#♕; verse || transfer.
vocalcontrol · 5 years
one word writing prompts.   //   accepting !@explsnmrdr
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         every   SHOUT   was   making   his   ears   RING.  honestly,   wasn’t   there  a   SOUND   limit  that   was   supposed  to   be   enforced  in   the   dorms  ?   the   headache   he   had   just  continued   to   pulse  until   he   eventually  decided   that   he   would   just ASK   the   other  to   quiet   down.  
         sure,   he   was   threatening  the   loss   of   hearing   &  potential   worsening   of   his   headache,  but   not   trying  was   not   what  a   HERO   did.  
         so,   he   would   step  out   of   his   dorm   &  go   right   next  door.   he   would  ignore   concerned   eyes  as   he   would  rap   his   knuckles  against   the   other’s  door,   waiting   a   few   minutes  until   it   was   opened.  
         arms   folded  &   he   would  speak   in   the   most   polite  way   possible.   no   need   to   be   rude  to   someone   that  you   were  REQUESTING  a   service   to.  
          ❝   you   mind   keeping  it   down   a   bit  ?   i   was   training   with  my   quirk   earlier  today,   &   i   have   a   EARSPLITTING   headache  right   now.   ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
❣️ ?? if you wanna >.>
mistletoed   //   accepting !@iingeniumjr
shinsou would lean forward to grab something from one of the shelves in the area, hands reaching up as far as he could. the book touching his fingertips before falling. quick reaction time allows him to catch it.
however, this leads to him leaning forward and almost being face to face with the class president. he’d move back quickly, not really noticing the other being there before now. shinsou would also be able to catch sight of something above them when he does so, it immediately hitting him with a sense of dread. 
a few ‘oohs’ were released from the rest of the class, a frown flickering across the indigo haired transfer. the attention wasn’t something that he was used to, and definitely not something that he was a fan of. 
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so, he would do what he could to make that attention divert or at least lessen. before the classmates could tease about the situation, shinsou would grab the other’s tie and pull him down. lips gently brush against the president’s cheek, before he returned to looking for the other book of the set. albeit with a gentle pink dusting on his cheeks now. 
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