#✚ a medic and her daemon ( hdm verse )
nightmdic · 8 months
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Astrid resides within Marie's lap, the golden jackal keeping a sharp eye on Asriel as he approaches.
"-Looking for something?"
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scruffypegasus · 3 years
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Sahirah Graves and Niri (Human version of Blue Fem SniperGriffin and here Daemon)
Human name: Sahirah Graves
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Daemon: Wolf- Niri TF2/MLP (Broken Mirror) Verse I'm including it here so that is will make sense about the other 'versions' of her, even if some of that might be change later)
Notes about the character:
Sahirah Graves, known in this universe as Clone S26-B , though this will be the Universe where she decided to name herself Sahirah after Clone S26-R (That's Red Fem SniperGriff) suggested that they should give themselves their own names, as they are their own people.
Sahiarh is not a clone of sniper from Team Fortress group she is a female clone of a sniper from one of the different mercenaries groups (As TF2 comic's confirmed that their are other mercenary groups that work for the administrator, though we never saw them) also I will be calling her by her Human name from here on out instead of the clone name.
Sahiarh clone memories are rather blurred and confusing, but she still inherited the skills from her 'DNA donor'.
At first she thought she was the only Female Clone Sniper, but when she came out onto the shooting range one day she discovered she A) Wasn't alone and B) She was the second Female Sniper to exist as Sheila had been made first and that they both had been made on the same day hence their clone number's were almost the same.
Sahiarh hated being compared to Sheila, which started a 1-sided rivalry between the two which resulted in Sahiarh trying to beat Sheila score at everything, while Sheila just wanted to be friends  
Blue Fem SniperGriffin/Sahirah was made as a opposite/rival to Red Fem SniperGriff. Sahirah is closed off towards other people while Sheila would like to invite other's to her secret get away camping trips. (Sahirah belongs and Poacher while Sheila becomes a Ranger)
The two did eventually become 'Friends' when Sahiarh and Sheila got attacked by the Scout Freak known as Clawfection. Sheila was badly injured and was assumed dead while Sahiarh got captured by him and dragged into his den, but she would soon be recused by the injured Sheila,  and the two got out of their Sahiarh driving them back to camp just in time for Sheila to be saved by their Medic. Since then the two were 'Friends' though Sahiarh would never admit it openly or try not to act like they weren't friends unless she was with other company that she was 'friendly With' TF2/HDM Clone AU (Go's by the clone designation S26-B)
Start's off similarly to that she is a female clone, though this time she isn't a 'Female' clone of her self as the 'original' was a women too from a Mercenary team, but she is the result of an odd glitch that can accrue where respawn will bring back a previous Mercenary instead of the 'Current' one.  So She and her Daemon were removed quickly from the team. She was brought back to (Classified) in hopes to study Sahirah and Niri closer on 'Why' this happens and what this means, thought one of the side effects of this respawn glitch is that the person that comes back usually doesn't have many or no memories at all, though in her case she and her daemon do know who they are, they just have no memories that they ever died and are confused why they are being 'studied' and basically plans to break of of the location there trapped in. They get their chance when the 'Freaks' broke containment and during the chaos she and Niri were able to break out of there cell, only to run into the 'Freak' Clawfection and it's mutant Daemon they end up fighting and while Sahirah and her Daemon put up a good fight they ended being helped out by the Clone S26-R (That's Red Fem SniperGriff) and the two work together to seal Clawfection and it's mutant Daemon in a cell before retreating along with some other escapees.
TF2/HDM Human AU
Okay so in this Universe I did originally have a different idea for her, but that's now change along with the fact I can't find what I had originally written down for her, but that doesn't matter too much as things have changed.
So Sahirah and her Daemon Niri came from a place I imagine was going through an economic depression so things had been very tough on her family during these hard times and they could no longer pay for her younger sister medicine, and as expected her sister condition got worse, while most of the family came to 'accept' that there daughter was most likely going to die, Sahirah refused to accept this and tried to find more work 'somewhere' along with her friend Sheila and her Daemon Rosni. After much trial and error the two ended up getting jobs involved in a smuggling goods and other stuff which payed well, but was a high risk job, but the two didn't mind it was a bit 'exciting' but also meant that Sahirah sister could live.
One day, they ended up crossing paths with a rival group that resulted in Sahirah getting her scars and her Daemon form staying as a Wolf (In my idea for the TF2/HDM universe Daemon don't 'settle' when people hit puberty, that it's more on the maturity/mind set of the person, but it is excepted that most people by 20 would have there daemon's settled, so if someone's Daemon hasn't then that person maybe consider 'under-developed', immature or their's something else going on with them)  Sahiarh was 16 when her Daemon settled into a wolf, but now it was too 'distinct' and recognizable and the fight had been reported and that the offertories were looking for her. So Sahirah and Niri were let go from the smuggling gang and Sheila and Rosni offer to leave with them, but Sahirah said they should stay as long as one of them was earning money they could keep her sister alive, but she and Niri had to leave before they were caught.  
I haven't work out much from here but she'll be on the run for a bit and eventually get work as a Mercenary, but always sending money home to help her sister and friend.  
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nightmdic · 7 months
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"time to return the favour."
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A brow quirks up in curiosity, twitch of a smile revealing itself on her features as she rest atop her elbows on the bed. "Oh? and what's that?"
@asrielbelacquaaaa || Sunday prompts
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nightmdic · 8 months
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"Like that." A small huff of a breath escapes her, book closing in her grasp as emerald gaze turns to him. A peaceful moment, Astrid laying curled up beside Marie's chair, a crackling of a fireplace not too far away in the room, warmth spreading to protect from the outside chill.
"I keep looking back at you instead of reading." A light tease in her words, more evident with the light roll of her gaze acompanied by a small smile.
@asrielbelacquaaaa from here
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nightmdic · 7 months
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"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." As an answer to your poll
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"Now that entirely depends on just when I'll get it back - too long, and I'll have to put down some interest on it."
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nightmdic · 7 months
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"they can't make you feel the way i made you feel" (i changed it a bit to make it fit for when she's married to Lee and Lark if you're okay with it)
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mug of tea is held gently in her grasp, despite the rising, low growl that escapes from Astrid sitting beside her. She dares to even let a moment of silence pass after his words, stealing a sip of the green tea contents before continuing.
"They've certainly made me the most happy I've been, I can assire you."
@asrielbelacquaaaa || Jealous possessive meme
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nightmdic · 8 months
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Head grants a curiois tilt as gaze watches him, emerald irises flickering from him to the notebook in his grasp. She's had her own restless nights before - trying to find various remedies to aid others, different means of treatment.
Still, a hand takes the offered notebook and dares to flicker through it, brows furrowing as she skims through the notes.
"Rest does help refresh the mind, you know." Even Even Astrid at her side grants a light nod, the daemon's own gaze focused on Stelmaria
@asrielbelacquaaaa from here
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nightmdic · 7 months
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"Don't mind me. Just enjoying the view."
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"Yea? You gonna miss me when I leave next week?"
A week left until she starts on her own ventures, a week until she starts trying to travel to help out who she can with her new title - doctor. People who need it but can't go anywhere.
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nightmdic · 7 months
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❛  it's nothing.  ❜ (for any verse you like! I can adapt to wherever with my woefully unfinished verse page haha)
"it certainly seems like something" The golden jackal daemon protest, her head granting the same curious tilt as it's human does - her emerald gaze flickering over the cut granted to his palm.
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"It looks fairly deep. . .I could get this fixed up for you."
@doctorbrown || Two words
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nightmdic · 5 months
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Sender shows up at receiver's home lat at night
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She's surprised to hear a knock at the door, not quite expecting any guest as dark brows furrow and emerald gaze flickers from her own notebook to the door. Astrid, the golden jackal daemon, also seems to rise from where she had been laying near her human at the time.
A moment passes, silent before she dares to rise, pulling the cardigan tighter around herself as Astrid follows, opening the door just enough to peak outside of her small, temporary traveling home (thanks to a rather gracious elder brother) to find -
"Asriel - sorry, I wasn't. . .what are you doing here?"
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nightmdic · 10 months
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‘ i’m sleeping on the left. ’ ( sleepover time! )
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"-Oh, that's fine, I can easily sleep on the right."
Least, she doesn't pay any mind, gaze lowering down to Astrid who confirms with a light nod of her head. It'll simply be for a night to get them both some well-needed rest.
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nightmdic · 7 months
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It's the last place she would want to go towards, but considering the trail of crimson she see's descending down the cracks of bricks in the growing downpour - it's her best option. She could possibly assist herself, search for a means of contacting someone else to aid her, but there's an uncertainlty of just how much longer she can walk.
It's evident further by how she has to stop to lean against the brick exterior of a building, a shiver running through her spine in the chill of the rain. Astrid stumbles beside her, descending to the ground unceremoniously with a whimper escaping the golden jackal.
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Arm is held close to her where crimson ichor steadily descends from the deep cut into it, brows knitting together when blurred vision catches sight of someone. . .someone up ahead, with a larger daemon. . .and she almost wonders if perhaps it's somehow her father coming to aid her. . .
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nightmdic · 1 year
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Brows furrow as gaze wanders about, a huff of light frustration escaping her until she dares to finally stop someone passing by, simply trying to get their attention with a soft, yet loud enough hello.
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“Sorry, I don’t mean to bother - I’m looking for. . .a partner of mine. A bit taller, texan with a hare daemon. I haven’t seen him since this morning. . .”
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nightmdic · 1 year
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She’s learned and heard plenty of tales of witches in her youth; even assisted a few injured ones in her travels she’s come across. Any patients she’s rarely ever turned down - unless of course, they were rather too rude to her, then she tended to leave them to their own care.
It’s not surprising when she enters her temporary home in her travels that she discovers someone already there - but it is when she notices just who it was who has entered, dark brows rising as emerald gaze takes in the familiar attire of a witch in her presence.
“Marie-“ the golden jackal speaks up, shifting to stand before Marie as though protective.
“Yes, Astrid, I see to - hi! Um, sorry - are you ok?”
@unbeleveable For serafina!
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nightmdic · 1 year
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"Don't chase the rabbit" (from serafina)
she still remembers the cool metal of cuffs digging into her wrist, remember her daemon being so far away from her. the tugging at her chest that made her want to scream, that made her want to struggle against the binds holding her were it not for the strong grips pinning her against the wall. all the questions that ring around the room, the pain keeping most of her attention.
who let you get a doctorate? where are they now? you are beyond your station, mcashten your daemon is - you are no woman of the magisterium, of christ - we can somply brand her as one.
they finally release their grip, and she stumbles to her hands and knee's, astrid just in view as she tries to crawl forward as much as she can, the bruises from days within the darkened cell ache, minor cuts still granting a light sting when she crawls forward as much as she can.
it's just enough to lightly alleviate the pain of the distance, make it more bearable between them - but then she hears it just before feeling it. the light sizzle of hot metal behind her, the panic rising in her chest as hands attempt to grip whatever they can, just to the brick beneath her palms -
she's never heard someone scream so loudly in agony, she remembers it being her own.
@unbeleveable || dont chase the rabbit
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nightmdic · 1 year
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Coat she's found is draped over herself, jackal daemon craddled close to her chest as she can feel Astrid shiver against her chest, her whimpers muffled against the material. It's only been a few hours since she was released, the material rubbing against her back bringing her teeth to grit from the touch.
Hand rises to rest heavy knocks to the door, unsure whether the door would even open or not. Astrid shifts just a bit on her arms, hiding herself furthe rin the long coat until she notices the door finally crack open.
"It's Marie. . .please, I - can I come in?"
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