#✝︎   .   ⌜ memes ⌟   .   𝐨𝐡  𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫  𝐢  𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰  𝐲𝐨𝐮  𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥.
cldhrbour · 4 months
" you're getting blood on the carpet. " - @dustwife
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oh. well. looking up from the floor , serana breaks from her meal. surprised. and a little amused. the few times she's been caught in this rather private and compromised position , it was something more akin to screams of horror or gasps of shock. followed by a chase. some influencing to forget what they saw. in truth , it was a whole ordeal. one she was , frankly , glad she wouldn't have to repeat this time around. that thrill of chase had been quelled over the past few centuries.
" apologies. . . " is muttered after a dramatic swallow of her meal , finally looking at the supposed mess she was creating. not particularly large , this one , but there was certainly a small pool forming. with care , she lifts the body with ease , bringing it first to a part of the floor where there wasn't carpeting , where the cleanup would be easier , then returns to assess with a better eye. wiping the corner of her mouth in the meantime. " if you find someone to clean it , i can pay the price. " there's a particular nonchalance to her tone. as if she knew it'd be an easy fix through years of practice. of making the same mistake before.
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cldhrbour · 5 months
[ 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 ] : sender takes a hold of receiver's both hands. - @recitedemise
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the elevator SHUDDERS to a halt. gates opening with a screech. the only sounds that broke an otherwise agonizingly quiet ride from grymforge to. . . well wherever the hells this was taking them. their friends begin to file out of the small space , and as serana begins to follow suit she feels a hand reach out and clasp to her own. keeping her from moving. a silent beg. please. talk to me. i did it for you. i only ever did all of this for you. and when she looks back , those eyes like fire gazing into warm pools ( they remind her of chocolate or more appropriately the polished wood of a walnut bookcase lit in ambient firelight ) for the first time in a couple days her resolve cracks. just enough. just enough for him to pull her in ; he waves the party to keep going , that they'd catch up , and he keeps her here by encompassing pale fingers within his own.
she refuses to look down at them , no she's holding his gaze. because all it is , is proof. veins black with tar. tips of his fingers darkened and she knows it's only worsened over the hours. ( a battle with some spawn sent by harkon had ensued on the way here and she watched him so closely. would purposefully cast before he could. still without a word spoken to him. ) he'd notice by bringing her close that there was a significant change in temperature. he'd see , even in the dark that now surrounded them as they neared the shadowed lands , the pale stone sitting pretty in the gentle dip between her collar bones. THIS. CURSED. THING.
you've battled with yourself these past few days. you've wanted to RIP IT OFF and throw it into the molten fires of the forge because maybe , by the blood just maybe the fates would be kind enough to pull the weave from between it's melting molecules and give it back. drip a few measly droplets back into his well. but you can't , can you ?? because if that doesn't work you've wasted what he's given up and you could never do that because you ───
he sings songs of apologies. waxes on about how lonely the past couple of nights were without her there. they're pretty words. if he were a bard , they'd tug sweetly at her heartstrings. " gale , please. . . " how could he not understand ?? this isn't what she wanted. as gracious as the gesture was , as they all had been , if she'd known the cost she'd never ─── " it was never about what it was. . . gale. it was about what it meant. maybe to you it was a kind gift to a friend ─── " something done to show how much you care about someone , how much you listen. " ─── but to me. . . now all i can think of is the LOSS tied to it. "
a hand pulls from his grip , gently and delicately , reaches up to cup the cheek of her sallow-skinned wizard. he's fading , there's hardly any light behind his eyes anymore and your heart so full wails inside. " i don't want . . . gods gale i would have NEVER asked for a trinket to keep me warm , nor a spell to see myself again , nor any other moment you've given me if i knew it was at the cost of you. it's a price i'd never pay. " and you took that choice from me. ever since the night. that one. where they traded the most delicate ice lace. when her hands pressed the dirts of coldharbour into his. it wasn't about the magic. it never was. no , this was about two souls lonely and desperate for someone to understand. two people who only knew value of what others wanted from them. two wielders of magic , no matter its source , just sharing a moment together. falling.
silence again. they hold to each other , fingers grasping tightly. ( she'd press kisses to each one if she could , how she was desperate to take the pain away. to give him back that which he holds most dear. ) here she feels a moment in the space between them , a flicker as if the weave were finally giving out. her forehead presses against his , thumb running along the dark shadows beneath his eye , trailing down the delicate lines and she wonders if she'll ever see them grow brilliantly purple again. lips whispers away from each other. his name echoes around them. breaking the tension. like the snap of a piano wire. were they to take a couple steps and peer out of the elevator they'd see their friends. and in the dark , in between the small semi-circle the group had made ─────
───── there stood a rather elderly man giving the most gentle wave.
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cldhrbour · 4 months
[ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 ] : sender is asking if they can touch receiver sexually. - @wolfbrawn
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heavy breaths fill farkas's room. gentle kisses a percussion that breaks soft moans. perched in his lap , the wolf's face is cradled by pale , cool hands. it'd been best. leaving the party behind. there was no need to heavily pet each other in front of the others , despite the shadows they'd kept to. and her wolf was hungry tonight. she could tell. maybe she was a little bit too. RAVENOUS. clothes had been discarded in an attempt to get as close to each other as they could. it wasn't working. it wasn't enough. days and weeks and months had passed , yet their appetite was growing and growing.
how polite he'd been. temptation digging its teeth in. every once in a while she'd feel him. the way his hands , on her thighs and the round of her buttocks , would twitch. would grip just a little harder. keeping them from wandering without her say. press her in to him as her hips would roll. by the gods he was addictive. blood of fire and freedom , of wind in his hair and adrenaline. he'd been so patient with her. up until now they'd steal themselves away with promises of laced kisses and whispered words. in some moments delicate and soft. in others , esurient as if nothing would satiate until they had every molecule of each other. always ending before they completely consumed the other. even on the roads by themselves. nothing but heated kisses. skin against skin. up until now it'd been enough. something about tonight , she needed more. more of him. to give more of herself. she feels the way his hand skates up. nestles right at the crease of her hip and grips into the plush , soft skin with a soft 'please'. whimpered in the same way she's heard so often before. and denied.
no longer.
reaching between their bodies , serana takes his hand and instead of leading it politely back to where it had been , she brings it to waters uncharted. " yes. i want to feel you tonight. . . i need to. " calloused fingers that knew battle and rage are pressed into the sweet apex of her thighs. she sings for him. the softest sigh , prettier than anything she's moaned against him before. honey dripping. where before the rolling of her hips was lazy and unguided , the moment his thumb circles around her clit she finds her purpose. " that's it. . . " she groans. head dipping back. he takes the opportunity. lips wrapping around exposed skin , teeth digging in. of course he elicits another rippling moan. he's found his too. the feast could begin. her claws grip to his hair , letting him lead the pace as she rides his fingers.
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cldhrbour · 1 month
❛  we'll just have to make do.  ❜ // bg3 verse? making camp somewhere sucky maybe like the bog around ethel's house or smth nsdjfks ALSO HI HELLO <3 - @maremortus
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she'd how unfortunate some places above ground could be. the red hats were the furthest thing from what she'd had envisioned as her first meal after waking even after all these years , their blood kept the rather sour taste you'd get from rotting milk. yes , valora was right. they'd have to make do. the outskirts of the swamp were better. there was a freshness amidst the suffocating dank as if the sea were doing it's best to penetrate through the evil of the hag.
blood was blood. any and all kinds will do the same thing. what had stalked in the night a sallow-skinned corpse , encased in shriveled flesh and lackluster hair , came back with plump cheeks and filled out form , eternally sealed in the summer of her years.
little did she realize that the problems had only just begun. as everyone was beginning to set up camp , it dawned on her that she'd have nowhere to rest. sleeping tonight would be out of the question all things considered , yet it still meant there was no tent , no set of blankets to call her own space. the same thought must've hit valora as well , because as serana cast her eyes up to the shimmering stars for the first time in eons , she feels a set of fingers brush on her shoulder [ ... ] tentative as if not wanting to interrupt her moment. the other hand sweeping to what serana assumed was valora's own tent. two bedrolls set at a respectable distance. we'll just have to make do ringing out again. there's a tight nod of acknowledgement , eyelids sliding closed in thanks as her chin dips down. " you're too kind , thank you , but i think i've had enough sleep for a while. i'll keep watch while you lot rest , hm ?? a chance to prove you can trust me. "
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cldhrbour · 1 month
“ I could not be caged. ” // I’m going TO CRY - @mortange
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no. no he couldn't , could he ?? there's so much of armand that serana had come to admire , but most specifically it had been this. a rather indomitable will. whenever he'd been kind enough to indulge her curiosity , provided the quid to her pro quo , she'd found herself rather ENRAPTURED to his every word. whether she agreed with the paths he'd narrate that he'd take , the journeys he'd recount [ ... ] was inconsequential. who sat next to her now , fingers wrapped around his own glass of crimson , amber eyes locked onto the fireplace before them that crackled brilliantly , punctuating moments of silence as they spoke ;; this man , unfettered by inexorable chains that wished to wrap about his ankles , she quite liked.
" can not , not could , " she politely corrects. wine glass lifts to her lips , her own eyes , like his , fixed on the MESMERIZING dance of small inferno she'd started when he'd arrived. only when she feels that he's looked over to her does she return in kind. a warm smile lifting nacreous-skinned features. " what ?? you've grown only stronger with age , wouldn't you say ?? i can't see a world in which someone could contain you. "
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cldhrbour · 4 months
“You make my heart beat so quick.” – from Farkas! - @decidentia
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raucous laughter fills the hall. for those that weren't out on a job , and many who had just arrived home , the group of companions were enjoying a home cooked meal from tilma. on the end of the table, serana sat , leaning back rather casually on her hands while farkas stood before her. excitedly REGALING the tale of the hargarvens he'd just put down for terrorizing poor rorikstead. she'd had a rather toothy smile the entire time , his own demeanor infectious. enough so that she hadn't noticed how comfortably he'd settled between her legs that were dangling off the edge. nor the way his free hand - the one not pouring more ale into his mouth - had rested against her thigh , a thumb idly running back and forth.
when the cup was set down next to her , he seems unsure what to do with his now digits. not that it mattered , she was still smiling up at him with a look at could be described as ADMIRATION but peel back the layers of insecurity and maybe you'd find something else there instead. " oh i don't think it's me. . . " she chuckles at his confession. the words bouncing off of her like rain slipping down the leaves of a tree. " you've had quite a lot to drink. " a hand reaches up , patting his shoulder that was free of armor. " and you should. it sounds like you did a great thing today. i wish i'd been there. "
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cldhrbour · 2 months
[ GRIND ]:  sender  grinds  on  receivers  thigh. - @wolfbrawn
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finding farkas after the short fight hadn't been hard and over time had become driven by near instinct for the undead woman. despite the distance the harkon-sent vampire spawn had made him chase , listening for the labored breathing of the beast amongst the now silent forest proved simple. one moment , he's alone , hot breath steaming against the cool , skyrim air , and the next serana is standing beside him , resting corpse-white fingers onto the broad plane of the were's head. " we're done. they're all dead. "
it's always a toss up on his state after shifting. some nights the adrenaline waned enough that the wolf was simply back to normal. a few nuzzles at her safety , a want for food , and enthusiasm to regale the latest events as if she hadn't been just around the bend. ( not that it mattered , she always listened with earnest patience. ) other nights , not so much. tonight , she supposed as he moved to hold her , to kiss her , was one of those. he's nothing short of hungry with need, the way pewter eyes regarded her a feast. their kissing devolved to all fever and teeth , fingers desperate for purchase 'pon skin. when the tree meets her backside , she's grateful , it was always better to have some semblance of stability. she knows what he wants. what he's looking for. and oh how she hates denying him.
" not just yet , pup." she must be deplorable in how she delights at the desperate moan those words elicit , that she hears right next to her ear as dull enamel tugs pointed tips , the tightened vice grip on her waist that she feels digging into plush flesh. not at the denial , no. that wasn't what she savored like a fine wine. it was what it meant. it was the way his entire hulking being was filled with the desire to worship and please , yet here he was , unable to find release. he needs her. needs this. what kind of lover would she be if she couldn't find another way. still pinned against the oak , pale fingers cradle his face , giving in to the storm once again when their mouths meet. " how badly do you need me ?? " the words are near swallowed between their devouring and she's met with another whine , more pressure from his body. he's begging her to feel that need. don't make him say it. and she does feel it. feels him hard against her thigh , overcome with the want for any friction. so she pushes back. treats him to what he wordlessly asks for. lets her leg rub between his and adjusts as he almost collapses against her , head dropping to her shoulder , hot breath cascading down her skin in waves. clued in , farkas cradles her against his chest , teeth gripping her neck as he begins to take advantage of her gift and rut.
" someday , poor thing , " serana croons into his ear as he works , threading dove-white fingers into the silk of his hair , doing her own part to meet his rhythm with her thigh. " just imagine how good it'll feel. " a feral whimper thunders against her shoulder in response. " so buttery and soft and you'll smell like me for days. " she's rewarded with another fervid whimper. a more desperate tempo. and heady panting mixed between it all. " is that what you want ?? do you want everyone to know you're mine ?? " her head twists , tongue lapping just beneath his ear to catch the sweat pooling there , relishing in the sting of his teeth as he stayed latched on to her , the soft panting that mixed with his breathy whines she almost thinks is better than the sex ever would be. all hunger and need. " good boy. . . keep going. you're mine. you're safe. you can come for me. " her tone sits low in her chest , warm and thick like honey. and it takes little else. once again serana's sandwiched hard between the rough of the oakwood and the dense muscle of his body that shudders against her upon release. this time she's prized with a deep , reverent groan that vibrates against her skin , that echoes their forest-tufted clearing , a grip from rough , calloused hands that's sure to leave momentary bruises on her waist , that ripped some of the bark behind her as he trembled above serana.
all because of how badly he wanted , no , NEEDED her.
farkas slackens against her , releasing her moon-kissed shoulder , the wind cold against the spittle that dribbled down her flesh leaving indents of his teeth and goosebumps in it's wake. once his breathing slows , serana's quick to embrace him , to lead him down onto the forest floor to rest , peppering sweat-stricken face with kisses , softly combing the hair from his face , anything to reward him for listening despite his condition. " i promise , one day we'll know each other fully , " crooning , their lips meet , feverish , a wax-seal on her promise. setting it into stone. " until then , i'll have you know you are quite beautiful like this. . . messy and needy. . . let's get you out of those breeches and cleaned up. "
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cldhrbour · 2 months
[ TRAIL ]:  sender  leaves  a  trail  of  kisses  down  receivers  stomach. ❤ - @recitedemise
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he plants her softly in the garden of silk sheets and pillows that cover her bed. fertilizing her with languid kisses as if his whole intent was to commit every spot of her skin to memory , as if he alone in doing so could nurse the garden of her back from wilting away. every once in a while he's gifted with a contented sigh. a thick hum that sings in the cage of her ribs , and in a low , velvety timbre she breathes " so hungry , aren't you. . . " their eyes meet briefly in acknowledgement , the both of them bleeding reverence before he continues his pilgrimage. he's crafting a storm on the canvas of her dermis. across the expanse of her collarbones , traversing dove-white arms only pausing to catch plush flesh between dull teeth. though it may not leave marks 'pon her skin , they're sparks amongst the skating of his hands that sends ripples through her tidal wave , the tracing of his hair as it falls past his face raining porcelain gooseflesh in its wake. to that end , serana reaches , tucks the silk of brown away so she can keep watching the desperate need creasing into his brow as he works. content to watch as she would any other artist. he's just pathed the sensitive skin beneath her breasts , settling into her sternum where he begins his voyage south to feast and taste the bounty of her pliant stomach as if she were a fully ripened summer's peach. oh , she breathes , if only she could bottle this love , this worship , for days when he was much too busy to take his time with her. for when he didn't have until the wee hours of the morning to commit to her memory how his tongue felt tracing the silvery scars that marred her hips.
time blurred , their room only a melody of serene moans and kisses tenderly punctuating the silence. so this was how it was supposed to be. this sacred moment. ( not how she'd described to gale her only experience prior to him , how it was void of any emotion outside of her fear and bal's desire to claim. there was no avoiding it when he'd first seen her bare , traced the swell of her hips so delicately. there'd been a look in gale's eye at the time that she wasn't quite sure what to make of , but now , here together like this , she thinks he'd given himself the job to take extra care and erase all preconceived notions he possibly could. no , she'd only think of HIM now when she traced those marks absently. not her god. not anymore. he could take that place. ) her loose grip tightens against his scalp and gale's head is lifted firmly , yet gently from his ministrations to look up at her. veneration painted on his face , serana delights in the little ardent whimper that sticks sweetly in his throat , percussed by the thundering beating of his heart.
" how beautiful you are with your lips flush. . . " the vampire muses , absentmindedly running her thumb along the swell of his mouth. he'd given her everything. his trust. his devotion. his life. how she longed to return it to him in kind. to fill his well with that which overflowed in hers. crimson eyes seep adoration as she looks at him nestled between her legs as if he's nothing short of holy. they've equally taking on dual roles of god and worshipper and that , serana thinks , is exactly how it's ought to be. " speak to me your poetry , pretty thing. i want you to hear how you make me sing. i want you to hear what you do to me. " whisper your prayers to the skin of my thighs.
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cldhrbour · 2 months
[ silence ] sender and receiver comfortably exist in silence together, both of them working or reading or focusing on something different - @raveneques
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the storm rages outside the castle walls. wind tore at the mortar between the stone , rain pelted on fogged windows. in the dead of night , a flash of light would ripple across the sky , the world shaking moments after. a perfect kind of night to sit inside where it was safe and warm. and definitely not wet. aedraaf had just finished placing the logs , the only sound to punctuate their silence the gentle crackling as the wood fibers split from the heat of the flames. still comfortable in her chair , serana turned a page from her book.
rubied eyes don't even lift as he moves about. as he settles in his chair on the opposite corner of the fireplace. don't lift at the light clattering sound as he shifts to grab something. they only peer up at him when one gentle note pierces the air. as it warbles to find purchase on the right tone. lips twist up. he fiddles with the knobs , the tuning barely any louder than the howling of the wind. so she continues reading for a few pages. listening to the aligning of chords , the soft sound of a rag on wood so the instrument could be polished properly. " don't let my reading stop you , " serana hums , flipping another leaf from her book. " i haven't heard ambient music played in a while. i quite miss it. " it was always hard to read and play your own instrument after all.
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cldhrbour · 2 months
feed: for my muse to offer up their neck/wrist for your muse to feed from. - @selunyte
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it isn't out of distaste that the vampire waves the offer away. very few have the honor of being considered 'not to serana's taste'. she's always been somewhat of an 'equal opportunity' drinker. and she realizes the simple gesture may have come off as such almost immediately , because before eira can take her arm away , her hand is captured in a gentle , if cold , hold between serana's hands. crimson eyes glimmer when the moonlight catches them just right , casting a soft expression across her features. one , she hopes , conveys such an inclination. but just in case- " i couldn't , eira. "
even though she could. food was scarce out in the northern skyrim wilderness. it was why rargal had such teeming forces scattered throughout all the holds in order to snatch up any thralls they could find and bring them back across the icy waters of the ghost sea. ( many times she'd risk asking her father why an island of all things , one with no land or people to claim , and many times she was met with a most displeased frown. ) and while these past few days she was on the edge of hungry most consistently , serana really couldn't imagine taking the healer's lifeblood. not without flashing back to the cold , dank cells she was used to feeding from. no. it was much easier to snatch up the occasional snow fox or ( if they were lucky ) wolf. at least until they could come across some hideout of bandits where she felt no remorse for tearing into their throat and having her fill. until they were just as frigid as her. " your offer is most kind , but i must decline. i'm afraid even a small bit wouldn't be enough to satisfy. and much worse , the thought of having to stop. "
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cldhrbour · 3 months
[ braid ] sender braids receiver's hair (you probably knew this was coming) - @hircineswrath
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while it may not have been as loud as the cavernous ribs of the hall itself , the conversations just outside as the stars glittered amidst the clouds above were still just as raucous. what was strange was serana's own contribution to it. the night had started simply enough with the unlikely pair wanting the silence as they sat together with his newest stack of tomes to offer her. ( suffice to say she was ravenous ever since waking , thirsting after the stories and histories within each text that she'd missed out on ) yet as the minutes ticked by , more and more of the other companions filed out to also bask in the first night of midyear , where it was finally warm enough to wear simple clothes and sit by a fire.
whatever she'd been reading had been lost to her , abandoned in her lap. it wasn't until she felt the warm caress of battle-calloused fingers tuck stray strands of her hair out from her eyes that she'd noticed vilkas had too. not that it stopped her engagement. she'd only shifted a touch closer on their shared bench , his legs opening to let her in. once they'd finished adjusting he'd set to work. loosening the old braids at her hairline until they fell apart. ready to plait her new ones. outside of the occasional huff or one-word interjection , vilkas seemed to have very little to say. though there were moments when serana was a bit too animated , moving a bit too much , and she'd feel a gentle , yet firm , tug. a silent command to settle down or else she'd ruin the work he was so diligently attending to. ( would she be considered DEPLORABLE if she'd done it the few extra times just to provoke him into pulling again ?? )
a soft sigh escapes her when finally , it seems , after all this time , she can finally relax. muscles ease. her posture loosens. here , in the presence of wolves , she feels as if she belongs.
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cldhrbour · 3 months
[ necklace ] sender helps receiver with the clasp of their necklace from behind – you know it can be romantic!! - @wolfbrawn
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it'd become a part of her now. the iron that casted the most gruesome grin , encircled around her neck. ever the reminder of who exactly she'd belonged to. winter had wrapped it's callous fingers about skyrim and for days they'd been stuck in snowfall. finally , just before the sun set , had the heavy flakes finally rested for intermission. and , as luck would have it , during their travel down to riften for a job, they had timed it perfectly that they'd be passing through eastmarch , littered with hot springs. it's a bit comical , she thinks , that two creatures encased in bodies of vastly different temperatures ( who had no need for regulation like mortals did ) still found solace in the embrace of the hot springs amidst a frostbitten night.
once undressed she'd slipped beneath the waters , letting the warmth envelope her and it was only then that she'd realized she'd forgotten to remove her. . . well it was a collar for all intents and purposes , wasn't it ?? it should've been easy enough to unclasp. reaching up , her attempts were futile between her inability to see and how slickery her fingers had become from dipping into the springs too early. ready to give up and just continue warming up without bothering to take off molag's visage , serana's attention flitted about to find farkas , only to feel him come up behind her with an embrace. a damp kiss to nightfall hair is almost distracting enough for her to not feel the gentle tug at her throat as the necklace is loosened. he's pressing calloused fingers about nearly perfect bone-white skin , but she's used to that by now isn't she ?? finally. SHE'S RELEASED. even if only temporarily. winter-chilled air kisses her neck seconds before warm lips paired with the brush of the halo of shadow that danced across his jaw take over. hopes that he hadn't simply dropped the tribute of a necklace into the pool flittered away like the scattering of birds.
he's a picture of adoration and tenderness. turning her around, the wolf nuzzles at her cheeks , leading her down so they could sit and be more completely enclosed in the heat of the pool. " thank you. . . " she murmurs against the brush of his hair as he continues to paint her with kisses and nips ──── refusing to take his mouth from flesh as if he'd been waiting days to eat her up. the suggestion of giving each other a wash dies in her throat. such a thing can wait. for now she was happy to be consumed in silence as night cloaked them.
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cldhrbour · 3 months
“ You are safe here. ” - @hircineswrath
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what a concept. SAFETY. a place where you feel protected. . . not at risk. how long had it been since the castle. . . the place you once called home felt safe ?? where you walked the halls with a confidence that lived deep in ancient bones. the people that had surrounded you were family , they'd never consider a knife to bury into the heart of the coven's own princess. no , that changed the second murmurings of bygone prophecies echoed in stone walls. and now. . . well there was no going back until the problem was addressed at the root.
serana hadn't meant to give off the air of someone who wasn't grateful for the accommodations made considering the extenuating circumstances , and much less to seem as if she had felt unsafe in any regard. then again , when you deliberately cast yourself off to the side during group gatherings. . . when your instinct is to make yourself as little of a burden to others as possible. . . it was no wonder someone felt they had to say something. maybe she's just surprised it was vilkas out of everyone else that did so. porcelain fingers wring together , running the pads along the sharp edges of too-long nails. " thank you. " what an insufficient phrase. gods , it was utterly lacking in serving how gracious she'd felt these past few weeks. jorrvaskr wasn't just a barricade of wood and steel ─── but that of hardened minds and sharpened teeth. were she to relax , she'd realize it was , perhaps , the safest she'd felt since turning to begin with. " i know it's been hard for some , " finally crimson eyes lift to meet his golden that tower over her , pointed in her words , " but the effort isn't without notice. i'd only hope for one day that i could return the favor in kind. if fate is auspicious. . . maybe with less grim stakes at hand. "
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cldhrbour · 4 months
❛ i wanna be gone. i wanna run so far, i'd beat the morning. ❜ - @priestbit
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" perhaps you could. . . " they sit together in the middle of the modest park. the sun having just set. kids are being led by their parents towards cars that will bring them to the safety of their homes. couples and friends enjoying the warming air of changing seasons with a walk around the perimeter. dogs chasing after their final ball throw of the day. the hood that had been up around her face was pulled down to rest on her shoulders. " you certainly have the time. but morning always has a tendency to catch up to you. maybe not tonight. eventually , though , IT WILL. "
they sit in silence. minutes ticking by until she speaks again. " forgive me , i've just found over the years that running from problems seems to really only make them last longer. they may disappear temporarily. but they are ghosts nonetheless , there to HAUNT YOU until you face them. " it's a gamble , but she reaches over to rest her hand upon his , to give it a reassuring squeeze. " i could help you face them if you'd like. if you'd rather not do this alone. "
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cldhrbour · 5 months
" did you try to make me dinner ? " - @ulfhrafnx
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TRY. in the situation that lira had walked into , that was the most operative word she could've chosen. granted , a few minutes ago it'd been arguably worse. the room had a winter chill to it , the window of the kitchen open to let the smoke out. where had the smoke come from ?? the pitiful thing in the sink. once upon a time it was a steak. some potatoes and beans in the oven were dried to near crisps. but she was wildly out of practice , wasn't she ?? ( centuries of it in fact. ) there's a bit of embarrassment flushed on her face. lips twisted into a discontented scowl. you try to do something nice , despite the fact that you haven't needed to cook a meal in ages and it nearly burns the kitchen into a cinder.
" i erm. . . i ordered food to be delivered. i don't think anyone should be subject to whatever this was. " the rag she'd used to stifle the flames , the one that was SCORCHED now , was tossed onto the table in defeat. a huff escapes her as her fingers come up to rub her temples. " i hope you like thai. it always smells delightful when i pass by the shop a few blocks away. already paid for. just don't let me get this idea in my head and do something like this again. "
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cldhrbour · 5 months
" do you remember how it used to be ? " - @endawn
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she takes in a deep breath , exhales it immediately after. HABIT. even after this long , in order to keep up appearances , you can't just leave breathing behind despite not needing to do so. clawed fingers reach up to pick away at the skin of her lips as she ruminates. eyes flickering back and forth. " i think so. " her hand heavily falls into her lap. in defeat. " i have memories. i can recall things over time. " but how much of it is truth , and how much is just what you want it to be ?? were you really swept up in skirts by a father who came home from a long trip you knew nothing about ?? or have you replaced a butlers kind face with his ?? how desperate are you for a normal family ??
no , you know they're true memories. it was a warmth you've held on to in the darkest times as the years have passed.
" things get blurry. . . but core memories are still there. both wanted and unwanted. " finally , her gaze settles on kin. " and you ?? you're recently blooded. god-gifted or not. is it all fresher for you ?? remembering an older life ?? "
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