txkethefall · 7 months
@asrielbelacquaaaa answered: ❛  where are you taking me?  ❜
"Up to the North, where else would I be taking you?"
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"I don't know, I don't think Lyra is up north, is she? And mom will be worried, did you talk to her?"
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viciousgold · 8 months
[ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ] ― sender wraps a soft blanket around receiver’s shoulders @asrielbelacquaaaa
Marisa gazed up at him for a moment, a crack in her mask of iron showing through. Her features were soft in that moment. Fragile and delicate.
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"Thank you." she murmured quietly. She had met Asriel a few months ago, and though her complicated affair with him was the closest thing she ever had to a real relationship, Marisa still struggled to show him an ounce of vulnerability. But tonight had been different. Earlier today, something had managed to get under her skin, and it almost seemed like Asriel sensed it. Clearly, something was bothering her with how pensive she had been tonight. "I'm fine, really." she insisted, feeling the need to assure him.
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nightmdic · 8 months
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Astrid resides within Marie's lap, the golden jackal keeping a sharp eye on Asriel as he approaches.
"-Looking for something?"
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kissofthemuses · 14 days
Hi, yes,
This is an adoration (and def not a callout for these death memes that hurt) post for @toxicmalicex and @asrielbelacquaaaa for making my day both better and worse all at once.
Y'all's portrayals are topnotch and beautiful and I thought it deserved some public love. 🥰
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kingofthewebxxx · 4 months
🖕🖕 (with love from the mun)
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“So rude Lou! I am having an aggressive discussion with my HR department and they shall be in touch, never underestimate the power of Asriel’s madness people, it’s gotten to poor Lou! Oh well, guess it just means I will have to do something until they learn their place. Kisses!”
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thecockysniper · 3 months
Asriel has won his war and managed to survive his fall into the abyss. After recovering all his injuries, he needed answers to his questions. So how bliss he was to find Jim's personal sniper. He looked around, glad not to see Moriarty around, and walked closer to Moran. "I don't think we ever get the chance to properly introduce ourselves." He held out his hand for the other man to shake. "Asriel Belacqua. Nice to finally have the chance of a proper chat with you. I have a lot of questions for you."
Simiria had spotted him, so he isn’t surprised when he approaches him. Taking one last drag on his cig, he flicks it away, exhaling the smoke out the side of his mouth as he turns toward the man. Grips the other’s had firmly, “Little surprised to see that you’re walking about. Heard you had a bit of a fall,” he said, giving him a tight smile. “You can ask your questions, but no promises that I’ll answer them.”
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oakthcrn · 7 months
@asrielbelacquaaaa sent: "You're not nearly as delightful as you think you are."
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❝ You're right, I am much more delightful than you give me credit for. ❞ Lark replied without even sparing a glance at Asriel. Instead, she studied her nails, Marie had gotten her a beautiful shade of nail polish, a beautiful blue.
❝ Why are you here, Asriel and not dying under a rock? ❞
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curamorte · 7 months
【 @asrielbelacquaaaa 】 ♡ 。°.
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For a minute, Elouise simply stands in the ornate doorway, simply watching. A part of her just wanted to take a moment to catch her breath-   she'd hate to have greeted Asriel so dissheveled. When she'd heard of his arrival, his visit back to Jordan, she dropped everything at once and made her way to the college. After all, it wasn't like he was known for his stays.
How she'd like to take a photogram. Asriel in his moment of stilled peace, a rare sight indeed. A thought that pulls a smile onto her lips and pushes the courage forward to finally step a little further into the doorway. She reaches around, knocking gently on the wood to make her presence known. Amadeus even sidles in with her, lumbering paws surprisingly quiet along the floorboards as he walks in front of Elouise.
       ❝ Hope I'm not interrupting, ❞   she smiles.
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luminescenc1e · 7 months
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People react to near-death experiences differently, that much was clear from my time as a nurse during World War two. It was not uncommon for the men to feel almost delirious, relieved to be alive, and a bit loopy from blood loss. Flirting was definitely one way to come back to consciousness. “ I’m afraid I’m far away from an angel, but you will leave. Do not move. ”
Bringing a cloth that had been boiled, it was carefully placed over the wound on the man’s leg. “ Do you know where you are? Do you remember your name? I have to make sure that you also don’t have a concussion. Luckily, you do not have any internal bleeding. That was your saving grace, sir? ”
asrielbelacquaaaa asked: "It seems I've died and gone to heaven those wounds were worse than I thought. At least I have a pretty angel by my side. Hello angel." (For your Claire Fraser)
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txkethefall · 8 months
@asrielbelacquaaaa liked for a starter:
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"I mean I've seen Lyra around, I wouldn't exactly call us friends," Percy admitted. "I've only been in the area a year."
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birdonawiresara · 8 months
Continued from here:
Sara smirked, “I always have a plan. I just hope you’re not afraid of heights.” With that being said, and while keeping a firm hold on him, she crashed through the nearest window - making sure that she turned so that she took the brunt of the impact. Then they were free-falling...until they weren’t. She used her silks to latch onto the nearest cable, swinging them down to the ground, not wasting a second as she looked back up. The men were still there, were already working on finding their own way down, “...And now it’s time to run.”
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nightmdic · 7 months
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"time to return the favour."
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A brow quirks up in curiosity, twitch of a smile revealing itself on her features as she rest atop her elbows on the bed. "Oh? and what's that?"
@asrielbelacquaaaa || Sunday prompts
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aercnaut · 8 months
asriel: hey --
at least two witches, a lady doctor, a texan, a criminal mastermind, asriel's baby mama, and a sassy preteen at any given point:
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kingofthewebxxx · 5 months
"Deep down, you're just a sad little child seeking for approval, aren't you Jim?"
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Make assumptions about My Muse and they’ll tell you if it’s true or false.
“Wouldn’t that be good for you if I was! After all that is all you seem to do, search for the broken, those who have lost their way and give them some twisted form of purpose, do you truly believe in what you are doing is right? Or that it is mainly so you can sleep at night. False sweetheart, I don’t need the approval of anyone, got over that sooooo long ago! Do try to keep up, or is it beyond your brain capacity? No wonder I get so dangerously bored! Sending my love, kiss kiss”
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thecockysniper · 3 months
Continued from x || @asrielbelacquaaaa
His lip pulls back into a grin and there was a glint in his eyes, “I think you ought to look into a mirror if you want to see a moron.” Let’s out a chuckle, shaking his head a little. “Do you really not understand the message? He sent him after you. And you’re welcome, by the way, for not just fucking offing you like I should have.” Simiria, who’d been sitting calmly beside him, seems to grow bored and lays down. They don’t know much about what Jim was doing with Asriel, and they wonder if he might enlighten them. After all, the man’s already underestimating him.
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secondbetrayer · 8 months
@asrielbelacquaaaa | continued from here
Lyra had in fact had the thought that it would have been her if it hadn’t been Roger, but that hadn’t abated her anger. And now hearing it confirmed by Asriel, if anything, just made her more angry.
“You really are like my mother. No wonder you liked her.” Lyra gave a light shake of her head, letting out a bitter laugh. “Perfectly fine with killin’ other kids but not me. She didn’t even bother with me at all for years and you barely saw me, so I don’t understand why I’m so different.”
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