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ultravioletproxy · 2 years
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[OC REF] Diamond Enigma
Name: Diamond Enigma Aliases: Dr. Diamond, Dr. Enigma, Dr. Dimension, Di Gender: Non-Binary (They/He - Primarily uses They/Them but occasionally uses He/Him) Age: 25 Birthdate: June 10, 1996 Species: Human?? I think??? Height: 6'2" (188cm / 1.88m) Voice Type: Androgynous, semi leaning Masculine Body Type: Slim and Lanky Sexuality: Demisexual (Masc Preference) Relationship Status: Taken Pets: Does...Does Carnage count? Education Level: No clue but seemingly highly intelligent I guess?? Scars / Physical Deformities: Dr. Octopus tentacles I guess???? lmao Mental State: Really puts the "Mad" in Mad Scientist lmao Likes: Bad Boys I guess?? Villain Simp | Studying Complex Psychiatry | Helping Others | Reforming aforementioned bad boys lmao | Ice Cream, especially Mint and Rum flavors | Microwaved Sourdough with parmesan and butter (eat it quick tho or it becomes a rock lmao) | Symbiotes, Alien Species in general | Learning New Things | Cats | Slushies | Eccentric Fashion | Confusing People, extra points if its regarding their Gender lmao | Being a menace to society | Dislikes: Undeserved Negative Stigmas surrounding Mental Illnesses | Goody Two-Shoe Hero Types | Legitimately EVIL Villains / Assholes (Racist, Bigoted, LGBTQ+ phobic, Ableist, etc. Any kind of foul "real world" offenses) | Dogs | Long Drawn out Lectures | Occupation: Founder and current Manager of a Inter Dimensional Villain Reformation Clinic and Psychiatric Facility Other Notes: -First sona ever (before I even knew what sonas were), really old character, really personal to me pretty much an amalgamation of my childhood inspirations at the time. -Some of the past media you might find with this character; Pretty Much any DC cartoon of the 90s to early 2000s. more specifically, Justice League (Unlimited). Static Shock, Batman Beyond, & Batman the Animated Series, Ben 10 (Mostly the original and the show that came right after) & GhostFreak specifically, early 2000s spider man movies, anything to do with Venom or Carnage so that includes "Spiderman the Animated Series" and "Spiderman Unlimited", and mostly just general comic book inspirations. -The "Omnitrix" that they have isn't actually the same one as the show, it's more of a multi purpose tool. Such as being a; Communication device, controlling machines around their underground lab facility, a key, storage device, teleporter, AI system, and it's actually use from the show lol -The characters that Diamond most commonly interacts with are: "The Tentacle Arms" (which he can actually remove and reattach, when not in use they just sit on this fancy pedestal thing, hooked up to the facility's main frame so they don't get bored, GhostFreak who is a rather reluctant hire, Carnage who is just happy to be along for the ride, and the Omnitrix which actually has an essential AI system installed on it. -In regards to Diamond's abilities, he essentially travels to point in time where villains get defeated, pauses time, and says "Hey look you're about to be the captain that goes down with the ship but I can offer you an essential redemption opportunity, but yah gotta work with me, and trust me I'm literally someone you can't backstab, like it's actually physically impossible, but hey I'm your ticket out of here, your choice!
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Art & Characters are © to ConsciousColony ✎-Bio was typed up by my partner flannelRaptors
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1batch2batch · 8 months
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I write Frank based on the Daredevil/Punisher shows, with occasional elements or connections from 616 comics pulled in as needed. Please keep in mind that in this timeline, he is not a Vietnam veteran, but served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Please note before interacting that Frank is very hostile to known villains and will react accordingly, up to and including attacking or trying to kill them, but I will check with you before either so we can better plot things out. Likewise, if you prefer to plot Frank's death, I'm happy to work with you on that. Being an antihero has consequences, but communication is key. He does not kill innocents or heroes (and canonically won't even take a swing at Captain America).
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Frank with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Maria Castle, Karen Page, Matt Murdock Family: I adore Dad!Frank, but he's understandably going to have a lot of trauma attached to that, so please run any canon/OC kids by me first Other: Steve Rogers, Billy Russo, John Hartigan, Nancy Callahan
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Any events that take place within the Daredevil/Punisher timelines.
alt!postblip: A merging of the shows into the greater MCU, where Frank has just watched half the world be snapped out of existence and then returned.
semper fidelis: Any events that take place while Frank is with the Marines or the Cerberus Squad.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
sin city: An AU set in the Sin City universe, where Frank is working as a detective with the Basin City police department when his family are brutally slaughtered by convicts he once put away. Almost two years later, the case is declared a mistrial, setting him on the path as the Punisher.
twd!verse: A zombie apocalypse AU that more or less follows a Walking Dead timeline. Frank's family was killed by humans at the start of the outbreak, which sets him on the path as the Punisher. When he's not taking out the trash, he lives alone in a remote, sustainable cabin surrounded by traps.
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anotherrpfinder · 11 months
Hey there people! 21 (M) here looking for MxF, ocxcanon, roleplay set in the world of a song of ice and fire and House of the Dragon. The main pairing I’m absolutely craving rn is my oc x Alicent Hightower, younger or older version. My oc is a son of Daemon Targaryen and I think it could make for a really good story! I’m ideally looking for someone well versed in the fandom and who likes to create rich worlds for their characters! I would describe myself as literate, writing anywhere from two to five chapters per post and would ask that my partner be able to do the same. All characters will be 18+, I ask my partners be the same. If this interests anyone out there please interact with the post and I will reach out asap!!
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ripharm · 2 years
Talk about Nian
Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
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He looks to his left - right - then back. There's the slightest touch of nerves to his voice, just enough to know he's on high alert.
"She's not around right now, right?"
It seems as though he hasn't forgotten how she'd taken him out for 'shopping' out of pure boredom. He's still tired from last time, and just remembering all the chaos she caused.
( Even if it was admittedly fun at first. )
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ripharm-archived · 3 years
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           ‘ that’s right. we’ll continue on until - ’
he pauses and looks to amiya. a finger’s placed on his lips - keep quiet - as he sneaks towards the oddly still figure. for a split second, he believes there’s something wrong. it’s strange to see the feline so still for long. it’s a welcomed sight, though he imagines they’ll not be pleased if he lingers.
glancing back at amiya, she’ll see that little familiar twinkle in his eye. the time spent on zero sanity, the stress of it all piling and exploding in these rare moments of -
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                                                              ‘ ooooh, soft! ’
- he’s done the unthinkable.
the doctor’s petting director kal’tsit’s head, memorizing the feel of the soft fur against her worn ears. he’s careful not to bump into her earrings, but he smiles a little ruefully. despite the softness, there’s that thin layer of grime and oil that came from just how ‘well’ she’s caring for herself. even if there’s a pillow that’s suspiciously like one of moussue’s kitty beds, there’s plenty better spaces to rest than a barely cushioned corner.   
             @pervicax​ gave this post a like. ( lil cat will get something later )
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ripharm · 2 years
their arms embrace him from behind , as it's just the two of them alone again . comfort me ; hold me ; hide me away from everything again - is all but a silent plea . " i ... just need to recollect myself . " is all kal'tsit can bring themselves to say as an excuse . " it's been a long day . "
his body tenses as he feels the weight of another press against him. then he hears their quiet voice, filled with an uncertainty never found among others. while he doesn't remember, it seems as though his body does, easing the moment he hears their voice.
he knows better than to voice his concerns, going along with the feline's words, but he can't bring himself to offer any comforting words. it's easy enough to, under normal circumstances. he offers plenty over the course of the day.
but, he knows any he offers would have them recoil at an instant.
to play along, even for a moment, with how their past could have been would be too much... for either of them.
not as they were. not as they are.
so, while he keeps to his spot, he places a gloved hand over theirs. clear against the gentle rumbling of the landship, he accepts their offered 'excuse.'
a steady breath leaves his lips.
"it has."
he looks at their hands, offering the barest of squeezes.
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ripharm · 3 years
tags part ii
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ripharm · 2 years
Talk about Priestess
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" .... Priestess .... ? "
It was a name he'd mentioned before, had asked about before, but no one had dared answered him. Even PRTS was unable to answer him (not until long after he'd left), and the event left him with more questions than answers.
" .... who ... is ... she? "
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ripharm · 2 years
Haven't seen weird doctor for a long while and it's almost or is V-day. Therefore Seira must give him chocos! smiling brightly as she gives the sweets. "You better be doing well, weird doctor~. Taking good care of yourself and all." Not like Seira would stick by her own words but caring for others is more important.
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While he wasn't one to question a bundle of free chocolates, it didn't mean it can't catch him unaware. Since when did he leave his room? Well, other than for work and necessary bio things. It couldn't be that long could it?
-- It has been over 50 days, Doctor.
Of course, PRTS knew just when he'd last left. He'd long stopped ignoring it's constant complaints about getting some 'fresh air' and taking a 'proper' break ages ago.
Even standing took a little more effort than he'd like, so he stretched a little, wincing at how his back popped at the motion. Yeah, he'd really been here too long.
He looked at the variety of sweets, and then at his fellow doctor. Was she a little rounder than he'd last seen her? Was it all the sweets? Hm.
Either way, his response was the same. "I've probably been taking care of myself as well as you have," he remarked with a wry grin.
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