#♟️ ⊱ sɪɴ ɪɴ ᴊᴜsᴛɪᴄᴇ ⊱ akechi goro.
heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- akechi figures it out
      I'm available.
      A day prior the calling card had been sent out across Shibuya. After nothing but static since the Madarame incident, the Phantom Thieves had returned to the limelight. The curtain went up and they appeared on center stage. Goro had been trying to keep up to date on any and all news regarding the justice seeking group who stole hearts and operated in the shadows. But aside from a website and the usual pointless chatter, there'd been nothing to indicate them on their next target.
      Going after a member of the YAKUZA, however. While Goro knew the word around the city had been sudden severe losses in finances as well as trafficking having taken a drastic rise over the last couple weeks. They'd discovered girls in Shinjuku, working in host clubs and other shady businesses. Many were in high school and a handful were college students. It was utterly deplorable. Goro would be doing the city a favor by removing the scum.
      But even with the crime ring increasing its transactions, the one thing he couldn't put his finger on was HOW the Phantom Thieves knew Kaneshiro Junya's name. Only a handful of people had access to that information. Junya controlled Shibuya. With the calling card, it'd turned into public knowledge.
      Goro had been stacking a case against him. Once he'd been apprehended, Goro would go in and cause a mental shutdown. He would have still received his glory off the arrest, one that would have easily made his career next to if he could capture the leader of the Phantom Thieves, and Kaneshiro's secrets died with him. He'd been bestowed this incredible power. Whether by the hands of a devil or a god, it didn't matter. It belonged to HIM, and he was destined to use it toward his goal.
      A day before Goro could make his arrest, the Phantom Thieves swept in and claimed his target's heart. Goro had been laid off from the case. They had no need for him anymore. Was this an attempt at showing him up, because he'd challenged them by calling out their lofty sense of justice? Even if that were true, how could they have ever deduced the crime boss's NAME... He hadn't mentioned to anyone either what his latest case was. They'd scored a point off of Goro regardless. But he knew that it was going to turn costly as time went by.
      He dreaded the phone call he was sure to receive. The media uproar was a different beast to encounter. He'd be walking into the lion's den any day now.
      ❝As I'm sure you've noticed, I've never been very apt at losing.❞ He twisted a strand of his golden-brown hair around his finger. Leblanc's warmly lit interior complimented the dark and dreary evening outside its windows. Leblanc was more hole-in-the-wall and remote compared to any location he'd been to before. ❝To be completely honest with you, I'm baffled. I was beaten, by a single day no less.❞
      But what could he have done to prevent that?
      ❝Forgive my asking, but did anyone approach you while you were out in Shibuya? I know Shujin was caught up in the phishing scandal. After what happened with your teacher, there seems to be no end to the troubles of that school.❞
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heavenslapse-a · 2 years
@heartsaligned — akechi follows akira who follows a ghost 🔦
     The saccharine smile rarely left Goro’s lips. It grew daunting to always remain in character for so long with no reprieve. More and more people joined them as they wandered through the labyrinths, mazes inside movies. But here, that number had starkly dwindled to five. After their party had entered the new labyrinth the way back and been firmly shut, unwilling to allow anyone else through or for them to ESCAPE.
     Dust and grime collected in the dim foyer. The lobby appeared to have been vacant for quite some time. The towering Torii arched before the stairwell; the top closed off by a gateway barring any entry further in. They’d need to find a way around, which wouldn’t be too difficult. Being with three members of the Inaba team and Akira was much less grating on his nerves than the entire flock of lost sheep waiting for them and probably worried for their precious leader and fellow team members—Goro excluded. The thieves tolerated his presence, that much was obvious. However, in a matter of days, none of it would matter anymore. They’d all be rid of each other and Goro would no longer have to entertain the idiocy of the Phantom Thieves.
      Like the other labyrinths their wardrobe had changed, outfits that were more VINTAGE compared to their modern attire the other maze’s provided. Yukiko was marveling at the the grim atmosphere, while Yu and Yosuke’s anxiety was apparent in the nervous way they glanced about. Yu’s posture was stiff and rigid, tense, and his sharp gaze was laced with a wildness found in skittish animals. And then there was Akira...
      The flashlight lay forgotten on the ground, the light rolling over the worn and dirty carpet to illuminate the fragile remains of newspaper clippings and photographs so old the pictures had long faded away. It didn’t take a genius to know SOMETHING was wrong. Goro knelt to pick up the fallen flashlight, holding it deftly between his fingers. That perfect smile slipped over his lips, his voice cheerful and light despite their bleak surroundings.
      ❝Don’t tell me this place has rattled you as well?❞
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- akechi sees akira on tv
The news cut and across the television appeared the TAKE YOUR HEART logo of the Phantom Thieves. As if they hadn't been stigmatized enough. Goro looked up, his attention no longer on the documents in front of him. But it was only when Joker made his appearance did the pen in his hand fall to the floor. He'd stopped breathing. Shell shocked, he didn't move nor tear his gaze off the TV even after the display ended.
Where did he even begin with this?
Goro knew what this would mean for Akira, and, knowing that much, he knew the Phantom Thief leader also knew the risks of his reckless act; placing himself in obvious danger. The police would undoubtedly look into this. This meant that the METAVERSE had returned. Akira had multiple enemies, not just those in power gunning for him now. Of course it wouldn't have ended with Doctor Maruki and his insufferable reality. And what of the mad doctor? To Goro's knowledge he'd gone into hiding after his failure. He trusted Akira, but he could never believe a man with a heart so corrupt would change. Shido's heart changing may have come as a surprise, but Maruki was a different sort of beast. He wouldn't complain if Maruki had just ended it all. It was so rare when the trash took itself out.
Shion's small bark finally drew him out of his stewing thoughts. She pressed her front paws onto his leg, leaning up to push her way into his face. He'd always had a fondness for dogs, such intelligent animals. He'd never had the fortune of owning one himself. With everything his life had been, it would have been cruel leaving a dog alone after his passing. So much of himself had been geared around the pleasant prince image, too. A dog would have been caught up in the media attention and falsehood of his dual life. It wouldn't have been fair. But after awaking from his coma and the time he'd spent at the rehabilitation center, why shouldn't he adopt a dog of his own? A start at his new life. He hadn't wanted the second chance; he hadn't even wanted the FIRST. There were times he still struggled with accepting that. But he'd taken a step forward.
She bent down and retrieved his fallen pen from the floor, holding it out to him as she brought her head back up. Goro softened, taking the pen from her mouth and rubbing her gently over her soft head and ears. Odd how she had such a calming effect on him.
❝Seriously, he really IS an idiot.❞ And yet, Goro could see his cellphone lying on the table in the mess of files and documents scattered across its surface. He wanted to go to Leblanc and yell at Akira. He wanted to tear him apart and tell him what a dumbass he was being. But even with all the unanswered texts and voice messages, he'd never gained the courage to let Akira know he was alive. Wasn't it BETTER that way? Move on and just forget about him. Everyone else had.
Goro grabbed his phone from the table and turned it on, scrolling through his contacts. He'd reached a point where he'd muted Akira's messages so he wouldn't have to read them should any more make their way through. But if he called now, there'd be no going back. He couldn't seal that door again.
He pressed the call button.
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- akechi finds akira in the snow ❄️
SLEEP was an interesting concept for Goro. It'd always been difficult to turn his thoughts off to allow sleep to consume him for a few empty hours. But he needed rest in order to keep his mind sharp for the day that awaited him when he cracked open his eyes. Being dead made him wonder how much sleep provided a necessity in that regard. How much being dead meant he needed to do anything required to function.
During the numerous scandals pertaining to his decline in fame, he'd slept less than usual and ever more fitful. After thinking he'd shot Kurusu in the interrogation room, when he found a moment's respite he'd been plagued with dreams about the hollowed look fading from his suddenly lifeless eyes. The dark blood from the gunshot wound spilling out onto the metal table with brain matter and chunks of broken skull. He'd dreamed frequently over Kurusu coming back to life and asking him why he'd had to do it, if it was WORTH it, and if this was the victory that Goro had sought. A victory that had been handed to him on a silver platter through cheating and lies.
They'd always felt so real, wracking him with guilt. Kurusu had never done anything to deserve what had happened in that room. Even killing the men who'd tortured him for hours left Goro feeling numb and empty. There was no satisfaction reaped, only in the message that they couldn't live to hurt anyone else. Everyone else Goro had targeted had a corrupted heart. None of them had been saintly. Not even Wakaba was wholly innocent.
Goro could never atone for the horrible things he'd done, all the deaths caused by his hand. But offering those condemned souls Shido's head felt like a justified reward for the numerous deaths that had gotten him so far. Knowing that each of their forfeited lives would serve a purpose.
Each death served a purpose toward his eventual goal--a childish dream that never truly came to fruition. He'd have to live with being satisfied having Shido in jail and could only hope that he would stay there until he eventually died. Politics were a messy business and Shido had done a tremendous amount of damage that there would always a chance he could be released in some way.
Goro had done it all for his mother. But death wasn't going to place him wherever she was. He'd fall back to darkness when Maruki's reality lifted. Almost like a never ending sleep, but without anything around him except for an endless sea of black.
And now, he stared blankly at the clock on the table beside the bed. The red lights glowed through the dark. The number changed again and Goro pulled back the covers to get up. After the first night, he'd made a point of not going to sleep until he was sure Kurusu was out. But his company liked to wander at night and he'd leave. Goro couldn't blame him, and he didn't worry. His neighborhood was quiet, the residents in his complex kept to themselves, and Kurusu was never gone for long.
Goro took his time getting dressed, watching as the snow falling outside his windows went from gentle white flakes to heavy and dense puffs that began to collect on the sill. Kurusu still wasn't back as he did up his scarf. Goro let out a disgruntled sigh. Really, he was going to make him go out and find him? It occurred to him to just let Kurusu die of hypothermia, but Goro had fought too hard to keep him alive up until this point. Mother nature wasn't going to claim what was rightfully his.
He'd walked the streets longer than he'd planned to until finding a dark mop of hair buried beneath the fallen snow. It was a sorry sight. The snow crunched beneath the soles of his shoes. ❝How long do you intend to stay out here for?❞
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- akechi & akira meeting again in central
The hustle and bustle of Tokyo's city never changed. Once a famous star at the height of his popularity a year ago, Goro had fallen far into the realms of a semi-nameless and mostly washed up idol. Sometimes people would glance his way and assume he was someone special, yet it felt like a lifetime ago he'd striven for lofty ambitions. He lived for himself now. No longer plotting tactics toward a child's dream of vengeance and suffused in hate.
After waking from a coma he'd fallen into at the beginning of December from fatal gunshot wounds to his hip and shoulder, actions that still went unexplained by doctors and nurses as to how such a thing occurred. Goro couldn't tell them the truth. The boiler room, sacrificing himself to give the Phantom Thieves a chance if they promised they'd change Shido's blackened heart. It was written off as an act of gang violence he'd unfortunately been in the crossfire of. All of it had happened during the election, so none of his sudden disappearance reached the ears of the outside world over the scandal of Shido's downfall and the Diet being run through with a fine-toothed comb. The one who'd found him had been a random nobody and hadn't even known the boy he'd found shot with severe bloodloss was a famous idol. In a bittersweet way it was comical. Goro had given up a long time ago on humanity.
Over the months he'd checked himself into the rehab center where his mother had died in. Fifteen years had passed, but some of the older nurses on staff seemed to have recalled who he was. He'd slowly discovered a reason to continue living unlike his mother who'd lost the strength to. It was, in a word, healing. He'd been given a second chance he'd never asked for. He'd been instructed to visit therapists after treatment. It'd taken awhile to find one that worked for him, especially since he didn't believe in that manner of ministration even more so after the events of a fake reality controlled by the whims of a deluded sociopath wanting to fix everyone's trauma by erasing it and bestowing them hoaxed fantasies.
Goro was too broken to ever be fully intact, but his current doctor, an older woman, was patient with him. She'd yet to refer him to another specialist. Even though he hadn't entirely followed up on all the treatment advised. SOCIALIZING himself with the world around him, trying to make friends, it hadn't gone well even when he faked his way through a superficial guise just so someone would want him in their life. He'd gotten a dog, however, and was making effort through a small business as a private detective.
He made his way out into the Crossing in Shibuya's Central. Hundreds of people meandered from the Underground Mall to different subway transit ports for their train. In the middle of scrambling crowd, one person stood out from the rest. The familiar mop of black hair and poor posture and glasses pressed over his face. So easily overlooked, but he'd know them anywhere.
Goro froze in his tracks while it felt like the rest of the world had come to standstill around him. He felt someone bump into his shoulder followed by the deaf sound of an annoyed voice. Goro staggered backward. He sharply turned, pace quickening as he hoped to be lost in the crowd.
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned -- akechi makes akira into an idol 📸
Switching places for a day HAD been Goro's idea. He'd been rather enthusiastic over the prospect when first discussing it over the phone even. But now, that excitement had been snuffed out by his growing disdain. After finding out the shattering revelation that the boy he'd called on that day in June was not only someone who managed to keep pace with Goro and his skill level, he had to discover he was the Phantom Thief leader. Goro had decided to cut contact with Kurusu after that. There was no sense continuing whatever budding relationship was slowly blossoming between the two of them. It was better that way. He had his goal to look toward; he couldn't falter now.
And yet, fate had other plans.
After being chewed out by Shido for the Kaneshiro case--he'd LOVE to see that insufferable man try and win an election without his abilities to cause mental shutdowns, his entire breakdown business going belly-up as backers pulled out--he'd found himself in the familiar company of the only person who ever seemed to want him around. Goro truly had no one. Something he was painfully reminded of every time he plastered on his princely mask and cheerful grin. Ever the unwanted child, but Kurusu had declined all his offers to hang out with his other friends just to spend the evening with him once more. Goro didn't know how to place that emotion. He didn't want to either. He wanted to cut Kurusu out of his life. But something kept drawing him back into the other boy's orbit.
Goro reputation was on a steady decline. Fame was a fleeting thing, and the thieves were rising into the spotlight of his former glory. If he didn't know who Kurusu actually was, he'd easily have blamed him and despised him further for his notoriety. As much as Goro knew he could, the REAL problem was the media. Kurusu wasn't malicious enough to wish the backlash on him. He'd seen how it was effecting him over the last couple weeks since the Kaneshiro incident hit the airways.
Goro's apartment was sparse, to put mildly. It was a place to return to so he could sleep, change clothes, bathe, and occasionally eat when he wasn't going out for his meals. It wasn't a HOME. There were few personal effects. Despite how long he'd lived in the apartment after his last group home, it hadn't gained much in the sense of someone actually residing there. Kurusu was the first person he'd actually invited inside.
❝As I told you before, I'll be dictating everything.❞ Accessories wouldn't be too difficult, Kurusu and him were about the same size anyway. His complexion was so much paler than Goro's though, but it wasn't as though he needed much makeup either. His hair however, seemed to be an UNTAMABLE beast. No matter Goro's efforts, Kurusu's hair refused to cooperate. Soft, shiny curls. Adding more volume would be fine, but he already had enough to make Goro envious. He had to style his hair just to get natural looking waves, and Kurusu woke-up and hardly had to do anything. ❝Nobody will notice you're not really an idol. So many can't see beyond the superficial. You'd be surprised.❞
No one ever cared to see beyond the IDYLLIC mask he wore.
He ran his fingers through the thick black strands. There was much to work with, it just didn't want to work with him. It seemed Kurusu's hair could rival Goro's own stubbornness too. Seconds of the comb going through his dark hair had it caught tightly in his mop. Goro pulled, and then tugged harder until the handle snapped off. He stared, dumbfounded, his lips parted in a silent gasp.
❝My hands get through but not a brush?❞ It seemed the outfit he selected would need to do most of the work and make up for how uncooperative Kurusu's hair was. But that still left the brush stuck on the side of his head. He delicately tried to remove the teeth from the curls, but it refused to slide off. ❝I may have to cut it free...❞
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heavenslapse · 1 year
Well fuck you too trash website from hell
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned akechi comes back after being static
Back once again in the somberness of Leblanc. Goro didn't think he'd ever return to the tucked away coffee shop by Yongen's station. He'd made the decision the last time he was here to remove Kurusu from his life. Cutting all contact with the other boy when he discovered the truth. A thief and a detective weren't meant to be acquainted, much less anything else.
It was disheartening. But it was better this way. No more distractions to come between him and his goal. The Phantom Thieves were becoming a thorn in his side as well. Reputation with the media had already begun its steady decline since Kaneshiro's sudden change of heart. Yet there were worse things than losing his polished status. The noose around neck felt like it'd had grown tighter, the leash shorter. It wasn't his fault the thieves had gotten to Kaneshiro before him. How was he to predict that specifically when there'd be no news regarding them since the Madarame incident. They'd fallen off the air and dramatically struck their return before anyone could act.
❝I felt like a child who'd been scolded by his parent.❞ What IRONY. Goro couldn't help the bittersweet note of his laugh that escaped past his lips. It was sickeningly hilarious. He'd made himself sound SO cheerful on the phone after leaving Shido's office. He didn't want to be alone after that and going back to his quiet and empty apartment left like walking into a gaping maw that'd swallow him whole with the deafening silence encased with white walls and too little belongings.
❝My boss is an incredibly powerful man, you know. If he asks for something he can always seem to get it. So when I failed to measure up to his impossible standards, he let me know. I told him plainly there was nothing I could have done. I expected him to throw his stapler at me. I've never disappointment him with results before, I still feel I haven't. But we don't see eye-to-eye with that.❞
It wasn't as though he could do anything without Goro either. His mental shutdown business would go belly up and so would all of the backers who would inevitably pull out of his fixed election. He was nothing without Goro. Even with other persona users popping up, he'd never find another so quick to work for him. The thieves--Kurusu--wouldn't agree with his tactics, Goro was certain of that. And no amount of money or threats would deter him. Goro envied Kurusu for that freedom. He'd been Shido's attack dog for years. He was in too deep and had done too much to back out of the only thing that made him live for.
❝You must be painfully bored listening to me like this.❞ Each word felt like chewing glass to keep up the pleasant prince facade. He balled his hands in his lap, felt the pinch of his nails bite into his palms. ❝We haven't seen much of each other lately and I come in bothering you with insipid troubles from my busy schedule.❞
He hated confiding in Kurusu with his problems. He hated relying on his care and understanding. Hell, Goro hated him too. But he always seemed to rely on him regardless. He felt disgusted with himself, now knowing the truth. He was confiding in someone who was his enemy.
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heavenslapse-a · 1 year
@heartsaligned​ -- akechi finds a scary book 📖
     Himino Fuyuhi, an ordinarily plain looking girl, had come to him requesting the aid of locating her missing friend. The police had been of no help to her, and Goro could have rolled his eyes at how much of a shock that came as. Useless idiots. All of them. It hadn’t taken him long into his work to realize the glorification of law enforcement was just that: GLORIFIED. And with them working in the pocket of a madman like Shido, it’d only furthered his ire and disdain.
       Private detective work was a stretch from the famed role he’d played as the Second Coming of the Detective Prince. Goro was a black hole instead of the rising and shining falsified star he portrayed for his fans, which had seemed to have moved on from him as well. But his new life had given him some benefit, after rehabilitation and being acquitted with society. Without having to fabricate cases to keep his prestigious appearance in tact and keep himself close to Shido’s side without arising suspicion as he sought his bastard father’s downfall, he’d always been gifted with a dangerous mind. He’d never needed to fake any of his celebratory successes.
       Momose Haruka had gone missing some time ago. She’d been last seen by someone in the Inaba region headed up to mountain. The forest surrounding the area was known as a famous SUICIDE spot. Goro was pretty sure with the information he’d gathered in his findings he’d be searching for a dead body either with her head crushed in from a fall or bloated from drowning.
       While collecting his data for the trip, he’d gone to Jinbōchō with the intent on finding anything he may have overlooked. He’d only gone to Inaba once before, on a brief trip to locate Yosuke when the ordeal with Maruki took place at the beginning of the year. Inaba was a quiet town located in the countryside, the type of place where everyone knew each other and nothing ever seemed to happen. He remembered having read case reports of the murder incidents that happened back then, sparking much attention on a town few recalled the name of otherwise.
       The antique bookstores along the district offered unique accommodations, new pieces were often displayed along the shelves. Old clocks, teacups and pottery sets, dressers, room dividers, and, of course, worn and exchanged books. He’d found a couple about the Inaba area, legends and folklore regarding the mountain and the shrines found along it. A tragedy had occurred there, aside from the massive amount of suicides, where the priestesses were brutally slaughtered.
       One novel, tucked in the back of the shop, had caught his eye. It wasn’t like him to entertain the notion of ghost stories and superstitions. But something about the old memoir had him making the purchase regardless. It’d been written by a detective Kirishima Choshiro, based on the events of a true story and the truth concerning the events of ROGETSU ISLE.
       ❝Something about that name...❞ Goro cracked the cover, the old binding and leather snapping open. The writing was remarkably detailed, with old photographs attached to the pages.
       If no one remembers something, does that mean it never happened?
       The first few pages of the prelude explained the events of Choshiro finding five kidnapped girls with no memory underground in an alter room beneath the Haibara Hospital. Ten years after locating the missing children, they’d returned to the island hoping to restore their forgotten past. The island, along with the Sanatorium, had been abandoned in 1972, with no known residents having set foot on the island since the Day Without Suffering.
       Goro flipped ahead in the book. There was something so FAMILIAR about it all. As the details further explained about the five girls getting separated as they wandered the old corridors looking for answers, he felt his sharp gaze narrowing. There was a dull throb in his head, but he ignored it, too fixated on the material in front of him to entertain the pain. He could feel his unease growing, the events of the prelude ending with one of the girls being trapped and grabbed in a room made into a museum from an honored guest visiting for research purposes. He turned the page to the beginning of the tale, the first official chapter, or PHASE, starting with the girl who’d accompanied the first bursting into the room and watching her fall out of the open door unconscious.
        He reached up for his forehead, a deep, pulsating wave of pain firing through his nerves. It passed a moment later, the sensation ebbing away. But as Goro looked back down at the yellowed pages, part of him could have sworn he knew what events were to follow. Another part of him felt like he’d even WRITTEN the material himself. It wasn’t in his hand, however. The published date and the events concerning the book had happened long before he’d even been born. So, how...?
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