#♚ Timeline | M3
pigmonarch · 4 years
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❝Typical.  Of course I get passed up again.  Well... I didn’t even want an invitation to Smash anyways.  So, fine.❞  Not like he’s been hoping for an invitation since 2008...
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pigmonarch · 4 years
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❝You know, I may be a lot of things: a swine, a disgrace to humanity, whatever else, but at least I’m no brainless almighty idiot who can’t even control his own actions.❞
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pigmonarch · 4 years
@hcartlcss​ | continued from here!
He’s clearly piqued the Commander’s interest with what he said.  Good.  Of course, everything Porky says around his precious robot is typically calculated.  While it may obey whatever orders he gives it, what’s even more fun is being able to mess with it whenever he could.  Master Porky, of course, loves games.  He tries not to indicate any mischievous joy in response to the question posed, but a grin nonetheless breaks out onto his face.  Wants him to explain?  Why, of course.
❝Oh,  I was just thinking aloud about things, Commander,❞ Porky replies smoothly.  While he could have decided to take offense to the question, he has a different angle to play today.  ❝Of course, fleshbags, too, are unreliable, in my experience.  The only reason I myself am not is because I’ve been able to elevate myself beyond mortality.  Now, with robots... you would think that the absence of human will would make them theoretically perfect.  Not so.❞
Porky knows he has his Commander’s unwavering attention, yet still glances down from his bed mech to see if his robot was watching.  He won’t get any physical response to anything he says, of course knowing it better than that, but he still always likes to check.  Porky absolutely trusted the Commander above all else.  It being designed to be his perfect copy, it can follow his commands better than any brainwashed Pigmask ever could.
He was its whole world, and Porky knew it.  That’s what he wanted.  Always, in the end, this boy-- no, this robot-- would fight for him, kill for him, die for him if necessary.  It’s the closest a being can come to being perfect in his eyes, but it didn’t need to know that, nor did Porky ever indicate that he thought so.  He never will, either.  It may get a big head if he does so.  It’s thus better to keep it always wondering if its work has been enough.
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❝Even robots are capable of being flawed-- and overwhelmingly are.❞  There’s a soft chuckle, before Porky continues on.  ❝You’re not worried about yourself, are you, Commander?❞
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pigmonarch · 4 years
Fear confined To the depths of my mind For what could be such a threat to me The conqueror of time?
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pigmonarch · 5 years
@antcmbra | continued from here !
He expected the Commander to be unwilling to do anything of his own accord, but it still annoys him when he’s posed the question of what, precisely, his robot should do.  He doesn’t know-- that’s for the Commander to come up with himself.  Porky is the bored one here, after all.  If he knew what to do, then he wouldn’t be demanding Compass to do something to entertain him.  There’s a ‘tsk’ of displeasure from Porky, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
❝I don’t know.  I wanted you to decide,❞ he complains.   ❝All I want is something entertaining, but I suppose you couldn’t come up with something better than my own ideas.  Let me think...❞
Porky’s fingers tap weakly at his bed as he thinks it over.  Somehow, it feels like the only thing he really wants to see his Commander do is destroy something-- show off that power he has.  Compass is well-designed, after all.  It’s a delight to see him in action, as uncommon as it can be at times.  But what should he destroy...?  Hm.
Wait, he’s got it.
A vicious smile slowly emerges onto Porky’s face, grinning down towards the chimera.  ❝I think I have an idea for something you could do!  You like Miss Marshmallow, don’t you, Commander?❞
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pigmonarch · 5 years
❝Anyone who tries to argue with me is just nitpicking and biased.  I win, bye-bye.❞ 
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