#✖cution ━ ❛ hc.
badheart · 2 years
Why does Kugo decide to stay with the Shiba's after death? Does that feel like the best (last) option? Or is he forced to stay?
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I think he was pretty much picked up by them, and they do not exactly run around like Shinigami and I don’t know how much he knows about them, but them being an outcast noble family, definitely made it easier for him to accept them, also who is he to deny a very nice place to stay, where he also gets food, which he will definitely need, if he wants to survive. Why always choose the hard way, when you can pick the easy one? Plus he likes company, and they also offer training grounds, overall - he sure can consider himself quite lucky that they have accepted him for reasons, he still does not really understand. 
He would not really know where else to go, right now he is pretty much lost anyway, no matter where he is, ... right now there is not much of a goal left for him (or very unreachable), so yeah, what do apart of train a bit for who knows what, and chat and all, ... but it is really no fulfilling life / death for him now. Overall it feels pretty pointless for him to even exist at this point. He is dead, what is he supposed to do now in a world like this? Which still sees him mainly as an enemy, and so does he. 
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badheart · 2 years
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Me waiting for the day Kugo ever gets to mention his kids (so I can write about them), but he way too secretive about his illegitimate children (3 he knows about so far), for various reasons. First and most important one is out of safety reasons, with his lifestyle and past & current connections, it would be beyond irresponsible to mention them to anyone (and he already isn’t the most responsible man, but at least there he gets it done somewhat right for once). It’s best when no one knows that he holds any attachments to anyone, and he sure tries to remain mostly distanced but at the same time he is very social and actually seeks deeper bonds, but alas... 
Another reason is reputation, or should I say society? He does not really try to keep the most perfect image up of himself, something most still tend to tolerate, but their tolerance surely would end, there he is sure, if they knew about his kids (including the single moms, even if they don’t want him at their side), people sure like to hold expectations and demand to better himself, he is not out to be lectured in any way, he knows he could do better, but he is not being the worst either. It’s not your business and he will make sure of it. 
He does not want to justify himself, he was young & stupid, and it was unknown to him that they decided to keep them, which also leads to ton of thoughts with which he struggles, and he rather not be confronted with them. Ideally, he wished he never knew about them, he was never ready to be a dad and it is no role he can fully take at the moment, perhaps he could if he really tried, but he is a bit selfish in that regards and still wants to live his own life. Nowadays he watches out more than ever to use protection, also due to STDs, with his lifestyle he really gotta watch out there and tests himself on occasion, especially after nights with no memory. 
It is also safer for his kids, if he does not visit them often, ideally not at all, so his connection to them is never known, and no one can possibly use them against him, but some need for responsibility is still there, even if two of them don’t really like him, at least financially he tries to help. 
Ginjo lives a dangerous life, with people on his back who want his death, for him was a family never an available option, and that will most likely not change. 
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badheart · 2 years
Looking back on everything that happened in BLEACH during the time Ichigo lost his powers, and what Ginjo done surrounding that, is there anything that he would do different? if so, what?
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“Kurosaki did his choice, ... I’ve done the same once, so may cannot fully blame him.”  Deciding to follow and help the Shinigami, the powers sure had been nice but so the ties to this super strong group, ... and Ukitake. They actually could not interact so much, but one way or another, Ukitake finally fulfilled the role of the adult, he had always missed in his life. 
“Doing anything different though, hm... would have required a clearer mind for sure.”  And considering the circumstances, doubtful it could have gone any other way unless his whole life had taken a whole different turn again.  “With what I know now, ... or finally somewhat understand is... that I will never get my answers, and Ukitake is dead so...”  Cannot even kill that guy himself, which definitely had been a desire of him, if he really would have done it though, he would never know by now, neither any answers as of why it had to happen all. 
“There would be actually no point anymore to bother with Kurosaki, but considering where I am right now ... or could have been, if doing things differently.”  Remaining alive.  “Being a little bit stronger sure never hurts,”  he grins.  “In that regards, I wouldn’t have to do anything differently, considering it worked...”  No sight of shame for the things he had done, for his goal, he really would have done everything. A goal, which never had been too clear either during that time, impossible to reach. 
He sure could live with his past better if it were not for one thing, and that was Tsukishima, who shared the same fate as him, simply because he had dragged him into this fight too. That the Shinigami would show no mercy (though, he really had not expected them to show up so late) definitely had been clear to him, surprisingly not all X-Cution members died though, or luckily. Kutsuzawa lost his life too on that day, another punishment of his god of time? No, he could never fully understand that guy, but so far he took his fate better than him, perhaps because of the death (or accidental murder) of his wife. 
“I wouldn’t have left Tsukishima dying...” 
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badheart · 4 years
★ SLEEPING PATTERNS MEME. For the sleepy ones!  Repost & Fill out!  
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Name: Ginjo Kugo    *       Ethnicity:   japanese / indian     *      Country:     Japan Residence:  small apartment, somewhat calm region. 
Average hours of sleep:  4 - 6 h Type of bed:  futon  Amount of blankets:  1 Amount of pillows:  1 Type of clothing:  just in his boxers, or naked if it happens :^) 
Do they sleep with company?: That heavily depends on what he did priorly, but if he ended up with some company for the night, most likely a one night stand. And he is either too tired, or drunk (or simply does not care for once), then he tends to sleep with them till morning, if possible though, attempt to leave before they wake up or hope they quietly leave.
Do they sleep with plushies?: Haha, no.
Do they sleep better with company?: Actually yes as he does not like to be alone with his thoughts, any kind of distraction is welcomed prior he goes to sleep. Though in his case it can be either another person, or too much alcohol.
Does it matter where they sleep?:  Not really. No place feels really safe for him, so due to his paranoia, it really does not matter where he sleeps, all what matters is an at least somewhat comfortable bed and not too loud outside, though he is used to the city noises but if possible, not too loud but neither too quiet.
Frequent dreams, nightmares?:  He makes sure that he barely dreams, but certainly like everyone else, he sometimes gets very odd dreams which make no sense and he will most likely forget after a few minutes once he woke up. He is not really plagued by nightmares, since again, he makes sure it does not happen. Be it through alcohol, or exhausting himself enough during the day. So he immediately falls into a deep slumber. His nightmares usually consist of the Shinigami, and the day his friends got murdered. These are luckily a rarity though but if, expect him to wake up drenched in sweat. He will immediately take a cold shower to calm himself down and most likely refuse to go back to bed after this, though depending how tired he is, may fall asleep after all. 
What do they do if they cannot fall asleep?:  Go outside, some night walk or even jogging. But definitely moving, not sitting around. 
Deep slumber or naps?:  The first, not really the type who takes naps as he is usually not tired during the day.
When do they wake up?:   Early morning, unless he is hungover.
When do they sleep?:  Sometime after midnight. If he did not spend the day with others though / too much clubbing, he can actually go at a reasonable hour to bed. 
What could wake them up?:   Unknown noises, though only if he is not sleeping deeply yet. Otherwise it could be the alarm, the sunlight, his partner moving too much. Or too hot temperature. Cold always works. 
Tagged by:   created by me :^) cuz why not. Have something simple for once asdfgh Tagging:  @ilusionis​ (tbh u the reason i came up with it, cuz i wondered how aizen sleeps, SO WHY NOT GO INTO FURTHER DETAIL HAHAHA) @equipollency​ , @pacifv​ , @windstormwielding​ , @kenpxchi​ , @despairforme​ , @hirako5hinji​ , @momxku​ , @tatarfora​ , @kazeshinigami​ , @xyuuken​, ♥ DO IT IF U BORED. 
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badheart · 4 years
Is Ginjo good at singing or drawing? c:
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He does Karaoke :^) in the past occasionally with his friends, and prior his death with Nishika a few times. Depending on the music, the tone and how he must sing, he can be fairly decent. This is the song, which often made me imagine him singing with his half sister, who is definitely better at it than him, and you will notice very soon the male part is rather short in the song and almost more spoken than sung. 
He far from perfect but he does not really care, it is amusing and usually is some alcohol involved as well on those evenings. 
Meanwhile he cannot draw at all, it was never a hobby of his or something he really tried out, sport caught more his interest! 
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badheart · 4 years
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@lcnguor​​ said: Would Ginjo actually like pizza? like, if he tries it. or italian pasta. HONESTLY, would he try and enjoy ppular non japanese dishes?
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Such questions I always find hard to answer, cause my food knowledge is basically zero and I’ve got the weak ass tongue of a german girl, I die by spicy food. I am sure though he could accept pasta but why bother with pasta, if you can have ramen? And Pizza is basically fast food in his eyes, and he is no real fan of that. Though as teenager, he was a tad more prone to try it due to his friends dragging him to such places. 
While Kugo can be pretty open, he will not actively try to get to know other dishes, even less from foreign countries, he simply has no active interest in it but is willing to try if he somehow ends up in such a situation, but catch him trying to avoid it and eat something from which he knows he likes it for sure. Meanwhile he really likes indian food but even more japanese food, it is just what he ate a lot in the end and is the most used to. Since his life at home was mostly instant food, he really appreciates well cooked meals. 
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badheart · 4 years
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME:    ginjo kugo NICKNAME:    nora calls him gin AGE:    33 SPECIES:    human / fullbringer
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil. RELIGION:  Hinduism  SINS: greed  /  gluttony  / sloth  / lust /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath. VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility  /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: revenge but mainly get answers, find out why his fullbringer comrades / friends were killed in the past, including him if he had not killed the said shinigami.    KNOWN  LANGUAGES:  japanese, indian, english 
BUILD: scrawny  /  bony  / slender /  fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average. HEIGHT:  187 cm WEIGHT: 90 kg SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS:   just one across his eyebrow, thanks to Tsukishima. ABILITIES  /  POWERS:  fullbring, some kido, swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat  RESTRICTIONS:  not sure what exactly is meant with that, but he is not really the athletic type now, he can move fast and all but don’t expect anything acrobatic. His style may also come off as not the most elegant one, more brutish.   
FOOD:   ramen DRINK:  whiskey PIZZA  TOPPING:  never ate it.  COLOR:  red MUSIC  GENRE:   rock’n’roll, jazz BOOK GENRE:     nada,  ain’t a reader  MOVIE  GENRE:   bollywood SEASON:  summer CURSE  WORD:   fuck SCENTS:   hair gel, typical man shampoo haha
    fun stuff
BOTTOM  OR  TOP:   top / switch SINGS  IN  THE  SHOWER:   no, hums perhaps LIKES  PUNS:   depends
TAGGED BY:   snatched from a random blog.  TAGGING:  @lcnguor , @levaer , @maljefe , @bleachintothemultiverse , @kazeshinigami , @elxfi , @despairforme , @equipollency , @captainrukia​ ,  its an easy meme so who else feels perhaps bored ♥
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badheart · 4 years
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@trianglecat901fluf said: Would Ginjo wish to have a best friend to understand his downs or rather be a loner?
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BIG OOF right here. I will stand by my point that Kugo is a pretty social person, how else do you manage to become the leader of the first (known) Fullbringer group. He definitely had some qualities despite some of his flaws, even more so before his group was killed off. And later, he works again in a group, while not really close to them now, on an emotional level, he certainly shows no issue in teamwork and definitely enjoys the company of others. In that regards, he is not really a longer type, but then again, he kind of is but not willingly. Soul Society pretty much ruined him with betraying him and all as he cannot really built any trust on others anymore. While I am sure, he shared his story with the other xcution members, I doubt he will ever talk about his feelings with them. He really does not want to show to anyone any kind of his weaknesses and luckily respects him Tsukishima enough (aka doesn’t dig into his past, questions him about anything really - as if, he had never stabbed him). 
The only thing Kugo really wants are answers, anything else has less priority but certainly, he does miss the times, where he was just a dumbass teenager and enjoying the life he had as much as possible with the friends he had as they meant more to him than his own family. He definitely would not mind to open up a little, just let the anger, sadness out but for that he is way too paranoid now. And again, he does not want to appear in any way broken, it would only mean that the Shinigami had won and he cannot allow that. They had already taken enough of him. And please let us not forget, he lived the life of a human and is still very much human. What do, when suddenly a supernatural organization wants your death? You cannot live normally anymore that is for sure.
Im sure, one way or another, he hoped or expected some understanding from Ichigo’s side but there was absolutely nothing during their fight. Ichigo would not say a single thing to him in that matter and thus left him wondering how things could have been, if their positions had been reserved or if things had not come down to this. They were pretty much in the same position, they could have been friends for sure but ... :/ 
Ending up in a friendship with him sure is hard these days, he really does not want to open up in the end and even if, he will not get too much into depth. He rather distracts himself with nicer things then. And in the end, talking about it, will not really help him much anyway and it is very hard, if not actually impossible, to make him forget about his revenge path. Either you support him or not, and if not, fuck off. 
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badheart · 4 years
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@fcarher​ said: how does ginjo deal with rejection ? not only in a romantic or sexual sense but in general, how would he react if he was denied something he longed for ? or if he was denied one of his achievements ?
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That depends on the person who rejects him, if it was sexual - and they were very much his type, he definitely not going to deal so well with it, he may keeps trying or ends up insulting them somewhat - he a terrible man, yes. By someone, who was just okay, he gonna be not much hurt, but it still can hurt somewhat his ego, considering they should feel blessed that he bothered with them. 
Romantic wise, if that EVER happens, then probably not well at all and you gonna fuck him up quite a bit, depending on how much he loved you. Comes close to feeling betrayed again and with that, he really cannot deal well with at all. So I really recommended to think thrice about it before starting a possible relationship with him. 
Overall, he definitely gonna be pissed, and he is a little bit hot-tempered. Sometimes he can control his feelings very well, especially when he has the upper hand, but if not ... witness his anger. He will definitely keep fighting to eventually get what he wants, even if it takes years (like with his desire to finally get answers from ukitake). He does not give up easily, but really depends on how important it is to him. 
If he were the denied the first place in a tennis match for example, because he fouled, he gonna be somewhat pissed as well, may break his tennis racket, complain later to his buddies, but that is all. Also may destroy the winner in a possible next match. Boy sure holds a grudge quite long. 
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badheart · 4 years
Angst Meme
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bold if it’s ever happened
italicize if you want it to happen (by me, if it somewhat applies)
cross out if it will never happen
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie  |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  cheated  |  bullied someone  |  punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital  |  had a near-death experience / died  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  | killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone  | loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  | been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you  | had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident  |  had sex  |  had sex with a stranger |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed |  hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  |  used someone  |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  |  been forced to smile  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying
Tagged by: @akanekishimoto, thank u  ✌️  love such stuff Tagging: @levaer , @lcnguor , @maljefe , @equipollency , @ikiruwill​ ♥ 
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badheart · 4 years
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@bookofaion​ said: What would Ginjo do if Tsuki brought up or asked him about something from his past that he maybe is not proud of or tries to forget? With his use of Fullbring on him before, there really isn't much of his past that Tsuki wouldn't know, & its mostly not an issue because Tsuki doesn't rub that info in Ginjo's face or bring it up--- but if he did, how would Ginjo take it/react?
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It is honestly something, he had expected since a while, even if it were just a small things, was the boy not a little bit curious about certain things, or really just wanted to tease him - it definitely surprised him that Tsukishima treated his memories, some he does not even recall, respectfully. That is one of the things - characteristics, he really appreciates about Tsukishima. But it also kept them more distanced, with not really talking about each other, getting to further know each other and such. 
Everything after the day, he had lost his friends, was a necessity in his opinion, perhaps not the most proper one as he joined the crime scene, and had honestly not really tried to earn his money in a more legal way in the first place, but yeah he does not feel really bad about the things he has done. Kugo had been always a rather egoistic person, and his death did not make him fully social again like his teenage self. He does not care about strangers anymore and their problems. So, he really does not feel bad about being a Scout once, or beating people into a bloody pulp, because they could not pay in due time. Neither about the people, who had to suffer through Tsukishima’s Fullbring. Nevertheless, if Tsukishima were to bring it up, Kugo would hold no desire to go into full detail, there won’t be so much pride either, it was simply his job to that time and he would drop that topic rather quickly. 
The one thing, he is not so proud of, is being once a boy, who was quite fixated upon his mother. General his parents is not something, he want to think about. Their relationship was not the worst but neither the best and sometimes, he may wonder, what they would think of him now. He definitely does not want to talk about them and would tell Tsukishima to fuck off, because that is none of his business. He already knows enough, so why must he dig deeper? So Kugo would be pretty irritated. Same goes, if Tsukishima would talk about his sexuality and the things he has done, experienced which have to do with it. Depending what Tsukishima mentions, he may even get Kugo embarrassed before enraged, yet another topic, he does not want to talk about. So all in all, Tsukishima would mostly deal with an irritated Kugo, hearing some insults, perhaps even see him leave himself, but not much more. Unless Tsukishima would keep digging, and get him even more enraged and/or flustered, then he would get violent and Tsukishima may ends up with a broken nose if not more. Kugo can only tolerate so much and if someone won’t listen, then violence is for him, the only way to settle it. And once calmed down, he certainly won’t feel proud of it, since Tsukishima is still his only friend. He really does not want to feel any more miserable. 
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badheart · 4 years
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@fcarher​ said: since i'm rlly interested; what world would kugo deem as perfect ? who would stay from the people that are in his life atm & who should go ? would there be major or only minor changes ? or does he not care about it as much? c:
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Ohh, first thing first, he does not think in a much broader sense. He is not one of those people, who want to change the world, not even Soul Society. His goal is a bit more small (selfish?), which was always to get answers from Ukitake, explain to him finally why his friends had to die on that day. Boy just wants some closure, even though he will never get over it as the past cannot be changed anymore. Aka, no peace for this man ever. 
The perfect world would probably be one without the need of Shinigami, though theoretically should Hollows not exist either then, but he likes his powers and would not wish to give up on them. There is not anyone, he really wishes to be gone, even Ukitake could theoretically stay and him just being gone would be a bit too easy. The whole mess in his past, simply should not have happened. Though, he would not wish to meet the Shinigami either, so he stays out of the Soul Society mess, but again - better no Soul Society / Shinigami whatsoever. 
A perfect world. One cliche answer would probably be world peace, no hunger, no suffering, no problems whatsoever but that would probably come close to Yhwach’s ideal world, where no death would exist either anymore. So sure a more difficult question than expected. Also there is this issue, that he does not think much about other people, even more so in other countries. 
Honestly, his life could have very much stayed the same, just no Shinigami please  ---  they literally ruined everything for him. No life is perfect but damn, he was happy once. 
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badheart · 4 years
kugo's opinion on quincy, go!
Already once answered, eli ♥ here.
But basically, since he does not know them much and they hate Shinigami, he is slightly positively neutral towards them. They definitely come off as more organized, strategic than the Shinigami, which makes them kind of appear more threatening, scary. He is not sure if he could talk so easily with them, expecting them to be all dutiful soldiers fighting for their cause. Before the Sternritter, he probably found them laughable and probably did not really know of their existence until Uryuu, perhaps they somehow learned he is a Quincy but they were probably not able to really find out what that exactly meant now. Either way, considering Uryuu could not do any damage to him, he of course does not think of those so called Quincy so highly until the war. And considering for what they fight, they definitely won his sympathy a little.
Also slightly in awe, considering what they managed. His Fullbringer group is nothing in comparison to that, then again he never intended to become an army or anything of the like, when he created it, was just there to help other Fullbringers, and feel welcomed and such. No bigger intentions.  
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badheart · 4 years
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@levaer​ said: did kugo use to train regularly when he was alive, and what about now that he stays with the shibas? does he want to get stronger, or would he rather keep a low profile?
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Considering what hellish training Ichigo underwent and not just about his Fullbring but also for his physical body, it is very likely that he did train a lot in the past (& present) and on my blog, it is pretty much a fact? He is very enthusiastic about sport, especially after developing his Fullbring, because if you do not have high stamina, you cannot use it for long - sure makes you wonder though if it only applies to certain types of Fullbring, considering some of the Xcution members really do not look like they do regularly sport and if, probably not that happily.  
And with the Shiba’s he still trains too, there had been one scene in the manga, which showed them together going to the training grounds or something, the Shiba definitely own some place, where they can go wild with their powers. Plus Kugo is still human, he cannot sit the whole day in the room and just do nothing unlike some Arrancar perhaps, who are used to not much happening. 
He definitely wants to get stronger, his paranoia is still existent and only had gotten worse the moment, he awoke in Rukongai, though once he realizes that no Shinigami is really trying to go after him (especially after Shuuhei’s visits) he will be more calm again, but even if it were not the case, he would try to get stronger. He has still a goal, and to be able to obliterate your enemies & not die again sure is handy, isn’t it? But he will try to keep a low profile too, he won’t make a scene now, actively try to win the attention of the Shinigami. He still needs some time to recover from the shock, though as usual, he will do it mostly through occupying himself and there really is not much to do in Rukongai, so he might as well focus on training more than usual.
And considering his powers, I am sure ... he could grow into a potential threat again. Fullbringer sure should not be taken lightly  ---  and in his case, he could even snatch Tsukishima’s powers away, or burrow it temporary if he wants to work more alone for a while. This power sure would help him to get maybe some answers at least.  
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badheart · 4 years
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@illdivine​ said: I've been wondering about this for awhile now! What made you decide Ginjo's ethnicity ( partly being Indian! ) and what inspired you in creating his sister?? i hope this hasn't been asked before :') jdsha I'm glad i can bother u with hcs Wooooooooo
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To put it very shortly, I wanted some nice things for him.
Theoretically I could have picked any ethnicity for him, or just keep him fully japanese. You can definitely blame Bollywood movies & the songs for me to decide on India. They always cheered me up and I found them simply beautiful, it is just so relaxing to watch these movies, and some are perhaps overdone but they are still interesting. Also when thinking of India, one definitely thinks of very flashy colors, the culture, the highly decorates outfits, it is simply beautiful. And guess being german, it is just wow for me. My country feels so gray in comparison, if it is about culture. Either way, india won my love and found my interest and connecting one of my muses with it, would actually push me to inform myself about it. Like I really enjoy the Roman Empire too but atm, since a while m not actively trying to learn more about it. Also I am very busy haha, A muse sure pushes me more. 
Kugo really loved his mother, considering she was always home, they sure could spend a lot of time, unlike with his father, who had to work most of the day. And through her, he definitely learned about his other culture a little bit, but if I really did him a favor with this in the end, is another question. Being mixed, is not always taken well, especially in school and in the end, he was raised up as very japanese. Well not really perhaps, in the end, he sorta raised up himself as his father did not bother too much, his mannerism is not the best.  ---  His culture is not a lot on his mind, and he even rarely if ever mentions that side, due to his mother. He really dislikes his parents for their divorce, considering he lost complete touch with his mother and with his father only more, it felt quite lonesome at his home now. 
And thus Nishika - his sister comes into play, because he really lacked some more easy going, happy character around himself. I just wanted him to have some more normal fun again, and enjoy his other culture again. She reminded him, how much he enjoyed the dancers in the movies, and Nishika even dances herself. Kugo definitely respects those a lot, who train their body and can make such fluent movements, it is mesmerizing. While Kugo did train a lot too, he not the athletic type now. His movements are powerful but not overly elegant now. Also they do Karaoke together, something he did more frequently in the past too, rather common thing to do in japan, though in their case, famous bollywood songs, and usually he picks texts, where she has to sing more. Nishika was very welcoming towards him, while he would not open up to her at all now, not really, maybe complain about minor issues, he still felt for once, rather quickly connected to someone and there was not a single bit of worry in her presence. It really was nice to form a bond again, where he is not plagued with paranoia. And he is definitely quite surprised about that, considering how low he thought of his family. His sister really became quite important to him. Sad thing is though, if his life depend on it, he would still save his own ass first, he certainly was not cured now, neither was she the solution of all his problems, but she was the most welcomed, little change in his life.
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badheart · 4 years
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Anonymous said: Does Ginjo play Animal Crossing or would be interested in it?
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“Should better ask Yukio...” 
When Kugo was still younger (RIP) he definitely played some video games, though he was more interested in sport games, but yeah some of his classmates, friends played video games and if they invited him over, he definitely would play with them. Usually fighting games, like Street Fighter. Also they would go to Arcade halls sometimes and he would definitely enjoy it but not in the long run, he rather goes outside. 
So Animal Crossing would be a rather stupid game in his opinion, a lot of things which can be done there, can be also done in the real world. You like fishing? Go fishing. Ahaha, of course fighting can be done in the real world too, and you bet he did as teenager, and still as adult, often visits the gym; but yeah in video games you definitely can play some cool, very skilled characters with cool moves. But Animal Crossing doesn’t offer him anything new or interesting and why are the villagers animals, but his Avatar not? Perhaps if someone is into collecting exotic animals, it is their thing, considering it is illegal in the real world. But yeah, Kugo has no interest in that and he would quickly be bored and frustrated with the slow process, so if he were ever to play it, he would probably cheat and change constantly the date of his DS (i dont own a switch, idk if it works there). I guess in great emergency, he may actually play it if he finds nothing better to do but yeah unlikely but still more welcomed than sitting quietly in his room with nothing to do. 
Meanwhile I am sure 30+ old people play the game too, but he definitely not. Once Soul Society killed his friends, he was focused on other matters as a young adult and now does not really care about video games anymore. He prefers the real world, even if those fictional ones may offer cool, interesting scenarios, he has no interest in it, otherwise he would probably read books too but he does not. He wants to enjoy life with real people around him, not artificial ones. 
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