#✎ helldustedstories : queue
helldustedstories · 7 months
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                       "𝑺𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒚, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒚."
                             Private & selective Hellaverse multimuse
                                  Featuring Stolas of the Ars Goetia
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helldustedstories · 5 days
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"Tonight's the Harvest Moon!" Stolas exclaimed, a delighted smile on his face. "As usual, I shall be attending the festivities in Wrath to curse the crops under the light of the full moon. But this particular Harvest Moon is even more special than usual."
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He opened a little portal so the night sky was visible behind him. "It's called the Harvest Moon as it's the closest to the autumnal equinox. And it'll be a supermoon, which means it'll seem to be larger in the sky, and it will also be a partial lunar eclipse!"
"Like other moons, it has other names, too. Some of the other names to describe this particular moon are the Corn Moon, the Autumn Moon, or the Mating Moon! One of the pieces of folklore about this moon is that frost that happens in the dark of the moon will ill fruit buds and blossoms, but if it frosts in the light of the moon, it will not!"
"I have all sorts of other moon facts. Is there anything you want to know?" He's got a little bit of time before he has places to be.
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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I went back over Apology Tour to see if I could figure out how much Stolas had to drink over the course of the episode. (This is not including the glass of wine he has at the beginning of the day, though that's a meta for another time.) I also included some speculation, but based on what we see, it doesn't feel too far off
At least one full cup first meeting Verosika (looks like two, actually, just based on how much he drank before she showed up and that he had a full cup when slicing the cake)
There was also the time during which Blitz was wandering the party, and Stolas likely had at least one more drink during that period because it's a party and he's used to having to drink to get through Goetia parties
He has a full drink before he goes onstage, which is a different colour from the initial one, though he doesn't finish the full thing before being pulled up to sing
Full drink before Blitz comes over; he's notably already slurring at this point
Drinks a full bottle on the way to the other room with Blitz
Takes someone's full drink and downs it (there's still a little left in it before he falls into Blitz's lap, but not much)
Judging from this, Stolas was very drunk when talking to Blitz. Couple that with the fact that he's likely still off his meds, and he was not at all in his right mind during most of that party.
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helldustedstories · 4 months
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Haven't done one of these in a while! While this one is more for people I haven't interacted a bunch with, if we have written together, I'll still write you something. Click the little heart and lemme know your preferences or I will literally roll the dice and we'll both have to live with the consequences.
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helldustedstories · 5 months
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Moxxie has Opinions about most of A.ndrew L.loyd Webber's shows.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat -- He has most of the Coat of Many Colours memorized. It gets stuck in his head. "Close Every Door" is another good song, but overall, this one is kind of middling. Would he still go to see it if given the chance? Absolutely.
Jesus Christ Superstar -- Honestly? Kind of overrated. There are only a couple of songs that are super recognizable, and while that's not a requirement of a good musical, it's one that's hard to just sing along to and have fun with. Still, it's an interesting take on the story, but not his favourite of his work.
Evita -- There are some iconic songs in Evita, and if it's done right, it can be visually stunning. He likes both the original recording with M.andy P.atinkin and P.atti L.upone because they're iconic, as well as the version with A.ntonino B.anderas and M.adonna. Not his favourite, but it definitely has its time and place.
Tell Me On a Sunday / Song and Dance -- Other than the titular song and "Take That Look Off Your Face," this one is kind of forgettable. It might be better viewed in person, but it's not a fave.
Cats -- Okay, so Moxxie will be the first to admit that he probably shouldn't have suggested that Blitz start with Cats. It's one of those musicals that kind of grows on you the more you experience it, whether that's hearing it, seeing it live, or performing in it. (Sidenote for this one: Moxxie would love to be IN Cats.) It's pretty high up on his list, though it's one of those "wait no, you don't understand; let me explain the thought behind it" sort of things.
Starlight Express -- Honestly, part of the appeal of this one is the fact that the actors are on roller skates. But the fact that it tells the story of sentient trains makes it up there in the weirdness scale. Probably even weirder than Cats.
The Phantom of the Opera -- And here we have Moxxie's all-time favourite. He loves the story, the music, the spectacle. There is not anything about this show that Moxxie does not love. If he wants to be in Cats, he is desperate to be in Phantom. It almost doesn't matter what role, as long as he gets to participate. (He already knows he'll never be able to play Christine, which broke his heart when he first came to terms with that fact.)
Aspects of Love -- This is one of those shows that has some good tracks ("Love Changes Everything" and "Anything But Lonely" come to mind), but some of the subject matter is pretty uncomfortable, considering several of the 'love interests' are seventeen and fourteen, respectively, while the other person is a full-ass adult.
Sunset Boulevard -- A lesser-known gem, honestly. (Even if P.atti L.upone was 100% in the right to sue.) It tells a complete story, unlike a lot of his other musicals (probably partly because it was based on a film), and it has some good music. It's also one of A.LW's few musicals to star a mezzo-soprano, so it gets points for that, too.
Love Never Dies -- Oh boy, okay. This show is a hot mess. For starters, in the original cast recording R.aoul's voice is better than the P.hantom's, which really shouldn't happen. But the whole thing shouldn't exist. It completely ignores the ending of the original, bastardizes characters, and makes a mockery of the original. Yes, okay, some of the songs are pretty damn catchy ("Beauty Underneath," "Devil Take the Hindmost," and "Why Does She Love Me?" are the standouts to Moxxie), but A.LW's cat had the right idea in trying to delete the whole thing, to keep it from completion.
Cinderella -- Originally, when Moxxie heard that there was a new adaptation of Cinderella, he wasn't sure it was needed. But when he heard it was by A.ndrew L.loyd W.ebber, he had to check it out. And he's honestly glad he did. Sure, it's not the best show, but it's fun. (And the young woman who plays the title role in the original recording sounds a little like Stolas' kid...., or that could just be his imagination. Maybe it's just the accent.) The B.roadway version, though...., seems like it was a mess. And the cast and crew deserved better than what they got.
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helldustedstories · 6 months
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@vanaglcria asked: 🃏+ should we be worried about Striker? / from Via
Send me 🃏+ a question for the cards! // Accepting
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Stolas had been teaching Via how to read the cards, had offered to do a reading for her, by way of example. He'd told her to take the cards, to shuffle while she thought of a question, letting her energy interact with the cards. And when she handed it back and asked her question out loud, he froze for just a moment.
He was still recovering, his injuries finally starting to be hidden beneath his feathers, though he could still feel them more often than not; it was a very valid question. But the fact that she had to ask it broke his heart. Via never should have been put in this position…., but unfortunately, he didn't have control over that, over what Stella chose to do.
So he takes a deep breath and spreads the cards out, selecting three, the way he'd showed her previously.
And the first card he turns over shows that this reading was going to go about the way he thought it would.
"The Tower," he said, gazing down at it. Most people wrongly assumed that Death was the worst card in the deck, but that could simply signal new beginnings. The Tower….was almost always a harbinger of destruction. "Placed here, in the past position, it represents loss of stability, destruction of hope." He didn't look up at Via, knowing that he was just as responsible for this card as Striker was. "But it also signifies that it's something that can be rebuilt, that you're moving away from that destruction." And he would do everything he could to help with that.
The next card he turns is the Queen of Wands. Definitely better as the next card. "The Queen of Wands here shows that, despite the circumstances of your past, or perhaps because of those circumstances, there's a new presence in your life, one that could potentially inspire you. Someone who's good at talking and listening, especially regarding the situation in your question. There is clarity of vision here, too, which shows that you should trust your instincts, that your ideas are meant to be shared, to be heard, that they could very well be the key to what's happening."
The final card is the Ten of Wands, reversed. Stolas takes a moment to look over the full spread, reaching out to tap the final card. "The Ten of Wands usually represents self-deception. It likely means that, whatever you have told yourself about the situation may not be true. Your interpretation of the situation may be different from the truth, and that's something to be wary of. Seeking out the truth will help you take the next step on your path."
And in this case, he knew that he was part of this problem. He hadn't told her the full story of why Striker was after him…, and as much as he didn't want to, she had a right to know, didn't she? She deserved to know the truth….; he just had to figure out how to tell her in a way that wouldn't be devastating.
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helldustedstories · 6 months
Actual footage of Stolas dancing around the mansion when he thinks no one's watching.
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helldustedstories · 2 months
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@madefate asked:
❝ Stols, I like listening to you. ❞ Blitz is currently supremely cozy - curled up in Stolas' lap, tail wrapped lazily and lovingly around his waist, his face resting in the luxurious plumage of his chest. There's a softness in his features that could almost be mistaken for contented tiredness - but really, it's peace more than anything. Blitz idly runs his claws up and down Stolas' arm in a soothingly rhythmic motion.
❝ You're super smart and I don't know shit about any of this stuff, so it's like I'm learning things. Your voice is my favorite thing, and when you get excited about something, you're just so - ❞ Blitz presses closer, eyelids at half mast, a purr taking over to express the happiness he doesn't have words for. Then he lazily waves his other hand in a careless gesture. ❝ I always thought I was pretty stupid, but when you explain stuff - sometimes I even get it, y'know? I ... like that. ❞
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Now that the couch in the living room was comfortable, now that the living room was welcoming enough to want to spend time in, Stolas and Blitz found themselves curling up together on the couch pretty frequently. Whether they watched a movie, Stolas read to Blitz, or they sat together while they both did paperwork, just spending time together was enough.
Though if they both had a decent amount of paperwork, they sat at Stolas' desk; Stolas could rest his head between Blitz's horns and still see the desk well enough that Blitz could just sit in his lap while they both worked. It was honestly his favourite way to do paperwork, even if it did get them into trouble a couple of times (it was a good thing he didn't mind sorting and filing paperwork, because anything that was on his desk had quickly ended up on the floor).
Tonight, Stolas' leg is stretched out on the couch beside him, propped up by pillows, Blitz curled up in his lap. One arm is looped around Blitz, enjoying the closeness, while he holds a book in his other hand, currently still closed.
They'd found a new book to enjoy together, and he was very much looking forward to it. But somewhere along the way, instead of opening the novel, Stolas found himself talking about the stars, the way he so frequently did. Because even a slight shift in alignment could change the star charts he so meticulously kept track of, could change the entirety of a prophecy! And not only that, but sometimes readings changed based on the time of day, which was why he had to always be aware of the world around him. Oh, and sometimes properly interpreting what he saw meant that he needed to know the exact trajectory a star or planet would take relative to other celestial bodies around it.
Stolas was just starting to very animatedly explain star alignment, and how different alignments could mean very different things, and how some prophecies relied very specifically on the stars lining up in a very particular way when he heard himself, heard how enthusiastic he was, and realized just how much he'd been talking.
A bright blush spread across his feathered cheeks as he finished his sentence, quickly murmuring an apology. He hadn't meant to get caught up in what he was talking about, to drop all of this unnecessary information into Blitz's lap; he knew how annoying it was when he did that sort of thing.
He lapsed into silence, wondering if Blitz would even want him to read to him now that he'd just sat through however long Stolas had been talking at him, without giving him a chance to say anything in response.
But when Blitz says he likes listening to him, Stolas' mind stops racing, stops the spiral it had started down. All four eyes focus on Blitz, gazing down at him. And realizes that his expression isn't one of annoyance or frustration, but contentment. That, coupled with Blitz's claws tracing over his arm, giving him something else to focus on, finally starts to let Stolas relax.
He hates that he needs almost constant reassurance that he's not annoying Blitz, that his mere presence isn't aggravating. Stolas is so used to being shut down when he starts to talk about his interests, starts to really get going that stopping himself had been almost automatic, even though Blitz had been the one he'd been talking to, even though he knows Blitz doesn't mind it when he starts to ramble a little.
Stolas still listens when Blitz speaks, when he compliments him, something that always makes his feathers ruffle. He's still so unused to such kind words that he can't help it, especially when Blitz says that he's smart, that his voice is his favourite.
❝ Your voice is my favorite thing, and when you get excited about something, you're just so - ❞ Blitz says, and when he starts to purr, Stolas feels it down to his bones, understands what it's like not to have the words to fully express what you're feeling, to have to rely on body language instead.
And there is something so comforting, knowing that his voice doesn't annoy Blitz, that he likes listening to him speak. Stolas is sure this isn't the first time Blitz has told him something like that, but it's still nice to know. He gets so into his own head sometimes, remembering all of the things Stella had said to him that having that moment of contrast, that moment when Blitz quietly banishes those fears….is something he needs more than he can fully put into words.
❝ I always thought I was pretty stupid, but when you explain stuff - sometimes I even get it, y'know? I ... like that. ❞
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Stolas lets out a soft coo in response to Blitz's words, bending to press a kiss to his forehead.
"You always know just what to say to pull me out of my own head," he murmurs, putting their book down beside him so he can find Blitz's hand, twining their fingers together. "Though you're not giving yourself nearly enough credit, darling; just because you haven't read the dictionary for fun like I have does not make you stupid." He pulls their linked hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to Blitz's palm before squeezing softly. "I couldn't even begin to fathom what it takes, how your brilliant mind works when it comes to everything you do." Trajectories, accounting for speed and movement of targets, not to mention all of the plans Blitz had to account for; he truly wasn't giving himself enough credit.
After another moment of just….being close, holding one another, Stolas speaks up. "Thank you," he says, his voice soft, barely above a murmur. "You shouldn't have to constantly offer me reassurance, but….it means a lot that you do." Blitz took such good care of him, and Stolas was going to do the same for his love, for as long as he allowed.
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helldustedstories · 2 months
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@hzbinsouled asked: it's just a flesh wound. nothing major. ~overlord!angel @ moxxie 👀
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Despite the fact that this job was supposed to be relatively easy, the fact that the boss was coming along upped the stakes way more than Moxxie had been anticipating. He was used to providing cover fire, making sure to take out any goons, but doing that while watching out for Angel Dust, making sure no one got close enough to look at him wrong, let alone hurt him? Meant that Moxxie really needed to bring his A-game.
He'd cleaned and serviced all of his own guns meticulously, making sure they were in absolutely pristine condition, something that also helped to calm him down when he was on edge. Everything had to go perfectly tonight; he had to prove himself, prove that he was worth something the job he'd been given, that he took it seriously.
And then absolutely everything had proceeded to go to shit.
Moxxie might have cleaned his own guns, but some of the crew hadn't, which had resulted in multiple misfires or guns simply not firing the way they should. And that meant their opposition getting the upper hand enough that Angel himself had been injured.
The weapons expert had frozen when he saw what had happened, but only for a split second before he pulled out another gun and returned fire, quickly taking stock of the situation and taking out two of the gunners on their tail.
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"It's just a flesh wound. Nothing major," Angel tried to play it off, and Moxxie frowned. He was so much smaller than the Overlord; he wouldn't really be able to let him lean on him to get him out of there, but he could still do something.
"Sir, I really think you should let me look at that," he says, indicating the injury in question. "I can at least get you patched up until we get back." He wasn't a medic by any means, but he'd done his fair share of in the field patch jobs, enough to know that it at least needed to be wrapped, to have pressure on it so it would stop bleeding. It might end up needing stitches, but that wasn't something he could take care of in the middle of a fire fight.
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helldustedstories · 2 months
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Stolas gazes up at the night sky above him, through the portal he'd opened, the light of the full moon shining brightly down on him.
"This moon is called the Buck Moon," he murmurs, closing his eyes for just a moment to bask in the moonlight. It's one of those things that never fails to make him feel like things might not be so bad, regardless of what's happening. Because if the moon is still waxing and waning, if time is still moving on, then the wheel of fortune is still turning.
"It's called the Buck Moon because antlers of the male deer on earth are in full-growth mode at this time. They grow a larger set every year, so the time for growing them is very important!"
He lets out a little laugh before adding, "Because this particular full moon is in the same constellation as last month's, it's a continuation on the theme from June: a time of growth, renewal, and potential transformation. As the bucks shed their antlers every year, we must shed old patterns and believes in order to grow."
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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Stolas is aware of the fact that it's his birthday, but he never really fussed over it, not anymore. For the past seventeen years, his birthday had never really been about him, anyway, so why should that change just because he was in the process of a divorce and wouldn't have to attend the party Stella always threw, to draw as much attention away from him as possible.
He could never have a day that was just about him; his eighteenth birthday had been his wedding day, and an excuse for Stella to keep everyone from looking his way.
Today looks to be no different, really, though perhaps he'll purchase a cupcake later, as a little treat. But for now, he's taking a walk, to enjoy the nice weather they've been having recently.
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But of course, the moment he has that thought is the moment he steps into a deep puddle, getting mud all over the new pants he'd put on.
"Happy birthday to me," he mutters, pulling himself out of the puddle. Maybe he should have just stayed home.
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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"It seems fitting that the first birthday I'm not forced to celebrate an anniversary I did not want would fall on a full moon," Stolas muses. Ever since his eighteenth birthday, which had also been his wedding day, his birthdays have never been about him. And he doesn't really see that changing much, not really.
"But since it's the first full moon of the summer, that means this particular moon is called the Strawberry Moon! This helps to indicate that the berries are ready to be picked."
A soft laugh leaves him as he adds, "Of course, there's much more to this moon than that, and as summer is ushered in and we're surrounded by growth, this moon suggests opportunities to expand one's horizons, to lean into joy and celebration, along with one's spirit of adventure!"
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He gazes up at the sky, red eyes unblinking, as though he can see past Hell's borders, into the very skies he studies so often. "It is a time for manifestation and self-reflection, a moon that encourages evolving, learning, expanding. Celebrate your growth, recognize your strength, and use the moon to empower you to create positive change in your life."
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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The young prince opened his eyes, and for a moment, he wasn't sure what day it was. But when it dawned on him, he sat bolt upright, excited. Last year, he'd received his grimoire and made his first friend! Perhaps this year would be equally as exciting!
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"It's my birthday!" he exclaims, leaping out of bed. And he hears voices in the hall, so without getting fully dressed, heads out to see if there are indeed visitors so early in the morning.
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helldustedstories · 5 months
Missa and I are hanging with friends today, but I'll probably be bobbing around p.interest, putting together some more outfits because I love formal outfits for muses. Still not officially doing the event, and I probably won't do everyone, but I'm gonna do Moxx and maybe a couple of my OCs. (Though if you have anyone you really wanna see something for, I can definitely be persuaded, 'cause I love putting things together for my muses!)
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helldustedstories · 5 months
All righty; I am going to attempt to queue a bunch of things this week, so that way, when Missa comes down to visit (this weekend!! I'm so excited to get to see her, aaaah!), I'll have some stuff in there in case we don't end up online that much.
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helldustedstories · 6 months
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@bescmar asked: 🃏+ what is something i should be aware of that is avoiding my attention. [Balam]
Send me 🃏+ a question for the cards! // Accepting
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There's part of Stolas that isn't sure why Balam is having him do a reading for her when she knows so much more about the past and the future than he does, but he's always had a soft spot for her, even when he wasn't allowed to see her for a time.
So he's more than happy to hand his deck to her for her to shuffle as she considers her question, putting her intention and thoughts into it before handing it back to the much smaller Goetia. He takes a moment to spread the cards out before carefully setting three cards in front of him on the table to represent past, present, and future.
He turns the first card over, to reveal the Two of Cups, reversed. "Reversed like this, the Two of Cups means separation. A past relationship dissolved, and there were hurt feelings on both sides when secrets were revealed."
The next card to be turned is Strength, also reversed. "With Strength in this position, reversed like this could mean that difficult emotions are arising. It can be hard to face them straight on, and you might want to dismiss them or run away from them rather than confronting them, which can give them more power over you."
The final card is Justice, also in the reversed position. He has a moment to think that it's interesting that all of her cards were reversed before he's looking down at the last one, considering his words. "With Justice here, along with the other cards, it seems like a situation you're facing, one you thought would be simple, may actually be more complex. You may need to dig deeper to uncover the truth of what's happening, to find those who you can lean on and support you through this. But if you stand fast and hold on to your beliefs, even if it's rough, you should come out on the other side."
Which did less to answer her question and more to alert her to circumstances that might help with that answer. The cards didn't reveal everything, after all; just showed a path that might offer some guidance.
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