queen keeps herself from startling, aware of the focus her mount has on her.  slowly, she raises the reins before amber, and kneels to rest them on the ground.  mikoto backs away, once as an experiment, whispering a command of steadiness, before moving around the nearest tree.  a borrowed sword is pulled from the sheathe at her hip.  when she peers back from her hiding place, silver tresses are the first things she spies.
corrin, she realizes grimly.  still, she does not move.  instead, mikoto listens for the voice of the imposter, insistent to hear the bluff of identity on their tongue before moving to intervene.
@ofdusk !
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survivingpierce · 1 year
starter call
like this for a starter from katherine. please specify one or a few muses if you're a multi ❤️
you can also choose a verse / au of mine if you want the starter for a certain verse or au
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wonderhevrts · 5 months
@ofmythsandfables asked: "What, why are you looking at me like that?" // I didn’t think of anyone in particular so whoever you’re feeling go for it!
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♕ — Brayden flushed deep red and shook his head, averting his eyes from Persie. "S-Sorry, i just--" He stuttered and cleared his throat a bit. Be a man.
He looked back up at Persie from his dinner plate. "You look very beautiful." The Alpha said, a smile tugging at his lips. Bray was perhaps a little nervous of their date. Usually so cool, calm and collected, the Alpha seemed to lose his confindence around her. It was almost irritating, because he wanted to be confident around Persie.
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malbcrtha · 1 year
Hey y’all ! Meant post this a week ago lol, but ya girl finally got promoted at work !! My training starts next week, & I work Monday thru Friday, so my replies to ims may be slower than usual. That said, I’m really gonna try & get to my drafts which have been sitting there for months asdfghjkl. I’ve mainly been on my discord, so if you wanna catch me there, I’m Mali#3118 ( mutuals only please ! And please lemme know who you are 🫶🏻 )
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fated-stars · 11 months
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"Sora! It's you! You're finally home!"
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{♕} "Hey Kairi..."
The brunette held his best friend tight as he closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the embrace. He'd never grow tired of Kairi' hugs, they were a sign to him that he could breathe easy, that he was finally home. His shoulders sank as he relaxed against her for a moment. After a moment, he pulled back with a happy grin on his face and a laugh.
"I wasn't gone too long this time, right?"
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arcgeminga · 1 year
Kassandra pointed to Sisyphus and Aldebaran. “Uncle?” (Lol she is assuming anyone nice and friends with Aspros is an uncle haha) (To Aspros)
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♕┊ Aspros looked down at the bright-eyed toddler, then back to his two friends. After a small stretch of contemplative silence, Aspros conceded gently, "...In a way, yes."
Then he pointed to Sisyphus and added, "But if something happens to me and I don't make it back from a mission, you'll be taken care of by him."
That was probably a lie. If anything, Kassy will be lumped in with the other children and given to a foster family in the Living quarters of Sanctuary. But preventing that sort of fate for the children was all the more reason why he couldn't fail on his missions.
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pr0ject-chaos · 2 years
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✧. ┊ cherry blossom luka megurine reply icons for @clusterfuck-main.
✧. ┊ use with credit.
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Reply Con from xx || REDFIELD
SHE COULD HEAR HER BOSS, His boots made that heavy thudded noise when he walked. He was going to want answers on why she up and bolted from the stage. But Eddie wasn't a shit manager, he cared for them all. And he went above and beyond to keep her and all the other girls safe, Not to mention, she knew he was coming after her cause he was worried. But, over the sound of heave bootsteps, Madison could make out the sound of another set of footsteps.
Her blood felt like ice, piercing her skin and turning her into a complete frozen mess. Dark blue eyes glanced back over her shoulder, catching sight of her Captain coming in her direction. She was mortified at the thought of him seeing her topless. She knew she had to face him, he was probably coming along to make sure she was ok. That, and to see why she didn't just tell him!
That was easy, cause He was her Captain and, BECAUSE she was attracted to him, to be frankly honest. She froze, feeling his hand grab ahold of her arm. Goosebumps covered her entire body, those lids softly closing as she turned to face him. God, why was he so damn gorgeous, it was really distracting. That voice, brushed over her ears like butter, so inviting and baritone. Causing her to gasp, slightly. He really had no idea what he did to her. And she was never going to say, he was a married man.
The independence danced across her features, as she let her arms cross over her chest. Feeling the rise and fall of her arms, with every breath she took. She may be mortified, but she wasn't going to show shame. Not for this, anyhow, she had settled on making it out of her debt on her own. And she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to help her. But how would she look, if she let him do that. Just write her a check, for any amount of money.
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" I didn't say anything to you, Captain. Because, it is my own burden to bare. And, cause I didn't know how you would react to me. I admire you, and your opinion of me, matters. "
And it did matter to her, she looked up to Chris. He may be harsh and some have even said, an asshole. But he was only doing his job, keeping them safe. And, fighting against things like B.O.W;s was alot more dangerous then, human enemies with guns. So, yeah he was a little bit harsh. Like he should be, She gave a small smile, as she saw her boss come to a stop behind Chris. She gave a thumbs up toward Eddie. And he nodded, the thumbs up meant she was ok and Chris was someone she knew. She would explain everything else later. Turning her gaze back toward Chris, she kept the small grin in tact.
" The guys are my life, they make dirty jokes and cat call me. But it is in good fun, and I am sorry. I took off, but I didn't want to have you see me, topless. I am not like that. "
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iilahalzili · 2 years
     There were reasons Marik is thankful he does not require sleep--a rest could be taken occasionally to preserve energy to lengthen the distance between hunts, but it was never needed. He liked that. Sleeping would mean dreaming, and even a creature of the shadows could have nightmares.      Marik has always prided himself on having little to fear, boasting that he feared nothing. Although, he would be reminded of that fear whenever he slept. The shadows know well how to keep him in line. He is reminded of the time, being dragged into the heart of the shadows, the place that would completely destroy others. However, he knows it would not be destruction. It would be an awakening, much like the first time. It was in that well of shadows that he had stopped being the Son of Ra and became a God of Shadows.      It is there where the nightmare awakens.      Marik takes in a breath, feeling his lungs tighten at the ash poisoning the air. He knows this place well, the place he despises. Only a moment to gain his bearings before the shadows grab him--constricting around his throat and forcing him to his knees. Nothing can be done as the darkness fills his lungs, every bit that they can reach drowned in the shadows.      No matter what he does, Marik loses his voice, loses the fight as his fragmented soul succumbs to the shadows that keep him pieced together.      When awakening, there is nothing but pain, bones shattered and formed into something monstrous. He forgot how painful this form was, the manipulation of flesh and shadows to create an awful nightmare.       The sound starts as a wheezing, ash and smoke spilling from the luminescent mouth, before growing into a deep rumbling fit of laughter.
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     The pain overwhelms, a soft whine mixing with the laughter. A deep black liquid oozes from between dark teeth, the hunger creeping in the back of his skull. There is only one way to silence the hunger to reduce the agony that grips every bit of flesh.      Claws dig into the ground, leaving deep gashes in their wake. The whispers are louder--voices speaking of violence and gore. Consume souls, devour the flesh. . . devour it all.      The creature hisses low, tails lashing before it leaps through the nearby window and out into the darkened streets. It will find a first victim for the evening, the first to fall to the hellish nightmare in such a long time.
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survivingpierce · 9 months
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cont. from here || @dynastymuses
          a nod followed daphne's words because katherine supposed she was right. it would be good if someone would help her or maybe even introduce her to a nice man. she is, after all, aware that she's expected to marry and her relatives do not care who she marries as long as she marries. she wanted to marry an at least decent man, not a monster or an old sack. and according to daphne's words, this nigel berbrooke fell under the category she didn't want to meet.
          "maybe it’s not a bad idea after all. you know the men that are looking for a bride whereas i know none of them." katherine bit down on her bottom lip, knowing that there was so much more at stake than just marriage. not only would marriage mean spending the rest of her life with that man, she was also expected to have his babies.
          "don’t you think it’s weird to marry someone almost twice your age?" the duke seemed to be the same age as anthony bridgerton and the two of them don't look like they've reached their thirties.
          katherine felt a wave of relief wash over her as daphne told her that she could speak freely with her. in this society you always had to pay so much attention to what you said. it was refreshing to be more … carefree. although katherine would still pay attention to what she said.
          "oh." katherine was surprised to hear that daphne already had a six-month-old son. somehow it was hard to imagine that katherine would most likely also soon be a mother.
          "what’s it like to have a baby of your own?"
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