pretty-princess-peach · 11 months
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Who's your Daddy?
Word Count: 2200~
Summary: Thanksgiving with your parents goes awry when your father shows why you tried to keep you and your boyfriend away from him for so long.
Rating: Hurt/Comfort ♡
Warnings: Abusive father, yelling, degradation (not in a fun way)
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Ever since you had begun dating your boyfriend, you dreaded the thought of him meeting your parents, or, well, parent. Your father had always been a little… rough, and loud… ever since you were a kid.
For almost a year, you had managed to evade the inevitable. However, after so much nagging from your mom(and a bit from your boyfriend), you reluctantly agreed to spend Thanksgiving dinner with them.
As the two of you were getting ready, Tōji seemed more excited than he should have been. He had no idea what he was getting into. You could hear him rummaging through his collection of suits, hidden deep inside of the closet.
“Hey, babe!” Tōji called, the sound muffled by clothes. “How formal is ‘too formal’?*”
You sighed, scrolling through photos on your phone. “I dunno. I don’t think it matters much.” Your lack of enthusiasm seemed to catch him off-guard.
He poked his head out of the closet, looking at you with concern before relaxing his gaze. “Soooo…” His mouth widened into a mischievous grin before pulling a suit out of the closet. “How about this?”
You looked over, immediately breaking out into laughter. Not only was your boyfriend wiggling his eyebrows violently, but in his hand was a bright blue crushed velvet suit, one that was only used for a couple’s Halloween costume you roped him into.
“I thought you wanted my parents to like you,” you choked, struggling to suppress your laughter. He only pouted in return, clearly defeated. With an overexaggerated sigh, he reluctantly returned the suit to the closet.
After that, the two of you finished getting dressed and headed out to the car. Tōji opened the door for you as you got in, closing it before walking around to the driver’s side.
The drive was long. The only sounds were the stereo and the low hum of the engine, occasionally joined by small talk. The conversations were trivial, not relating to the impending dinner at all. It helped you relax, to be honest, and that was probably Tōji’s plan. He could tell you were nervous. He just didn’t know why.
The hour passed too soon, and before you knew it, your boyfriend was pulling into the driveway of your parents' small suburban home. You couldn't help but stare blankly at the illuminated windows, absent-mindedly picking at your nail beds. You jumped at the feeling of Tōji laying his hand over yours.
Snapping out of your gaze, you looked over to him. "Hm?" You inquired softly, fearing you had missed something he said.
“You gonna be alright, kid?” His voice was softer than usual, his brows knit together in concern.
You urgently nodded your head. “Mhm, I’m OK. It’s not like we can go back now anyway.” Tōji didn’t seem to be buying your act.
“You know, kid, we can always turn back if you can’t handle this.”
He was interrupted as your parents stepped out onto the porch. You pulled away from your boyfriend, opening the car door as he turned off the ignition.
You waved to your mother, doing your best to mimic her smile as you dodged the gaze of your father. Tōji followed closely behind you as you walked up to your parents. “It’s so good to see you! How long has it been?” 
You met your mother’s welcoming embrace, chuckling at her eager attitude. “I’ve missed you too, mom.”
As you pulled away from your mother, you were quickly drawn into your father’s arms. You managed to keep your composure, struggling not to shrink into yourself at his touch.
“Is this your boyfriend?! How did you snag a specimen like him?!” Your mother’s sudden burst allowed you to finally let go of your father and step away.
“Oh, yeah!” You had forgotten to introduce Tōji. How silly of you. “Mom, this is Tōji. Tōji, this is my mom.”
Tōji gently took hold of your mother’s hand before bringing it to his lips. Her face was so red. You worried she might have a heart attack.
When you looked to your father’s eyes, his gaze was locked on Tōji. You knew he was angry, but surprisingly, when Tōji turned to him, he smiled. They exchanged a firm handshake before you all followed your mother inside.
Your mom ushered you to the kitchen. Tōji offered to help as well, but he was quickly dismissed and sent to the living room with your dad.
The food was nearly ready, but your mom had asked for your help with decorating the cake. You had been the one to send her the recipe, but she was clueless as to how to decorate it as beautifully as you.
It didn't take long to make the icing, and after putting it in a piping bag, you decorated the blank cake with elegant, even swirls of white. Once you had finished with the icing, you added a few finishing touches.
“Perfect,” your mother commented from behind you, making you jump. “It’s beautiful.”
“It’s nothing special, really.” You chuckled anxiously.
“Nonsense.” She waved her hand. “Now, since that’s finished, could you set the table for me, please?”
“Yeah, of course!” you nodded, walking over to the kitchen cupboards. The plates clattered as you gathered a stack of four before turning your attention to the cutlery drawer. With everything in hand, you made your way towards the dining room table.
Because of the close proximity to the living room, you were able to make out a lot more of the conversation than you could before. You heard Tōji laugh in response to some comment from your father. They seemed to be getting along.
You slowly made your way around the table, gently laying the plates at each spot, arranging the knives and forks on either side.
You suppose you should be happy. It’s good to have your boyfriend get along with your parent, right? Then why does it feel so wrong…?
On your way to the fourth spot at the table, you failed to notice a crease in the rug below you. Naturally, your foot got caught while you were trying to eavesdrop. The fourth plate slipped from your hand, shattering on the floor. Things seemed to move almost in slow motion as you fell forward, nearly landing on top of it.
A shout erupted from the living room, heavy steps rapidly approaching. You could barely get to your knees before your father was standing above you, fuming.
You stared down at the shattered fragments before you, frozen in place.
You flinched again, hesitantly turning your head with tears silently running down your cheeks.
You couldn’t even look at Tōji as he stood behind your father. You didn’t want to risk making him more mad. Besides, this was your fault. You were careless and broke the plate, right?
“IF YOU’RE GOING TO BE AFRAID OF ME, I’LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING REASON TO BE-” Your father was cut off as a large hand grabbed onto his shoulder, pushing him to the side.
Tōji walked over to you before kneeling down. He looked angry too… Was he mad at you? He took your hands in his, carefully looking them over. “Are you hurt?” his voice was quiet, but it was scary… like he was seconds away from snapping.
You shook your head. “No… I’m ok.” Your voice barely rose louder than a whisper.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your father’s voice made you shudder. His voice was dripping with malice.
“I’m taking care of my family,” Tōji explained, his voice eerily calm. Any hint of pleasantries had vanished, leaving a dangerous, imposing aura in its place.
“Your family?” your father scoffed. “That little bitch needs to be put in her place.”
Tōji ignored your father’s words, looking into your eyes with a gentle gaze. “Go wait in the car for me, okay, sweetheart?” His voice sounded soft, but as he gently kissed your forehead, you could tell he was holding something back. “I’ll be out there soon.”
You weren’t sure whether you should listen to him, but you didn’t want to see what would happen if he did snap. With Tōji standing between you and your dad, you rose to your feet, hurrying to the door before your father had the chance to chase you. 
It wasn’t until you closed the car door that you realised you had forgotten your jacket inside, but you didn’t want to risk going back in. Maybe you could ask Tōji to grab it for you.
You lost track of time as you waited for your boyfriend, but it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes. You were picking at your nails until the front door finally opened.
To your surprise, your father was nowhere to be seen. You watched as Tōji said something to your mother before he stepped outside, your forgotten jacket tucked under his arm.
He got in the driver’s seat and passed the jacket to you. “I thought you might need this, kid.” You noticed him rubbing his knuckles before he put his seatbelt on.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly. “What happened? Are you hurt?” You reached for his hand, but he pulled away.
He sighed before bringing one of his hands to your cheek. “I’m alright, kid. Don’t worry.” He solidified his remark with a quick kiss on your lips. As he pulled away, you both leaned back in your seats.
Tōji started the car, backing out of the driveway before beginning the long drive back home. He rested a firm hand on your thigh. “I’m sorry about tonight.” His voice was gentle. You’d never heard him apologise like this before. “I shouldn’t have bugged you to do this. It’s my fault.”
“No, it’s my fault. I’m the one who dropped the plate.” Your gaze dropped to your legs. “I made him mad...”
“Princess, please don’t talk like that.” Tōji sighed, getting quiet as he stared at the road. The silence was thick, though, luckily, it didn’t last long.
“Hey,” Tōji started, “y’know, since we left before dinner…” You looked at him with wide eyes, patiently waiting for him to finish. “Whaddya say we grab something on the way?”
You nodded eagerly. “That would be really nice.”
“Yeah? Do you have anything in min-”
“McDonald’s.” You cut him off. He almost seemed startled, but he quickly laughed it off.
“Alright, McDonald’s it is.”
Tōji pulled off of the highway at the first sight of those glorious golden arches, the bright yellow light a promise to salvation and warm, comforting, fast food. He pulled into the drive thru, and to your convenience, there was no line.
“Hello! Welcome to McDonald’s! What can I get you today?” the cheery voice said over the speaker.
“Uh, yeah, can I get uh… a big mac meal with large fries?”
“Alright! And what would you like for the drink?” the worker asked.
“A black coffee, please.” You had to stop yourself from bursting out laughing. “And can I also get a 10 nugget meal with a large fries and a coke?” You were nearly bouncing with excitement.
“For sure! Will that be everything?”
After the worker read out the total, Tōji drove up to the window to pay, then proceeded to the next window to collect the food. He passed the glorious bag of warm goodness to you, and before long, the two of you were on the road again.
The food was everything you needed, and it helped melt away the problems that happened earlier in the night. In fact, it helped you relax so much that you actually had trouble staying awake, and you fell asleep for most of the drive back.
When the car finally stopped, you didn’t care to open your eyes. You were far too comfy to be bothered with anything else. Though barely aware of your surroundings, you heard a car door open and shut, soon followed by the sound of a car door opening beside you.
You felt strong, warm arms wrap around you, lifting you out of your very comfy place in the seat. Still refusing to open your eyes, you could only whine in protest.
“I know, princess, but we have to get you to a real bed.” The voice was calm, comforting. Things felt so safe.
There was no way to tell how long you were in those arms, but before you knew it, you were being disturbed once more. Although, this time, you were being put down onto an inconveniently cold, squishy surface. You whined again, even as something was draped over your body.
You continued to wiggle in protest, trying to locate the oh so comfy source of heat. Soon, you felt a dip in the area beside you. Without hesitation, you started reaching over, and when your arms met a bare, warm surface, they latched on. 
You tried to get closer, and to your delight, you felt the warmth wrap around you. Everything felt so comfy. You were safe, and now there was nothing else to disrupt it. You finally gave in to sleep, feeling a sense of security within the strong warmth guarding you.
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