therelentless · 5 months
Tbh one thing I love and something that has never changed ……is that every time I watch what we do in the shadows and see Nandor I automatically think of your blog because of how well you have captured him. It drives me crazy most nights. I WISH I WAS KIDDING, are you nandor come on you can tell me 🤏
what is ONE THING you like about the way i play my character? ;; @mortange
ooc;; i wanna say that i'm normal about this, but I'm not, because... !!!!!! but if you want to know the truth, come to the basement of my mansion and I'll tell you my secrets.
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reconciliatio · 4 months
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"While   you   are   now   part   of   the   story,   I   will   remind   you   the   titular   vampire   on   this   story   is   Louis.   What   I   told   him   applies   to   you   too,   Fake   Rashid."   Daniel   speaks,   still   almost   offended   he   was   played   by   a   fool   and   his   distrust   on   the   man   before   him   is   loud   and   clear.   But   Armand   thinks   he   is   going   to   be   in   control   in   this   interview,   he   is   thinking   wrong.   He   is   the   one   with   the   metaphorical   pen   and   ink   in   his   hand,   in   his   interviews,   he   is   the   one   who   writes   what   goes   and   what   comes.  
"So   wait   your   turn   and   I'll   ask   you   when   I   want   to   ask   you.   You   two   dont'   pay   me   enough   for   this   shit."   Perhaps   he   should   amp   up   his   price   if   this   is   what   he   is   getting.   Psychological   terror   games   being   played   by   two   vampires   on   him.   Not   really   worth   it   if   you   asked   him   but   he   is   already   dying   anyways. @mortange
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lechroniques · 4 months
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@mortange : “ It's the way you look at me. ”
The   way   you   look   at   me.   Laughter   that   could   hardly   be   contained,   bubbling   up   like   a   raging   storm,  flooding   his   sternum   and   resting   behind   his   teeth  until   it   could   no   longer   be   confined   to   the   column   of   this   throat.   It   was   as   wild   as   the   wind   itself,   ripping   through   silence   like   damnations   cursed   aloud.   Spitting   in   the   face   of   the   very   implication   weaved   into   the   statement.   
“The   way   …   I   …   look   at   you, ”   When   the   laughter   dies   and   withers   out,   Lestat   repeats   the   phrase   with   some   amount   of   wonder.   Bordering   on   the   edge   of   a   taunt   before   crossing   the   line   with   a   definitive   sneer.   He   had   to   wonder   what   other   maddened   delusions   plagued   the   man’s   mind,   slowly   leaning   forward   as   if   it   was   an   invitation   to   join   an   intimate   conversation.   Loose   curls   shifting   with   a   tilt   of   the   head,   his  piercing   gaze   locked   on   to   Armand’s   grating   expression.   Look   at   me.   Look   at   me.   The   sly   grin   that   ripples   across   his   features   is   telling.   Disturbing,   even,   under   the   circumstances.
“And   how   do   I   look   at   you,   Armand?   Do   I   ... gaze   upon   you   with   love?   With   lust?   With   all   the   desire   in   the   world,   the   dire need   to   share   eternity   with   you   by   my   side?   C'est   ça   que   tu   crois?”   Lengthy   fingernails   thrum   across   the   table   in   a   rhythmic   pattern,   as   though   he’s   anticipating a   response   to   a   rhetorical   string   of   questions.   “My   dear,   even   if   we   were   the   last   two   vampires   that   graced   the   Earth,   I   would   never   …   never   choose   you.”
Insult   to   injury,   a   lone   fingertip   extends   outward   to   gently   graze   along   the   crest   of   the   other   man’s   jawline as he speaks,   stopping   just   beneath   his   chin   with   a   single   tap.   “You’re   not   my   type.”
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cldhrbour · 4 months
“ I could not be caged. ” // I’m going TO CRY - @mortange
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no. no he couldn't , could he ?? there's so much of armand that serana had come to admire , but most specifically it had been this. a rather indomitable will. whenever he'd been kind enough to indulge her curiosity , provided the quid to her pro quo , she'd found herself rather ENRAPTURED to his every word. whether she agreed with the paths he'd narrate that he'd take , the journeys he'd recount [ ... ] was inconsequential. who sat next to her now , fingers wrapped around his own glass of crimson , amber eyes locked onto the fireplace before them that crackled brilliantly , punctuating moments of silence as they spoke ;; this man , unfettered by inexorable chains that wished to wrap about his ankles , she quite liked.
" can not , not could , " she politely corrects. wine glass lifts to her lips , her own eyes , like his , fixed on the MESMERIZING dance of small inferno she'd started when he'd arrived. only when she feels that he's looked over to her does she return in kind. a warm smile lifting nacreous-skinned features. " what ?? you've grown only stronger with age , wouldn't you say ?? i can't see a world in which someone could contain you. "
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carnagebleda · 4 months
⭐ 👀
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cultfic · 5 months
⎯ @mortange, armand : “ the more you know, the shorter your life will be. ”
in his line of work, special agent holden ford should be used to threats and verbal aggression and yet he can't help the obvious surprise in the raise of his brow, in the freeze of his hand as he plugs his recording machine. ❝  i just want to ask you a few questions. but you don't have to reply if you're not comfortable with any of them, armand.  ❞ good or bad, first name basis always serves to build a rapport with interviewees. he settles himself in his chair, smoothes his tie, rests both elbows upon the table between them and sets bright eyes upon the eerie figure in front. most of the agents who have interviewed him have deemed the man to be impenetrable but holden's somewhat unorthodox methods have been known to pay off.
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he presses PLAY on the device and readies himself. ❝  you've been linked with a string of disappearances in various cities all across the globe. dubai, san francisco, new york city, paris .. people disappearing without leaving a trace and bodies found entirely drained of blood.  ❞ he's reading the last words from a file when he looks up with a wrinkled brow. ❝  that's odd, isn't it? each of the victims, drained of blood ..   to what end? ❞
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allthatwas-moved · 5 months
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(meme)‎. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎there are plenty of places she would hate to have to take a 'rest stop' in.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it would be quick,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎&‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎that was something she was alright with,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎but france...‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎but france!‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it brought a slight joy to her to know that this is where her tardis decided to need to take a break‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(following one too many crash landings).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the people were fascinating,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the night itself seemed to carry an energy that she hadn't felt elsewhere,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎although she carries that very sentiment every time she lands somewhere new.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎there was just something about it...
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(quite the predicament,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎indeed),‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎@mortange's comment brings a smile to her face,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the way its said,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the cigarette smoke lifting up around him,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the novelty of the whole thing.
"'salright...‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎my..."‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎her voice seems to stall,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎eyes turning around to the roads‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎&‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎crowds around them,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ensuring that her knowledge of the transportation of the time was accurate‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(god forbid she can't remember the french history‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎&‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the industrial revolution she learned at 14).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"my car'll be ready soon,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎just blew a tire is all."‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎her grin spreads wide,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎cheeky in nature as she rolls from putting pressure on one foot to the other,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎a brow raising with the soothing motion.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"'m a visitor...‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎so i don't know if a fine man like yourself would wanna show me around,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎huh?"
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slashaer · 6 months
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often valentine attended these gallery openings simply to evaluate the crowd which seems to flock towards his paintings. of course, no one is to know that he is truly the artist, p. r. dunham, hiding in plain sight, but he is not immune to the curiosity of knowing what others might think of his art. humans have such a wide range of emotions, and valentine found them all fascinating. there have been copious amounts of interpretations of his work, and valentine simply enjoyed listening to the thoughts of mortals. standing in front of one of his newest pieces, valentine tenses at the being that steps up beside him. not human - he can tell by smell. lilac eyes glance at the man's profile, brows creasing just so, though val attempts to remain stoic. 'have you seen the artist's work, before?' he asks, voice sounding too loud for the space they're in. he clears his throat. 'this one is new, to my knowledge,' @mortange.
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gohjuo · 9 months
✨ totally on the wrong blog but I really love what you’ve done with Gojo and I could sit here and talk about how grateful I am to have known you for six years and cry because honestly you’re one of the greatest friends I’ve had on here?? And I know I’m super late with our threads, but I love all of the plots that we have on my mm with megumi and shoko, everything we write and come up with is just so…. chefs kiss? I wish o could articulate this better but you know what I mean ♥️
send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.: sent by @mortange / accepting
shhhhh! pam. you know i'll accept your love anywhere and everywhere. six years and i've never looked back, truly iconic of us to meet in riverhell ( veronica and jughead, throwback to the roasts she'd give him, and he'd give her). but i could say the same for you! i feel like my tumblr rp experience would not be the same if i didn't meet you. thank you for being one of my closest friends and i appreciate all the laughs you bring to me whether it's a rant or us talking about texas chainsaw massacre. and you better not talk about being late to our threads. there's no expiration on our threads, i'm just so happy and excited to be writing with you again. you have no idea ! i know it's going to be fun and angst, and we'll be in on that ride together. i love you so much. <3 thank you for being in my corner all these years. xoxo
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therelentless · 9 months
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ARMAND & NANDOR ;; incorrect quotes          ↳ { @mortange }
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priestbit · 5 months
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" you better quit starin' at me, man, " donnie hissed as he shoulder checked @mortange, his fists clenched and his shoulders hunched. several long seconds passed, and he scanned the shocked faces of the bystanders gawking at them, horrified that their evening had been disturbed so abruptly. after spotting a young teenager in the crowd, donnie decided against baring his teeth at the other vampire and lowered his voice. " if you got somethin' to say t'me, either spit it the fuck out or fuck off. i ain't in the mood for dealin' with any other leeches tonight. "
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cldhrbour · 6 months
eat me, drink me. - @mortange
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porcelain fingers grip tightly to the arms that encase her. something , ANYTHING , to feel grounded. to remind yourself you aren't in there anymore. where are the walls ?? not by your nose or ear , no , they stand meters away. there's air. there's space. and though serana needs not to breathe , centuries of immortality haven't yet taken the inherent bodily function to hyperventilate at the onset panic. armand holds her , a vice to retain any destruction she may commit to the things decorating her home that she holds dear. shushes quietly , a parent soothing their child after a nightmare. it's only the scent of his ichor that begins the process of settling down. instinct takes over and in his embrace she cradles his wrist to her lips and does as told.
salt mingles with the taste of iron as tears continue to fall down her cheeks. no. coffins wouldn't do anymore. she couldn't keep doing this. waking in the middle of the day to fits of hysteria. being launched back into days where the hinges were locked as a means of punishment. days , weeks , months would pass without any food or light or air. lifting from armands arm , serana collapses , wilts a flower denied anything that'd help it grow. they sit together on the floor of her home. no more words. no gentle commands. just a pool of silence as the rain drizzles outside on a dreary day. the sky taking over the shedding of tears. i'm sorry , tone heavy , echoes in his head , i'm sorry you had to see me like that.
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carnagebleda · 7 months
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MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. i put mine first then yours (lemme know if you want anything shippy cause I'm always up for that) xoxo // ACCEPTING // @mortange
elena de la cruz nadja of antipaxos melvina cravensworth lilly jones claudia de pointe du lac madeleine (cause imma add her when s2 airs)
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huntedvideo · 5 months
incoming case... sometimes, everything shifts in the snap of a finger. @mortange.
'you're tellin' me,' as lighthearted as his tone may sound, fin truly knew this sentiment all too well. his mother had died in just one night, leaving him and his father traveling around, never finding a home again. the disappearance of said father had happened just as quickly, stranding a barely 18 year old finley and pushing him to fend for himself. his life had changed drastically in two events, leaving the boy practically orphaned before he even made it to adulthood. and it's not as if his life had gotten much better, since then, often taking winding turns and unexpected plots that left finley wondering why he was even still alive. depressive thoughts aside, he knew exactly what armand was talking about. 'do you still believe that, even though you've been alive, like - forever?' eyes move up to meet the others. 'time works different for you, right? nothing's really instant, is it?'
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reconciliatio · 10 months
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@mortange asked: “None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”
"well,   that   sucks   for   a   human,   but   if   after   500   years   you   remain   the   same   person,   that   must   suck   for   you."   he   doesn't   believe   it   of   course.   two   divorces,   two   daughters,   one   ever   growing   illness,   daniel   doesn't   think   he   is   the   same   person   as   he   used   to   be   back   in   the   day.   when   he   went   into   bars   to   score   whatever   he   could.   "that   just   sounds.   .   .sound.   why   stay   immortal   if   you   are   never   gonna   change   then?"
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cstarling · 10 months
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there's a flash inside of her mind as clarice's eyes land on the familiar face now in front of her - back to her college days, when she was studying criminology, and only had the mere dream of becoming part of the fbi. back when people started going missing, but she didn't have the means to do anything about it. now, things were different. she had a badge, a team behind her, and a keen eye for danger and evidence. the agent had followed a trail of bodies here, so she expected to find someone at the end. she hadn't, however, expected it to be armand. 'do you remember me, sir?' she questions, one hand flexing, prepared to reach for her gun, should the man decide to move too quickly for comfort. 's'been a few years now since we've seen each other,' @mortange.
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