#♦ { Meme }
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
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lunar-solstice-plur · 19 days
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You join the system, you become a-spec. No exceptions. (Sorry, Jasmine)
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
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screechingtires · 1 year
😈 Jump out of the shadows to scare/startle my muse (as Hunter. Need some brotherly interactions between them i can send one as prowl too if you wanted)
One would think as Praxian it would be nigh impossible to sneak up on them given how many senors were in their wings. And yet none of that mattered as Smokescreen found himself jumping back with a yelp, nearly dropping his packet of rust sticks.
"Seriously, Hunter?!"
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crystalprofessor · 6 months
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kokuycku · 4 months
the hilarity i just realized because of dark's actual english va...
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monogatcri · 1 year
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niwa one-liner starter call .
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prideofcornelia · 8 months
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tagged by : @elemosyna ( thank youuuu !! ) tagging : ahh, if you want, do it!
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thicved · 2 years
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— " Uuuugh. These tests are so killer, they're giving me ligma. "
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hetuvidya · 1 year
✏️✏️ >:3
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♦ A yo ?
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
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dispersio · 2 years
famous first lines of poetry
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i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // tyger tyger, burning bright // i have done it again. // do not go gentle into that good night. // the sea is calm to-night. // let us go then, you and i, //  april is the cruelest month, //  pretty women wonder where my secret lies. // there is a place where the sidewalk ends // i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) // two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // whose woods these are i think i know // let us twain walk aside from the rest; // once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary, // i taught myself to live simply and wisely // it so happens i am sick of being a man // i wandered lonely as a cloud // does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? // o my love is like a red, red rose // o captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done; // out of the night that covers me, // it was many and many a year ago, // you may write me down in history // do not stand at my grave and weep // some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. // hope is the thing with feathers // the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // no man is an island, // remember me when i am gone away, // i met a traveller from an antique land // ‘twas brillig, and the slithy toves // this is thy hour o soul, // when we wear the mask that grins and lies, // death be not proud, //  and death shall have no dominion. // laugh, and the world laughs with you // the art of losing isn’t hard to master; // to see a world in a grain of sand // is there anybody there? said the traveller // nobody heard him, the dead man, // that crazed girl improving her music. // come to me in the silence of the night; // where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // when you are old and grey and full of sleep, // in flanders’ fields the poppies blow // i thought of you and how you love this beauty // life, believe, is not a dream // it may be misery not to sing at all, // if starry space no limit knows // come live with me and be my love, // had we but world enough and time, // my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense // bright star, would i were steadfast as thou art– // thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // how do i love thee? let me count the ways. // HEAVEN IS WHAT I CANNOT REACH! // my dear, my dear, i know // in visions of the dark night // shall i compare thee to a summers day? // break, break, break // she walks in beauty, // i had a dream, which was not all a dream. // he clasps the crag with crooked hands.
Tagged by: NA (taken from old blog) Tagging!: anyone who wants to do this.
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
“I can fix him.” Nope. He points, I shoot. No questions asked.
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screechingtires · 1 year
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dreamsfeasted · 2 years
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modern au xiao is either a tattoo artist, or a flower shop owner. i don't make the rules. alternatively an extremely tired college student working 3 jobs to survive (mood xiao). also, the au in which xiao ends up serving scaramouche (who somehow has ascended to godhood) is my aesthetic also also, the au in which xiao and the rest of the yaksha are portrayed closer to gods than in canon is a good one too idk i have a lot of brainrot
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diamantrosedekalos · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! - Not Accepting
"Tell me, Roxanne Ricchetti, have you ever seen the dead? Not a corpse, but their spirit - their soul?" Ah, a good ol' disembodied voice trying to sound spooky, how quaint. But this one sounded a bit similar to one of Roxie's friends. "...Okay, I can't really do 'spooky,' can I? Um, hopefully this isn't particularly worldview-shattering. I mean, Ghost-type Pokémon exist, so... should be fine, right? Right."
Whoever this woman's voice belonged to, they sure pulled a quick 180 from the whole spooky intro. But, as the spirit's form began to materialize, it was plain to see not only why her voice sounded a little familiar, but also why she really couldn't be that menacing even if she wanted to.
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"My daughter's quite a fan of your work, from my understanding! Hehe, it's such a relief to see her out, exploring the world, and meeting friends like you! Now, I'm sure you're curious, so: my name is Amélie Alarie, Rose's late mother. Don't tell her I paid you a visit, though, okay? I'd like to approach her on my own terms. So..." Amélie smiled. "...May I ask for a song, or would that be improper?"
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