#⚔ royalty verse 💥 | her crown is iron; morals set in stone; prosperity in her wake
infernal-general · 2 years
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Rozália rarely had time to attend events purely for her own entertainment. After the meetings, business was done in the ring, the General, no Duchess usually immediately returned to Wrath to avoid listening to other nobles, commanders more than duty forced her to do so. This time was different, dancing was something she thoroughly enjoyed both watching when done artistically with passion and executing it herself; that's how she found herself enchanted by the solo dancer. Everything was unspeakably perfect, but not in a robotic learned way, no that young woman was sheer talent.
After the performance ended, the Duchess immediately worded her thoughts, attaching a single, rich red rose with its petals shifting to dark sangria at the tips to the letter. She simply couldn't just walk away as if nothing happened, if she had seen something ordinary.
Rozália decided to extend her stay a little longer after ensuring the letter will reach the captivating dancer, Dia, she found out quickly.
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infernal-general · 2 years
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Sinners can be Overlords, but not royalty as those titles are reserved to hellborns. Rozália is neither, but the Hellfire within is very much Hell related, therefore the royal title instead of Overlord.
During the Imps' War for Independence she slaughtered the Ulriez dynasty situated in Wrath, who was the catalyst of the rebellion and responsible for many horrendous acts. Due to her key role in the Wrath Ring Chaos stage, in this verse she accepted the offered Duchess title in 1924. Duchess, because she took over the reign of the territory of the noble family and in history Dukes at first were military commanders of a province. (By now you know HISTORICAL ACCURACY GOES BRRRR WITH ME-)
Duchess of Wrath, but she still very much prefers General over it in everyday life, but during the meetings with other royalty or Overlords (which she truly loathes as one of the only military aristocrat) are an entirely different question-
She still controls the defense against exterminations in the Pride Ring, only now she has the power of healing her soldiers if the injury is not fatal and for a few hours summon the fallen ones; not full on necromancy but close to it.
She also can enlarge the her legion by allowing the Rákóczi and the 1956 revolutions' soldiers to enlist, so the original 2043 core army can grow 10 000+ She spends 8 months in Wrath, the remaining 4 in the Pride to prepare for the Exterminaton & she can't leave her area unsupervised without military protection: therefore she often splits the army in half with the other second in command Márta in charge while she's away.
She can be summoned by humans as a manifestation of war, destruction; but she gets to refuse wherever she wants to aid the summoner or not depending on what is asked. If she accepts the reason she was summoned which is likely murder related, as 'payment' Rozália takes the victims' soul to repair hers.
She is viciously protective of her territory in Wrath and of all the demons, imps living on it. She accepted the title because she knew only her mindset and morals could make this region prosper as others would continue the exploitation and cruelty, only with more carefulness. She is the type of ruler to simply take a walk among common people and even help with manual labor if she sees extra strength is needed. She is not condescending, cruel (without reason); her royal title is only formality in the Wrath ring. She doesn't govern alone, she is always eager to listen to common folk and consider their opinions.
Rozália aims for a healthy respect and she knows she has to earn it from a race that has been tortured for so long by royalty & she is willing to show that her reign is far from that by taking part in manual labor, treats them as equal by giving the proper respect. Besides personally leading every clash with neighbors, to show she's not like other royal, in every year to begin the harvest (before Stolas' appearance to curse the crops), she kills the largest hellhog in a similar event like a bullfight. She's both physically capable and doesn't care the slightest about getting dirt on her clothes. Her flips, acrobatic elements, the bloody dance serve as a great entertainment. Rozy doesn't compete in the pain games however, because she considers her size & strength advantage unfair, plus she doesn't want to meddle with local customs; she's fine with being a spectator.
The income is not spent on enlarging her mansion or buying her 268th dress (& Her ceremonial armor is reserved to meetings, her everyday wardrobe is leaning to the simpler, practical side with old grace, elegance), educational system is being built along withtowns, more job opportunities, healthcare, and safe orphanages. The heavily feudal system was replaced by the ideas of industrial revolution laced into it. No matter what title, Rozália is still the hussar at heart. The funds for early years start came from the hoarded wealth of the Ulriez dynasty. Most of her soldiers had a different job before the Hungarian revolutionary war and the 12 ideas of it were incorporated into the new system and Rozália considers her warriors reliant enough to carry out the points & fill necessary educational positions.
Being said in ep 5, Wrath ring is the food source of the other rings and with the size of her territory Rozy knows she has control over a significant part of food supply of the rings which she considers one of her greatest aces if it comes to an another war. Her Overlord and royal neighbors definitely don't like her presence, nor her ways; occasional clashes ending in death and more gain is inevitable.
There's a sign before her gates which says: ‘ Suitors from noble or overlord families asking for my hand will be beaheaded on spot. ’ As Rozália has below 0 patience for incompetent little shits or malicious manipulators who think she is be stupid enough to have them ruin what she had built with her own hands, sweat and blood. And she's also trying to hide the glaring fact that she's infertile.
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infernal-general · 3 years
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