medicus-felini · 1 year
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Ah yes, Linn makes sure every patient can see the little gifts she owns :)
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leftsidebonfire · 1 year
Shot by a Cupid's arrow
Law's face was bright red as he regarded the woman in front of him. Everything felt like he was in a fog. His eyes were even in a haze. He didn't know why he was feeling like this. He wanted to be around Eleni more, wanted to be close. He swallowed thickly, touching her cheek. "You're beautiful." He couldn't help himself. Even though it felt out of the blue, it also felt fine to him.
Eleni paused for a moment, brows furrowed and her face a puzzled mess. It felt like a joke, but Trafalgar Law did not strike her as a jokester. She reached up to peel his hand from her face with a confused expression. She gently returned his hand back to his side where it belonged.
She usually wouldn't have been so gentle if anyone else had touched her cheek like that. Maybe met with a smack to the hand or even an elbow to the face. But Law was... different. It helped that she thought he was plenty attractive, too, but she couldn't help but feel like this was some convoluted trick.
"Uuhhh..... Thanks... Law...?" She said as she looked over his heart-eyes and glazed expression. If this was some fucking prank and she was excited over nothing, she'd be pissed. But the way her heart started to beat faster was certainly no joke.
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tribus-semitae · 1 year
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The place was crowded and she was late, not in the mood to deal with random edge lords. She eyes the guy she was accidentally forced to pin, other than the nice ink he had...the redhead was not impressed with anything.
"I could ask you the same, get out of my way I'm already late. " she nudges him a bit harder in the stomach. The crowd around them was growing bigger, she was getting impatient to get on the stage.
"Fuck sake why todayyyy...." she groaned in frustration.
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clown-demon · 1 year
@drheartxstealer asked:
"Give me my hat back."
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"Aaaaa~! Law-kun found me~! HEHEHEHE~! You gotta say the MAGIC WOOOORD~!" He's twirling said hat on his index finger.
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cnigiri · 1 year
Law VC: sounds like someone's jealous, Zoro-ya.
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" Oh yes, I'm so jealous by two people who won't admit that they like each other. Totally jealous, you so got my goat."
He rolls his eye and goes back to silently re-threading the pommel of Kitetsu.
" Just go out with her, away from the Sunny. Maybe? So I don't have to see two couples in my vacinity making out with each other and remind me how alone I very much am, so jealous. "
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autotoxins · 1 year
"Caesar - long time, no see."
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❝ Ah! Law! YOU BASTARD! ❞ There he was! That smug, wannabe doctor! The fact that he approached him all casually like that seriously grind Caesar's gears.
❝ How DARE you put me through all that turmoil! You completely ruined my comfortable life at Punk Hazard! I'll NEVER forgive you!! ❞ Not that he thought Law was looking for his forgiveness ( in fact, he couldn't care less what the other was looking for ). Caesar just wanted to vent out his STRONG emotions. It was because of Law his life was practically ruined. He supposed working with Judge, which he was now doing, was not the worst, but certainly, working under Jōkā had been FAR more comfortable.
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theallblue · 1 year
@drheartxstealer x
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“Tell that to my insomnia, it doesn’t like to listen to me too well.” Letting out a puff of smoke, he leaned his head back against the wall “Chopper would agree with you, he has voiced his concern about it before.”
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
【 ⚙ 】  |  【 open starter call. 】 @drheartxstealer
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❝ ...Shit, who left the door open again? A fuckin' raccoon got in. ❞
If Law was hoping for a warm welcome, he came to the wrong place.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@drheartxstealer asked: Alright then- Killer, Blackleg-ya, Shanks Ask my muse “Wed, Bed, Behead” (Still Accepting!)
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"Wed Sanji because you know he'd be a doting husband. Bed Killer because what sane woman wouldn't jump at the chance?"
A few beads of sweat ran down Ikkaku's neck. "And I'd behead Shanks. Not out of malice, but because it's a hell of a lot kinder than what my Gramps would do to him if I chose either of the other options."
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medicus-felini · 1 year
"Ah, Linn-ya. It's always good to meet another doctor."
@drheartxstealer "Ah, Linn-ya. It's always good to meet another doctor."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⊱ ────── {.⋅ ⚕ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
There he was. Finally, in the flesh. Linn has heard amazing things of Trafalgar Law, he is such a talented doctor and surgeon. His devil powers only compliment his occupation. Which medic would not be eager to meet such a famous individual in the field?? Her hands are shaking, making a subtle move to wave in greeting. The mink was somehow starstruck.
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❝ Oh, I wouldn't call myself doctor in your presence. Compared to you, I am an absolute beginner! ❞ her voice trembles in nervousness. The mink has such great respect towards the surgeon, her words get stuck in her throat.
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ravarui · 1 year
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"Huh, not only one but two bingos. I must say I didn't expect that from you, given your reputation." He glanced down at the bingo sheet once more. "Not one for partying, but at least you like shanties. Could be worse I guess."
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blueseaprincessa · 1 year
For @drheartxstealer !
"Law-san, Have you ever heard of Mentha Spicata? You can treat migraines with it. Herbs are brilliant, aren't they? You can see them everywhere. And they have a lot of different properties."
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clown-demon · 1 year
Law screaming into the void
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"Music to my ears~<3"
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swordduels · 1 year
Continued from here: Trafalgar D.Water Law — 'I'm innocent and I can prove it.' (tumblr.com) @drheartxstealer He lifted his index finger while his mouth was halfway open. Oh. Shit. His plan so far had been to find a boat to sneak on board and silently take some food before leaving. Now his pockets were filled with cheese among other things and it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out who the food thief was. “Right. I’m just gonna turn and get the proof…” Already when saying it he knew the lie wouldn't work.
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suckxrpunched · 1 year
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @drheartxstealer༺
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Mindlessly wandering the stalls in yet another lively town, Lara looked over things with a bored expression, clearly not happy with what she was seeing.
She had just turned and began walking away when she noticed something fall and hit the ground, brows furrowed as she took in the small wallet that fell from the person's pants.
She made quick work to snatch it from the ground as they continued walking away, catching up in a flash and politely holding it towards them with a comment of,
"Hey, sorry to bother you - you dropped this!"
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theallblue · 1 year
@drheartxstealer x
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“If a certain mosshead hasn’t gotten his grubby hands on it.” The last few days have obviously been stressful while a drink or two wasn’t going to bother Sanji too much. He was a bit of a lightweight when it came to alcohol. “Do you want anything? I can make something real quick.”
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