#⚜ sometimes there’s honor in queue ▬ queue
deceptivemorals · 6 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
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limiting myself to five is difficult, but fortunately, i also received this message on my other blog :D
@lordofthestrix: i can only say again and again that i am incredibly impressed by your choice of words/vocabulary because all your replies/interactions with tristan are very eloquent. i definitely learn new words by reading our/your interactions.^^ i also love the special relationship my elijah has with your tristan, and the fact that you have interesting (and sometimes unexpected) plot ideas. ♥
@fbiartist: i miss you so much. your muse was the first muse outside the tvd-universe my elijah interacted with and somehow we matched. to my knowledge, you aren't currently here anymore (at least not on this blog) but i still hold dear that dynamic between our muses ♥
@foundationbuilt: i missed you so much during your absence and as i already said countless times, i'm overjoyed that you're back. <3 i love the universe we built together even if the au appears unusual. i especially loved that it grew out of an answered meme and a following 'but what if'. plus elijah also missed bickering with his brother even if he wouldn't admit it xD
@elenaes/ @klaeus: i've been admiring you from afar for some time before i thought perhaps i should actually follow you (i rarely follow someone first because of insecurities asfasdf). i love your writing on both elena and klaus and you're also so talented when it comes to the graphics/layouts you create ♥
@ladicsa: i often find it very difficult to interact with characters that come from shows i don’t know because i rarely go into (to me) unknown territory. but you were very welcoming and made it easy for me to interact with kisa. we matched, developed chemistry, and our dynamics got a direction i didn’t expect at first. i’m really curious about where kisa and elijah will end up ♥
bonus to @weavecalled: i know you for years (back when you still had your elijah on your noblcbrother url). your knowledge of elijah is amazing and you're such a great help whenever i have a question. your interactions with tina are chefkiss and one of my favorite things to read on the dash. i also love the dynamic my elijah has with your jeremy although we haven't interacted in a while ♥
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deceptivemorals · 11 months
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— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: ᛖᛚᛇᚨᚺ ᛗᛁᚲᚨᛖᛚᛋᛟᚾ - elijah mikaelson
name meaning: elijah: the lord is my god (please note that elijah is of viking origin, so the meaning of his name wasn't really why it was picked). mikaelson: son of mikael.
alias/es: 'the noble one', 'the noble stag' - all names given by others.
ethnicity: norwegian (viking)
one picture you like of your chara:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
he has an extra employee who irons his suits for him.
he composes music but rarely anyone knows about that.
he always leaves generous tips if he's dining somewhere or if he lets someone wash his car.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
boxing / fencing (if he feels frustrated)
eight people your character likes / loves:
in no particular order!
rebekah mikaelson
freya mikaelson (@viikingwitch )
klaus mikaelson
leah mikealson (@troubleah )
ziva king (@fbiartist )
katerina petrova (@malka-lisitsa )
kisa (@ladicsa ) → yes, he starts to really like her
tatia (doesn't count cause she's ✝ )
the one anon who sent in many interesting questions (btw i hope your move went well)
not on this list is wolf ( @storywolf) because elijah still doesn't see him as a friend :p
two things your character regrets:
not having protected klaus better from their father.
killing tatia.
two phobia fears your character has:
losing the people he loves. no matter if family or partner, elijah is scared to lose the ones who are most important to him. this fear is reinforced by the fear that he is the reason they die.
losing himself / losing control. in elijah slumbers a terrible, bestial demon, which he suppresses. he's afraid of losing control and surrender to bloodlust and limitless violence. he's scared of eventually giving up on following morals and following his principles.
Tagged by: @malka-lisitsa ♥ Tagging: @viikingwitch / @troubleah , @fidelissimi , @hellsurvivr , @storywolf , @oblitum @ladamedemartel @lordofthestrix @the-last-doppelganger and you
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deceptivemorals · 23 days
cont. from here || @choserage
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            for him, one thing precludes the other. why should you offer help to a stranger? although he was not even sure if he was a stranger to this woman. her behavior towards him was different from that of actual strangers. he thought to recognize mistrust in her, which could be of course also imagination. after all, it was highly questionable if he could see this in others while he did not recognize himself.
           "what made you think that i needed help?", he instead decided to ask because he did not like the fact that he appeared to be in need of help. it would be better if no one recognized this, after all, it made him appear vulnerable.
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deceptivemorals · 26 days
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what's your worst trait?
you've made the mistake of forgiving once. now your life is filled with people who wrong you constantly. and yet you still forgive. are you happy this way? is it better having people walk all over you?
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deceptivemorals · 4 months
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at the moment you want …
to understand
you feel as if you cannot understand. your heart desires to do so, but everything seems useless, or maybe like you've exhausted every possible option. you've probably tried hard, looking low and high. opening every cabinet in the house, searching every drawer, looking under every bed. you might've ripped apart whole rooms looking, searching for exactly what you need. maybe you feel you've run out of places to look, things to find, people to ask. the windshield is frosted over, and you're sitting in the car, waiting for it to melt on a cold, winter morning. it feels as if itll never defrost, impossible to see through, no matter how much heat there is. be patient. keep searching. you'll understand eventually, i promise.
stolen from: @malka-lisitsa
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deceptivemorals · 3 months
❛  be careful.  ❜ [ from kelly. ]
🐝 * ― 𝑻𝑾𝑶 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. || @stcllata
          elijah's eyebrows rose in amusement, simply because it was absurd. he was nearly indestructible, there was no need to raise concern. apart from that, it surprised him that kelly showed signs of worry. someone who was both hunter and wolf, there were really no reasons why she should even be concerned about the wellbeing of someone of his kind. if anything, it could be suspicious.
          "is there something i should know?", elijah asked because surely there is a reason as to why she decided to say those words.   
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deceptivemorals · 3 months
“ do you wanna let me in? ”   [ elena. ]
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* 𝐀  𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓  𝐌𝐀𝐍. || @stcllata
           although his whereabouts near mystic falls were no secret, he was surprised to be visited voluntarily. after all, everyone knew that he also had his own motives, which is why he offered his limited support.
          "that depends; why are you here, elena gilbert?"
          this place was an accommodation, not a home. you would not be able to find anything that would allow any conclusions, but he would not receive any guests without good reason.
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deceptivemorals · 8 months
It's 7am. Morning coffee and reading material time for Elijah usually.
Katherine pads into the reading room, looking like death. One of those nights she hadn't been able to fall asleep. It's finally light outside, Elijah is up and moving. Things feel safer now.
She doesn't like admitting she needs people or things. Doesn't like relying on anyone... so she doesn't say a word as she climbs into his lap rather invasively. He can adjust around her damnit.
Once settled she laid her head on his chest, eyes closed, listening to the steady sound of his heart beat. Yea. Now. Now it feels safe enough to sleep, curled up in his lap.
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          contrary to the general development, elijah enjoyed his morning print edition of the local but also supra-regional newspaper. he couldn’t really make friends with digital newspapers, even if you had to be happy for everyone who was interested in the newspaper these days. in his opinion, the need for information was far too low for most people.
          he looked up briefly when he heard katerina enter the room and one glance was enough to tell him that she hadn't slept at all. she looked tired.
          elijah knew she had sleep problems, and he knew there was no standard solution. her sleeping needs sometimes changed daily, sometimes they remained constant; yet he always tried to give her what she seemed to need after she made it clear what she needed.
          he didn't say anything at all when she claimed into his lap and therefore made it difficult for him to continue his reading – he'll somehow manage to continue nonetheless, even if it will be less comfortable than before. one hand brushed through her hair carefully before he wrapped his arm wrapped around her slim frame to keep her close. then, he leaned slightly forward to press a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
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deceptivemorals · 8 months
❝  i’m happier when you’re here.  ❞
AFFECTIONATE  AND  AFFIRMING  PROMPTS || @ladicsa || accepting
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          "really?", he smiled at her before he pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head. then, he placed the plate full of self-cooked food in front of her on the table.
          "i hope it’s not just my cooking," he added with a light chuckle before he went to his wine cabinet to take a glance at the selection available. "any preference of what you want to drink?"
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deceptivemorals · 8 months
"i’m not staring,  i’m admiring."
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Both things are true.
AFFECTIONATE  AND  AFFIRMING  PROMPTS  || @malka-lisitsa || accepting
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          boxing was not a hobby you would expect from him, at least with regard to his other, more quiet hobbies. it was also not something elijah does in the presence of others or if he expects visitors so he was kinda surprised to discover katerina staring at him – pardon, admiring him.
          he went to grab the already prepared towel to dab his face before folding it neatly and putting it back on the rack.
          "to everyone's surprise, i actually own sportswear. i wouldn’t get used to the sight though…" he retorted with a crooked smile. something did seem to fascinate her so it was worth staring. or admiring. or both. was it really the clothes? or the fact that you saw his collarbone?
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deceptivemorals · 8 months
When you were human Elijah, how did you think you'd live your life? If none of the super natural happened how would your life had gone do you think?
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have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions! || @malka-lisitsa || accepting ♥
            "you have interesting questions, katerina." interesting because this question came unexpectedly, and she had never met him when he was still human. even then, when they met, his human life was gone for half an eternity. he wondered what caused her to think about how his human life would have developed.
            elijah had indeed had plans for the future, which had already been very concrete. thinking about how his life could have gone and what was ripped away from him did have a bitter painful taste even if that belonged to a different man.
            "i would have married as soon as i was sure that i could leave my siblings alone. a marriage would have meant leaving my siblings behind. they would have had no one to watch and look after them, even though i probably wasn’t very good at it anyway…"
            he had not successfully or properly protected niklaus, but at least he had been able to protect rebekah who often did very thoughtless things. nonetheless, he did feel responsible for them while at the same time he longed to start a life of his own.
            "maybe it would never have come to that, who knows, maybe i would have had to wait until my siblings married themselves. maybe marriage would have happened quicker than i expected – i did picture myself with a certain woman already."
            tatia. to hear that she chose him had been the happiest day of his life. he would have married tatia as soon as she was ready. he kept this deliberately vague because he knew it must feel strange to hear he wanted to spend his life with someone who looked similar to katerina.
            "and if she had wanted it, i would have liked to have had children with her. i would have taken care of my family, and built us our own hut. i think i would have been a good father and husband. definitely different from my own father." and unlike mikael, he would have adopted tatia's child and treated it like his own.
            "i would have witnessed my siblings hopefully getting to lead the life they desired. how they find happiness in whatever adventure they have chosen." another thing that was taken away from them because he knew that kol missed his magic, that rebekah mourned the loss of getting to have a family.
            "my wife and i would have lived our lives together until we grew old and eventually died peacefully. we would have lived on through our descendants, which is another kind of eternity."
            "but often, life takes different paths. it is what it is…" he had long closed this chapter of his life and unlike rebekah, he had accepted that his story had changed and that he could not go back to what he dreamed of. he is a changed man, he's not the man he used to be when he was human.
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
meta + his sleeping habits
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*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a headcanon based   off   of   this   !!! || @salvatoraes || accepting
i headcanon that tvd vampires still need sleep. not to the extent that humans need sleep but i don't think they are like twilight vampires who aren't capable of sleeping/don't need sleep. tvd!vampires also need air, otherwise they suffocate, so why shouldn't they need sleep (especially because sleep is so important to regenerate)? but anyway.
if elijah were a normal human, he would be the classic example of an overworked person because he doesn't really find time to sleep.
elijah is someone who usually goes to bed very late (aka after midnight). in stressful times he does not go to sleep for a few days and instead uses the nighttime to study, plot, develop strategies, and scheme. at the same time, he's also an early bird and wakes up between 4 - 7 am, so you see that he doesn't really sleep a lot.
when he spends the night with someone, he goes to bed with them but still stays awake sometimes for one/two hours after his company fell asleep. when they were physically active *cough*, it is often different.
i think one reason for these sleeping habits is the fact that it's hard for him to switch off. he's constantly thinking and it's often hard for him to just … relax.
elijah prefers his beds to be king-sized and his beddings are pretty fancy. you can expect to find expensive silk sheets.
he also prefers to sleep with the window closed after airing and closes to curtains/blinds almost completely and only leaves a small gap to let the morning light in.
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deceptivemorals · 1 year
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noticing memes. || @labonaires
"I thought I'd find you here."
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         "i come here to think, usually because i want to be undisturbed." which apparently doesn’t work. nevertheless, he decided to remain polite and did not ask what she wants.
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deceptivemorals · 27 days
"what was the worst century or decade for you? This doesn't include any events due to your family or being a vampire, but from the time itself. fashion, customs etcetera."
This is an open invitation to ask my muse whatever you damned well please. || @insanislupus || accepting
             "too bad you gave a restriction, otherwise the answer would have been very clear." but since the question excluded everything related to his family or vampirism, he could not give a simple answer.
             "i think that i can not answer this question, because there is something in every century to complain about and what was especially horrible looking back. some things were so terrible that they were even noticeable in the respective present."
             "the time of the black death was terrible, it didn’t directly affect our family, obviously, but the effects affected us too. one third of the population in europe at that time died and it was not clear whether this disease could be contained. as a vampire, you naturally wonder if the main food source would break down. but this has something to do with vampires again, so this argument does not count. it was terrible to see the masses of sick and dead people, they looked terrible, they had to suffer a lot and the stench was indescribable."
             "in general, the times of wars were terrible; some wars lasted a long time, like the thirty years' war."
             "fashion-wise, the time was terrible in which it was trendy to wear ruffs and bleach the face. and of course the time of wigs, that is definitely not a time i miss."
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deceptivemorals · 3 months
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RP BLOG CONTENT GUIDELINES . . . . Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something.
MY BLOG IS _______
open to all - semi-selective - selective - moderately selective - highly selective - exclusive - only going to rp with mutuals - mostly going to rp with mutuals - indie - affiliated with a group - spoiler free - spoilers tagged - spoilers mostly tagged - not spoiler free
any fandom - most fandoms - only fandoms I know - only people in my fandom - ocs - ocs with no fandom ties -ocs who are related to/know my character in their backstory - only one version of any particular character - people who have the same muse as me - people who do not have a rules page - multimuse blogs - people in rp groups - indie rpers
paragraphs - shorter forms of text - *action* - icons - gifs - gif icons - formatted text - whatever my partner is using - my own style regardless of my partner’s reply
no one - anyone - chemistry - select ship - ocs - others of my own muse - crossovers with characters from different fandoms - only one version of a particular character - one person in my main certain verses - multiship - one main/canon ship within my main verse - self-inserts
fluff - angst - gore - violence -smut - blood - torture - shipping - death - dark humor - assault
everyone - only some people - most people - only people in my fandom - every rp blog - people i actively wish to rp with - people who do not post a lot of ooc - people whose posts i am comfortable with on my dashboard
follow back - answer an open - message me ooc - message me ic - make a starter - answer my starter - send in a meme - like a starter call
i practice reblog karma with memes - i expect reblog karma with memes - i expect my rules/about to be read - i always read the rules/about before following/interacting - if you follow me, i would like nsfw tagged - i expect all smut to be beneath a read-more (or have a mature rating ) - i am a multiverse blog - i am multi-muse - i do not wish for my ooc posts to be reblogged ( with some exceptions ) - i do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved - i expect post length to be matched - i expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if i have used them - i don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match yours - i am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy
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deceptivemorals · 3 months
❛  i'm sorry, i didn't know where else to go.  ❜
         confusion reflected on his facial features, for he did not know what leah wanted to apologize for. for disturbing him in any way? that certainly wasn’t the case.
        "is that not the reason why great brothers are there? that one can turn to them in such cases?"
        "it’s all good, leah, i’ll be happy to help you if you tell me exactly what you need."
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