#♕ ANONYMOUS ─ nothing but a bad dream
Tell us how Rachel deals with death?
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rachel’s had a view on death since she was young. her mother passing not long after she turned eight year’s old. 
she doesn’t handle it well
at first she ignores the fact , that the person is never going to return. as if it’s some sort of dream, that she’ll wake up and it’ll all be okay. they’ll be there, she’ll be there. everything will be normal and happy. when it finally hit’s her that they’re gone, she hides away. room locked up tight with only a few people allowed in. she no longer eats, socializes. she cries and screams and lets grief overtake her.  this can last for days, or weeks. it really depends on how much she cared for the person who’s no longer there .
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failedwish-m · 6 years
Why do you put your family through this?
     ❛❛ i don’t really know . ❜❜
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     ❛❛ i guess it’s because ,,, i want them to hate me . i don’t want them to be close          to me. i don’t want them to be close to me and then he kill me like .. her. i           don’t want to leave knowing that i’m putting them through the same pain           mother put me through when she left . ❜❜
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Does she have problems when it comes to Relationships?
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commitment , isn’t something she’s exactly comfortable with. the idea of a relationship that isn’t just some form of attention she can gain and throw away when it becomes to much terrifies her. she doesn’t want to grow so close to someone only for the world to take them away from her , leaving her all alone once again. so she strays from it.
most of her high school life revolved around her dating a new guy every week or so. she wanted the honeymoon phase forever, the attention, the hugs, the kisses, anything that made her the ONE person in someones eyes. though as soon as it tried to go further or any mention of ‘ love ‘ was brought up. she’d break up, and move onto the next one. this isn’t something she’s proud of.
the only way rachel can handle a relationship that last longer than a few weeks, is if you’ve known her most of her life. you’ve got to be able to convince her you’ll always be there. even if you’re not with her, you’ll be there. that you’re not just going to up and leave her one day and break her heart all over again. 
                                                          it’s not a easy task.
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