baiika · 6 months
@bookofaion says: Tsuki vc: I have a Fullbring right here that lets me reshape any physical matter … we'll bypass the security. ✨ Moreover the Hogyoku basically made Aizen immortal right?…. That means he can be on fire for hrs on end & not die, no? 👀
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I'll LITERALLY suck you off here if you're serious. LITERALLY.
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despairforme · 8 months
// I'm curious as to what Nnoi would think about Fullbringers (the whole, half human/half Hollow aspect and all that) if he knew about them? I feel like he might have some interesting (funny) thoughts about them in general. -hands the mic off to him- //
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❝ I've met one 'a those. ❞ That didn't mean he understood the concept though. He truly didn't understand how someone could be "half hollow - half human", weren't the two opposing creatures? Then again, ALL Hollow were once human ( even him, as hard as that was to imagine ). Nnoitra kinda wondered how a Fullbringer came to be. Would a Hollow have to fuck a human woman? How would she survive? Nnoitra had been taught that it WAS possible for Hollow ( or at least Arrancar ) to procreate. Maybe it was easier for a human to fuck a Hollow? Then again --- There weren't that many female Hollow to begin with, because they never lasted long in Hueco Mundo.
❝ What I think 'bout 'em? I think that if they're half human, half Hollow, they should just try 'ta become full-on Hollow, 'n get rid 'a 'da human side. We ALL know humans are weak as fuck. ❞ That's what HE would've done if he had been unfortunate enough to be a Fullbringer. He also wondered --- HOW WOULD THEY TASTE? Like a human? Like a Hollow? Would they feel like kin, or would they be his enemy? Mah, even his own kind were his enemies so maybe that was a stupid question.
It sounded, to him, like the worst of both worlds. Being a Hollow was... Pretty bad. It wasn't an existence that anyone would WISH for. He thought that being human... That would be even worse though. Because then you'd be weak. So yeah, Fullbringer really had drawn the shortest straw, huh?
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badheart · 11 months
📝 ( alright fine - i'm ready for the pain smh lol )
Send me📝 and my muse will reveal their thoughts about your muse.
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Their first impression: Poor kid, lost boy, just like him. Alone.
Their current impression: Not sure if he should be concerned or not. Well, he would not consider himself the best parental figure anyway, but he tried, and would be proud like any other mother of their kid, or something of the like - wait forget that, this may sounded weird, but he means it. There is no hate or resentment towards Tsukishima, if anything it is more directed at himself, as he thinks he stole the (once) boy's past with his own desires. And that he died due to (following) him, does not help either, how extremely guilty he feels. Only one person should have died on that day.
What they like the most about your muse: The bickering, even if he is not overly close to him anymore, or ever really was, he still enjoys their talks and while he feels guilty, he still extremely glad not to be completely alone in this new hellish place. It is almost a shame how much their interests differ, but he sure appreciates how Tsukishima keeps tagging along after all. Bit selfish, huh?
What they dislike the most about your muse: this weird mix of obedience and disobedience, which sometimes felt very badly timed.
What your muse is for them: A friend.
A general opinion of their relationship: something possibly toxic, something weirdly wholesome, but overall not ideal, but their life never had been easy anyway. It could be worse, but also better for sure if the circumstances had been different.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: There is nothing to reveal anymore, Tsukishima knows him fully, the moment his blade went through him, even if he may not understand him all time, who knows but there is no desire to communicate his feelings towards him and Tsukishima probably knows that, they both like to avoid it anyway.
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codename-freya · 6 months
Continued from here
~*~ Better for both. She could get her retribution and he wouldn’t see the acts of violence she was capable of. His calm and patient tone reached the petite blonde and she gave him a millimeter of a smile. It was just enough to acknowledge his response.
“Probable deniability is necessary in order to not implicate oneself,” Kaisa replied, copying his tone to the best of her ability.
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The only thing that showed her intent on her plans was the darkness in those expressive mossy green eyes of hers.
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opscurus · 7 months
(( ok, my idea for a potential interaction is something from one of Tsuki's canon divergent AUs, where he survived the Fullbring arc & post-events stayed in Karakura as a college lit professor - Ichi being a lit nerd/becoming a pro translator later on could sort of vibe w/ that setup?
ex hated enemy turned your college professor shenanigans, mayhaps? ))
// chinhands I'm listening 👀👀👀 I can use my college AU!!!
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liecoris · 10 months
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@bookofaion said:
"Its dull here.... so, Miss.. ? What do your people do for fun around here? Any personal recommendations, from one bored stranger to another?"
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「Mukuro,」 she states after he gave that pause after, Miss, assuming that was his way of asking for her name,「I guess it depends on the type of person you are, I suppose。」
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She wasn't even going to think too hard about the ' your people ' comment he made, 「I like to go out drinking from time to time other times I read or draw, something along those lines, especially if I've had a rather stressful and noisy day。」
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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bleach-menagerie · 8 months
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(( like this post if you're interested in having me drop into your DMs to discuss writing/plotting something together ))
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melancholy-menagerie · 6 months
(( In an attempt to write here more and w/ the aim of writing w/ more people, I'm leaving this here hoping to be able to start some new threads and interactions together! 0v0 ))
-- Muse Fandoms present: ●Game of Thrones (books) ●Hannibal (show) ●Terra Formars ●Hunter x Hunter ●07Ghost (manga) ●The Picture of Dorian Gray (book) ●Akame Ga Kill ●One Piece ●Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) ●Hellsing (Ultimate & manga) ●K project ●Psycho-Pass ●Black Clover ●Fire Force (Enen no Shouboutai) ●Trinity Blood (manga) ●Dexter (books) ●Kuroshitsuji (anime: season 1) ●Darker Than Black ●Yu-Gi-Oh! ●Juni Taisen: Zodiac War ●Beelzebub ●Trigun (manga) ●Tokyo Ghoul (divergent) ●Buddy Daddies ●Chainsaw Man ●Jujutsu Kaisen ●Tiger & Bunny ●Bungou Stray Dogs
        check out the roster list              ~ muse bios are here ~
ABOUT this blog: its a bit of a WIP / a mixed fandom multi / contains some canon divergence (depending on verse & muse) / highly HC-based / all muses (regardless of fandom) have been adapted for anime RP / OC & cross-over friendly / may contain dark or heavy content & subject matter / 18+ ages / & on a side-blog ~       Feel free to come interact with me on my other RP blogs too!          ~They vary in activity, and feature Bleach fandom muses~                 ● my (main) Tsukishima blog: bookofaion                 ● my Bleach multi: bleach-menagerie
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check out my other blogs, and feel free to like this post if you want to discuss plotting/interactions in general on this blog (pls have at least a vague idea beforehand of which muse/s interest you)
-– Ane, the mun ))
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auburniivenus · 6 months
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"--About 'it'...?   That's too vague a form of phrasing, isn't it?       Don't you mean, about your brother?
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EUPHORIA, HUMANIZE what can be humanized. Auburn maiden trembled at the sound of his timbre. WHISPERS that lingered in her brain, like spiderwebs. It wasn’t only her beloved brother, it was everything he did. “All of it. All the conflict is still very vivid in my mind.” DOLL , a marionette in his palms.
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baiika · 6 months
important question: why hasn't Momo found an excuse to sneak into Aizen's Muken imprisonment & set him on fire??
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"They won't let me in! Something about national security and the questionable morality of repeatedly immolating an immortal jackass. Can you believe it? They let me burn, like, hundreds of Quincy invaders, but god forbid I give my ex-husband what's coming to him!"
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despairforme · 7 months
// request for Nnoi to elaborate on the nature of gay men's "vibes" pls >w> //
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❝ What more is there 'ta say 'bout it? Yanno when ya can just tell when someone's gay? I fuckin' hate that vibe. ❞ How else was he supposed to explain it? It was no secret that the majority ( but not all ) of gay men had a certain sense of femininity about them. It could be something simple like their hand gestures, the way they walked, or something more noticeable like the way they spoke. Nnoitra could almost always tell that someone was into dudes exclusively. A man embodying a feminine trait was incredibly off-putting to him. The funny thing was that this was ( as far as he'd understood ), not uncommon within the gay community. A lot of gays actually wanted to date someone masculine. Maybe they didn't find femininity off-putting like Nnoitra did, but they certainly preferred masculinity. Of course this didn't apply to everyone. Nnoitra knew that he never had problems picking up dudes. Maybe it was because they just wanted to try to be with a guy his size, but Nnoitra liked to believe they were attracted to his masculine energy. Maybe he was just projecting. After all, when Nnoitra found himself attracted to a guy, it was the manliness he was attracted to. It was why he preferred muscular guys ( preferably tall as well, it wasn't like anyone would be taller than him ), with masculine features like strong jawlines, broad shoulders...
It wasn't like Nnoitra had a problem with femininity in women. He LIKED for his women to be girly. He didn't like when women were masculine. It wasn't as off-putting as feminine guys, but it was similar.
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badheart · 10 months
Share 5 particular habits that your muse have!
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Jiro cannot remain completely still for long, he always needs to fidget with something, anything that gets in his hands reach. Reasons he is very prone to smoke, when just standing somewhere in his group or alone when outside. He honestly does not even notice, that he has that urge all the time, considering he always finds something that keeps him occupied, be it just his keys in his pocket, that he keeps fumbling with.
He likes eating sweets (to be exact hard candy), because he simply enjoys the taste, and who had thought - it keeps him (his tongue) occupied, considering he sucks on them in his mouth.
Everything needs to be clean! Though he not the most extreme case, he has no issues to step into dirty places or get dirty, but once the chance is there, he will properly clean himself. For him it is always important to smell nice, though with his nicotine consumption, his taste & smell might not be the best anymore. After one cigarette, his routine is almost for nothing, considering how smoke tends to stick to clothing. At his home, he does not smell and always makes sure his place is clean and orderly, though with a cat a bit hard to achieve at times.
Jiro is very pragmatic in a sense, that he likes to finish everything fast, and not just tasks but any kind of talks, problems. He does not dwell on the past too much, especially anything negative. He rather learns and adapts quickly, improve his self or the situation. Of course in a way, he can agree on. He does not really feel any sympathy for others (unless it is maybe something, he can truly relate on), so that might be another reason for simply wanting to get over with it and move on (ideally).
If possible, he likes to shove tasks, he does not want to do on others, which is very noticeable in his work field, despite being loyal, he is far from perfect and rather does stuff, he mostly enjoys. His higher position sure helps in that matter, and he does not even feel guilt about it. So he tends to be quite me-focused at times, trying to make the best of his life, which includes not working all the time.
tagged by: @distopea ♥ tagging: @unladielike , @dernarrleid , @bookofaion , @olympiic
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codename-freya · 8 months
Bruises and Bruising // accepting
@bookofaion said: “Where did you get those?”
~*~ She had been rubbing arnica cream into the handprint bruises on her arms. Kaisa hadn’t been expecting him to be there, to even see the bruises. As soon as he’d spoken, asking the question, her head turned, blonde hair shifting with her movement, and looked up at him. Her cheeks and eyes were red. It looked as though she’d been crying before he found her. Those mossy green eyes of hers drifted to the ground, and she made a soft noise of discontentment.
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“It’s nothing…” Kaisa murmured and pushed her sleeves down, hiding the bruising, “I'm okay... it's... it's nothing…”
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chromaticthird · 3 years
💞 -w-
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
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❝ ...really. hadn't noticed that one bit. ❞
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🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
Send in a Symbol Meme | Accepting
~Lotus plants! Again, I use the anime as reference for this but I was always struck by the scene of Rukia picking up the pink lotus plants in the river, admiring its beauty. I think that’s one of Rukia’s greatest qualities - her ability to see beauty and good even in the worst situations.  
She loves those flowers, not only because they grew in the river near the shelter she and Renji lived in but because they were resilient, growing despite the environment they were in, thrown about by the water in the river and thriving even against those odds. Rukia embodies this in her own life. ~
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bleach-menagerie · 1 year
(( In an attempt to be more active on here, I am offering folks a chance to start some new threads and interactions! 0v0 Not just here, but on my other RP blogs too! ~They vary in activity, but you can always catch me on my main~
my (main) Tsukishima blog: bookofaion
my mixed fandom multi: melancholy-menagerie -- muse fandoms are: GoT, Hannibal, Terra Formars, HxH, 07Ghost, TPoDG, AGK, One Piece, BNHA/MHA, Hellsing, K project, Psycho-Pass, Black Clover, Fire Force, Trinity Blood, Dexter, Kuroshitsuji, DTB, YGO, & MANY MORE!~
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Go check out my other blogs, and feel free to like this post if you want to discuss plotting/interactions in general on this blog! (pls have at least a vague idea beforehand of which muse/s interest you) -- the mun, Ane ))
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