#I think it’s a good occasion for Venti to reminisce about his friend
「Should you fall asleep before I say goodbye」
[@lightcffireflies ]
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“An old tradition in the city of winds has become quite the fun festivity for newer generations. It was once said that during these spooky months of the year, dead relatives would come to visit their families as an act of love and respect, but ghosts happen to be a little clumsy. As such, the people of Mondstadt would hide their knives, and prepare little cakes for their loved ones to eat before lighting a large bonfire outside of town to guide them back to the world of the dead. While ghosts are clearly not real, the tradition of taking the silverware out of the house, preparing a large feast, and lighting a bonfire as part of an Autumn festival still remains. Of course, there’s a lot of work to do, so hustle and help the citizens of Mondstadt out!”
In Mondstadt, there is constantly something going on; be it a discount on some exquisite wine, a battle of the bards, or – another joyful event. See, even after Weinlesefest, when the colder winds start to blow, it’s still not the end of festivities for the year.
During late autumn and winter, when living conditions used to worsen much, Mondstadtians had been doing what they could not to lose heart after the passing of a loved one. They believed that they came to visit them in their afterlife, giving subtle signs of their presence here and there. And so, another tradition was born: as the ghosts were thought to be friendly, people didn’t want to let them come to harm either, hiding anything that could be a potential danger. (What do you mean ghosts can pass through things? What if they’re a little silly and forget about that? We have to be prepared for every possibility.) They would also prepare a delicious feast for them, so they feel (ful)filled as they eventually leave the world of the living.
Well, people of that time hadn’t really considered that those ‘signs’ from the dead could have been simply a trick of some playful wind current messing around with the not properly fastened door, but… 
Venti proceeded to put on a frilly, not-quite-just-white-at-this-point apron, preparing to help with the baking at Good Hunter. 
“Behind every piece of tradition, there is some kind of story, and every story contains some bit of truth, don’t you think?”
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probably-haven · 3 years
Ok but I legitimately love venti using outdated sayings and phrases?? Like omg that’s so good. Lol imagine him saying the riptide of mortal blood thing to diluc, and then dilucs reaction to the explanation that venti gives when diluc asks what the FUCK he was talking about. Like, I just love people remembering that venti is 1) very very old, and 2) lived through very violent times in his life, along with the fact that he actively took part in at least 2 wars
More Archon War Era Venti Headcanons  one three four
For real though like the potential is endless and i just really like to think of the impact that especially the Archon War could have had on Venti's character!
.... im totally gonna expand on this now-
archon war spoilers
Imagine him taking a break between each battle, retreating to Mondstadt and composing a new song, one to play when he next sets out to fight, to kill. Because even by his own hand it would be a shame to let those who fought so hard for survival to be forgotten, so he does what he can, a divine song for each civilization he wiped out, the chorus leading the four winds to descend and carry on their memory for eternity on the very wind that caused their fall.
some see his retreat as weakness and attempt to ambush him in his own domain, a dishonorable battle fought in silence. The people of Mondstadt and Teyvat as a whole need not remember those who chose to stoop so low.
Some of these songs get picked up by other bards, carrying on as Venti had hoped, but many of them are forgotten, especially during his 1000 year sleep. But every so often, an especially giften musician with have a burst of inspiration, as if whispered to them by the wind. Those who know him look to Venti with concern as his eyes turn glassy at the familiar sound of a civilization whose memory he thought he had failed. He laughs it off, dramatically wiping his tears with a comment about how the music was just that beautiful that he couldn't help but be moved, "i couldn't have wrote a better song myself"
"let the wind lead" had a very different meaning during the Archon War. I headcanon that when in battle Venti took on his sprite form. To have anyone associate his dear friend with the carnage and terror of battle was the last thing he wanted, so sprite form it is. because of his small size, his presence was almost unnoticeable, which is why he survived so long without so much as a hand being laid on him. But one god noticed it- as four massive figures descended, in the very center, almost invisible was a concentrated presence of wind energy, absorbing and relocating energy to the four with the ever present song. And the god ran- survived, and spread the key "let the wind lead" in hopes that someone would be strong enough to avenge his people. This phrase almost cost Venti his life a number of times. Nobody knows its origin now but Venti still internally cringes each time he hears it.
Venti preferring to be outdoors and sleep in trees and such not only because he's the god freedom but because if hes indoors he wont be able to tell if someone's coming, he wont be able to get in the air in time, and he might be too late
I also headcanon that Venti is the ones who supplies Zhongli with Xiao's painkillers, since Zhongli doesn't actually have any healing abilities, and Venti is proved to have an affect on that
which leads into the next point- "but where are those who share the memory?" remember Venti's wine obsession... Venti and Zhongli - and Xiao on the occasion he can be convinces to leave his duties- getting together to speak freely, not having to watch their words, not having to be reminded 'oh right, that doesn't exist in people's memories anymore' every time. Just finally being able to reminisce, talk about the people and the things that they can no longer speak about to anyone else, speak about that which no-one else would understand. They're understanding yes, but there are very few people who can empathize with you as you talk about how you still remember that one battle where the sheer volume of blood spilled by your hand cause the calla lilies to bloom red for centuries, the tint never going away even now. Some random kid: huh i wonder why they fade to red like that Venti: why that's the blood of my enemies of course! ehe, just kidding! *looks at camera like in the office*
A lot of people view Venti as extremely superstitious because he believes and follows a lot of them, but it's because he remembers where the superstitions came from. He knows that during the archon war, breaking a mirror truly could set that god's wrath on you and simultaneously reveal your identity and location to them, that knocking on wood alerted the past Dendro archon, a benevolent god of protection to guard your words from prying eyes, at least until they were were found and killed. Venti just continues to follow them to honor their memory\.
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