#⚔️ conflict of duality ⚔️ v; main
solo-returned · 1 year
" take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. " || @unstablerk800
send in " take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. " for the sender to greet a waking receiver after having found them badly wounded and on the brink of collapse at their doorstep. | @unstablerk800
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He didn’t know where else to go.
That thought ran endlessly through the exhausted traitor’s head when he woke up to Connor’s words of solace. Over and over again. Where could he possibly go after what he’d just done? Who could he turn to? The First Order thought him a turncoat, and while he still wasn’t sure if he was or not, he had no way of communicating to them otherwise. No one loyal to the Resistance trusted him, and rightfully so. He’d caused too much devastation throughout the galaxy to expect anyone to immediately welcome him back with open arms. Even his mother was apprehensive.
That cut almost as deep as losing his father, and he refused to ruminate on it just yet. He wasn’t ready. A walk had seemed like a good idea at the time, despite his wounds and foggy mind.
The next thing he remembered was waking up at the feet of a very human-like droid. Connor, he’d been told. He’d seemed polite before, and Kylo…Ben really needed that politeness right now. “I’m fine,” he muttered, “and about as relaxed as I can be, given the circumstances.” Not even remotely true, but he wasn’t about to whine about his woes to someone he’d just met. “Mind helping me up? Everything’s still spinning just a little bit…”
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solo-returned · 1 year
Assumption - he doesn’t know how handsome he is
Make Assumptions About My Muse | @illbringthechaosmagic
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“……Are you under the impression that I’ve never looked in a mirror? I wear the helmet to be more intimidating, not to hide my face out of any sort of insecurity. If there’s only one thing I’m incredibly grateful to my parents for, it’s that they passed their looks down to me.”
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solo-returned · 1 year
You look strong enough to pull ears off a gundark.
Make Assumptions About My Muse | @runyou-clever-boy
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“I don’t know about that, but then again, I’ve never encountered a gundark. That’s quite an opening remark, though. Would you like to find out how strong I am for yourself, or keep speculating?”
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solo-returned · 1 year
👆🏻 drinking coffee! 😆
Firsts! | @yoursaviourhasarrived
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Ben was around nine the first time he had caf. Leia was having trouble getting him out of bed because he had a lot on his mind, so Han suggested giving him a cup of caf to wake him up. She thought he was joking, but shot him down anyway. As soon as her back was turned, Han smuggled a cup into Ben’s room. It was a bit too hot, and bitter as sin, and he almost spit it out after the first taste. Five sips later, that kid was bouncing off the walls, with both Han and Leia chasing him all around the house. Honestly, it’s still one of his best memories. Times were a lot simpler then, even if they had seemed complicated to his kid brain. He hadn’t yet decided to train with Luke or become a Jedi. He didn’t know who Snoke was. For him, it was mostly a time of peace, and he would give anything and everything to have one more cup of caf with his old man.
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solo-returned · 1 year
❛  you’re my home , Ben .  ❜ (Rey, somethingxgreater)
50 Dialogue Prompts | @somethingxgreater
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“I’m…what?” Where had that come from? They’d gone from enemies to unwilling allies at best, as far as he knew, and had tenuously been working together since Starkiller Base. How long ago had that been? Weeks? Months? A year? It hardly mattered. He’d been trying in vain to get her to trust him, and only now, when he’d just about given up, had the switch finally flipped. He was fully ready to walk away. Take some time to think of a new plan. And she pulled this on him?
“I don’t follow,” he answered, electing to play into his utter confusion. “What do you mean, I’m your ‘home’, Rey?” Could she be referring to their Force bond, or had she taken his bait in a far different way than he intended? Why was the thought of that so satisfying?
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solo-returned · 1 year
I think you’re pretty damn handsome
Anonymous Notes
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“You flatter me.” There’s no hiding the big, beaming smile on his face. “I don’t get paid such compliments very often.”
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solo-returned · 1 year
“I decide when I stop, thank you.” (Rey, somethingxgreater)
Doctor Who Starters | @somethingxgreater
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“Stubborn as always,” Kylo quipped back, barely hiding a disdainful scoff. “But two can play at that game. You need to stop and rest, and I’m not going to leave you alone until you do!” Really, this woman would be the death of him one day! Infuriating, she was, and he got the distinct feeling that she knew it, too.
“Seriously, Rey, you can’t take on the entire First Order by yourself, and you certainly can’t do it if you haven’t slept in days. You’re no good to your precious cause when you’re exhausted.” If he sounded condescending, it was only because he was frustrated. Having his nemesis be constantly alert and watching his every move made it incredibly hard to gather intel, and even harder to find a way to send it back to General Hux. He could feel her eyes on him constantly. It vexed him to no end, leading to his inevitable gripe about her temporarily suspending her constant vigilance and going to sleep.
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solo-returned · 1 year
the cost of victory. (Rey, somethingxgreater)
The Cost of Victory | @somethingxgreater
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Everything had gone to bantha shit. In record time, too. He should have known that trying to play double agent would backfire on him sooner or later, but he didn’t expect it to explode in his face so quickly. He certainly didn’t expect to be surrounded by First Order Stormtroopers with no one but Rey to back him up, and no motivation to prove his loyalty by turning her in. They’d been through too much. No turning back now.
So they fought.
Side by side, back to back, cutting down troopers left right and center. By the time it was all finally over, Kylo Ren stood victorious but cautious, saber still ignited and ready, glaring menacingly at anything that moved. It took a moment for him to clock Rey, but when he did, he immediately deactivated his lightsaber and rushed over to her, letting out a string of curses his late father would be proud of. She was crumpled in a heap on the ground; her life Force was barely detectable, but still there, and the smell of burned flesh permeated his nostrils as he lifted her into his arms. She’d been critically injured, and he’d been too preoccupied to protect her…
He cursed again and shook her, determined not to let her slip away just yet. “Rey…Rey, wake up. Can you hear me? Come on, you’re not done yet! Stay with me!”
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