#♪ thread | 「Should you fall asleep before I say goodbye」
「Should you fall asleep before I say goodbye」
[@lightcffireflies ]
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“An old tradition in the city of winds has become quite the fun festivity for newer generations. It was once said that during these spooky months of the year, dead relatives would come to visit their families as an act of love and respect, but ghosts happen to be a little clumsy. As such, the people of Mondstadt would hide their knives, and prepare little cakes for their loved ones to eat before lighting a large bonfire outside of town to guide them back to the world of the dead. While ghosts are clearly not real, the tradition of taking the silverware out of the house, preparing a large feast, and lighting a bonfire as part of an Autumn festival still remains. Of course, there’s a lot of work to do, so hustle and help the citizens of Mondstadt out!”
In Mondstadt, there is constantly something going on; be it a discount on some exquisite wine, a battle of the bards, or – another joyful event. See, even after Weinlesefest, when the colder winds start to blow, it’s still not the end of festivities for the year.
During late autumn and winter, when living conditions used to worsen much, Mondstadtians had been doing what they could not to lose heart after the passing of a loved one. They believed that they came to visit them in their afterlife, giving subtle signs of their presence here and there. And so, another tradition was born: as the ghosts were thought to be friendly, people didn’t want to let them come to harm either, hiding anything that could be a potential danger. (What do you mean ghosts can pass through things? What if they’re a little silly and forget about that? We have to be prepared for every possibility.) They would also prepare a delicious feast for them, so they feel (ful)filled as they eventually leave the world of the living.
Well, people of that time hadn’t really considered that those ‘signs’ from the dead could have been simply a trick of some playful wind current messing around with the not properly fastened door, but… 
Venti proceeded to put on a frilly, not-quite-just-white-at-this-point apron, preparing to help with the baking at Good Hunter. 
“Behind every piece of tradition, there is some kind of story, and every story contains some bit of truth, don’t you think?”
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