#⚕ ⦅ Deep in thoughts. ⦆⠀⠀/ hc .
medicus-felini · 1 year
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Ah yes, Linn makes sure every patient can see the little gifts she owns :)
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medicus-felini · 7 months
Hc + Law
𝘀𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞  ‘ 𝐡𝐜 ‘  + 𝐚 𝘄𝐨𝗿𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝘄𝗿𝐢𝘁𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝘂𝘁 𝐢𝘁 𝗿𝐞𝐠𝐚𝗿𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝘆 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝗿𝐚𝐜𝘁𝐞𝗿.
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Safe to say, Linn is a huge fan. She is very vocal about her admiration for the surgeon, going so far as to maybe get side-eyed by her captain from time to time.
Now let me indulge in our semi-plotted AU ;) [ with @quietuus ]
She will be such. A. Crawler. Not the annoying kind, but the kind of crawler that cleans everything quietly, leaving an apple on his desk, a goodie two-shoes just to possibly become one of his favorites. While she is well aware he holds himself neutral, Linn won't stop typically reading into stuff too much. A nod   ?   Fuck, she did AMAZING. Law asked her to get something   ?   Oh, he trusts her so much; she is basically his number one assistant   !
The mink WILL act a bit smug towards the rest of the Heart Pirates, even if she is a tad bit oblivious about her own behavior. But seriously, can many people on the submarine say they have received scratchies from the captain   ?
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medicus-felini · 1 year
She would have been 26 by now.
Linn shakes out the matchstick, which lit up exactly twenty-six candles around the small memorial in her room—empty and lonely for 16 years. A room that was once shared, chaotic, and full of life. The feline tried not to let it get too tidy in fear of forgetting the feeling of coming back to her sister, rummaging around the countless trinkets she gathered. But she could never do Eleanor's mess justice. Her sister's bed, however, was always made. Every day anew. Even if nobody spends a good night's rest in there. A habit she never grew out of. Making her bed was therapeutic. Maybe it was her way of grieving.
❝ Happy birthday. ❞ Nobody was around. Linn treasures the time in front of the little altar. Small crafts of native forest animals made out of sticks decorate the tablet around Eleanor's framed picture in the middle. Blue eyes wander over the glassy photo, taking in her black fur, her orange and white spots. Calico cat minks were rare. Her older sister really was a lucky cat. Albeit not so lucky on that one crucial day.
The night was stressful. Her family's apothecary and doctor's office never had to take extra hours to attend their patients' wounds. The group of lesser minks—pirates at that, however—needed it desperately. Linn did not have much time to ask for the why and how. Her father told the young woman they caught up in a battle, many injured, gladly nobody died. The white cat was excited to get to welcome human visitors in their caring hands or paws. If the strangers weren't so scary-looking, she would have asked thousands of questions. Thousands. When will there ever be a chance to have outsiders come to Zou anyway?
It secretly troubles her, though. The crew was struggling to keep up after a nasty fight. From the South Blue, they were coming. All the way to the New World. A miracle that they did not die already, that the ship did not sink under these harsh tides. God, they surely had to see hell out there. And her mind goes back to the image of her sister. Eleanor would have loved to meet them. Linn could imagine her bothering the pirates until they wanted to rip out their ears themselves. A trait they shared. Curiosity.
The sisters often played out different scenarios, different games in the forest. Eleanor persisted in taking on the role of the heroic knight, the hero, the adventurer. She adored listening to stories that were too exaggerated to be true. It never bothered her that they were not real. Her free spirit was too in love with the image of embodying said heroes. Just like in the books. The now-only daughter left in their family stands up from her kneeling position, ascending from the floor, to take her notes. Maybe she could bring herself to ask at least some questions before these pirates set sail again.
And so, her feet led Linn downstairs, the silent creaking of old wood planks, reliable for centuries, announced the younger mink's arrival in the doctor's office of her parents. It sounds more lively than yesterday. Good. Everyone seems to have survived the night just marvelously. The white feline enters the room with her father and mother in a heated argument, along with some members of the lesser mink's crew. ❝ No doctors? No nurses? No medics, nothing? ❞ Her father's voice rings, echoes against the room's walls, cracking as it always does when he is in disbelief. The older hyena mink massages his temples. His face reads frustration with the pirate's decisions. His head was shaking. Linn bows down briefly to greet her parents and the patients present. ❝ Garchu.❞
Talking, talking, whispering. Mother and father almost did not notice their daughter's arrival. Her mother's hand brushes against Linn's shoulder, ❝ Good morning, sweetheart. ❞ then she goes back to arguing silently with her husband. As observant as Linn is, it did not take long for the feline to catch up on the topic. As much as the family was trying to help, the pirate crew's decision was nothing of their concern. Especially not as strangers.
Linn listens silently. Back and forth between the minks and these strange humans. Her lips tugged up in the tiniest smile. Eleanor would not have missed a beat. She always looked for an excuse to leave the office. She wanted to be an adventurer when she was old enough. Certainly, the young doctor in the making understands her family's concern. Having no medics around at sea is a death sentence. They would make it to the next island, maybe the next two, and then the voyage would end. Almost entirely sure. It is funny. These guys share the same fire as her sister did before she passed. How they persist in not needing anything more. How eagerly they want to set sail again, not interested in staying longer than necessary. Maybe they really need a doctor.
The white cat feels sorry. Not because she pities the crew. Because their fate is sealed if they leave without help. Their captain didn't even have his two arms; the scars, which only barely healed, were prominent on his face, always furrowed in an angry, annoyed look. A scary bunch. That is sure. But not judging. No. It reminds Linn of a pack of kicked dogs, gnarling and barking to hold up their reputation of being strong, even if hurt. They never needed help because they never got any.
What would she do?
Arguments are only getting louder and louder. From both sides. 'You guys are insane' 'You minks don't know how it is out there' 'We will be fine' 'We don't need to be pampered', and it won't get any quieter. Just when their vocal fight hits its peak, a soft yet commanding voice brings the room to a sudden silence.
❝ I can assist you. ❞
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medicus-felini · 1 year
Linn and Killer share the same blood type uwaaaaaah ✍️
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medicus-felini · 1 year
Sorry for the ooc spam but I find myself cackling like a witch thinking how awfully funny the idea of Linn being part of Kid's crew is.
She can get threathened by the creepiest guys who just think they get a easy bounty only to notice an overly large red-haired bulldog and a blonde psycho in disguise standing behind her the second they eavesdrop the conversation.
Linn probably thinks she has great persuation skills, managing to defuse various situations with just talking. Meanwhile some beefy scary men are the real reason people think twice about messing with her.
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medicus-felini · 1 year
HC post nobody asked for, but I am delivering anyway.
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• Linn is farsighted. She needs glasses for reading or any work that has to get done up close, such as stitching smaller wounds.
• She is a smoker. The habit started in the first few months after joining the Kid Pirates. Mostly out of stress. The crew thinks it looks cool.
• Like every mink raised on Zou, Linn refuses to eat meat from anything with fur. Fish dishes are her favorites.
• Her sulong form is not very well-trained, since she was never a fighter. She will most likely attack allies on the battlefield if they are too close, therefore hurting herself in the process. (The little Sulong event I have going on Tumblr is an exception and not canon.)
• Her favorite drink is raspberry fassbrause and her favorite alcoholic drink is herbal liqueur.
• Yes, the coke jar is canon.
• Linn is trying hard to wrap her head around the side effects of the SMILE fruits. Since she witnessed Killer's change in emotion in Wano Kuni firsthand, she really wants to help him and maybe other people who suffer from the effects. That is her biggest goal so far, to find some type of 'cure' for it.
• She would refuse to get devil powers. Her self-confidence is way too low, and she also could not help her devil power user crew mates if they fell into the water :(. Just not worth it.
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medicus-felini · 6 months
𝘀𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞  ‘ 𝐡𝐜 ‘  + 𝐚 𝘄𝐨𝗿𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝘄𝗿𝐢𝘁𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝘂𝘁 𝐢𝘁 𝗿𝐞𝐠𝐚𝗿𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝘆 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝗿𝐚𝐜𝘁𝐞𝗿.
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Probably one of the most difficult things to explain when talking about Linn. How can someone so pacifistic be okay with murdering, stealing  &  so on.
She is not okay with it.
As much as she hates weighting lives, Linn is forced to do so  &  eventually is being dragged out of her comfort zone of 'Helping everyone, so I can be a good girl and never do wrong'. She actively dislikes useless killing  &  senseless proving of dominance (Which is what piracy is about at the end of the day.), yet she joined one of the most feared pirate crews out there. But Linn rarely calls the crew out for it. It was her own decision to join them; they did not force her. They didn't even offer it at first. She just eavesdropped  &  stood up for her own desire to show the utmost gratitude towards Kid because thanks to him, she can somewhat live out her dead sister's dream. 
Linn is so so so horribly grateful, most would think she is insane or brainwashed when meeting  &  hearing her talk about her captain.
That being said, Kid is also the one who calls the shots. If he says someone has to die, they have to die. She will not mindlessly follow orders before at least trying to argue about it. If he would order her to end someone's life, even if it hurts  &  feels very badly, Linn will do it.
The doctor actively sees a glimpse of her sibling in Kid. Maybe it is a trauma response that makes her go this far. Eleanor was her everything, so, in a way, her captain is now her everything.
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medicus-felini · 1 year
ᓚᘏᗢ Also yes: The day she joined Kid was her sister's birthday. For the extra ouchies.
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medicus-felini · 8 months
`♡´ 𝗕𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐞𝘀𝘀 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Some already know that I take inspiration from common medical issues with white cats. They are often bound to being either deaf or blind. Linn's vision is not the best, speaking of the current timeline. She needs glasses for proximity, but it will only worsen with the years.
I do not talk about one or two years from here on, but rather somewhere in 20 years. Linn will be blind. Her vision will worsen from needing glasses for immediate proximity to needing them in general and eventually losing eyesight.
She is aware of that fate, since it is quite common for felines with white fur. It troubles her and makes her anxious. She is scared. After all, Linn is a doctor and is dependent on her sight. How good of a medic would she be if she could not see the injuries she was treating? She can't feel and fumble into open wounds.
And if that wasn't scary enough, Linn also fears passing these w-genes to her offspring one day. She was lucky to not be born with blindness; still, it is just a game of time.
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medicus-felini · 9 months
how would Linn feel if she found out that one time Killer had to borrow the cat grooming supplies Boogie uses on her to trim some of his body hair because he had acquired so much fur on his upper torso in the span of a few weeks that standard human hair trimmers were no longer working on him and they were just jamming because his body hair is so fucking thick. (he cleaned them afterwards he's not nasty like that)
❀⊱ ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕤 ⊰❀
Firstly: Boogie voluntarily combing her fur? Cute?
What a very specific question, ANON, I wonder. In my humble opinion, Linn would most likely think that someone else borrowed it just to fucking mess with the thing while drunk. I can totally see her all sad and down because her fur is getting knotted, and she is dumping on Killer about someone stealing her grooming supplies. Mreow.
If the great mystery was eventually revealed, she would probably be excited like a mother finding out her first daughter is having her period, offering him a ridiculous supply of combs and whatnot free to borrow anytime. Will this make him feel uncomfortable? Probably. But Linn will keep shut :3c
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medicus-felini · 9 months
is Linn one of those cats who gets distressed every time she gets her nails trimmed and has to be soothed with Churu?
❀⊱ ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕤 ⊰❀
She actually does get irritated when clipping her nails. That is why she prefers filing them into shape. Linn's nails are overall rather long. Working with rubber clothes is useless, which is why she likes to use more sturdy materials like leather or anything similar.
And of course, if things get inevitable, homegirl treats herself to some good ol' kitty snacks afterward. *sobs*
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medicus-felini · 1 year
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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• Their relationship would probably develop without anyone even noticing. Like: They are both pretty introverted (if sober). You could definitely see them, hanging out together in the background casually. "Since when did Linn and Zoro get along so well?" Nobody knows when it began. Maybe, when they warmed up real good, they take naps together like it's the most normal thing in the world ksjhdajd.
• Linn trying to dilute his drinks when he is not looking because she is awfully worried about Zoro's liver. Homegirl would feel attached very easily to this walking flask of sake. She would have to be really sneaky. If Zoro notices, he would probably drink double the amount. Just to make her regret it playfully.
• After the first shock calmed down for Linn (I mean, he has a very high bounty, worst generation pirate and wields three swords at once), Zoro would be the most pleasant person of the Strawhats she would get along with. Cats tend to like silent people more, in that case, very true.
• Imagine them going together somewhere. Linn has a great coordination skills, Zoro almost none. But because she is so timid and used to follow lead, they walk in the wrong direction for HOURS. When Zoro finally asks where they are, Linn would tell him casually that they are away from the path since they started, but she just got along with it because he looked like a good leader.
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medicus-felini · 1 year
I should have clarified beforehand lmao:
Linn's libido can be quite weird. She gets in heat in march and august, for the whole month also. In that time, Linn is extra horny, very clingy and annoying somehow.
Thank you, you may now scroll away.
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medicus-felini · 1 year
Urey Linn
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PINK  all  that  applies  to  your  muse.
•  eyes:  blue  |  green  |  brown  |  hazel  |  gray  |  gray-blue  |  other
•  hair:  blond  |  sandy  |  brown  |  black  |  auburn  |  red  |  grey  |  white  |  multi-color  |  other
•  body  type:  skinny|  slender  |  slim |  built  |  curvy  |  athletic  |  average  |  muscular   |  pudgy  |  overweight
•  skin:  pale  |  light  |  fair  |  freckled  |  tan  |  olive  |  medium  |  dark  |  discolored  |  other - white fur ig ??
• gender:  male  |  female  |  trans |  cis  |  agender  |  demigender  |  genderfluid  |  other  |  doesn’t  like  labels
•  sexuality:  heterosexual  |  homosexual  |  bisexual |  pansexual  |  asexual |  demisexual  |  other  |  unsure  |  doesn’t  like  labels
•  romantic  orientation:  homoromantic  |  heteromantic  |  biromantic|  panromantic  |  aromantic  |  demiromantic  |  unsure  |  doesn’t  like  labels
•  species:  human  |  undead  |  shapeshifter  |  demon  |  angel  |  with  |  ghost  |  incubus  /  succubus  |  werewolf  |  mermaid|  mutant  |  android  |  other - cat mink (maine coon)
•  education:  high  school  |  college  |  university  |  master’s  degree  |  PhD  |  entirely  self  taught (parents are both doctors, they taught her)  |  ged  |  
•  i’ve  been: in  love  |  hurt  |  ill  |  mentally  abused  |  bullied  |  physically  abused  |  tortured  |  brainwashed  |  shot
•  positive  traits:  affectionate  |  adventurous  |  athletic  |  brave  |  careful  |  charming  |  confident  |  creative  |  cunning  |  determined  |  forgiving  |  generous  |  honest  |  humorous  |  intelligent  |  loyal  |  modest  |  patient  |  selfless  |  polite  |  down-to-earth  |  diligent  |  romantic |  moral  |  fun-loving  |  charismatic  |  calm
•  negative  traits:  aggressive  |  bossy  |  cynical  |  envious  |  shy  |  fearful  |  greedy  |  gullible  |  jealous  |  impatient  |  impulsive  |  cocky  |  reckless  |  insecure  |  irresponsible  |  mistrustful  |  paranoid  |  possessive  |  sarcastic|  self-conscious  |  selfish  |  swears  |  unstable  |  clumsy  |  rebellious  |  emotional  |  vengeful  |  anxious  |  self-sabotaging  |  self-sacrificing  |  moody  |  peevish  |  angry  |  pessimistic  |  slacker  |  thick  skinned  |  overly  dramatic  |  argumentative  |  dangerous  |  prideful  |  gluttonous
•  living  situation:  lives  alone  |  lives  with  parents  or  guardian  |  lives  with  significant  other  |  lives  with  friends (Kid Pirates :>) |  drifter  |  homeless  |  lives  with  children  |  verse dependent
•  parents/guardian:  mother |  father |  adoptive  |  aunt  |  uncle  |  foster  |  grandmother  |  grandfather  |  other
•  sibling(s):  sister(s) (deceased) |  brother(s)  |  none  |  other  |  biological  |  adopted
•  relationship:  single  |  crushing  |  dating  |  engaged  |  married  |  separated  |  it’s  complicated  |  verse  dependent
•  things  i’ve  done  before:  had  alcohol  |  smoked  |  stolen  |  done  drugs  |  self-harmed  |  starved  |  had  sex  |  had  a  threesome  |  had  a  one-night  stand  |  gotten  into  a  fist  fight  |  gone  to  a  hospital  |  gone  to  jail (Kid's crew in wano kuni was kind of like jail...) |  used  a  fake  ID |  played  hooky  |  gone  to  a  rave  |  killed  someone  |  had  someone  try  to  kill  them  |  verse dependent
stolen from piratebento >:)
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medicus-felini · 1 year
White cats are pretty uncommon in nature and often suffer from disabilities. Linn is farsighted, meaning that you almost always see her with glasses if she is reading or dealing with somebody's injuries.
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medicus-felini · 1 year
Linn's wardobe consists of stuff that could be straight out of the Killstar online shop. The little wannabe goth kitty.
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