#✉️﹕Post Notes For The Travelers // Userboxes
snezhnayanstims · 2 years
Tag List!
🥀﹕Bloodstained Snow // Stimboard
💰﹕Unlimited Mora // Moodboard
❄️﹕Tar-Tartaglia! // Playlist
🗡﹕For The Glory of the Tsartiza // Board
💧﹕Comradic Care // Care-kits
🐋﹕Codenamed Childe // Names
🌫﹕Falling Into The Abyss // Neos
✉️﹕Post Notes For The Travelers // Userboxes
🏳️﹕Wave High The Flag of Snezhnaya // Flags
✨﹕Wishing Upon A Star // Icons
📜﹕Reluctantly Signing Contracts // Banners
🌠﹕Celestia's Buildings // Backgrounds
💤﹕Resting Between Domain Runs // Childe
🚫﹕Breaking A Contract // Denied
🏆﹕100% Region Completion // Other’s Stuff
🔗﹕Another Player Wants To Join Your World. Allow? // Promo
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snezhnayanstims · 2 years
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~ Welcome To Snezhnayan Stims! ~
⟐ Welcome to my blog! A kin-introject help blog but you dont need to be one of these to request ^^
⟐ Check out Ajax's intro here!
⟐ Yo head's up! Before you drop in a request, do tell me if you'd like any specific themes and contents or just average character theming! Requests are automatically tagged as kin! However you can ask for it to be untagged or tagged differently!
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⟐ Reply icons are by @tornadoblossom and @lovesick-level-up!
⟐ DNI Banners made by @lovesick-level-up! (tysm!!!)
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⟐ What I can Do!
⟐ Sourcelist
⟐ Kins
⟐ F/Os
⟐ Tag List
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14 notes · View notes
snezhnayanstims · 2 years
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⋉ forgetting userbox for me
with themes of me because i keep forgetting what i do so i have to go into my list to check what i do-
art by: me :) (its a colored version of that one misery drawing i put on my main-)
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